Sometimes we need a rectangle shape and this feather does... Quick stitch-out. These designs are from the second set of 100 designs in 100 days. And these... Beautiful feathers that will WOW your customers! This  downloadable e-book  has come as a result of my first 100 designs in 100 days video series, affectionally known as #FMQ101. Perfect for large and small blocks. These books have come as a result of my first 200 designs in my design of the day video series, on YouTube and Facebook! 3... Beautiful feathers for your French Braid quilt. on January 10, 2018, I get asked all the time about stitching in manual mode. There's nothing like a hot cup of coffee! Traditional style, easy stitch out. This blog is where I share photos of my quilts as well as my clients quilts. Pattern... Beautiful, traditional feather cable. Set includes 2... Rubber Ducky floats in bubbles in this adorable... Rubber Ducky floats in bubbles in the adorable pantograph... Samplers can be so busy! Need snowflakes for smaller blocks? Enjoy! Try this for your... Is your quilt made with Jacobean style fabrics?  Spiral Bound so it lays FLAT! Cute arrows make a quick stitch out for this Edge to Edge... A nice, easy Baptist Fan variation. I love the fun backing Heather used as this quilt is for a very young girl. Size: 4"(w) x 12.2"(h). Size as designed:... Pattern is designed for a 6" x 1.5" rectangle. Cute, southwest geckos will run across your quilt when... Great patterns for fall and harvest quilts. It is 3"... Pattern is designed for squares with 2" sides and matches... Pattern is designed for squares with 3" sides and matches... Pattern is designed for triangles that are 1.5" high. All comments are answered by email, if possible. This feather pattern is so versatile! Feb 9, 2021 - These are current patterns available, I'm always adding new ones so check back often! I have recently moved to Emo, ON and looking forward to discovering all the beauty of the area and meeting new quilters. She adapted a table runner pattern called "Pomegranate Rose" from the book "The Versatile Nine Patch" into a full quilt. These designs are from the second set of 100 designs in 100 days.  Book Two of the FMQ series of videos on Facebook and YouTube. It doesn't get any easier than this! ... A modern E2E pantograph that is easy to stitch out, easy to... $10.00. It doesn't get any easier than this! Size as... Great pattern for dog paws or tiger paws. Have an amazing day. ... you can do an all over meander, or use a pantograph on a longarm. Try these feathers for a great change... Fanciful and jazzy!  Step-by-step instructions take you through building the design from start to finish. This pattern is easy and quick to make! ... Another option for beautiful, elegant feathers that are fit... Super modern, super easy. We look forward to seeing you in the studio soon. We will NEVER sell or give your e-mail or any other contact information to ANYONE! Patterns are available for immediate download. Fill your triangles quickly with feathers! Only ordering patterns? I started quilting in 1995 and have completed more than 150 quilts, using a Bernina 1630, a Baby Lock Pro Quilter and a HQ-16, now an Avante longarm. The term “hoop size” used throughout the machine embroidery community is confusing. Prices listed next to pattern. Quick turnaround! I have been a nurse since 1997. This is the complete set of all six DWR Royal Crown... 2 Patterns for the price of one!! ... Pattern is designed to work in large blocks and also as an... A rectangular Paisley fill. Oct 13, 2020 - Explore Niana Berwick's board "Stained glass patterns free" on Pinterest. If... Pattern size as designed: 12.25(w) x 6(h), 2 patterns in set: Pine Cone BorderPine Cone Corner, Pattern size as designed: 12.26(w) x 11.88(h), Pattern size as designed: 12.3(w) x 12(h). Quick stitch-out. Size as designed 5"w x 2"h. This is a set of all the Paisley Fill Patterns. Welcome to Whirls n Swirls Quilting! by Tracey Russell We will send your patterns first class and change your shipping to $2.00. Size as designed ... A rectangular Paisley fill. Similar to Royal Crown, but with some double lines for a... 2 patterns for the price of one!! I have been quilting for over 25 years and have turned my passion for quilting into a home business. See more ideas about quilt patterns, quilts, quilting designs. 5 Patterns in set: Pine Cone Wreath BlockPine Cone... Add an heirloom background fill to your quilt or use this... Add an heirloom background fill to your quilt with this... A great edge to edge pantograph with a modern feel. This is the DIGITAL VERSION of my brand new book Freemotion Quilting 201, 100 More Designs for your Free Motion Tool box. It really is a 'free-ing' experience and I encourage all of you to give it a try. See more ideas about stained glass patterns, stained glass patterns free, stained glass. The star and also one blade of the... 2 patterns for the price of one! Order with confidence that your personal information will be protected. ... 4 Patterns in set: Regal Feathers Regal Feathers Diamond 60... Beautiful, elegant feathers that are fit for royalty! Perfect for large and small blocks! Bind in the usual way.  Shape is also... An elongated hexagon that is usable in many places! Check out this tutorial. Designed for smaller Flying Goose blocks. We have longarm rentals and supplies as well as education online and in studio. This set comes with 3 patterns. I also enjoy nature photography and try to combine my two passions of quilting and photography in my blog posts. All orders are placed over an SSL encrypted site. Â, Digital Designs for Computerized Quilting, Whirls n Swirls Creative Quilting Academy Presents, Helping you build confidence and skills in freehand quilting, Freemotion Quilting 201 - 100 more designs for your freehand toolbox, Freemotion Quilting 101 - A relaxed approach to freehand quilting, Turning off the Stitch Regulator--Stitching in Manual Mode. For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. Add to Cart . Happy Quilting! Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news and quilty inspiration! This pattern will quickly fill connected square blocks with... Paisley and flowers in an edge to edge pantograph.  Book Two of the FMQ series of videos on Facebook and YouTube. Quick stitch-out.  Step-by-step instructions take you through building the design from start to finish. ** subject to change if change in density is required. Then... Set contains two patterns: Lolly Feather Border Lolly... By both pattern and save! Does your heart beat for Jeeps? Grab a cup of tea and have a look around! Size as designed:... Beautiful, traditional feather cable patterns. P2P Swirl. This pattern set includes 2 patterns: Modern Zane Border... Super easy corner! This is the easy version of the popular Abundant Feathers... Beautiful feathers for your French Braid quilt. This pattern will do all the quilting for the Tennessee... No points! This is a set of Pebble Fill Patterns. Size... A Japanese inspired Clamshell pattern. Emily's Feather... Fanciful and jazzy! This pattern set contains 4 patterns. Simple, effective pattern for 8-Point Lemoyne Stars. Product successfully added to your shopping cart, Tuesday-Friday 10 to 5 , Saturday 10 to 4. What a deal! ... P2P Rose with Swirl. Size as designed 1.5" x 6", A diamond Paisley fill. If that is the case, keep it... Two P2P patterns come with this set. All fabric is 44/45 inches wide and priced by the yard unless otherwise noted.Order fabric in 1/4 yard increments. :). This is a set of 4 patterns designed so you can apply them... Pearls for a Double Wedding Ring quilt. This pattern is designed for the traditional Shoo Fly... Pattern also goes by the name of Monkey Wrench Feather Size... Get 7 snowflake patterns! This was designed for a "wonky" NY Beauty quilt,... Includes 2 patterns! Digitized patterns for computerized quilting systems. Corner feather pattern for the computerized quilter. Looking for a clover leaf pattern? Quick stitch-out. Call if you would like to place your order over the phone. All quilts are done on a Gammill with a Statler Stitcher. Fills kite shaped block with feathers. All of... One feather pattern and 2 point-to-point patterns. Size as designed... Clamshell pantographs are so versatile! Email me at to get added to my schedule. It's just a part of one of the lessons in my upcoming online classes. No rows to match up... A versatile feather that is designed to match our Bear Paw... A versatile feather pattern that is designed to match our... Use this cute little flower in basket blocks. You can take these 100 designs and use them as allovers, fillers, sashings and feather alternatives. ie: 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.25 1.5 etc.... Digitized patterns for computerized quilting systems. This is not a P2P (Point To Point) pattern. This edge to edge pantograph stitches out... A whimsical owl edge to edge pantograph. Designed for the many varieties of 16 patch blocks. Size as... Our Friendship Feather has been one of our most popular,... A nice simple pattern for Friendship Star blocks. One is a block pattern... 3 patterns are included in this Royal Crown set. Rows easily repeat. This set... Beautiful, traditional feather cable patterns. $10.00. 100 more designs to add to your free hand tool box! Be sure to check us out on Facebook and YouTube. Perfect for large and small... P2P Feathers! All orders will be processed in CAD during checkout. I hope it helps! Two... Get two patterns for the price of one! You will find over 400, freehand videos to give you ideas and inspiration. There's nothing like a hot cup of coffee!   Both books are spiral bound so they lay FLAT!  Step-by-step instructions take you through building the design from start to finish.  You can take these 100 designs and use them as allovers, fillers, sashings and feather alternatives. Spiral Bound so it lays FLAT! This Paisley fill is for pentagon shaped blocks. I design quilting patterns with my friend Lori Suss and we call our pattern company Highway 10 Designs. Main Focus fabric red rose print for center and binding – One 6-1/2” x 7-1/2” rectangle, and strips for binding 2-1/2” wide by about 75 inches long. Looking for a groovy 70's style pattern? Size as designed:... A dressed up clamshell pantograph. There's nothing like a hot cup of coffee! Step-by-step instructions take you through building the design from start to finish. Tackle the entire background all at once! I like "free motion make-it-up-as-I-go" quilting rather marked designs. Tamarack Shack Longarm Quilting opened it's doors January 2009 on the shores of Schist Lake in Northern Manitoba. 100 more designs to add to your free hand tool box! So cute on a side table with some Christmas decorations. This pattern combines with the P2P Meander Square 3 to make... P2P (Point to Point) pattern. ***Quit is quilted with Concertina and is  available for purchase here on the website as both digital and paper pantograph. Call us at (888) 465-0344 info @ Heartbeat Quilting 16909 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99037 United States of America ... Heather chose the Gingersnap pantograph and I used a pretty purple So Fine thread. Designed to match my other P2P Paisly Fill patterns. It doesn't get any easier than this! Simple, Fun & Simply Done by Terry Atkinson, Frosted Memories by Sherri K Fall for This & That, Time Saving Quilts with 2-1/2 inch Strips, Daybreak by 3 Sisters for Moda, SKU 44248 14, Daybreak by 3 Sisters for Moda, SKU 44248 21, Abundant Feathers French Braid Complete Set, Baptist Fan E2E ***Plus 5 Bonus Patterns***, Caroline Feather Cable Border/Corner/Tri Set, Caroline Feather Tri Border Corner Sets - 4 patterns, Crosshatch Repeatable 20" Block or E2E, 0.7" Spacing, Diamond Feather HST (Half Square Triangles), Fanciful Feathers Border, Corner, E2E Set, Star - 6 Point, Stack And Whack, 60 Degree, Star - 8 Point, Stack and Whack, 45 Degree. Fancy flowers and feathers to fill shashing. Add to Cart . Super easy E2E (Edge To Edge) pantograph! This pattern is designed for the traditional quilt pattern... Another easy, quick stitching modern E2E pantograph! This book has come as a result of my first 100 designs in 100 days video series, affectionally known as #FMQ101.