In France it is derived from the Alsatian dialect. While the origin of the food called a hamburger may be in doubt, the word itself clearly refers to a person or object originating from the city of Hamburg. The word Sauerkraut spread to English-speaking countries due to the … das Sauerkraut noun: pickled cabbage: Find more words! Word Origin from German, from sauer ‘sour’ + Kraut ‘vegetable’. Around the world, cabbage is prepared in different ways. Linguee Apps . Making sauerkraut is often part of introductory classes in microbiology. Check pronunciation: sauerkraut. 21. See sauerkraut in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Spruce up your vocabulary with our list of common words of German origin. Etymological foundations. ‘The uptake of such supplements can be assisted by eating enzyme rich foods such as pickles, sauerkraut, or sprouts.’ ‘Avoid olives, pickles and sauerkraut because of their high sodium content.’ ‘Mulgikapsad is a pork and sauerkraut dish that takes its name from an Estonian province.’ Sauerkraut, the German word for “sour cabbage,” is produced by a fermentation process using salt and natural lactic acid bacteria found on cabbage. Sauerkraut – Word of the day – EVS Translations. Etymological foundations. How this food then became a staple of stereotypical “American food,” an idea that even many Germans believe, remains a subject for a different post. Saudi Arabia noun; Saudi Arabian adjective; sauerkraut noun; Sault Sainte Marie; sauna noun; neutral . Oxford 5000. Here is the etymology (word origin) for sauerkraut from the Online Etymology Dictionary: ; sauerkraut : 1617, from Ger. Learn more. Kraut is a German word recorded in English from 1918 onwards as a derogatory term for a German, particularly a German soldier during World War I and World War II. At the National Museum of American History one day last July, an upright piano stood on a stage. Cabbage is a staple among cultures the world over. Yet, contrary to common perception, sauerkraut did not originate in Germany. Like any traditionally homemade food, sauerkraut can be made in a number of ways with a number of ingredients. The online etymology dictionary is the internet's go-to source for quick and reliable accounts of the origin and history of English words, phrases, and idioms. The origin of the word refers to Sauerkraut in German, literally “sour cabbage” altered to “cabbage” and “crust”. It comes from the Germans eating a German dish called sauerkraut (which is spoiled cabbage). B2. The name Sauerkraut literally means “sour cabbage” or it can be “sour herb”. Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage with major health benefits. Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day. (noun) — Sauerkraut is a classic German dish. The slaves building the Great Wall preserved the cabbage and rice they were fed by … EN DE Dictionary (German) Sauerkraut noun, neuter — sauerkraut n (cooking) (almost always used) Sauerkraut ist ein klassisches deutsches Gericht. Reference Menu. The following is a Norwegian recipe for cooked cabbage that is similar to a hot sauerkraut. sauerkraut definition: 1. cabbage that has been cut into small pieces and preserved in salt 2. cabbage that has been cut…. Sauerkraut. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. It is known as Surkål, (sour cabbage) and is commonly eaten with fatty meats such as pork. adjective . Shutterstock. Sauerkraut is the product resulting from the natural lactic acid fermentation of salted, shredded cabbage. Sauerkraut, Germany’s superfood, has been a staple in the German diet since the 1600s, earning Germans the unflattering ‘Kraut’ moniker, one they have come to accept with humor. The German word literally translated means acid (sauer) cabbage (kraut). Saudi Arabia. The heads of cabbage are trimmed to remove the outer green, broken, or dirty leaves, and the core is bored or partly removed. Here's how you say it. Today, China is the largest producer of cabbage, followed by India and Russia, which is the biggest consumer of cabbage. The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible. Fermented foods had always had their place in the nutrition habits of different cultures around the word – from Kimchi in Korea, through Kefir in Russia to Germany’s Sauerkraut. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: Nearby Translations. It is very popular in winter, especially in Eastern Europe and Germany, and from recently its popularity reaches the States. The words "ketchup" and "catsup" both come from the Malay word "kechap," from the Chinese word "ketsiap," a sauce made from fermented fish and brine. People who are German or have German heritage. sauerkraut. Sauerkraut definition is - cabbage cut fine and fermented in a brine made of its own juice with salt. It’s thought to have originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. It is believed that the sauerkraut was brought to the US by Dutch sailors who ate sauerkraut to prevent vitamin C deficiency. Fermented foods have a long history in many cultures, with sauerkraut being one of the most well-known instances of traditional fermented moist cabbage side dishes. Pickled fish sauce may not sound all that appealing on french fries, but the Malay word "kechap" itself really only meant "taste." 1. Often the word with Anglo-Saxon roots is the more common, and the word with French (and Latin) origins is a little more formal or academic. Nearby words. Sauerkraut is probably the most well-known lacto-fermented vegetable. [better source needed] The Roman writers Cato (in his De Agri Cultura) and Columella (in his De re Rustica) mentioned preserving cabbages and turnips with salt. ä ö ü ß. It lasted through the entirety of the winter, and sauerkraut was a good source of vitamins when the Czech people had no fresh fruit or vegetables. Its earlier meaning in English was as a synonym for sauerkraut, a traditional Central and Eastern European food. However, while sauerkraut may have a German name, it was actually invented in ancient China almost 2,000 years ago. Synonyms for sauerkraut include pickle, chutney, relish, piccalilli, achar, tsukemono, chow chow, cabbage, broccoli and collards. The connecting notion is the figurative sense of "piquancy in words or actions." Ship doctors (like for instance doctor on captain Cook's ship that sailed in 1769) used sauerkraut (cabbage preserved in brine) to treat wounds of sailors and prevent gangrene. We have the words freedom (from Anglo-Saxon) and liberty (from French), understanding and comprehension, sight and vision, and so many more word pairs. These bacteria break down the natural sugars in cabbage, which results in the unique product that is enjoyed in cuisine around the world. sauerbraten. Saudi. Calling a German a kraut because they eat sauerkraut, is like calling a Mexican a beaner because they eat beans. Being … Whether you add a secret ingredient to your homemade sauerkraut or keep it basic, kraut has a slew of health benefits. Save 84% off the newsstand price! German Translation. Chopped or shredded cabbage salted and fermented in its own juice. … History and Etymology for kraut. German, cabbage, from Old High German krūt More German words for sauerkraut. Old fashioned sauerkraut is made with thinly sliced cabbage and salt. SIDENOTE: The word Sauerkraut is German in origin – kraut is cabbage, sauer means sour. The Hungarians have their stuffed cabbage and the Koreans love their kimchi. Meanwhile, in the Slavic languages and other Central European languages, the word “Sauerkraut” has a meaning that is slightly similar to the previous “fermented cabbage”. The Type of Sauerkraut Offensive slang for a German person. Compare sauce malapert "impertinence" (1520s), and slang phrase to have eaten sauce "be … By extension, the term also refers to the dish cooked as sauerkraut with its accompaniment. In autumn, most of the cabbage yield was fermented and processed into sauerkraut. Kraut definition is - sauerkraut. ^ “sauerkraut” in Douglas Harper, Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001–2021. Sauerkraut, lit. Its earlier meaning in English was as a synonym for sauerkraut, a traditional Central and Eastern European food. However, similar to the post-9/11 "freedom fries," during World War I, ... Sauerkraut's origin may surprise you. Linguee. What's the German word for sauerkraut? Kraut is a German word recorded in English from 1918 onwards as a derogatory term for a German, particularly a German soldier during World War I and World War II. From the word list. What does sauerkraut mean? Blog Press Information. Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage that is cut into small ribbons and preserved in a barrel or a jar. For example, we tend to use the verb ‘understand’ much more than comprehend. Saudi Arabian. Sauerkraut and coleslaw from Europe and colcannon from Ireland. It is professional enough to satisfy academic standards, but accessible enough to be used by anyone. ‘Try authentic sauerkraut, spicy sausages, schnitzels and pretzels washed down with one of the 800 varieties of beers found in the Bavarian region of Germany.’ ‘A few people add white beans, a few more finely sliced pickled dill cucumbers, and a few add sauerkraut.’ The site has become a favorite resource of teachers of reading, spelling, and English as a second language. The word sauerkraut comes from the German for "sour cabbage." Sauerkraut origin.