The frequency of my work — showing up at regular intervals, without worrying about results — has actually lead to better results. While, there are others who want both quality and quantity in the shortest amount of time possible. Furthermore, instead of thinking about quality and quantity as two things that can’t be done together, we need to view quantity as a way to get to quality.Perhaps, it is best captured by the old saying “practice (quantity) makes perfect (quality)” A Case for Quality of Work. In my experience you should focus on the quantity of work and the quality will take care of itself. Quantity leads to quality. Your work is a big part of your life, and how you make a living and your work performance should be something you’re proud of. Regardless of the form of the parable, the moral has certainly been true with my own work, especially writing and blogging. QUANTITY A. Performance review phrases for attitude: Many people do not understand that attitude is one of the most important factors that every company appreciated. There are many bosses or managers who focus on quantity as opposed to quality of work. Terry’s work is produced fast and accurate. In both classes matched for size, and age and sex distribution, the pupils spent the first two weeks in their normal classroom groups. Top performance review phrases for employee, manager, staff 1. One of the biggest job performance killers is a lack of productivity. Terry performance at a level beyond his current job expections. Accuracy - The extent to which work is free from errors or omissions As leaders, we need to model this value-driven behavior to help our employees succeed. Projects and assignments are frequently completed before deadline. Completes work assignments on time 5 - Often exceeds - Greatly exceeds expectations and objectives. Regardless of performance, when such feedback is questionable, productivity is likely to be questionable, too. Terry delivers quality work in short time frames. 1. Positive Examples for Quality of Work Evaluation Comments: Consistently provides quality service to others Works together with other staff to achieve high level results Shows dedication to producing a quality product and service Displays commitment to the … Two primary areas of emphasis in the performance appraisal process are the quality and quantity of each employee's work. Quality work is more valuable than Quantity work. Stop Multitasking and Start Focusing. Subscribe to Email Updates. Terry reliably produces exceptional results. Terry puts out high quality work in his given timelines or before. For example, being open and honest at work, seeking positive change, being proactive, and looking for new creative solutions can all be ways of seeking a quality direction. Quality and quantity are two central performance measures for which employees need thorough and accurate feedback. 3. Section I. Quality/Quantity of Work and Productivity A. Read on to learn strategies you can start implementing today to improve your job performance. Completion of Work on Schedule - The extent to which an employee completes work within given or reasonable time limits. B. In management, quality depends on many factors. Lee Yarborough and her father, Braxton Cutchin, founded the company in 1996. QUALITY A. Job standards determine the expected quality of work and quantity of tasks performed, related to a specific position. 4- Consistently meets - Consistently meets expectations. The effect of different seating arrangements on the quantity and quality of work produced in reading, language and mathematics among two classes of 10and 11‐year‐old children was examined. Terry’s is always productive and gets his work done on time Webster’s definition defines quality as a general term applicable to any trait or characteristic whether individual or generic. In business, there has been a continuous discussion on the basis of Quality vs Quantity. How to Demonstrate Quality & Quantity of Work on a Job. Amount of Work Performed - The volume of work produced in relation to the amount of work requiring completion or attention. Determine Your Specific HR Needs. Projects and assignments are always completed on time. There are very few that prefer quality over quantity. If you need more details of employee appraisal phrases quality and quantity of work, pls leave your comments below. Lee Yarborough. 2.