In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.Rev. This morning we will attempt to answer the question, “Are you and overcomer?” Jesus writes seven letters to seven angels/messengers/pastors, and through the pastor to seven churches. Blood of the Lamb, Word of his testimony and he loved life not even to death. Keep us from stumbling, and present us blameless before the presence of his glory! We live in a world that presents many challenges to our faith and we must be able to overcome and cope in such That car had a big gash on one side and one door was held together with wire. This word is used 28 x’s in Scripture and mostly this word is used by John (John, I John, & Revelation)- only 4 occurences of this word outside of John’s writings. 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21). *I really like this story about Professor William Phelps. Why will we have everlasting life and be raised up from the dead on the last day? *But the most interesting thing about the car was the bumper sticker. -We can’t always rejoice in our houses, our cars, our toys, or our accomplishments. *The first step is to be saved by turning to Jesus and trusting Him as Savior and Lord. It was many, many years ago when I … And the idea is that you do these things repeatedly or habitually. It’s easy for Christians to find good reports, because God is always at work in His world, and because God’s people so often shine the light of Jesus. What is the difference in the promise given in v. 28 (neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand) and the promise given in v. 29 (no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand)? But if all of that was taken away, we would still have grace, we would still have Heaven, and we would still have Jesus! We are divided by race, class, gender and ideology. This is one that isn’t as clear as the others, and we will talk about it in more detail later on- but it carries with in bearing the name of God and dwelling in the New Jerusalem- again this sounds like something for every believer. Jesus Christ offers everlasting life to all who believe in Him (John 3:16). 1. 4:4). Who does the Bible say will rule over the nations with Christ, and who will enjoy the eternal kingdom of God? A) Love leads to obedience. Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? A. Our life is really a calling. You'll discover what happens when you remember for whom you are fighting. First: Direct your delight to the Lord. First John 5:4–5 says, “For whatever is born of God overcomes … Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. The people of God had to decide whether they would continue the journey to where God wanted them. Today in the Word, October, 1990, p. 10. 1. *Or as Paul said in vs. 4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. *“Meditate on.” That means “keep thinking on” these good things. 37. We live in a world that presents many challenges to our faith and we must be able to overcome and cope in such This is the victory that has … For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. *To a great extent we can choose what we think about. But they are for all who have an ear to hear and a heart to believe what God has said. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would. *As Paul said in vs. 8: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things.”. I. But what does it mean to be an "overcomer"? Note the following passages:John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. 1-2). Thomas, in his commentary on Revelation, gives three possible answers to this question that have been held by various people throughout the years. Rather you are what? John 16:31 Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe? And if we fail to overcome or conquer they we are in danger of losing our salvation. Does this question make anyone a bit nervous? *One of the best ways to overcome is direct your delight to the Lord. These promises are not to "super-saints" or for a small select few. Dr. Phelps wrote, “God gets an A. *I have seen this countless times over the years. You Are an Overcomer. 2. In fact, he later ran the half-mile in less than two minutes. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Becoming an Overcomer in Today’s World Being a Christian in a Non-Christian World Ken Birks, Pastor/Teacher I. (1) The Person and Work of Jesus Christ: That Christ is the Overcomer, that is, the ultimate source and means of victory is the great message of Scripture and everywhere evident in its pages. Then the mailman bowed his head and thanked God for his meal. The Bible refers to Satan as "the god of this world" (II Cor. Why? Perseverance is the teaching that genuine believers will all persevere until they are glorified with Christ. - steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. Question: "What does the Bible say about being an overcomer?" And Don thought, “I can’t believe Dr. Graham is so unconcerned about this invitation that he would be studying his nails!”, *Don was getting a little huffy. In this series of messages we are dealing with what it means to be an overcomer in today’s world. *As Paul said in vs. 9: “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these DO, and the God of peace will be with you.”. SermonCentral illustration contributed by Randy Aly, 4., No one went out and no one came in. Overcome. How do we come to a correct biblical understanding of this issue? The last characteristic of an overcomer that … What is God responsible and able to do for us in this verse? She talked to her husband. Who does the Bible say will be clothed in white, and will have their name written in the book of life, and Christ will confess their name before the Father? [6] Also focus on good reports. Again the root word is “holy.” And Paul is talking here about moral purity. There is no third group. If we don’t think properly about what the Bible teaches concerning the doctrine of perseverance we get ourselves into trouble. At first, they were called "Christians," which means "Christ ones" (Acts 11:26). Perhaps- the morning star is a reference to enjoying the kingdom forever once all of Christ’s enemies are defeated? The major obstacle... II. You are perfectly secure! -Keep following the footsteps of the faithful. David Jeremiah - Overcoming Confusion with Wisdom. *Now when you think about who Jesus Christ is, and all that He has done for us, it’s mind-boggling that we have to be reminded to rejoice in the Lord. All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. we are to serve god by not being overcome by evil, but by overcoming evil with good -- 7 ways to fight your enemies 1. It relates to those the Holy Spirit regenerates, and its veracity does not rest on feelings or experiences.”. Because of His victory, we don't work for victory; we work from victory. It did not look as if he would live. Paul said, “I know that Christ is able to KEEP or GUARD the thing entrusted to Him until His return.” What thing did Paul trust to keep or guard until that day? Merry Christmas.”, *The professor returned the test with his own note under the student’s comment. And at the end of each of those seven letters Jesus brings up a certain group of people, and He calls those people “overcomers.”… In his epistle, Paul addressed the Christians as saints, those set apart for God. He wants us to be overcomers. [7-8] There are countless good reports, virtues, and praiseworthy things going on. fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. 2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. Were it up to you to keep yourself saved, you would be in trouble. Jesus Christ promised everlasting life in the Kingdom of God to "him who overcomes." 4-5. *In John 10:10, Jesus said: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” And in Romans 8:35-37, Paul said: 35. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? But Paul stressed rejoicing 7 times in this short letter. Our problems are God's opportunities in our path, and our Creator is really our friend who stands ready to guide and direct our paths. [1] Focus on things that are true. MODIFIED - SermonCentral sermon “What Must I Do to Be Saved” by John Baggett - Acts 16:27-34), 3. -And in these verses, God gives us 4 ways to be overcomers. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth.