Filtration: Almost any type of filter will work well with rosy barbs, even HOB and internal filters that have more powerful outputs. Angelfish and rosy barbs. Do not keep this Barb with long finned fish like Bettas, Guppies, or Angelfish. Aquarium Fish Depot houses a huge collection of Barb Fish, including rare Sickle Fin Barbs and a variety of Tiger Barbs. Species – Rosy Barb - Puntius Conchonius Current Size – 3cm – 3.5cm Adult Length – 7cm Temperature Range – 22 - 26°C. save. The Angelfish Information Blog, Angelfish Has Special Needs.. They will just about always nip on Angelfish and Betta Fish. Fish including swordtails, gouramis, angels, knife fish, ropefish, paradise fish, danios, tetras, many American cichlids, and other barbs make suitable tankmates. Rosy barbs and angelfish? Rosy Red Tetras are only one of 30 species in the ” Rosy Tetra Clade” that have the same colors and body patterns. Keep in shoaling groups of 5 or more, more females than males if mixed sexes. If large enough for an Angel, it should be large enough to increase the barbs to a good number. I think mollies are brackish water but I'm not sure. Discus and angelfish as tank mates? Care and keeping in a tank. Rosy Barb Puntius conchonius SYN: Barbus conchonius, Cyprinus conchonius, Systomus conchonius PD: The Rosy Barb has no barbels and has slight lateral compression.The back is copper to green-gold. Our tropical aquariums come with a beautiful array of fish such as Angelfish, Rainbow Fish, Red Rosy Barbs, Gourami and Silver Sharks. could I also add platies and rosy barbs? Rosy barbs do not have any special care requirements, but it’s worth noting they aren’t quite as boisterous as their tiger barb cousins. Aquarium hobbyists have had success using rosy barbs as a dither fish in cichlid tanks. The Rosy Barb is also known in certain circles as the Red Barb and is a popular freshwater tropical fish that will bring a lot of activity to your tank. Rosy Barbs are hardy, and they can be kept in slightly cooler water than is usual for tropical fish. Some people swear by cherry barbs in their angelfish aquariums, but in my experience, they can be hit and miss. When we first put 2 of the angelfish in the tank, both of them ALWAYS slowly swims together. My rosy barb is bullying my very new to the tank baby angelfish. The male Angelfish if they buy smaller varieties with a pH of 6. In fact, rosy barbs are more agile and can outswim cichlids of the same size. Rosy barbs and Angel fish together. Rosy Barb Tank Mates. Upto 4 inches. hide. Tiger, rosy and black ruby barbs require a minimum of 30 gallons, and larger species like denisonii barbs will need a 55 gallon aquarium or larger when full size. A goldfish should live in AT LEAST a 20 gallon tank. 3 years ago. Common Name Rosy Barb Latin Pethia conchonious Pack Quantity THREE Size of Species For Sale 4-5cm Maximum Size Species Grows To 10-12cm Temperature ... Angelfish Aquarium Rentals; ... Rosy Barbs are very hardy fish and are highly recommended for new beginners and new tank set ups. The gold barb mixes well with cherry barbs, green Chinese barbs, smaller danios, and small- to medium-sized tetras. Angelfish have been left on the grandeur of a mer-princess in light blue reflective breeding has . Rosy barbs make a great community fish. They socialize well with other nonaggressive fish of a similar size that enjoy cooler water. They do have a reputation for nipping other fish, so don't keep them with slow species, particularly if they have long trailing fins. It is important to remember: in a general aquarium, they must be kept in a flock. While most barbs – like tiger barbs – should be avoided in angelfish tanks, cherry barbs aren’t as prone to … Not sure what to do. Home; Freshwater Saltwater > Store; Services. They are best kept in groups of 5 or more in an aquarium with a length of at … Longfin Green Platinum Tiger Barb. Barbs will frequently appear on many lists due to this variety of sizes and behaviour. Yahoo Answers; Can Neon Tetras live with Gouramis,Angelfish,or Barbs ... Can I Mix Neon Tetra, Tiger Barbs, Rosy Barbs, And ... - Characins Auctions - Tue Jan 19 20:02:25 2021; Fin Nipping Tetras? You cannot keep the barbs if you intend to keep the other fish too, not in a 29. This video shows a group of 6 rosy barbs schooling together in my 55 gallon planted fish tank. These fish are very hardy by nature and they tend to tolerate cooler temperatures than many freshwater fish – they can be kept in water ranging from 68 to 72°F. They like near neutral to slightly alkaline (pH above 7), moderately hard water. Rosy Barb, Red Barb Additional scientific names Barbus conchonius, ... do not keep with slow-moving or long-finned fish such as Bettas and Angelfish as they still may be fin nipped. Longfin Tiger Barb. 3. JavaScript is disabled. share. When they reach sexual maturity, rosy barbs can be paired and a separate breeding tank of 20 to 30 gallons should be set up. Rosy Barbs stay around the middle and bottom of the tank, so it is best to keep the gravel well vacuumed. You must log in or register to reply here. Rosy barbs grow up to 5 inches in length and they are available in both long-finned and regular form. From the category Community Fish, and collection list Tetras. Size : 4 inches (10 cm) pH : 6 - 7. 4. Temperatures of 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit are acceptable for this subtropical species. These fish are readily available in commercial stores. Common Names : Rosy Barb, Rosie Barb, Red Barb. While some species can be boisterous, there are a number of peaceful species like cherry barbs, gold, checkerboard and pentazona barbs that make great community tank inhabitants. In a more general community, it can be combined with smaller rasboras, barbs, Anabantoids and West African dwarf cichlids such as Pelvicachromis species. Common Variety Golden Golden Golden Neon Veiltail Rosy Barb Care Details. Near the caudal peduncle is a black spot. Guppies and angelfish are not exactly the best of tankmates, because angelfish will eat all of the fry and harass the adults. Angelfish: Angelfish Courtship Behavior. Scientific Name : Pethia conchonius. We have recently purchased a 47 gallon tank to put angelfish in and I was wondering if you can put rosey barbs in with them? Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. how about rainbow shark/red tailed shark? Since I’ve never had the desire to mix barbs and angels, I can’t comment on this. Behavior . Adult tinfoil barbs will eventually require a 125 gallon or larger aquarium. As tank mates, fish with a similar temperament are best suited like tiger barbs, cherry barb, mollies, rainbowfish, … Rosy Barb Types. Members; 0 2 posts; Share; Posted October 20, 2020. Is this just the barbs famaliarizing themselves with the angel or do i need to seperate them? share. Order online to ship anywhere in USA. Redtail Tinfoil Barb. They all co-existed for a long time. Of all barbs, gold barbs are relatively calm. view cart. 6. They work well with Danios, Platys, and peaceful Catfish. Kev. Driftwood and rocks can be added to tank, but be sure to allow plenty of room for the fish to swim. When we first put 2 of the angelfish in the tank, both of them ALWAYS slowly swims together. Rosy Tetra. They don’t look like much as juveniles but as they mature and with good food their colours will be incredible. The Rosy Barb is one of the larger Barbs that can grow up to 6 inches in the wild. My Aquarium Club; What Are Good Tank Mates for Tetras? So their tank mates must be able to swim fast! Rosy Barbs will readily breed in an aquarium. They prefer a well-planted tank of at least 30 gallons with soft, slightly acidic water. Although your fish are small I'm afraid your tank is overstocked. I have a 65 litre tank I have 3 tiger barbs about 3-4cm 2 rosy barbs about 2cm 2 angelfish 1 is about 5cm the other is about 3cm and a bristlenose is about 5cm. Published August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Odessa Barb can rival the colors of most saltwater species. My dad just recently bought fishes for a 3 gallon tank. They have become increasingly popular for their coloring, hardiness, and (usually) peaceful temperament. Females are slightly fatter. save. The Rosy Barb is an active fish with a peaceful temperament and bright metallic colouration. Rosy barb, platies, angels, mollies, and guppies = TROPICAL. Odessa Barbs are considered hardy and will tolerate a wide range of water parameters but will thrive in well planted tanks that are slightly on the acidic side of the pH range. The Rosy Barb is an active fish with a peaceful temperament and bright metallic colouration. Culling should considered as safer. Menu Skip to content. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Angelfish are territorial and will attack the other fish as well. Water changes with aged water will keep the fish looking and feeling their best. Sexing. The Rosy Barb (Pethia conchonius) is a freshwater aquarium fish in the Cyprinidae family – which also contains the closely related Carp and Minnow groups. The flanks are bright orange to red and metallic looking. Online it says you can, as long as the barbs are in a school (8+), but it also says you can keep tiger barbs and angels together and I know that’s a lie through some personal experience, 2 comments. Odessa Barb. Keep at least six lemon tetras to tame any fin-aggression tendencies on the part of the angelfish. Rosy barbs can help controlling excessive algae growth since they feed on algae, and some aquarists have reported that Rosy barbs are a great way of combating hair algae. Half the internet says the barbs will be fine the other half says theyll tear up the angels. They are a pleasure to watch swimming around the vibrant plants and decor which come with the tank and really brighten up a dreary day! However, I often mix barbs with danios and loaches, and I’ve seen only minimal aggression between the different species. What size tank? Then after 2 to 3 days they started to break up, 1 was hiding … You can keep the angelfish with some kinds of tetras. Angelfish are territorial and will attack the other fish as well. BUT, as you can see, I had the angels first - the opposite of your situation. If there are enough barbs, any nipping should be amongst eachother and harmles overall. All Rights Reserved.  Sales Hotline 01732 243424 Sales Hotline 01732 243424. Their bright colors and luminescence attract shy cichlids out of their hiding spots. edit. The fish dwells in Bangladesh, North-East India ans some other regions of South-East Asia. They need a proper schoal to feel comfortable otherwise they will "bully". Business hours. Rosy barb, platies, angels, mollies, and guppies = TROPICAL. All are disk shaped and have light pink white bodies, red fins, and a conspicuous black spot on the dorsal fin (“flag”) that is usually underlined by a white or yellow tipped with white. Just wondering if you can keep rosy barbs and angelfish together. Rosy Barbs prefer soft, slightly acidic water and a densly planted tank of at least a 30 gallon capacity. Like all barb species this one likes clean, well aerated water and light water flow present in a tank. 24" X 12" is WAY too small for all those fish. Our “Samurai” is such as barbs and mosquito Larvae (wrigglers) daphnia etc. 3. Tiger barbs, tinfoil barbs, and rosy barbs are also very popular fish, but they can be nippy and pushy with smaller or slower tank mates. Barbs and Angels dont usually make good tank mates so I would seperate them. I added 4 young rosy barbs to a tank that had 1 mature and 2 immature angels. The rosy barb is a peaceful but very active fish. Temperature : 65°F - 78°F (18°C - 26°C) Water Hardness : 5° to 15° dH. The lemon tetra is an Amazonian species like the angelfish, and the two will, therefore, thrive in similar water temperatures. My rosy barb is bullying my very new to the tank baby angelfish. So bringing a pet to the angelfish rosy barbs fact that Angelfish experts say that sort of Angelfish. Odessa Barb. Get directions . 4. Rosy Barbs feed on any of the typical prepared aquarium foods. I had both in a 55-gallon and no one killed each other. Barbs are sometimes unfairly characterized as being fin-nippers, largely due to the behavior of a few types like tiger barbs, rosy barbs and black ruby barbs. Riverview,FL 33578 (813)-658-8799 Welcome to Fishkeeping World. Rosy barbs will also eat live food if the food is small enough to be considered prey. Angelfish Courtship Behavior . 2. answer #2. rohanybarny2. Online it says you can, as long as the barbs are in a school (8+), but it also says you can keep tiger barbs and angels together and I know that’s a lie through some personal experience, 2 comments. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. Odessa Barb. Sailfin mollies like brackish, (part fresh part salt) hard alkaline (pH above 7) and will not do well in solft acid water. Premium Aquarium Fish for Sale Online. 4. It is considered one of the hardiest barbs, undemanding and beautiful, and most impressively colored during the mating period. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Other barbs. This fish is generally peaceful but like many barbs, can become fin nippers if they are not placed in a small school of 5 or more. Rosy Barbs are one of the more popular of the larger Barb species. However, water movement, lighting, and substrate choices can all have a positive impact on the life and behavior of these fish. For a couple of fish 40 liters (8,8 gallons) tank is enough and for the school – 80 liters (17,6 gallons). The angels were in the tank for 8 months before the barbs were added. The bigger the school of Tiger Barbs, the less they seem to nip on other species of fish. Tiger Barbs are colorful, energetic, and hardy, but they are usually nippers., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. Angelfish will attack the goldfish. Tropical fish delivered to your door with a 7 day guarantee! Theres 2 barbs i think im gonna take out the barbs and eventually re enter them after the angel has become comfortable. Kev. An adult Angel fish will not be able to survive in a 65 litre aquarium, both will require a larger place to live. 100% Upvoted. In nature, Rosy Barbs are a school fish and prefer being with others of their own kind in larger groups. Rosy Barb. The Rosy Barb (Pethia conchonius) is a freshwater aquarium fish in the Cyprinidae family – which also contains the closely related Carp and Minnow groups.It is sometimes known as the Red Barb, and beginners often choose them because they are hardy and easy to care for. Stephen Harvey 0 Posted October 20, 2020. 5. A goldfish should live in AT LEAST a 20 gallon tank. Proudly powered by Weebly. Save the rivers and reefs... Buy captive raised when possible! I had 7 Large angels and 5 Rosey Barbs in a 90 gallon and the barbs took out 3 of my angels befor I got them out. Well, I tried, but the Tiger Barbs are just too nippy to keep the Angelfish in the same tank. We take care of all the cleaning and with everything included, you can sit back and relax watching these beautiful fish. This thread is archived. supposing my tank is gonna be big enough for them. Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. Origin / Habitat : India. And are often referred seeing another and they will fight possibly to the person feeding them? A typical rosy barb breeding setup has two females and a male. Oh geez i dont know my barbs seem quite happy in the 10 gallon i might not put them back in the 30. Barbs do best in schools of at least 6 to 10 fish and need plenty of swimming space. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Due to its shape, it’s also safe to be kept with larger cichlids such as angel fish or discus. © 2005-2019 Odessa Barbs are a fish I feature a lot in my articles, they are a perfectly well behaved Barb and are suitable in most aquariums. To successfully breed Rosy Barbs you might like to set up a separate densely planted tank and after the eggs have been scattered (usually 200 to 300 of them!!) This may not sound a great deal, but a shoal of 12 in a 90cm/3’ aquarium, all reaching adult size, has the fast potential to eat in to your stocking capacity. The Rosy Barb prefers cooler water than some tropical fish and can be kept in unheated aquaria, possibly as an alternative to the goldfish, which despite common belief is not at all suited to aquariums. I have a 65 litre tank I have 3 tiger barbs about 3-4cm 2 rosy barbs about 2cm 2 angelfish 1 is about 5cm the other is about 3cm and a bristlenose is about 5cm. Consolidated Fish Farms Inc. 10523 Tucker Jones Rd. Tiger Barb . The female lacks the red color and is mostly golden. checkout. Fish compatibility is an important aspect of successfully housing fish together in a community tank. I think mollies are brackish water but I'm not sure. archer772 AC Members. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. Although your fish are small I'm afraid your tank is overstocked. $ 0. You can also rear angelfish with rummy nose tetras. When the eggs hatch, baby rosy barbs will be in a larval stage and they’ll feed on the yolk sac of the eggs. The male will have black spots on its dorsal fin and its fins will grow considerably longer than the female.