Corby was most closely associated with Seventeen magazine, appearing on an unprecedented 15 covers in the 1960s (five times in 1964 alone) and in the magazine's fashion spreads almost every month. That ad was seen by the photo editors at Glamour Magazine and that is how this supermodel got discovered. Shaved Magazine. BOOK DETAILS -- An appropriately girly pink linen cloth-bound hardback with red details and a sewn binding. (nt) Betsy at - … With iGuide, you buy smarter and sell smarter. Warning! Sex to Sexty Magazine. See more ideas about vintage recipes, seventeen magazine, food magazine. Shindig Magazine. Jun 9, 2017 - Vintage recipes from Seventeen Magazine in the 1980s. (Thanks to Jill Anderson for directing me to Sedgwick’s Seventeen history.) Buying or selling without iGuide could be hazardous to your wealth. Sexy Legs Magazine. Although these magazines certainly fit into an interesting topical category and possibly one that remains quite controversial with varied conspiracy theories making the rounds, most of these Kennedy-related periodicals would probably sell for only $25 to $50 in excellent to mint condition through a paper collectibles shop or at a specialty show. Searchable appraisal guide to current market values for Old Magazines. Here are pictures from our collections. 1970s career. Sheik Magazine. Recipe: Strawberry Tall Cake (using angel food cake mix, Seventeen magazine, 1960's) Betsy at - 1-14-2011: 1: Thank You: Seventeen magazine recipes : Saucy Cherie - 3-20-2011 : 2: You're most welcome Cherie - I'm so glad you're enjoying the recipes! You become an Instant Expert. Get the latest fashion, beauty, dating, and health tips. Seventeen Magazine was very popular with the Baby Boomers. You’re welcome. Ships Monthly Magazine. Plus, win freebies, and take quizzes. This book review by 13-year-old Eve Kosofsky (later Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, known for her brilliant work on queer theory) appeared in the January 1964 issue of Seventeen. 21 talking about this. Sheer Magazine. Sex Fever Magazine. ABOUT THIS BOOK -- 1964's The Seventeen Cookbook is not just a little reprint of some cooking ideas from the magazine. Sexology Magazine. Instead, this is a mid-century guide to all things food for America's teenage girl, weighing in at 430 pp! That year would see her on the covers of Glamour, Seventeen and Elle. SFO (Stocks Finance Options) Shape Magazine. Shaved Orientails Magazine. In 1964 at the age of 17 she modeled for a Coles swimsuit ad. Sheen Magazine. Seventeen Magazine. Return to “When We Were ‘Seventeen’: A History In 47 Covers.” Sex Acts Magazine. Old Magazines Price Guide.