Pick up arrows and shotgun ammo on the right. The #4 you mention is kinda outside Cenote, or, at least, outside the map from the link. The other four effigies are … All of these puzzles are ones that you'll encounter while playing through the * Encrypt Email script- Please keep notice intact. var postemail8809='' Cenote – First Water Wheel Puzzle and Flooded Passageway. As you near the green orb, another Yaaxil emerges from the opening next to it. Follow the wooden walkway along the right wall toward the end of the spigot you just moved. One comes from the same direction as the The water then flows down onto the wheel, operating the mechanism that opens the second door. When you've dealt with them, shoot the green orb on the ledge to the north to kill one archer without exposing Lara to his arrows. Now to get the water wheel on this side of the pool moving. When you've killed that one, a third enemy also approaches from the north. Crank … * Encrypt Email script- Please keep notice intact. There's another one beside the Cenote Tomb Base Camp; The last one is at the room in front of the giant double gates; Cenote - Tomb Locations San Cordaba Location Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Then climb back onto the ledge, stand near the winch, and shoot a rope arrow into the axle of the wooden wheel to tether it to the winch. Grab what you can. * **********************************************/ ). From there, you can drop down once more into the room where you shot the first Yaaxil and pulled down the effigy. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. You have to open the two gates of Eye of the Serpent. ROPE PULL FIVE EFFIGIES DOWN. Deal with him. As soon as you land in the cenote waters you can track down the first effigy. I again came to this position after moving through this room some days ago , and I decided to revisit the Cenote cave , And I’m stuck in the area where you have to do the puzzle to open the rotating door to escape.. Loot the bodies and pick up any ammo you may not have been able to carry before. All rights reserved. This time the upper spigot does not move, so you only need to rearrange 2 spigots. Note - Lara will be regularly attacked by enemies while solving this puzzle. * **********************************************/ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Detailed walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC. Shadow of the Tomb Raider • Water Wheel & Troughs Puzzle • Cenote Notice the 3 golden spigots shaped like serpents' heads. /*********************************************** The following is a walkthrough for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. Then crank the winch to rotate the middle spigot so it faces right. Rise of the Tomb Raider. Cenote - Respected Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) Hidden City - Dunkin' Bones Cenote - Sunken Treasure. #4 is on the other side of the wheel puzzle. Blast him with the shotgun, a flare round from the pistol (if you've unlocked the Serpent's Glint skill), or use the Puma's Feint/Dodge Kill as described in the previous section. A second warrior also charges from the left. An effigy is right next to the Cenote Temple Runis Base Camp; From where the ambush happened, go up the ledge and move forward. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > Cenote | 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . for (i=0;i General Discussions > Topic Details. But there is some debris at the base of the pillar which is not letting me do it. The effigy will be right before you have to go on the water. On the right is a wooden barrier you can pull down with a rope arrow. Last Edited: 21 Sep 2018 12:35 am. Copyright © var curDate=new Date(); document.write(curDate.getFullYear()) - Stellalune ( I know that the monsters make noise the whole time but I'm not able to … While standing in the area where you dug up survival cache #8, look across the pool toward the doorway with the green orb, and you'll spot one of the Yaaxil lurking there. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. of the spigots. If you take a few steps forward after reaching the top of the stairs, you can meet the first Yaaxil warrior as he charges toward you from ahead on the left. All rights reserved. Shoot the green orb when the enemy passes next to it, or wait for him to charge and shotgun or dodge-kill him as well. Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Auge der Schlange Teil 3 – Tor öffnen Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: So öffnet ihr das Tor zurück in die Freiheit. The goal is to move the spigots to direct the flowing water down to the water wheel below. Gather some resources on the bottom. Turn around and drop down on the right, behind the upper spigot... ...to find another resource canister. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. There are also a few resources at the bottom of the pool here. swing the left spigot around to the left, filling the pool below. Page is locked. Copyright © var curDate=new Date(); document.write(curDate.getFullYear()) - Stellalune ( Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Herausforderungsgrab San Cordoba, Spanische Galeone – Cenoten Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: So zerstört ihr … I reached the hiddden temple for getting the box. When you finish, another enemy charges from ahead on the right. Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s Cenote challenge tomb is along an offshoot of the path that takes you to the main story destination in the area. Each has a rope coil that you can tether to the winch in order to turn the spigot, but the the coil on the upper level is blocked by debris. Start by shooting a rope arrow into the coil on the middle spigot, tethering it to the winch. Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Alle Missionen und Rätsel gelöst, alle Sammelobjekte und vieles mehr erfahrt ihr in diesem ausführlichen und bebildertem Guide. Lara has to deal with this riddle while searching for the Silver Box. Turn around again and move up the first set of steps to the north. This Shadow of the Tomb Raider Eye of the Serpent Walkthrough will guide you through all of the aspects of the Cenotes area of the storyline. Note that the Cenote Tomb Base Camp appears in the cavern with the huge, round door and waterwheels, once you've completed the level, making it much easier to get back there. Then go into the area where he came from to find a resource canister. Start by shooting a rope arrow into the coil on the middle spigot, tethering it to the winch. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. Then crank the winch to rotate the middle spigot so it faces right. We have prepared a detailed solution to this puzzle below. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. var emailarray8809= new Array(115,116,101,108,108,97,108,117,110,101,64,116,111,109,98,114,97,105,100,101,114,115,46,110,101,116) As the wheel turns, it … The next closest camp to the Challenge Tomb is the Cenote Temple Ruins Base Camp… Stand near the winch and face south. document.write(''+postemail8809+'') pixen. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > General Discussions > Topic Details. Blast the enemy or the orb, or use the Dodge Kill maneuver. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Wiki Guide . Welcome to the page for all puzzle solutions in Shadow of the Tomb Raider! Einer der nächsten Schritte ist es, die Silberne Schatulle von Ix Chel zu finden. When i reach the base of the pillar, there is no popup for action to remove the debris. Rise of the Tomb Raider > Technical Support > Topic Details. Crank the winch to turn the upper spigot to the right so water runs down into the middle spigot, then the lower one. Now tether the lower spigot to the winch......and turn the lower spigot to the left, so the water runs down onto the wheel. So I'm in the Cenote and have just got the first water wheel turning. Thank you! If you didn't explore the SAN CORDOBA CHALLENGE TOMB on your first pass, you may not have discovered the Collapsed Temple Base Camp yet. * Tool URL: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/emailriddler/ Then continue to to the end of the walkway. 1 Cozumel 1.1 Pyramid Puzzle 2 Peruvian Jungle 2.1 Bridge puzzle 2.2 White Queen puzzle 3 Kuwaq Yaku 3.1 Gate puzzle 4 Trial of the Eagle 4.1 Trial of the Eagle puzzle 5 The Hidden City 5.1 Trial of the Serpent puzzle 6 Cenote 6.1 Ix Chel gate puzzles 7 The Hidden City return 8 Porvenir Oil Fields 9 Mission of San … ...and use your axe to clear the wooden debris from around the upper spigot. The second and third come up the stairs from the south. Jexxi. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. var emailarray8809= new Array(115,116,101,108,108,97,108,117,110,101,64,116,111,109,98,114,97,105,100,101,114,115,46,110,101,116) All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Box of Ix Chel Walkthrough. :( Hey, Im playing this game from time to time, love it so far. Chapter 5 - Cenote Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018) Chapter 4 - Hidden City, Mountain Temple Chapter 6 - Return to Hidden City. If your at the water wheel puzzle you past #3. Stick to the left to swim to shore and find it situated high against the dilapidated structure. Crank the winch to first two. Top Contributors: Claytonpetras, SirFatCat, HavokRose + more. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. You can shoot him from a distance or explode the orb to set the enemy on fire. Now use another rope arrow to tether the right spigot to the winch. Region Summary. At the top of the second set of steps is a winch and several columns, one of which has shotgun, handgun, and rifle ammo arranged around its base. Use a rope arrow to tether the left spigot to the winch once more. Then shoot the second archer on the wooden ledge above the spigots. Well, in the post-game the second circular door is shut, and the rope cranks are disabled so you can't reopen it. document.write(''+postemail8809+'') Tipps & Lösung von Gregor Thomanek , … postemail8809+=String.fromCharCode(emailarray8809[i]) It consists of one relic and six documents, spread between Cenote, Mission of San Juan, and Porvenir Oil Fields. Crank the winch to swing the right spigot around to the right. I unable to complete the puzzle again because you now cant use the wheels to move the water and open the large secular door I’m stuck in that damn room and I … This time the upper spigot does not move, so you only need to rearrange 2 spigots. Follow the wooden walkway along the right wall toward the end of the spigot you just moved. Shadow of the Tomb Raider-Komplettlösung: Das faszinierende Cenoten und was es hier zu entdecken gibt. Start by using a rope arrow to tether the left spigot to the winch. Ok, I told you where 1 n 2 were. /*********************************************** Then climb out of the water onto the wooden raft. for (i=0;i