Unless Skykids keeps crashing. Enjoy the mod while having some fun!^_^ Elin Race Elin Race I wont recommend custom races because I have never found one that is actually stable, and I wont recommend unstable mods, however, for existing races : Imperious Races of Skyrim - my favorite racial overhaul, lots of diversity and some really unique skills to use, and npcs use them as well If you’ve played Skyrim a few times, maybe you’re bored of the race options available in Skyrim. Hello, this is the first time Ill be uploading a project on this site, at the moment; I have no files available quite yet (getting there)! To create a new armour object the first step is to create an armour addon object. The steps for creating an the ArmorAddon and the Armor object are the same than the ones explained here: Creating an armour for Skyrim , with the following things to take into account: Even though this mod isn’t directly a Khajiit mod per se, it’s one of the best you can get if you intend to role play as a Khajiit wanderer. Even if you’ve never played before, you’ll still love all of the new races this mod adds! Exclusive alternative female face textures by m0ckin9bird for more character creation options. Use RCOTS instead! Skyrim SE Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) SKyUI Installation: Install with NMM or unzip the enclosed files to your data folder and make sure the mod is checked. So what is this mod about, well it adds a new race called the Femo (which is Femboy, but missing two letters). Not only will it expand your capabilities when it comes to creating a decent looking character but it will be the backbone of almost each and every mod included on this list. The mod called Race Menu is a must. Skyrim Se Racial Mod; I wont recommend custom races because I have never found one that is actually stable, and I wont recommend unstable mods, however, for existing races: Imperious Races of Skyrim - my favorite racial overhaul, lots of diversity and some really unique skills to … Face and body textures by Hellosanta, Urshi with special updates and changes specially made for this race. RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard, which I haven't seen posted yet and is usually required by some custom race mods. You could also use the COTS module for Skykids. Custom Races is an alternative if you still want Vanilla racial powers, but want your PC to still have custom meshes and textures without changing NCPs. 6. In Skyrim, the body, feet and hands used by a race are defined as armour objects. Works with the new Dragonborn DLC and every other official Skyrim DLC! Included for the sake of completeness. *Outdated! The mod doesn't modify any vanilla assets so it shouldn't matter where it is in the load order, but I recommend having it load after any other vampire mods. The following are Race Modsfor The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. ... all to access one of the most useful powers of this feline race! One of the new playable races added with this mod: the ancient Snow Elf. Zebsirious - Tamrielic Races of Skyrim. In which case, use this one. Race mod that adds a loli race to the game based on the Nord.