and last updated 2020-08-20 18:31:19-04. How can I get in contact with someone? Was told no then read the same Ohio is no longer... script. Additionally, individuals must meet one of the following circumstances: ... A sub reddit for the best state. I assume it will be similar to the $600 so in addition to your base benefits. The PUA program provides up to 39 weeks of benefits, which are available retroactively starting with weeks of unemployment beginning on or after January 27, 2020, and ending on or before December 31, 2020. If you habe a question, please use the search bar to search and see if it'a already been asked and possibly answered. The only reason we are even getting that is because the lack of stimulus is hurting the Georgia run off races for republicans so they are tossing you some scraps. PUA Login false Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits: Expanded Eligibility Resource Hub The new federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (or "PUA") program provides benefits for many individuals ineligible for state unemployment benefits, including self-employed workers, 1099 tax filer This system may contain U.S. Government information, which is restricted to authorized users ONLY. Yet once it does you will get $600 for stimulus and then you should see an extension of benefits for 13 more weeks for people that have exhausted their benefits (sounds like you). Did not hold payments but cut rate in 1/2 again. By: Dan Monk. I got the same email. I tried from two different phones with two different services, I don’t know what’s going on. The new bill being voted on today has an unemployment extension I think it's 300 a week in the new bill. UI extensions and expansions include: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA): Extends and phases out PUA, a temporary federal program covering self-employed and gig workers, to March 14th (after which no new applicants) through April 5, 2021. This is to help us prevent spam from proliferating this subreddit. Agent I spoke to only reiterated the exact same info as in the letter, reading from a script. They told me today on the phone it would take about three weeks to kick in. I just signed the campaign: Ohio PUA Erroneous Fraud Resolution NOW It would mean the world to me if you could also add your name to this important issue. This is of course assuming there is not a hiccup in the Ohio system that has sent out notices to people that their unemployment assistance has ended, and now they need to start it back up again. Until they they have to assume nothing will pass. Click Issues and Determinations Was able to certify up to the current week. Appreciate you though, More posts from the Unemployment community. As a result, after the week ending December 12, 2020, the additional 7 weeks of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) will no longer be available. And did not get my last weeks pay, The bill passed for an extension of PUA benefits for 11 weeks of $300. According to Eye on Ohio, her son, Andrew Gadek, was able to get in touch with … I got the same letter as you:( The best thing she said was that we didn’t need to reapply. Thank you I got through after almost 3 hours. Trust the process & hope good stuff for everyone. FBI, Secret Service and Ohio Highway Patrol among those now investigating PUA fraud in Ohio. Because of this, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has determined that you have exhausted your PUA eligibility. Mitch Mcconnell won't allow any more money unless corporations are granted blanket immunity from prosecution for Covid-19 related deaths. If the dems don't take the senate in the run of we will not see any more help. Sit tight. No payments yet. [OHIO] Update PUA [Ohio] Question Hey just asking around does anyone have an Update for the Ohio PUA bc it’s still all the same I still can’t file weekly claim or anything it’s just still sayid benefits has ended but I still have remaining weeks and money on my account! ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Ohio will not do anything until something new passes, and it should be soon. This group is for HELPING each other out. Hello /u/unbreakableamy! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Press J to jump to the feed. Fingers crossed someone has legit info;). Like Jim pedo Jordan said the best stimulus is to get a job . They say it shouldn’t take as long as last spring for the bill to kick in. As part of the CAA COVID Relief Bill the PUA program received an extra 11 weeks of federal funding. Log on to your Ohio PUA account using your Social Security Number and Password Additional Document Upload Process 1. 937-382-2574. The bill has passed and hopefully we resume for the extra 11 or whatever additional weeks of PUA within 3 weeks. It provides unemployment benefits to individuals who became unemployed because of COVID-19 and are not eligible for regular benefits. The house passed a massive stimulus bill in March and the republicans in the senate cared more about ramming judges though instead of getting people aid. This is a PUA thread. start calling just before 8am because Monday is almost impossible to thru. Origina PUA program under CARES Act (some items superseded or update by 2021 extensions). My number can’t complete this call or something along those line. Please respect that. Members. Ohio. Pretty fuckin' dumb measurement to use because just judging by the issues I've had, and the experience of several people I know, I'm sure there's plenty of people who either ran out of unemployment, or just plain couldn't get on it because the system is still fucked. 1. Sorry for the crappy formatting, but these are the eligibility requirements from the Ohio PUA website. Keep calling. The federal government funds this … Access Pending Issues and Determinations 1. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) PUA provides up to 39 weeks of benefits to qualifying individuals who are otherwise able to work and available for work within the meaning of applicable state law, except that they are unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to COVID-19 related reasons, as defined in the CARES Act. The turtle man and the rest of republicans think you should get a job and pull up your boot straps. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program Available Ohioans can now apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), a new federal program that covers many more categories of workers than the traditional unemployment program, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) announced today. Actually the polling for the runnoff has republicans worried so they are now tossing the people some scraps. Or you can contact your local assembly member for help. As a result, after the week ending December 12, 2020, the additional 7 weeks of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) will no longer be available. I did get through to the Ohio PUA line this morning. Not sure if that is on top of regular Ohio unemployment or just a base number. But, they just put on a few weeks to submit. Thanks for the heads up. Ohio is no longer in a High Unemployment Period, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor, because the state's unemployment rate has dropped significantly. From the home screen, on the left hand navigation menu, click View and Maintain Account Information 2. 92 thoughts on ... My Ohio EB stopped on 12/12/2020 I was still able to certify weeks up till 01/16/2021 on the pua site like always shows 5 week’s available but no payment for any weeks has been made. Update: After being on hold for 90 min the system hung up on me. Been on hold for a bit over a hour trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Posted at 5:00 AM, Aug 20, 2020 . They told me to call PUA customer service and gave me (833) 604-0774 number when I call it says. This was received after filing for this past week. Not helpful. The Lyon Firm, on behalf of Ohio plaintiffs, has filed a PUA security breach class action lawsuit following an extensive PUA program unemployment security breach. From the sounds of things it won't kick in until late December so you may miss a week or 2, but the $600 that everyone gets should make up for some of it. Try commenting again here in a couple of days. [OHIO] PUA [Ohio] Question. 1 month ago [OHIO] PUA [Ohio] Question. I have a payment date for the last 2 weeks of December (payment date is in December) as well as the first 2 weeks in January (1/15 payment date) im so confused as to what all this means {Edit : I Am on the PUA program} That said, do you or does anyone else know that if once our “balance” goes to “0”.. does it reset if you still have weeks? Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Will the new deal get me paid? Received an email on 12/21/20 containing notice of a determination dated 12/22/20. I got locked out of my PUA account last night. Ohio here.. Close. If you claimed PUA benefits within the last 12 months, stopped filing, and believe you are now again eligible for benefits, simply visit, enter your Social Security number and password, and request benefit payments for any weeks you were unemployed for one of the allowable COVID-19 reasons. I just called regular unemployment and them transfer me to PUA, I'm in California but the area code you just posted is the same so you can try 833-978-2511 that's the number we call. [OHIO] Will PUA claimants receive payments just as they always did now that the PUA program is extended after December 26th?? A place for your unemployment insurance questions. Asked to speak to a person a level up. More than Half the state voted republican this is what they want ♂️. Reddit; Related. According to the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services, since March 15, 23,597 people have accounts listed as overpaid for reasons other than fraud -- about 3.5% of the people who have received benefits. Your PUA claim is disallowed effective 12/13/2020. The PUA website, however, claimed that she was still eligible for UI. WARNING. It looks like payment is in motion, although the $300 boost is not yet in the summary. Does it reset after your “annual date” do we have to have at least “$1” in our balance to get the $300.. or does that pay even with a zero balance of benefits available? If you have applied for regular unemployment insurance benefits and have been denied within twelve months of today’s date, you can now file for PUA. The benefits will be an extra $300/week. I got the same letter as you:(, Press J to jump to the feed. Wondering if the "stimulus" bill that's supposedly going to be voted through today will extend this or not, because of the unemployment rate. This now means that the PUA program would provide a total of at least 50 weeks of coverage for eligible claimants. Although we will not get regular unemployment that we were allowed, we will at least get the 300 for 11 more weeks. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has pulled nearly 19,000 people out of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) purgatory, as … For a quick run down: C. Within a couple of weeks of getting our previous PUA claims reactivated after the Dec. 27th year end rollover, a decent amount of us received a “non monetary determination” in … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the reddiquette, as well as r/Ohio's rules, located in the sidebar or by following this link. Our theshold for commenting is very low. They told me to sit tight and that a notification letter that I received before this notice states that my PUA benefits end on the 12th & unless the fed gov extends, which they now did, it’s over. House is voting on the new bill today. Good luck, Thank but theyre closed for the holidays. If you indicated any separation That and the temporary seasonal jobs that will disappear next month... yeah, good metric, guys. 937-382-4392. I regret to inform you that your comment has been removed because your account is too new. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is a program under the CARES Act. Don’t know if the pittance I now receive is on the way or not. Applying for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) can prove to be a challenging puzzle. So far I’ve had the base rate cut buy over 50%, then 2 weeks later they said they’ve over paid me. Posted by. The PUA program was originally funded under the CARES Act for 39 weeks, and was due to expire on December 26th 2020. In Pennsylvania, the minimum PUA payment is $195. Now cut off. I got locked out of my PUA account last night. Many of these issues deal with your "separation," which is the reason you became - and continue to be - unemployed. Any answers yet? Skip to Article. Get News Alerts. Ohio has been approved to issue an extra $300 in unemployment for at least six weeks. 39 weeks are over, extensions due to unemployment rate are over. But don't fret! Set weather. Update 2: We’re all fucked. PUA Issue Codes and Their Meanings Several PUA issues deal with your potential eligibility for regular unemployent, the need to verify your identiy, or other considerations which affect PUA eligibility. Now I can't is it because they did away with it or redoing the system? Hope this helps. Sit tight. They told me to call PUA customer service and gave me (833) 604-0774 number when I call it says. They told me today on the phone it would take about three weeks to kick in. 1547 Rombach Avenue, Wilmington OH, 45177 Log on to the Ohio PUA system 2. It seems a decent amount of people are dealing with this problem. Claimants do not need to contact the UIA regarding these changes at this time. All individuals collecting PUA will receive $300 per week from Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), in addition to weekly benefits as calculated above. My rage level has reached a point where I want to destroy things just to let this energy go. Although we will not get regular unemployment that we were allowed, we will at least get the 300 for 11 more weeks. To be eligible for PUA, the individual must NOT be eligible for regular unemployment benefits. Every name that is added builds momentum around the campaign and makes it more likely for us to get the change we want to see. Section 2102 of the CARES Act, Public Law 116-136, and Ohio Revised Code 4141.301 Effect of this Determination. $189 balance. It says i have one week left but i still have not been paid . It won't let me certify anymore so are we cut off I done mine every sunday. Ohio is no longer in a High Unemployment Period, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor, because the state's unemployment rate has dropped significantly. 2. And what assembly member should I call and where do I find a number?? PUA benefits may not be less than half of the state's average weekly benefit amount. Online. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 389. KEEP CERTIFYING YOUR WEEKS, The bill passed for an extension of PUA benefits for 11 weeks of $300. 120k.