Step Beyond (Instrumental) 5. T.S. Two Hearts Combine 5. Something About April by Adrian Younge, released 20 December 2015 Adrian Younge presents - Something About April - performed by Venice Dawn (CD/LP/Digital) Wax Poetics Records, 2011-11-29 A few years ago multi-instrumentalist Adrian Younge composed an original score for the Blaxploitation tribute and parody Black Dynamite - one of the most hilarious movies of the past decade. Memories of War (Instrumental) 6. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Quick links. Listen free to Adrian Younge – Something About April (Turn Down the Sound, It's Me and more). Eliot began his epic poem with the words, “April is the cruelest month.” And based on the weather alone, he might have been right. Boomkat Limited Second Floor, Swan Building 20 Swan Street Manchester M4 5JW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 161 832 2565 Thunderstrike 6. child who took his own life. Reverie 7. Winter Is Here (Instrumental) 3. 320kbps MP3 + 320kbps M4A. $40 00 $40.00; Add to Cart. The first Something About April, although unspectacular, was a good soul album, with a seemingly David Axelrod influenced brand of psychedelic soul, featuring lots of fuzz guitar, very live sounding drums and psychedelic leaning keys. Ready To Love (Instrumental) 10. All songs mastered for Elysian Masters. 'Something About April' features Younge revisiting his earlier, more baroque instrumental work inspired by the likes of Morricone, Portishead and RZA, and consolidating that with the gritty soul of his Black Dynamite output to find a fertile, sweet and melancholic middle ground measured with his deeply studious, authentic approach. The characters have real depth as well a sense of missed opportunities. By fortun81 Leave a Comment. share. Now she feels that it is her time to live. Summary: The sequel to 2011's Something About April features guest appearances from Bilal, Karolina, Raphael Saadiq, and Stereolab's Laetitia Sadier. Lovely Lady 11. Listen to the songs of Something About April (Deluxe) album on It's Me 3. Something About April II Audio Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. At the same time she reconnects with Nadine, a friend from college. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2015 CD release of "Something About April" on Discogs. Something About April by Cheri Paris Edwards is a refreshing read about family and identity. Something About April is an album that flaunts all of the trademarks that have made Younge an in-demand name as a composer and sample source-point. Mourning Melodies In Rhapsody 14. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Radio, ESPN, BBC, NPR. "In Something About April, Cheri Paris-Edwards dances the. When Lena's long-time friend, the sharp-witted and newly-divorced Nadine Clements moves her law practice to town, and the old boyfriend Derrick Jasperson takes a teaching position at the local university with a lovesick ex-girlfriend not far behind, Lena's longing to reconnect to the past sends her down a path that that could change her life forever. Listen to Adrian Younge Radio featuring songs from Something About April II free online. 154 Followers, 64 Following, 26 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Something About April (@somethingaboutapril) giving it all back. Based on this and everything Younge has been up to recently, I felt pretty much obligated to check this record out. Thunderstrike 6. Enjoy Something About April (Deluxe) songs by Adrian Younge on is the number one paste tool since 2002. Billboard Hot 100. She lives in Southwest Dallas county. T.S. Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest. First Step On The Moon 8. The author, Cheri Paris Edwards, has created a complex family and narrative which speaks to the issues that so many of us face. His majestic music has garnered him reverence, likened to Ennio Morricone's best work and the Beatles' tenacity to create new sounds. Anna May 4. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the … Lena Jefferson is a preacher’s wife that feels that she is losing herself in her family. Turn Down The Sound 2. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want more? Listen to free internet radio, sports, music, news, talk and podcasts. Sandrine (Instrumental) 4. Something About April Adrian Younge Presents Venice Dawn. As though you sought to change some flaw in the … Ever since the release of his debut album, Something about April, at the end of 2011, Adrian Younge has been recognized as something of a modern American black music genius.… Chroniques Jazz Adrian Younge – Sittin’ By The Radio (Vidéoclip) 'Something About April' features Younge revisiting his earlier, more baroque instrumental work inspired by the likes of Morricone, Portishead and RZA, and consolidating that with the gritty soul of his Black Dynamite output to find a fertile, sweet and melancholic middle ground measured with his deeply studious, authentic approach. [1], After finishing the soundtrack for Black Dynamite, Younge revisited his earlier treatment of the 2000 EP Venice Dawn, mixing its more baroque sound with the gritty soul of Black Dynamite.