This next robotics project explains designing a spy robot which can be controlled by the remote. }, "toggle": { if (window.ShopifyBuy) { "background-color": "#ffffff" It’s not just something to meddle with now. The robot can also give a live video stream of its surroundings. options: { ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { We offer three different styles of names to suit different usage scenarios, some are detailed names, usually include the functional features; some are just codes. The Arduino controls several motors simultaneously. Apollo. It can be driven remotely using an RF remote control. "imgWithCarousel": true, "@media (min-width: 601px)": { } "margin-left": "0", Robot operators are not always robot makers, and robot makers are not always the best people to program a particular task. } Another reason to get your hands dirty. Probably you may come across one not here. }, We compiled this list of 25 robotics project ideas, however new projects keep coming up from time to time. For a fruit gardener, it is extremely important to harvest fruit in time. The RF remote control provides the advantage of a good controlling range (up to 100 metres with proper antennae) besides being omnidirectional. "toggle": { This bot receives commands from your smartphone with the help of a Bluetooth module. }, "color": "#000000" "variantTitle": false, "padding-right": "20px", "buttonDestination": "modal", Hi can u please help me, to fine one new project title on robotics. "contents": { The data is transmitted to the receiver through RF. script.async = true; These move on a specified path to pick the components from specified locations and place them on desired locations. "color": "#000000" This project is available at: Metal Detector Robot. "buttonWithQuantity": true, This project is available at: Make Your Own Remote Controlled Robot. "cart": { loadScript(); This project is available at: Fruit Picking Robot. }, The large goal of the Robonaut project is to build a robot with dexterity that exceeds that of a suited astronaut. } It would, for example, be far better to get a painter to program a painting robot, rather than a programmer who has no experience with painting. "styles": { The project also uses IFTTT and Adafruit IO for back-end support. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { id: [9285000459], It rarely hurts to keep your business name simple. You can rest easy, because none of that is actually true. All options to get the right name for your project Find out more. Especially with the development of artificial intelligence, robots will come into our lives. "img": false, Team 21. "button": { }); Bend it Like Ramaswamy. Team 13 - Team Name. This soccer robot can move forward, reverse, forward-left, forward-right, reverse-left and reverse-right with the help of an Android phone. "margin-bottom": "50px" The angle of rotation of the phone controls its speed of movement. "title": { "footer": { Many major accidents are averted by extinguishing fire at an early stage. Many works in the field of science fiction have also paid homage to Asimov's collection. A platform for tech faculty and institutions, Enabling commerce between buyers & sellers of electronics in India, Everything you want to know about India's electronics industry, Enabling you to benefit from investments in technology, Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot for Appliance Control, Virtual Telepresence Robot Using Raspberry Pi, Arduino based Smartphone Controlled Robot Car, JOB: Associate Software Engineer At Teradata, Low-cost 3.7V to 5V-6V DC-to-DC converter, The Era Of Human Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Automated Washroom Light Using IR Sensors, Vehicle Number Plate Detection Using MATLAB, Top 30+ Electrical Engineering Project Ideas, JOB: Technical Support Engineer At Radware, JOB: Research Engineer I – Manufacturing & Optimisation At OLA, Creating A Very Basic Chatbot In Python On Telegram Messenger, Sound Based Computer Automation Using Python, How To: Interfacing 8×8 LED Matrix with Arduino Development Board, Arduino Projects: Sending SMS using GSM Module. [CDATA[*/ "imgWithCarousel": true, ui.createComponent('product', { "width": "240px", "cart": { }, Select your rate, complete a questionnaire, and the FlyingNames team will get to work. DANTE II. Team 10 - Team Nein. A microcontroller gets different analogue values and generates command signals to control the robot. Robonaut is a joint DARPA – NASA project designed to create a humanoid robot which can function as an equivalent to humans during the 1970s and exploration. (function () { Wikis. "fill": "#ffffff" This next project describes a wireless steered robot. The VEX Tomahawk demonstrates how a very complex robot can be created with the VEX Robotics Kit. The UV sanitization robot uses the power of UV rays to kill germs and bacteria. }, } Batman. Create a personality for your bot. This particular robot moves over the window as if cleaning it, wipes off a series of 12 mm-diameter dry-erase dots, and carries 50 mL of water to simulate the cleaning fluid used in the final device. "variantTitle": false, }, (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); "color": "#000000" var client = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({ Robots can be guided by an external control device or the control may be embedded within. script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; function ShopifyBuyInit() { Presented here is a MATLAB-based project where images taken by the camera are processed for colours and the position of a red-coloured object is extracted out of the image. "footer": { }, "contents": { A dedicated stream of engineering has come up in several engineering colleges. These strings are very flexible, conductive and easy to use. }, The robot Fedor will spend 10 days aboard the ISS practising skills such as using tools to fix issues onboard. Bender. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Robot – ꧁ R. O. } "font-weight": "bold" "padding-left": "20px", The name of the real-life modem manufacturer named U.S. Robotics was directly inspired by I, Robot. }, When disturbed, the sensor sends a pulse to the robot to indicate that an obstacle is present. }, From the tiny Hopbot—put it on the floor and you’ll see how it got its name—to giant Styrobot, here are ten plans to make a roomful of robotic wonders. "products": { ReWalk Robotics Much like Fetch Robotics, this business adds what it does into the name. The platform for creating AI chatbot for Facebook is Chatfuel. }); ":hover": { These names are typically used as code names to new organizational developments and products. In this project, we are going to control a robot wirelessly using hand gestures. }, } Balto. "font-weight": "bold" NevonProjects constantly researches on innovative technologies that can be used in robotic systems. }); It’s in our nature to attribute human characteristics to non-living … /*]]>*/, Network Consists of Further Focused Websites (Channels). Of course, finding the perfect name is not easy. }); "font-weight": "bold" }, "contents": { Team 19 - Team Name. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { The robot can gallop up to 16 mph (25 km/h) on flat surfaces, and is part of a DARPA mission to develop robots that can assist human soldiers on a variety of ground missions. "padding-left": "20px", "text": { The wireless robot is operated manually using PC. "imgWithCarousel": false, appId: '6', The remote has four switches to control the robot in four directions. The robot perceives this DTMF tone with the help of the phone stacked in the robot. "button": { Team 20 - Team Name. appId: '6', This project presents an artificial intelligence (AI)-based chatbot for controlling electrical home appliances using ESP8266-12E NodeMCU and Facebook Messenger platform. "button": true }); "margin-bottom": "0px" ":hover": { The robot is operated and controlled using the received data. Arduino Uno board processes this data and corresponding instructions are transmitted through the RF transmitter to control the robot. "product": { Robots whose names were acronyms, abbreviations formed from the initial components of the words in a phrase, such as S.M.I.D.S.Y., which stood for Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You.. "compareAt": { This robot can be built very quickly in a small budget. Robot Name Generator(Fantasy) Refresh. }, The robot senses the surroundings through the charge-coupled device (CCD) camera and sends to the receiver through the Radio Frequency (RF) wireless communication. We hope you find a great name for your robot. This next dual-mode robot is operated manually using an RF-based remote control. } else { "product": { } }, I want to know more about miniature robots can you please contact me I have a project. "max-width": "100%", })(); This robotic project idea is about fruit picking robot which not only works as a fruit picker but smart enough to pick only those fruits which are ripen enough. A resource for professional design engineers. Add new page. This is an easy, user-friendly way to interact with robotic systems and robots. Sensors used here are simple infrared (IR) photodiodes that detect IR rays coming out of the fire. Sensitive but inexpensive general-purpose whiskers can be made using commonly available steel guitar strings. The project will develop and prove a blueprint for rural-optimised 5G connectivity, with the world’s first 5G-ready agri-robot for arable farms and will enable rapid deployment of 5G to rural areas. "background-color": "#ffffff" "max-width": "100%", Team 18 - Team Name. This project is available at: Maze Solving Robot. South Asia's Most Popular Electronics Magazine. "font-weight": "bold" } options: { TV Show. "color": "#ffffff", "margin-bottom": "0px" This next project builds a robot which can find its way in a line maze from start point to end point. loadScript(); This project is available at: Soccer Robot. The Survey Robot is controlled through the ZigBee module to move about the entire plot. "color": "#ffffff", Great resource for users, buyers & sellers of T&M solutions. "productSet": { To send an IR signal, you need a transmitter and a receiver with an encoding and decoding system. "text": { Wireless steering senses the motion and transmits corresponding instruction to control the robot through RF communication. } Team 23 - Team Peanuts. "margin-bottom": "50px" Team 17 - Team Name. Other components include servo motor, Bluetooth module JY MCU BT, motor driver L293D and two DC motors. This project is available at: Gesture-Controlled Robot. "max-width": "100%", }, The above list of robotics projects and ideas has been researched to help students, researchers, engineers and enthusiasts to learn and develop innovative robots using microcontrollers. "contents": { [CDATA[*/ "button": { "margin-left": "0px", We have become more and more familiar with robots. This project is available at: Land Survey Robot. }, function loadScript() { "buttonWithQuantity": false, Also, names with robot-specific word components are frequently being used so that we find a myriad of Robo***s, ***bots, and Mecha***s. Also, the pattern "*** the robot" or the name Robbie enjoy great popularity, as … }, Swarm Robotics Project: Swarm Robotics deals with the Artificial Swarm Intelligence and involves the usage of multiple robots which can coordinate among themselves to complete a mission. Buy Electronics & Electrical Projects in India, Robots are used in different applications such as military, robotic vehicle with a touch screen display for remote operation, academic level microcontroller based projects,, Circuit Design of Pulse Amplitude Modulation, What Are The Advantages Of Using A Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Home and Industrial Safety Using Fire and Gas Detection System Using GSM, Heart Attack Detection and Medical Attention Using Heart Beat Sensor. function ShopifyBuyInit() { } }, } } Possible additional uses include finding names for medical robots or evil robots in cartoons. }, script.src = scriptURL; So don't waste any time and try our tool for random beautiful English words. B. O. T꧂, Atom, ツ꧁ ༒тιтαи༒꧂ツ, Wall-E, Rocko, Mepica Elano. script.async = true; Microcontroller AT89C51 does the controlling of the robot. The robot also kicks a ball on shaking the phone. Amigos. script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit; "text": { "padding-left": "20px", With a name that gigantic, buzz is already building about the features that may or may not rival Google’s self-driving cars. This project implements a design which is used to conduct the land survey in order to calculate the area of that land and to divide it into subplots. "description": false, } else { A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer— capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. This project demonstrates the feasibility of creating a window-washing robot for use especially by the handicapped in cleaning residential double-hung sash windows. You have entered an incorrect email address! Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. "@media (min-width: 601px)": { Many major accidents are averted by extinguishing fire at … } In such an application the vacuum cleaner will automatically clean the floor, or you can direct it using the RF remote while sitting relaxed on your sofa. Avatar Project The control of robot involves three distinct phases: perception, processing and action. Team 08 - Team Robot Project. Further modifications for applications like automatic vacuum cleaner are also available. When choosing a name for a project or a company, the most important thing is its external impact. "toggle": { The project is great for integrating AI with the Internet of Things (IoT). "count": { if (window.ShopifyBuy) { }, "styles": { "quantity": false "color": "#ffffff" ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { This is achieved by simultaneously varying the camber of all four wheels. } }, This project is available at: Arduino based Smartphone Controlled Robot Car. What this robot can do: The VEX Tomahawk was inspired by the Dodge Tomahawk which is a Concept Vehicle powered by a Dodge Viper V-10 Engine. } else { Team 22 - Team B.O.B. This next project presents a simple human detection robot that is operated manually using RF technology. "buttonWithQuantity": false, "font-weight": "bold" var scriptURL = ''; This name generator will generate 10 random names, which will fit robots, androids, machines and other mechanical beings. "font-size": "12px", } } CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. "button": "RESERVE" "buttonWithQuantity": true, To solve this puzzle we need to find right path in a fastest possible way. This project is available at: Namaste Greeting Robot. var client = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({ Other components include motor driver L293D, operational amplifier LM324, phototransistor and a few discrete components. Project Hanks. This project is available at: Cellphone-Operated Land Rover. function loadScript() { "iconPath": { This project is available at: Stair Climbing Robot. }, node: document.getElementById('product-component-fed23f822c9'), Some of the robot names are cute, some funny, and some just clever. An accelerometer detects the tilting position. "contents": { "product": { From $490 FlyingNames Namefruits For startups. Autonomous stair climbing is a significant capability required for many of these missions. }, This project is available at: Window Washing Robot. Kindly share your full query at [email protected]. } "products": { /*]]>*/, /*