Merged: U.K. Born wanting dual nationality Hi, I'm 22 year old British. Polish citizenship may also be granted by adoption, naturalisation or by restoration. only provides self-help services in connection with obtaining dual citizenship. The "" mark and other related marks used on this website are protected under the laws of the United States of America. There are many benefits to have dual citizenship, incl EU. Polish citizenship is acquired through one’s parents – this is regulated by the so-called law of blood (ius sanguinis). Polish citizenship is based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood). However, Poland will only recognize you as a Polish citizen. The law also gives the Polish President the right to grant citizenship to any individual in any case deemed fit. Does the US permit dual citizenship?Your US citizenship is not affected by this in any way.How do I become a citizen?If you have Polish ancestry, you are already technically a Polish citizen and you can apply to have your citizenship verified or by providing your heritage and by satisfying other specific eligibility criteria from the Polish government.How do I confirm my citizenship?You need to apply to the Citizenship Office in Warsaw to have your citizenship confirmed. Purchase price does not include application or filing fees or any additional fees that may be charged by any government agency or vendor (including birth certificate fees, passport fees, etc.) Trust us to make everything simpler and clearer for you. It’s important for any citizenship applicant, however, to understand whether their country of origin allows and recognizes dual citizenship, to ensure they’ll not be required to forfeit that citizenship when they apply for one in Poland. The path to Poland dual citizenship can seem overwhelming and confusing to figure out on your own. Learn what is dual citizenship / nationality and why is valuable. Dual Nationality. Acquiring dual citizenship; however, is not always easy or cheap. Poland is a member of the European Union and thus, Polish citizens may travel and reside freely in any country that is a part of the EU. However, it’s forbidden for a Polish citizen to identify themselves to Polish authorities as a foreign citizen. It is required that there be no break in Polish citizenship between the emigrant ancestor and the descendant. Similarly, if you’re seeking Irish citizenship as a second citizenship, and your country of origin doesn’t allow dual nationality, or has its own restrictions in place, this could get tricky. It includes: finding your ancestor’s Polish documents, translating your legal and citizenship information, navigating Polish law, and physically being in Poland to complete everything. Serving in a foreign military does not require permission of Polish military authorities, if the person resides in that foreign country and has its citizenship. Documents That Prove Citizenship of Your Ancestors: Copies of Polish ID cards, passports, travel documents, military books, and other identity cards Polish civil acts, such as birth and marriage certificates Documents that establish your family line and prove you are connected to your ancestor (s) If your parents are unknown or don’t hold any citizenship and by any chance, you were found or born on the territory of the Republic of Poland – the rule stays the same. To make this important step, you need to know a few things, such as, which countries allow dual citizenship and those that do not. is not affiliated with any government agency, is not a law firm, and is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm. Poland is one of the European Union Member States, therefore becoming Polish automatically makes you an EU citizen. National … A Polish citizen may hold Polish citizenship and the citizenship of … Article 3 of the Polish Citizenship Act of 2009 states that a Polish citizen who is a citizen of another country enjoys the same rights and is liable for all duties towards the Republic of Poland, in the same way as any other Polish citizen. The U.S allows dual citizenship but not all countries do. As a person holding polish citizenship you may also hold the citizenship of another country at the same time. Citizenship is mainly based on the principle of ius sanguinis and is granted automatically to individuals born to at least one Polish parent, irrespective of the place of birth. However, penalties do exist for exercising foreign citizenship, such as identifying oneself to Polish authorities using a foreign identification document. Some countries—notably Caribbean nations like St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and Grenada—offer the ability to purchase citizenship. Citizenship seekers from the U.S., UK, and most of Europe (with some exceptions) don’t need to worry about renouncing their home citizenship, but that isn't true universally and it’s best to … I see only 1 downside as a dual citizen and that is what Aviatrix pointed out, if I am on Poland and have some law issues, I will be tried as a Polish citizen, I cannot ask for US help. Eligible persons who move to Israel are not considered immigrants, they are seen as individuals carrying out Aliyah. Dual citizenship refers to a person who is legally recognised as a citizen in two countries at the same time. Those eligible for citizenship by descent can apply for "Confirmation of Possession or Loss of Polish Citizenship" with a local Polish embassy or consulate. With our knowledgeable, professional consultants as your partner in this process, you can move toward becoming an Poland citizen with confidence. Having dual citizenship means that you have the same rights and duties towards the state as a person who is only polish citizen. Dual Citizenship Poland. Although Polish law does not recognize dual citizenship, Polish citizens are not forbidden from also being citizens of another country. If a child acquires another non-Polish citizenship at birth, Polish citizenship can be disclaimed within 3 months of birth. As of August 15, 2012, those who have resided in Poland for at least 3 years with a permanent residence permit, have a regular income and legal title to an apartment, and also know the Polish language may acquire citizenship by naturalization. Dual citizenship was not recognized in the 1920s, and a Polish citizen naturalized in another country lost his or her Polish citizenship automatically (with one exception as described in article 11). Whereas, Polish law dictates that anyone who holds dual citizenship is considered by Polish authorities only and exclusively as a Polish citizen irrespective of whether such person is a citizen of another country. Dual Citizenship Israel Allowed. Thus, if you or one of your ancestors had been a Polish citizen, you may be eligible for Polish citizenship. Poland does not recognize dual citizenship of its citizens. Not all countries allow its citizens to hold dual citizenship – China and India, for example, where attained foreign citizenship leads to automatic loss of citizenship. You have a right to travel freely around Europe and a lot easier around the world And, thanks to a recent change in Polish citizenship law, you can’t confirm your citizenship via a Polish Consulate anymore either – you need to appoint someone in Poland to do it for you. The current regulations applicable in Poland, commencing with the 1951 Act, allow explicitly for dual citizenship. Foreigners who are seeking to acquire Polish citizenship are not required to relinquish their other citizenship. Each country sets its own criteria for citizenship and the rights of citizenship, which change from time to time, often becoming more restrictive. Communications between you and are not protected by any privilege. It’s best to check with an immigration lawyer, or your local embassy or consulate, if you … Dual citizenship in Poland. The same mechanism applies to your children. Dual citizenship is a situation whereby individuals are allowed to be citizens of two or more countries. Other countries operate restricted and highly selective eligibility criteria, such as Spain, which only permits dual nationality with selected Latin American countries. This means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of other countries. … It’s important for any citizenship applicant, however, to understand whether their country of origin allows and recognizes dual citizenship, to ensure they’ll not be required to forfeit that citizenship when they apply for one in Poland. Copyright © 2015-2021 Complete List of countries that allow dual citizenship and those that do not. If you have Polish (including Polish-Jewish) ancestry, you very well already may be a Polish citizen and qualify for an EU passport. +48 22 380 42 50 does not provide legal advice, opinions or recommendations to its users about their possible legal rights, legal remedies, legal defenses, legal options or legal strategies, selection of forms, or answers to specific questions on forms. But having a second passport isn’t ideal if you have to relinquish your original citizenship in order to get it. 2. Whilst Polish law does not explicitly accept dual citizenship, Polish citizens can hold dual citizenship. Article 3 of the Polish Citizenship Act of 2009 states that a Polish citizen who is a citizen of another country enjoys the same rights and is liable for all duties towards the Republic of Poland, in the same way as any other Polish citizen. Poland doesn’t technically recognize dual citizenship, though in practice it’s tolerated. You do not need to apply for dual citizenship. Polish law does not explicitly allow dual citizenship, but possession of another citizenship is tolerated since there are no penalties for its possession alone. Such entitlement to Polish citizenship is not limited to people who emigrated from Poland but also extends to their children, grandchildren, grand-grand-children etc. These laws may create situations where a person may satisfy the citizenship requirements of more than one country simultaneously. A child born in any country to a Polish parent, in most cases, will have inherited Polish citizenship. First, like most European countries, Poland uses the jus sanguinis – or the “right of blood” method to determine Polish citizenship by birth. There are four main ways in which one can get Polish citizenship. is dedicated to helping people obtain Polish (and EU) citizenship as a dual national. Those that are descendants of Polish citizens who left Poland after the country became an independent state in 1918 can claim citizenship by descent. Those born in Poland acquire citizenship when both parents are unknown, when citizenship cannot be established, or if they are stateless. Dateline: Wroclaw, Poland. Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not legal advice but general information on issues commonly encountered when dealing with immigration matters. A child adopted by a person that is a holder of Polish citizenship acquires it as well, but only if the adoption process has been completed before the child turned 16. The Law of Return (1950) that states Jews and their descendants have the right to reside and be naturalised in Israel. In Poland, the Polish authorities will only recognise the Polish citizenship and their second citizenship cannot be exercised while in Poland. I did it by bloodline as both of my parents are Polish and have kept their Polish citizenship. This would, in the absence of laws of one country or the other, allow the person to hold multiple citizenships. Polish citizens who became naturalized American citizens after January 8, 1951 do not lose their Polish citizenship under Polish law, unless they formally renounce Polish citizenship with the consent of the Polish government. Free Consultation for Poland Dual Citizenship. We can offer our assistance to those who want to apply for Polish citizenship. For example, until 1982 a person born in the UK was automatically a British citizen; this was subjected to restrictions from 1983. This means that those born to Polish parents generally acquire citizenship, regardless of the place of birth. It must be noted the Poland immigration rules stipulate that a foreign person can have dual citizenship after obtaining citizenship by investment or through other means. The laws regulating citizenship in Poland are the Polish Citizenship Act of April 2009 and the Repatriation Act of 2000. POLISH DUAL CITIZENSHIP Most countries where descendants of Polish emigrants live today, such as USA, Canada, Australia, South Arfica, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico or Israel allow dual citizenship. Citizenship seekers from the U.S., UK, and most of Europe (with some exceptions) don’t need to worry about renouncing their home citizenship, but that isn't true universally … Obtaining a second citizenship is an important step in internationalizing your life so that no one country can control your freedom or your wealth.. And here at Nomad Capitalist, we help people like you do just that.. Am I eligible for polish dual citizenship with uk by right of blood? Dual citizenship (also known as dual nationality) is allowed in the UK. Today this means that a Polish citizen is viewed by the Polish state exclusively as a Polish citizen and no other, regardless of other citizenship that he or she may hold. American citizens must use their U.S. passport to enter and leave the U.S. Poland may require a person with Polish citizenship to enter and exit Poland on a Polish passport. Here are the different ways of acquiring Polish citizenship: Those born to a Polish parent, regardless of place of birth, acquires citizenship at birth. For more information on dual nationality please visit the Department of State website. Whilst Polish law does not explicitly accept dual citizenship, Polish citizens can hold dual citizenship. This means that those born to Polish parents generally acquire citizenship, regardless of the place of birth. However, Polish law does not forbid a Polish citizen from becoming the citizen of a foreign state but Polish authorities will only recognize the Polish citizenship. Also known as dual nationality, the holder has legal obligations as well as rights in the countries where he or she is a citizen. Dual Citizenship: An Overview . All Rights Reserved. Please note that your access to and use of this website is subject to's Terms of Use, which, by using this site, you are agreeing to. My father war born I'm Poland and still travels on a polish passport that bears his right to reside here. Basically, any child born to at least one Polish parent obtains citizenship at birth, regardless of where they are born. Polish citizenship is based upon the principle of jus sanguinis (right of blood).