Mandilok | Tenaya 7 | However, when reviewing data about Lord Zedd, Sledge displayed disgust over how Lord Zedd was quick to trick the Machine Empire into receiving a bomb in the guise of a present. Queen Machina Omni Broodwing | Impressed by the extent of Fury's loyalty, Sledge welcomes Fury back to the ship and salutes him with applaud, much to Poisandra's chagrin and annoyance, as she is completely ignored by Sledge. The bomb throws their ship off-course and releases all his collected asteroids, previously trapped in the ship's electro-net, off to Earth, destroying almost all life on the planet, causing the dinosaurs' extinction, and the Energems to become seemingly lost. Deker Vypra | Wrench | In Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Sledge was revived by Scrozzle who used the Re-Animizer on his blaster. Sledge is furious upon learning this, as his employer would have paid 40,000 Space Bullion for the outlaw, even remarking he should toss him in a volcano for it. However, the Rangers' new weapon, the Dino Spike, along with their teamwork is enough to counter both his magic and his defensive cape. Captain Mutiny | Recipe for Disaster, Sledge, Snide, Curio, Wrench, Fury and Poisandra standing together in unison, Shortly after Arcanon is ultimately defeated by the Rangers, he falls in the forest and loses hold of the Dark Energem. Aiding his employer Lord Arcanon to recruit outlaws that he captured into his army (formerly).Destroy Lord Arcanon to acquire the Energems for himself (succeeded).Cause destruction on Earth with Greenzilla's offsprings (failed). Nothing will not stop this villain in his quest to rule the universe! Koragg | Sledge completely overpowers the rangers and is enlarged by the Magna Beam. Ivan Ooze | However, this plan was foiled when the rangers destroyed the Dark Energem, sucking him and his crew into a black hole in the process, presumably destroying them. Goldar | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He did so personally by momentarily leaving his crew, which allowed Heckyl to take over for a while. Zen-Aku Rinshi Beasts: Mantor | Buffalord| Rantipede | Gakko | Stingerella | Toady | Naja | Pangolin | Slickagon | Bai Lai | Carden | Crustaceo | Mog | Shadow Guards | Hamhock | Porcupongo | Monkeywi | Red Shadow Guards | Barakouzza | Crocovile | Whirnado | Whiricane | Sonimax | Dynamir | Unidoom | Rammer | Badrat | Grinder | Osiris | Lepus | Fox Rinshi | Anglerfish Rinshi, RPM He is the second to survive his own ship's explosion to the Rangers' surprise, the first being Mavro. There are times in which Sledge suffers from a crisis, something that could lead to tension between the couple: choosing between love and power. However, the prince bonds with the Energem and becomes the Graphite Ranger and destroys G-BO while his Pachy Zord destroys two Vivizords. These criminals are sent down to Earth by Sledge in order to find the Energems long concealed by Keeper and defeat the ones they bonded with: the Rangers.After the defeat of Sledge, Heckyl/Snide took charge of the criminals and his generals. Adam Gardiner. Sledge is an intergalactic bounty hunter who prides himself on capturing monsters and collecting the bounty on their heads, which is offered by a mysterious employer who is later revealed to be Lord Arcanon. Sledge surrenders to the likes of the new teamed up Lion Network and Devious' crew. The detonation barely misses the ship, sparing it from being destroyed, but severely damaging it. In exchange for the Ninja Super Steel meteor, Sledge had the Warrior Dome ship repaired for Madame Odius and Cosmo Royale. He is even able to keep his cool under stressful situations and enact long term plans. Mayor Daniels shares similarities to James Navarro & Dane Romero in the two previous seasons, Dino (Super)Charge & … ... Sledge. This is shown when Sledge collaborated with Snide in a plan to destroy the Power Rangers. Here is a list of Sledge's Outlaws in Power Rangers Dino Charge. Though Sledge is usually depicted as fearless, Sledge has been shown to fear powerful beings. Dai Shi | 21 (Dino Charge)4 (Dino Super Charge) 2 (Super Ninja Steel)2 (Beast Morphers)Full list of appearances Powers From the Past Though a hot-tempered and irritable individual, Sledge bears multiple layers to his personality like every being in existence. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Though not shown often, he is shown to rely on Curio as well. That person is revealed to be Sledge who has been alive and well all this time, having survived the crash of his ship and bided his time. Evox then orders Goldar to destroy Sledge, which Goldar proceeds to do, despite Sledge's pleas. Sledge explains how he survived the crashed. Sledge comes out narrowly but Fury is killed by the explosion. He is rather ill-tempered to his subordinates, but he shows a … 3/10. Argus | One such long term plan is gathering the Energems. Loki | Occupation Used condition but has been carefully cleaned prior to listing, as with all the toys I sell. Octoroo | Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Episode 17 Final Scene. While Fury and Wrench are the most trusted generals, there is only one being he is truly in love with, and that is Poisandra. Demons: Ghouligan | Magmavore | Quakemon | Whirlin | Fireor | Gold Beaked Monster | Elestomp | Strikning | Smogger | Trifire | Liztwin | Demonite | Thunderon | Falkar | Troika | Cobra Incarnate | Thunderclaw | Shockatron | Spellbinder | Moleman | Cyclopter | Mantevel | Vilevine | Freezard | Infinitor | Birdbane | Memorase | The Gatekeeper | Furnace Monster | Ghoular | Flowar | Mermatron | Fire Wasp | Aquafiend | Arachnor | Treevil, Time Force Type of Villain Serrator | Crimes Sledge has come off as a hypocrite when it came to integrity. For that end, she takes Curio and Wrench with her and has Duplicon released to battle and fool the Rangers by cloning their appearances with Vivix while the three generals attempt to decipher the recently stolen E-Tracer. Evil-doer Diabolico | He then gets the news that the Rangers are trying to sneak into the ship, which makes him send Badussa to stop them. He is also Poisandra’s Fiance. Robotrons & Gigadrones: Cycletron | Cycledrone | Needletron | Needledrone | Shoveltron | Shoveldrone | Slicertron | Slicerdrone | Meltatron | Meltadrone | Railtron | Raildrone | Vacuutron | Vacuudrone | Antennatron | Antennadrone | Drilltron | Drilldrone | Tooltron | Tooldrone | Clonetron | Clonedrone | Tubatron | Tubadrone | Tubatron 2.0 | Tubadrone 2.0 | Burnertron | Burnerdrone | Turbotron | Turbodrone | Shockatron | Shockadrone | Spiketron | Spikedrone | Infernotron | Infernodrone | Vargoyledrone | Fighterdrone | Drilltron 2.0 | Drilldrone 2.0 | Trappertron | Trapperdrone | Gamertron | Gamerdrone | Keytron | Keydrone | Digitron | Digidrone | Controlatron | Controladrone | Dumbelltron | Boxertron | Alphadrone | Betadrone | Gammadrone | Deltadrone | Tiaratron | Tiaradrone | Bulldozertron | Bulldozerdrone | Vargoyledrone 2.0 | Magnedrone | Thieftron | Thiefdrone | Clawtron | Clawdrone | Antennatron 2.0 | Antennadrone 2.0 | Railtron 2.0 | Omegadrone Lothor | Emperor Mavro | Given that the Energems transcend space and time, it is likely the same logic applies to the Dark Energem. Morticon | Jindrax | Fury notifies this to Sledge and he confronts her about it, shifting the situation to her favor and allowing Stingrage to return to Earth once he learns about him stinging the Ankylo Zord, only to have it freed from his control by Shelby, who defeats him singlehandedly. Are you ready? Lord Zedd | Sledge assures Poisandra that it was not at all enjoyable to him while the flashbacks reveal exactly the opposite, with Sledge delighting in Hawaii, China and especially Japan which reminds him of singing. Thankful and grateful, Sledge gives Fury another chance to destroy the Dino Charge Rangers and then learns the Graphite Energem has been located and orders its retrieval, sending a swarm of Vivix and Spikeballs to aid Fury and G-BO, a robot owned by Phillip and reprogrammed by Wrench to be evil. Shimazu | Power-Mad Alien, Proficiency with a blaster gun that can either immobilize/obliterate anything it hitsImpressive singingImpressive hand-to-hand combat skills. He is voiced by Adam Gardiner. Elsa | Flurious' Monsters: Atlantis Temple | Flurious' Robot Sledge is one of the few villains to actually possess a mate; in his case, Sledge is the second main villain to be defeated by the destruction of. He wins the Warrior Dome Ship, and the Basher Bots survivings then fights the Ninja Steel Rangers as well as Koda (the Dino Charge Ranger Blue). Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. £24.00. Which colour ranger is … When Wrench is done fixing his scissors after they break during his first battle with the Rangers, Sledge warns him he better not fail or he will be the one who will be snipped. Loose Sledge action figure, missing any accessories. Monsters: Dark Troll | Mucor | Hydra Worm | Clawbster | Rock Troll | Taxi Cab Monster | Giant Spider | Flytrap | Boney | Skullington | Gargoyle of the Gates | Jester the Pester | Behemoth | Gnatu | Spydex | Screamer | Warmax | Shrieker | 50 Below | Fightoe | Ursus | Chimera, Operation Overdrive Zeltrax Return of the Caveman, For the next plan, Spellbinder is released to steal a pendant that would allow him to control the Rangers, and is almost thrown into solitary by Wrench and Fury by Sledge's order for seemingly failing. His fear of Goldar was more obvious given that Goldar had more than enough power to obliterate Sledge for good. In the case with Arcanon, Sledge feared him mainly because he was a very skilled sorcerer with the Dark Energem in his possession, which forced Sledge to use subtlety and deception to topple Arcanon. Evox | However, upon learning that the Rangers are looking for someone to bond with the Energem, Sledge decides, against the advice and to the shock of Fury and Wrench, to release Heckyl, a mighty convict locked in solitary confinement. Piranhatrons | Monsters: Praxis | Ringbah | Rhinix | T-Top | Hydrax | Bugglesworth | Giganis | Sinuku | Debugger | General Benaag | Drakel | General Valko | Goradon | Tomars | Wootox | Katana | Invador | Changtor | Green Eyes | Shorty | Devastation | Mysticon and Al | Slate | Mirloc | Stench and Thresher | Gineka | Chiaggo | Delapoo | Blobgoblin | One Eye | Silverhead | Professor Mooney | Bork | Herock | Dragoul | Kraw | Icthior | Spotty-Eyed Monster | Green Monster | Vine Monster | Delex | Roswell | Crabhead | Spiketor | Lazor | Cricket Monster | Jackal Monster | Demon Monster | Heater Monster | Jail Bird Monster | Tentacle Monster, Mystic Force Maligore | Master SledgeSledgums (by Poisandra) White Dino Ranger Clone | As a last ditch effort, Sledge fires the Magna Beam at the bomb, making it grow, so the Rangers are unable to move it. Having grown tired of gathering outlaws for Lord Arcanon, Sledge is quick to point out he will no longer listen to him, and installs the Dark Energem into his hand blaster, both surprising and enraging his former employer. Dino Charge Megazord: Stego-Raptor Formation,, Sledge is created exclusively for Power Rangers and has no direct Sentai counterpart to speak of. Putty Patrollers | Then he uses the Greenzilla's eggs to deploy his magnetic nets to send the Earth in a space discharge and take over the Energems. Lord Arcanon | TV Show: Power Rangers Dino Charge Franchise: Power Rangers. Upon learning that the Super Ninja Steel asteroid stuck on it is made of a rare metal, Sledge docks his ship with the Warrior Dome and boards with Wrench and two outlaws to retrieve it. Insectoids: Scaraba | Yuffo | Virox | Dragonflay | Beezara | Dizchord Choobo | Getting in contact with Snide and Heckyl, Sledge put in motion the plan of placing these eggs all over the world. Vrak Admiral Malkor | Princess Levira | Full Name His monsters are in actuality the outlaws he has captured during his years as a bounty hunter, to who he promises freedom if they manage to retrieve the energems for him. First Appearance: Elgar | The Rangers Rock! Acquire the Energems and conquer the universe (failed).Aiding his employer Lord Arcanon to recruit outlaws that he captured into his army (formerly).Destroy Lord Arcanon to acquire the Energems for himself (succeeded).Cause destruction on Earth with Greenzilla's offsprings (failed). Origin Singe | Eventually, he would compromise with himself that having both is possible. He is about to crush them when Heckyl capture him with his magnetic nets and Sledge is finally killed with the rest of his crew when Heckyl leads his ship into the Sun. Poisandra. Kilobyte | General Venjix | Heckyl/Snide | Gender: Fury gives him the container with the remaining Five Energems, but Tyler who rejoined the fight has replaced the Energems by the Guardian's bomb. Tenga Warriors | Prince Vekar | He is also a returning villain in Power Rangers Beast Morphers . SHOW COMMENTS (0) FRANCHISE RELATED. Barbarian Beasts | This also indicates that Dino Charge and Ninja Steel takes place in separate universes, which is further confirmed in. If anything, the fact that he is easily angered, resentful, and mischievous is one of his greatest flaws to the point it could impede his ability to cooperate with allies and enemies alike. However, this is just what Tyler wanted, as Heckyl and the remaining 4 rangers invade his ship and fight Poisandra and Wrench. General Crunch | Sledge Nayzor | The heroes are forced to split their forces to both fight the monster and rescue Kendall and Keeper. No Matter How You Slice It, Sledge then sends Meteor to search for the Purple Energem in New Zealand and even has Wrench reanimate Stingrage and Iceage to aid him in battle during his second mission after the latest freed outlaw fails both his search and first assignment, but once the Energem bonds with Albert, he and the other Rangers succeed in working together to defeat the outlaws, after which Albert relinquishes his bond with the Purple Energem, giving it back to Keeper and the Rangers for safekeeping after deciding to stay in New Zealand and defend his home town. The outlaw ends up defeated, despite Wrench's assistance, and is ultimately destroyed by the Dino Charge Megazord Tri-Stego Formation. Rise of a Ranger, Sledge then questions Shearfear after he severs the bond of friendship between Curio and Poisandra and orders him to fix it after he deals with the Dino Charge Rangers. Morgana | Vargoyle Venjix Computer Virus | Fearcats: Benglo | Mig | Crazar | Cheetar | Click the Sledge In Power Rangers coloring pages to view printable version or color it online (compatible with iPad and Android tablets). However, when Fury returns with their case, they are surprised to find a bomb instead. If a link within RangerWiki or the Tokupedia Hub brought you here, please consider editing that link to point to the specific article that it references. While the Rangers are busy with Badussa and their stone friends, Sledge helps Wrench in charging the ship with the Dark Energem. Prince Olympius | After narrowly doing so, he has Sledge to hit the ship's control consoles during their fight and escapes the doomed ship, much to the terror, horror and chagrin of the villains within it, with Fury confirming the worst as they fall from the sky, as they have a small discussion before the ship crashlands and bursts into flames, as Tyler is rescued by Ivan in mid-air. Finster | Mutants: Flamecon | Jetara | Fearog | Mantamobile | Tentaclaw | Rabbitcon | Medicon | Fatcatfish | Izout | Tronicon | Vexicon | Redeye | Electropede | Univolt | Brickneck | Commandocon | Klawlox | Cruel Senturicon | Turtlecon | Notacon | Conwing | Dash | Contemptra | Ironspike | Artillicon | Cinecon | Steelix | Venomark | Severax | Dragontron | Mr. Mechanau | Miracon | Angelcon | Chameliacon | Serpicon | Max Axe | Doomtron, Wild Force World Famous! Feb 12, 2016 - Product Features Includes: Villain SLEDGE with Blaster Sledge figure measured approximately 5 inch tall Produced in year 2015 For age 4 and up Product Description Sledge is a mean-spirited, foul-mouthed alien bounty hunter who will do anything to get his hands on the Energems, because he knows that their powers will ma When enlarged, Cavity is beaten by the Dino Charge Megazord's Stego Saber. When Evil Stirs, In one instance, it's revealed that Sledge was actually the one entrusted by Lord Arcanon to assemble an army, hinting he is the employer Sledge mentions occasionally. Emperor Gruumm | This is shown when Sledge attempted deception on Arcanon, Odius, and Snide on three different occasions. Rita Repulsa | Since prehistoric times, Sledge collected asteroids, rare items, and outlaws as both a hobby and a way of life, gathering handsome sums measured in thousands of "Space Bullion" per conquest. In this instant, Sledge and Snide were technically enemies at this point and were only united due to fearing Evox. As a means to cope with his anger, he threatens punishment to his generals for the sake of amusement, although he won't tergiversate to use true discipline if deemed necessary. Sledge is furious at the failure and tells Fury his patience is growing thin and will run out, just like his nine lives, alluding his feline nature. Rito Revolto | Astronema | With this apparent final victory, the Rangers resume their normal civilian lives and bid their goodbyes to one another for the time being. She is constan… Most of them are from the sentai season Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger while some of them are monsters suits from other seasons. Professor Cog As Poisandra complains about her stay at the ship and the lack of companionship, Wrench unveils his creation, Curio, as a gift to her, after which the happy-go-lucky duo merrily leaves, much to everyone else's relief, since Sledge mainly ordered his creation to get her off his back. Roxy | Despite the explanation, Poisandra is still angry at him because she spent sleepless nights in his memories while he was enjoying himself. When their cover is blown, Sledge enlarges Memorella with the Magna Beam. Sledge, sometimes referred to as Master Sledge by his crew and prisoners was the primary antagonist of Power Rangers: Dino Charge, as well as the first and final villain to ever threaten the Dino Charge Rangers. However, Meteor is defeated when the Plesio Zord is recharged and turns into its Megazord mode, to which Sledge informs Fury he has had enough with failures from his servants and will finish the Rangers himself. Actor: When Goldar was resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack's reanimizer, Sledge doubts his strength and mocks him, causing Goldar to attack him. End of Extinction, He was seen in the flashbacks with Wrench during Heximas's story. Putting their rivalry aside, Ivan and Tyler successfully defeat the outlaw at both normal and giant size. Brax | When Logic Fails, Sledge then monitors the previous battle with the Rangers through the monitor connected to his throne and is furious when the Ptera Charge Megazord is forced to retreat from the battlefield due to lack of energy. These powerful beings include Arcanon, Evox, and a revived Goldar. Sledge explains he barely survived the ship crashing. Season 3 Monsters: Repellator | Vampirus | Artistmole | Lanterra | Marvo the Meanie | Centiback | Hate Master | Face Stealer | Miss Chief | Katastrophe | Inciserator | See Monster | Crabby Cabbie | Garbage Mouth | Ravenator | Brick Bully | Sinister Simian | Blue Globbor | Dischordia | Professor Longnose | Parrot Top | Slotsky | Barbaric Brothers | Bratboy | Witchblade | Arachnofiend | Smudgey Swirl | Yetiki | Piecemeal | Barkzo | Hydro Hog, Zeo Bluefur | This is further supported by the fact that the wormhole and the Dark Energem black hole looks alike. Race to Rescue Christmas, With the acquaintance of the Purple Energem, Sledge prepares to deal with the Rangers, earning time by promising marriage to Poisandra as soon as he acquires one more Energem, something to which she celebrates with Curio. Adam Gardiner is an actor, known for Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (2007), Power Rangers DinoThunder (2004) and Power Rangers … Poisandra accuses him of abandoning her, slapping him and refusing to listen to him. He traveled through space onboard his own personal ship with his bride Poisandra, his second-in-command Fury, his mechanic Wrench, and his Vivix and Spikeballs crew. Dino Charge Dino Super Charge Super Ninja Steel Beast Morphers Series The threat to Earth is not yet over, however, as a new powerful enemy survives the destruction and escapes to enact his own evil agenda. Additionally, the fact he criticized Lord Zedd could stem from being fine with backstabbing others, just that he didn't want it done to him. Break Out, Angered at both the loss of the Energem and the fact there are now six Rangers to deal with, Sledge punishes Fury by having Bones strip his courage, making him cowardly. Sledge finally decides to eliminate Arcanon. Sledge returns to Power Rangers Dino Super Charge and takes the Dark Energem! The two complete the mission, but their clumsiness backfires the plan. He informs Fury he has to fix the problem or otherwise he is of no use to him. Pestered by Poisandra and Curio due to his unwillingness to make cakes now, he reveals his true evil self and pushes the heart-shaped general aside after stating his loyalty is to Sledge only. Badonna Wrench is then threatened to be tossed into solitary if he fails again, to which he cowers away, much to the satirical delight of both Sledge and Poisandra. Rita Repulsa | Motodrone | Necrolai | Power Rangers Dino Charge - 5" Villain Sledge Action Figure by Power Rangers. Power Rangers Dino Charge is an American television series created by Haim Saban and Toei Company. Sledge is one of the main antagonists of the Power Rangers franchise serving as the main antagonist of Power Rangers Dino Charge, the secondary antagonist of Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, and the final antagonist of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel after Madame Odius' death. Monsters: Blue Face | Mad Magnet | Copybot | Terramole | Amphibidor | Florabundacus | Snipster | Toxipod | Super Toxipod | Bopp-A-Roo | General Trayf | Madtropolis | Hiphopper | Sky Scrapper | Sucker | Starvark | Tentacreep | Magic Moustache | Fragra | Mr. Ratwell | DJ Drummond | Beevil | Footzilla | Slob Goblin | Morty Board | Wolfblades | Goldwinger | Bald Loser | Inflatron | Eyezak | Condortron | Catonia | Loong Ago, Dino Thunder Hunting Energems and criminals with promising strengths for his crew. Though Poisandra harbors a similar level of fascination over fancy artifacts, it is clear that Poisandra loves Sledge more than the artifacts; this is shown when Poisandra grew bored of the Energem hunt and wanted to spend a life with Sledge. Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Sledge Rare. Powers/Skills A Fool's Hour, Later, Sledge concedes to Fury's suggestion to send Slammer to cage the Rangers, forcefully sending his minion out of the warship to begin the mission immediately. He sends Badussa against the Rangers to gain the time to repair his ship. Mighty Morphin Forever!" The Tri-Stego Ptera Megazord is then formed and defeats him. Other: Kerovan-Ouster | Chef Swinegang Pork | Magic Mushroom | Bonker, Lost Galaxy He initially plans to sell the Warrior Dome for scrap, but after encountering Madame Odius and Cosmo Royale, Sledge offers to repair the ship for them in return for the Super Ninja Steel Meteor. 65 million years ago, Sledge attempted to steal the Energems from an alien known as the Keeper, eventually shooting him down over planet Earth. Venjix Computer Network | Though rarely shown, he is shown to be confident of Curio as well. Imperious | Orgs: Turbine Org | Plug Org | Barbed Wire Org | Camera Org | Bell Org | Tire Org | Ship Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Motorcycle Org | Lawnmower Org | Quadra Org | Karaoke Org | Signal Org | Bowling Org | Wedding Dress Org | Samurai Org | Tombstone Org | Flute Org | Lion Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Toy Org | Clock Org | Locomotive Org, Ninja Storm Robots: Rotox | Rotox DX | Rico the Robot | Water Rotox Army Arcanon proves he means business by defeating Heckyl and taking over the ship after locking him back into solitary, shocking the other villains, and declaring himself as their new master, before remarking to his generals, Singe and Doomwing, that they must have the Energems. Sledge - one of the main villains from Dino Charge, Dino Super Charge … Snide gives Sledge the Dark Energem, which doesn't go unnoticed by James. Deviot | After Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd's former right-hand man Goldar is resurrected following the death of Sledge's crew, Venjix/Evox had no longer any use for Sledge and orders Goldar Maximus to kill the bounty hunter like he did to Lord Arcanon. Marah & Kapri | Master Vile | Sledge will become Sora, Donald, and Goofy's enemy in Sora's Adventures of Power Rangers Dino Charge/Dino Super Charge. He is the first villain with this distinction since the, He is the first main PR villain to appear in the successor PR series since. However, the newly-formed Tri-Stego Ptera formation of the Dino Charge Megazord enables it to fly into outer space, closing in on the ship just as the villains gloat, something which Poisandra and Curio are the first to notice. 3.2 out of 5 stars 5 ratings. He is also shown to be willing to trust Heckyl to lead his crew and be in friendly terms with Snide, who became his partner, and initially a stable relationship with his employer, but eventually growing to be completely inimical to Lord Arcanon. Dayu | Klank & Orbus | Number of EpisodeAppearances: Sledge’s Ship is shown to have a sleu of prison cells that contain many monsters that are used to battle the Dino Charge Rangers. Attack Bots: Generation 5 Attack Bot | Water Hoser | Subterranean Plutonic Gopher Bot | Generation 9 Noz Bot Attack System | Magnetron | Pump Attack Bot | Boom Bot | Camera Attack Bot | Drill Attack Bot | Reflects Bot Generation 12 | Gat Bot | Broiler Bot | Sat Bot | Lightning Bot | Oil Bot | Dyna Bot | Vacuum Bot | Saw Bot Generation 15 | Generation 16 Saw Bot | Balloon Bot | Generation 3 Textile Bot | Manhole Bot | Knight Bot | Hammer Attack Bot | Generation 3 Chemical Bot | Dowser Bot | Series 2 Rotor Bot | Heat Bot | Generation 16 Hyper Bot | Dumbbell Bot | Generation 12 Energy Bot | Final Attack Bot, Samurai/Super Samurai Curio | He traveled through space onboard his own personal ship with his bride Poisandra, his second-in-command Fury, his mechanic Wrench, a… A-Squad Power Rangers | Getting Crafty: He goes to space, presuming he will return later. Z Putty Patrollers, Season 1 Monsters: Bones | Giant | Mighty Minotaur | King Sphinx | Gnarly Gnome | Pudgy Pig | Chunky Chicken | Eye Guy | Mr. Ticklesneezer | Knasty Knight | Pineoctopus | Terror Toad | Madame Woe | Snizzard | Dark Warrior | Genie | Shellshock | Spidertron | Spit Flower | Frankenstein Monster | Wheel of Misfortune | Mutitus | Rockstar | Samurai Fan Man | Weaveworm | Babe Ruthless | Fang | Cyclops | Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron | Polluticorn | Twin Man | Cyclopsis | Octoplant | Goo Fish | Goatan | Fighting Flea | Jellyfish Warrior | Mantis | Dramole | Grumble Bee | Two-Headed Parrot | Peckster | Pumpkin Rapper | Soccadillo | Slippery Shark | Lizzinator | Rhinoblaster | Commander Crayfish | Oysterizer He was destroyed with Wrench, Poisandra, the rest of Galaxy Warriors and the Warrior Dome Ship by a bomb placed by Koda with Santa Claus's help. General Havoc | It was proven that Sledge truly cared for Poisandra when she was destroyed during the Beast Morphers and Dino Charge team up during her brief resurrection. In Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, it is revealed that he has not coveted the Energems for himself, but rather his employer Lord Arcanon, a powerful alien whom entrusted him the job to turned all outlaw monsters into his army. Gluto | King Mondo | Edge of Extinction, Sledge then executes his back up plan to yank Earth out of orbit, having sold the planet to the scrapyards of Kamen 5. Creepox | In the final battle in the past, between Sledge's Crew and the Rangers, Sledge fights the Rangers (Shelby, Chase, Riley, Koda and Ivan) with Fury and the Vivixes. Snapper | Wrench takes the opportunity and distraction of the moment to retreat back to the ship, leaving Smokescreen to deal with the Rangers on his own. In the end, he'd compromise with himself so that having both is possible. He acted as the main antagonist for Dino Charge and the secondary antagonist of Dino Super Charge. The version of Sledge that emerged from the wormhole in Super Ninja Steel was actually the present day version. Select Your Cookie Preferences. Typically, it wouldn't seem this way, but he values the opinions of his generals. Chromites | Powers From the Past, Sixty-five million years later, Sledge succeeds at returning to Earth's orbit, and releases Iceage to retrieve the Energems, only for his outlaw to be defeated, after several lost battles, by the newest generation of Power Rangers, who already possess five of the Energems.