ZINC - 17F55E19 67E89BEC 70223F63 A57AC5A9, Aller sur la Route 101 pour choisir votre Pokémon dans le sac. ARCANIN - 3099D33C 49E66A04 GOBOU - A72262EA 7F7FD464 SCUBA BALL - 967C769B 1C9F092A C56CFACA DC167904. FEUNARD - 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA STAROSS - 0E2752FA 51091446 PASSE EON - D4A41118 1703BBDD TENTACRUEL - 51DDE51A 00DE2CE3 MILOBELLUS - F78C3DA6 F97B5B3D ÉCRÉMEUH - 1A55F1D1 2FCDADEA NINJASK - 22DDE250 8D8EC616 6 - E37D365E D7EAB6AB Times of Day changed as of v0.4. 86 - 1906A7C9 D7EBAA39 3 - 2BD38F05 D5A578B1 GIRAFARIG - 41377A90 E36247DE CT31 - 28A93DE4 D95FE47B 38 - 9B169FF5 CBABA5A6 LETTRE FORET - EAC41660 C7B775EC Rendez-vous ensuite dans les herbes pour déclencher l’apparition du pokemon voulu. The first item is your chosen berry. 42 - BA697C16 93D76910 BARPAU - 6E805A17 D4A84889 20 - 8C434E48 F703A9E1 MÉTALOSSE - CA6230A5 D89220E0 Gameshark Codes CBDAAE69BFD5 8B4DD03454A1 533A3DB37FD9 EC4ABD5C4B38 8F76DA15170C 64A2B94C6BE1 DF9836061585 FC0E4912436A DF9836061585 AMONITA - 1DBD6215 4FD65295 87 - D31623FE 50011104 LETTRE RETRO - 72BE7757 50CB187F, VELO COURSE - 8609959D 4F018969 TÉRACLOPE - C7A5752A B4204332 00D = Potion 00E = Antidote 00F = Burn Heal 010 = Ice Heal 011 = Awakening 012 = Paralyz heal 013 = Full Restore 014 = Max Potion 015 = Hyper Potion 016 = Super Potion, How to use: Replace YYY with the item id 82005274 0YYY. ROIGADA - 43D2617C C2F14DFB LETTRE PORT - EBAB2B83 BB5264A1 Diesel le code activateur 3ème génération ne marche tjr pas ! CARBONE - 9AB3C77A 8866A826 NIDORAN♂ - A38262A2 825F8CF0 VITESSE + - 7C599EE3 2AF8828E MALOSSE - CABF0A0B B0E620D3 LETTRE VAGUES - B3716ED6 630C15D8 We will play Mega Moemon Emerald by Septentrion and his team! FLAGADOSS - FE7C44DB 7672B1D8 PUDIQUE - B05B4CCD A0A1505B VIGOROTH - FEA287AE FFB54BB5 Rare Candy: BFF956FA 2F9EC50D Walk Through Walls: 7881A409 E2026E0C 8E883EFF 92E9660D Master Ball: 128898B6 EDA43037 Pokemon Modiefier: B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 Eevee: 3F63F9C8 5DCC780C Infinite PP: BBB3B3B0 7AF06B2A Infinite Money: A57E2EDE A5AFF3E4 1C7B3231 B494738C C051CCF6 … NAUTILE - 427A32FE 326B8FAB Ce code est obligatoire avant l’insertion de tout autre code, sauf si vous jouez sur émulateur. FOSSILE DOME - 1BE00800 D3F6EF84 MACHOPEUR - 95EFD5EA DD857E98 CHAMALLOT - AA1264F4 8D3DB4BE ONIX - 54D9A0DB 68FC768F Anything not listed here either evolves through its usual method or cannot evolve. 32 - 0073F88A 0A4E81B6 The 20 Most Popular Video Games Right Now, The 30 Biggest Open World Maps in Video Game History, The 20 Best Selling PS4 Games of All Time. Here are the best Pokemon Emerald cheats: Cheat code: B6C5368A 08BE8FF4 B8D95CFE 06ED6EA1 E151C402 8A229A83 8E883EFF 92E9660D. CT38 - D52AA02D 35FC941D BOITE POKEBLOCS - 736B8D23 0DD88636 Your email address will not be published. Start up Pokemon Emerald, FireRed, or LeafGreen, and hold B+Select on the title screen. POT POUDRE - 4B88D7F8 139BD4D7 MORC.ETOILE - BDCBCFDE 79F67B97 Game Shark/Action Replay Cheats . Also 4 users added this cheat at them cheatbooks. Here’s a list of all cheats for Pokemon Emerald. 52 - 8A448A37 583B581C LOUPIO - D70D1018 A021245F EAU FRAICHE - 072883CB 77E3C50D MAGBY - D77AEB51 E63292DB The rare candy cheat for Pokemon Emerald is very useful when used correctly, and when paired with cheats such as Walk Through Walls or Master ball, your game couldn’t be more fun and memorable. PYROLI - AB622741 B3F84F8B JeuxMangas.com est le site de référence sur l'univers des Jeux Vidéos adaptés de Mangas et Animes. MORPHÉO - 06C43F9A 7BD8363C Moemon Emerald is a Hack/RPG game published by Dodgeflyer released on March 20, 2013 for the GameBoy Advance. OSSATUEUR - CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2 ANTI-BRULE - 439194AB BBA88B36 MUSCLE + - 8D48DD22 22B9CDD1 MALIN - CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 NIDOQUEEN - C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E COQU. NOCTALI - EF708FD1 C5E8B000 SCORPLANE - 729F34AB 5B1018D0 MIAOUSS - 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3 DRACKHAUS - CECF6CF9 AFA8D274 CIZAYOX - F8D4BFAE D2C136F5 And most important we have 256 other cheats for Pokemon Emerald, look them as soon as possible! CT12 - F7A24D06 9723A429 REGISTEEL - 742ED98D 9B284DFA Saisir le code du niveau Marcher quelques secondes pour que l’homme vous redonne un Œuf. 91 - 1CAC5FD6 92679660 CT14 - BA40C7AF 052269A1 82 - 6DC87BB5 6FE8ACDD PACK DEVON - 5184C926 53063F63 79 - 287541CA 8951C140 Where to get the item: Go to Mart and purchase the first item in the buy list. Bonjour, j’aimerais savoir si on peut arrêter des cheats car après avoir testé celui pour avoir toutes les CT/CS mon inventaire de pokeballs était rempli de CT à l’infini donc je ne peux pas les supprimer. MYSDIBULE - 5F3C63E3 B673BE5E HÉRICENDRE - E4995046 3D00BF91 CS07 - 6C904DBF B98262EF HYPNOMADE - F4BB6321 8E9265DB LIMONADE - D7CC83C3 05D3AE38 SCANNER - 67A54225 97EA43D2 41 - 7B9DFCEF 830C6BDA CS06 - 5F150B85 10444371 TICKETAURORA - 35A8A0DA B41DB189 LIPPOUTI - 8C287F7F E3950A6E PETIT CHAMPI - 29A039AA 56CE6961 Quel est le cheat code pour passer à travers les murs ?G vue que c’était possible et sa m’aiderais bien pour la tour dans le désert. PASSECONCOURS - 449C34B9 C1031BFB Please read section AR-0 before using them. CACTURNE - 5BFC0B46 9DDC0643 POUDRENERGIE - DBB3260D 66FF507E CT33 - 28AD5DEE 690B2A0E ZARBI - 10998FB0 656B5C99 HERBE RAPPEL - 85055234 E381C25B ÉLEKTEK - 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78 TARPAUD - 5C6CD179 E18C31EF MAX REPOUSSE - DB3D5470 9E276FE3 PTÉRA - C44B6463 DB3237C3 Then, go to Vandaserf's Pokemon Center and heal. F1F34234 999E9986. MINIDRACO - 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D 64 - AFD8D98B 21E6E4D4 LUNET. Pokemon Emerald Cheats – Emerald Gameshark Codes for GBA Keep going refreshed on Welcome to the universe of Pokemon Emerald, similar to me, I likewise delighted in playing the game. So let’s not waste any more time and get to the main target! 22 - CEDDB323 FFA50BB1 Do NOT come to the server and ask if something is able to evolve without even trying. CT18 - 00C32F7D AD8F622F RÉMORAID - A67D580A B44A4DF4 49 - 4BF9418B EFC87C19 RAMBOUM - FE9AF7C9 14FDA298 Click here to grab the Rare Candy Cheat. SOLO - D73BC50A 5F47AA0E CHRONO BALL - 19E2962B E0B81DB7 HYPOTREMPE - 02401CFF F2742052 CT47 - D4165084 33BE9AF7 PROTEINE - FB712AC8 8D534F71 CHARMINA - 063E4A1A E5A25573 BALIGNON - 3F140B0A 5937E9BE CS05 - 68B0F09B 3A656F51 Master codes (Add this first as separate cheat) SUPER CANNE - 3297498C 21DCFC74 TYPHLOSION - B5592578 FBB9A4ED MÉLO - 08C2447D 2096B6AE M. MIME - 0922D9A2 C1E680BA MALPOLI - D47DA721 6C3B9FFC Mettre un pokebloc dans une mangeoire. MEDHYÈNA - 7A1769D1 40699C90 not interesting enough for those who have already experienced enough pokemon. 35 - C70600E8 789A0DAC RAMOLOSS - 4CEC5478 ACBC593C Before we get to that, this is a little summary of the ROM hack. Pokemon Fire Red CodeBreaker Codes is a great type of Pokemon Fire Red Cheats but you will find hard to search them on the Internet because they are not popular like Gameshark Codes or Action Replay Codes. GROS CHAMPI - C95ADB4C 133AA7CA Added By Guest. FER - E39E6D58 EBD71952 One point of caution that you should use with any cheat in Pokemon is to avoid using them too much. Now, see below the Pokemon Emerald legendary cheats, apply the cheat in your GBA emulator, and enjoy meeting the Pokemon your choice in the game.You can also easily catch any of these using a master ball cheat.. Resources: See our compilation of Pokemon Emerald gameshark codes.. Pokemon Legendary Pokemon Gameshark Codes. 45 - 710D8A2D 45E999F3 MAGNÉTI - 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705 BRASÉGALI - FCEF6F25 3905588C Get Rare Candy 82005274 0044. 56 - B62795CF CEAE6A48 7 - 51374592 F7A27768 SPOINK - BF9B34C2 D768D3A9 MÉTANG - BD2BFF8F FE6AA4DB CT44 - C4A8796D E6FFEF31 9 - D84D4738 70F68A80 GRANBULL - CF223304 929E964E PARASECT - 74CFC9E9 82CD278E ALTARIA - 77BF3639 95EBCE8C GROLEM - 103F567C 2F1A9043 67 - 20999F30 F1874934 TYLTON - F8AC663C 65487239 - 1C78C50F 798AFF39 COCHIGNON - AA68D49C B33C8972 16 - B9C51F47 95395496 Example: Use the code 82005274 0017 to get Full Heal. 27 - 1BB7262E 80989B57 30 - A457FA67 BCD9C478 CT39 - 35FFA2D6 F0E0AE76 HONOR BALL - B9C2B466 BB3E7F53, Vous trouverez le fuyard bloqué sur la Route 101. CHENIPOTTE - A83BF115 130C3917 CERFROUSSE - 9C0B5F02 A2857BBC - 7DE29018 A6DA0B0D Hey guys! 97 - 095F268D 77B7D906 SNUBULL - 77C7197D 502B8B56 Pokemon Emerald has been one of the most loved games from the Pokemon Fans. LATIAS - 26A5F4EA 772A0B12 RONDOUDOU - B18AC7E0 E667A184 VOLTORBE - ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93 TICKETMYSTIK - FBC62957 45B46F37 Maintenir R à la fin du combat pour gagner en continu l’expérience et relâcher R pour stopper. CT49 - 52CE6D58 5F34CAD1 61 - 8AA97E8E D5A80225 PARÉCOOL - 485C366A DA423D56 GROTADMORV - 729160A9 F8F73577 FANTOMINUS - 99B8A848 91759EFF GRIFFE - 62750119 EE5FB00B CELEBI - 4AEC27E8 A5FF1540, ARCKO - D9FE5FBF B09F0205 59 - 1DE20256 C4AB72E6 POISSOROY - 676505B9 904C9DE3 GOUPIX - 276AF592 A3A635CC ROUCOOL - 139BBA32 2DC356C8 CT17 - D38068CB 97138149 DÉMANTA - 3AF8DB31 042E9DF9 How to Use: Enter code 82005274 0YYY and replace YYY with item digits, go to Poke Mart and purchase the first item in the buy list. KYOGRE - 16AFD4E7 E10BFB55 euuh j ai resu un mail disant que il y a des code pour traverser les murs....ou sont ils ???? HYPOCÉAN - B0160E28 ED6B68EC FOSS. TYGNON - 3535FA3A EBECD355 ORTIDE - A386B043 9DEB5064 SPECIAL + - 17710451 BD1C3DF3, POKÉ POUPEE - A9760120 B012D906 SAC A BAIES - 855B85EA B81FB630 SUPER REPOUSSE - B9329A1C C19C4F57 JUS DE BAIE - 2EF5585C 2FC8C2AE MACKOGNEUR - 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45 24 - F6DA2242 E2EDA644 RATTATA - E5C49E22 47B157F2 BON COMMANDE - 92D80065 2E88CCE3 See the item in your bag. DISCRET - 0456554B 66D3AAF9 CT43 - 8F8B4E49 3D7089D0 AKWAKWAK - 32E8BC37 7712CF08 NOARFANG - 8E0B9473 A4AE2B53 TYRANOCIF - 32D66B09 40354103 CARTE - DE3B38C9 30DB1F3A RATTATAC - 60C9DC15 1AD9B226 HARIYAMA - 4D371C9E 0A2DF533 SÉLÉROC - 3F5FE916 3075AF6E by CyberTomahawk77 Jan 22, 2010 Complete Pokedex! Nearly millions of players from all over the world are getting addictive to the game and loving the characters as well. Be that as it may, to make it increasingly fun, it would be the best to change the game a tad utilizing Pokemon Emerald swindles. CS02 - F73ED7B5 B8555CE8 REPTINCEL - 08506D61 55CBD9A8 What are the best RPG PS4 games you ask?! Pour créer des paragraphes, laissez simplement des lignes vides. 13 - E32BCCB1 07782CD6 FLÛTE ROUGE - 7479E9CE 11D44B11 AFC94E92 40470E45, Aller pêcher près de la cascade, dans la première case d’eau sous l’escalier 8 - A08DD229 10D187E3 MACRONIUM - 39D823E3 9EB6C9AA Pokemon Emerald has become one of the most popular Pokemon games in the series and players from all over the world are getting addicted to it. CARVANHA - A9CF954D E9766F71 JOLIFLOR - F0088391 0C65D5E3 HUILE MAX - 5EB56035 162442CD CT40 - 8214C253 552C914A 2 - 00939804 4086FF3B GOÉLISE - C963D063 10F5AC28 CARABAFFE - 268349C8 63FF53CE CLE SECRETE - 6E899ABF 6FC2AF1E CORDE SORTIE - 36B0D055 F020E395 COQUIPERL - AC4037BF 03D48B47 50 - CBEB73A3 90A08906 De la même manière que pour choisir le pokemon a rencontrer, vous pouvez également choisir son niveau. Example: Use the code 82005274 00B3 to get Bright Powder. TORTANK - 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A SPECTRUM - 7F14537B 6C00E975 LOKHLASS - 483AC796 E3850B8F LIPPOUTOU - FB0FC84E D45216CF However, at certain stages, you may find a lot more difficulty in crossing the levels. POMDEPIK - 43C3A9BF 477AF067 KADABRA - 67CA1286 0E3A5D83 CHENIPAN - 358CC2BF 9BFA3518 Example: Use the code 82005274 0153 to obtain cut. — JeuxMangas 2004-2019, L’univers des jeux vidéos et des Mangas ! CT09 - D9427879 2E83EBF5 SCOPE SYLPHE - CE8C4E65 202BDFB8 Cheat code: 958D8046 A7151D70 8BB602F7 8CEB681A, Alternative code: 82005274 0001 (Enter the code and purchase the first item in the buy list for only $0, the purchased item is a master ball). 54 - 72898F14 3F2CD864 MACHOC - 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39 With the cheat codes below, you’ll be able to modify the wild Pokemon you come across in the game, catch all legendaries, teleport anywhere, walk through walls, and get infinite master balls, rare candies, TMs, berries and more. ELIXIR - D56D2782 8203BD31 Where to get the item: Head over to Mart and buy the first item in the list. TESSON VERT - FBCC7656 72EC0DFD ROUCARNAGE - 13659B39 95BD80E5 TOURNEGRIN - 165C689B AF94A177 23 - 4688F12F FF9DBE10 CANNE E9C11EB9 - 65E028E2 SOLAROC - B277605C 646BAD0D OBALIE - E52A33D8 9E4152F7 INSÉCATEUR - 28BEFBB3 68DE4569 Hello, Welcome back to Pokemoner.com, and I’m Pokemoner. GRAHYÈNA - 4B9FB849 14A5AA94 This guide on Pokemon Emerald codebreaker codes: GBA Pokemon Emerald will help you to get the solutions that you are looking for. TÉNÉFIX - 8D571791 584F1676 Moemon Emerald is a hack room of the original Pokemon Emerald. MODESTE - E1EB2109 4480C28D How to use: Enter code 82005274 0YYY and replace YYY with the potion id, enter Poke Mart and purchase the first item in the list. PEPITE - 3CFC6689 F34CAF13 NAÏF - 56F744B0 37E16732 Here is my top 5 favourite pokemon emerald cheat codes.Hope this helps you all out. The GBA Action Replay and Gameshark accessories are designed in a way that it’s easy for you as a player to make use of any and all glitches within the game using the cheat codes. MIMITOSS - 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A ALAKAZAM - C91954D9 68AAD246 QWILFISH - C9551136 F45B0236 AXOLOTO - 6F071CA9 63FF4902 Important Pokemon Emerald GameShark Codes Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 Wild Pokemon Modifier: This code requires it's own Master.., Pokemon Emerald Gameboy Advance. CROCRODIL - 33C5C90B D46AD9DC CS03 - 8F2057EF DF031250 CT36 - F73F959A D82893FB CT08 - 21BE4F63 F05A1357 Les Cheats Codes pour Pokemon Emeraude sur GBA. Note: The cheat will not work to any existing Pokemon you have. CT46 - 3DB9A1AF 048613B2 ARMALDO - 6BCA1BD9 953420E2 CT13 - 234D7AF5 3DCBE2B1 OCTILLERY - 78BA5E9D BA836EEB EMPIFLOR - 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58 VIEILLECARTE - B44F17D0 B0A13201, CT01 - 1DD94FE2 1076A26E 4 - 5685B807 3787DACB 36 - 0CF8B98B 706A26BE DEFENSE + - 6ADCD4BA CFF16E59 COLIS CHEN - 1075EB8E 258F48C9 2. SABLE - 450AAED5 F982B017 98 - C2955A45 B3CBC610 BRANETTE - EC92A4E9 B9482C67 So let’s mix things up, and have some fun. 70 - 628E474E E708D501 CT21 - 30E73DB0 E2E91D1F ABO - A5BA4CFA CA5D771C ARMULYS - 2244D1D6 A87DAAB7 LIMAGMA - E2899947 9269834F RHINOFÉROS - 9071D41E 55259C19 DOUX - A2461E51 304137B6 COLHOMARD - 85125B29 D2CE1B37 PAPINOX - 7CC9941A A70E2C37 AVALTOUT - CA12CA9A 91D29CAF DEOXYS - 27C35F73 A8E9E879. HUILE - 07C362FA 910AAE23 MUNJA - 52C2D901 7344A4FA PIERRE PLANTE - 90707633 736905CD, LETTRE ZIGZAG - C6E1E65A 9A660CBD RONFLEX - E9ADF485 15BE8FA7 SCARABRUTE - AEFBB853 03F4B721 EMBRYLEX - 2C8E4296 84D8D6E3 PORYGON - 6EE60CB5 746DFF03 Pokemon Emerald Cheat Codes: There are plenty of cheat codes available. Choisir le niveau du pokemon sauvage. CHERCH’OBJET - 64C95F64 103BAB0F SALAMÈCHE - DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7 IMPORTANT: Press L+R before throwing the Poke ball to catch a trainer’s Pokemon and to avoid getting a bad egg. ECTOPLASMA - BA9A9758 4221EBF4 GROUDON - 0002FF77 A52C0BAF Close . Venusaur 25214170 0AB256A2 68635EB4 A58C0B8F 2E7B7A58 D0781742 D52902CA 343CF38A 4. ÉCRAPINCE - EFA89FA3 A3E1A789 LAGGRON - 1A6BE162 4481A843 11 - 1F1785AC 433A6DC2 TESSON JAUNE - FBCC7656 72EC0DFD  Comme deux versions Pokémon ne vont jamais seules, Game Freak a sorti en 2004 Pokémon Émeraude, ou une troisième aventure dans Hoenn.Chez Pokémon Trash, on pourrait aussi dire que comme des versions Pokémon ne viennent pas sans codes, on vous en a préparé assez pour rivaliser avec les codes des deux précédents opus. 48 - B743EDBF B82BB83A SKELÉNOX - A2E933B5 2F11EC3E DÉMOLOSSE - D8D99C49 B49D47DC CARTE MAGN. RACAILLOU - 399F7170 D519951E POSIPI - B135B018 4F5665D6 99 - FCEFE173 1DCCEB51 34 - 0965B686 64E170F2 PONYTA - 877A6953 8F6209F2 MARILL - 51EB125F EAA0FCBE KAPOERA - A357C435 8BC380D1 Where to get the item: Go to Mart and purchase the first item in the buy list. Pokemon Hyper Emerald is a hack of Pokemon Emerald. All Pokemon and Pokedex entries are updated for Moemon. Free – GBA Emulator on android Mobile, Moemon Emerald hack cheats codes unlock. Vous devez saisir et activer le code Anti-DMA avant de saisir le code ci-dessous. There will be a couple of Pokemon Hyper Emerald cheats that you can use. Il est impératif de suivre correctement les étapes : Entrer le code Activateur correspondant à la génération du pokemon que vous souhaitez rencontrer, BULBIZARRE - AD86124F 2823D8DA CT30 - 1F8A7769 225AE67A AÉROMITE - DFDFFF0A 8919BB28 CLE ASC. The 15 Best Super Mario Games of All Time Ranked, Your email address will not be published. CT29 - 0AE572D8 502E1F44 LATIOS - 72BAB975 7E4038A8 CARATROC - A94D8CB8 560257D4 Players can get a rare candy by getting the first thing they see in the game. Bulbasaur 25214170 0AB256A2 95CCF842 A51B89F8 2E7B7A58 D0781742 D52902CA 343CF38A 2. Une fois le code Anti-DMA saisi, entrez dans une maison ou changez de zone avant d’entrer un autre code. GRAVALANCH - DDF655E3 9BDEE49C Charmander 25214170 0AB256A2 93AC578A 22BA7A0D 2E7B7A58 D0781742 D52902CA 343CF38A 5. SAQUEDENEU - 100D1518 466A2D06 FOUINAR - 2B34A3C7 A829209F 51 - 9818C0C6 E03F8431 The same like moemon fire red basically just changing sprite with cute girls some sprite still outdated and maybe different with moemon fire red because the author is gone for a long time but if u interested in emerald story and pokemon. The list of GameShark Pokémon Master Ball cheat codes below has been tested and still works very well. SCEAU MAGMA - 6A6AE03E A0F451F2 RUBIS - 7F20AB13 3A338C39 CT16 - EDFA5FFD 0F69E604 ANORITH - E98E6596 D6AFAB27 085 – Cheri Berry 086 – Chesto Berry 087 – Pecha Berry 088 – Rawst Berry 089 – Aspear Berry 08A – Leppa Berry 08B – Oran Berry 08C – Persim Berry 08D – Lum Berry 08E – Sitrus Berry 08F – Figy Berry 090 – Wiki Berry 091 – Mago Berry 092 – Aguav Berry 093 – Iapapa Berry 094 – Razz Berry 095 – Bluk Berry 096 – Nanab Berry 097 – Wepear Berry 098 – Pinap Berry 099 – Pomeg Berry 09A – Kelpsy Berry 09B – Qualot Berry 09C – Hondew Berry 09D – Grepa Berry 09E – Tamato Berry 09F – Cornn Berry 0A0 – Magost Berry 0A1 – Rabuta Berry 0A2 – Nomel Berry 0A3 – Spelon Berry 0A4 – Pamtre Berry 0A5 – Watmel Berry 0A6 – Durin Berry 0A7 – Belue Berry 0A8 – Liechi Berry 0A9 – Ganlon Berry 0AA – Salac Berry 0AB – Petaya Berry 0AC – Apicot Berry 0AD – Lansat Berry 0AE – Starf Berry 0AF – Enigma Berry, How to use: Replace YYY with the hold item id 82005274 0YYY. MEW - B751BDF4 95CEF4CC, GERMIGNON - 539C7E13 DD795F72 72 - 7781E696 7D4D1BAB BIS BALL - B897C3CC 82D0EA3A the same like moemon fire red. RHINOCORNE - 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4 -Rayquaza, the most bad-ass pokemon in the history turned into a moemon.-Two very hot-head legendary moemon-An semi-inexistence island with legendaries moemon.-A crazy mother who allowed his son of ten years travel around the world-All the moemon of kanto, jotho and hoenn. CAPUMAIN - A45DFE4F F27A9D8D … CT03 - 02AC5D81 49430A63 28 - 79693C0B A82C5A23 Pokemon Virus. ABSOL - 84DDB13C BF8191AE SAPHIR - DEE64C67 00AFD0ED RAICHU - CE7B779B AE493550 CHÉTIFLOR - CF2E3B09 3B30426E ZIGZATON - F1F00B1F F5B3721A 73 - 2390ED5B F7A08F55 Pokemon Mega Emerled X And Y Edition Cheat Codes By Pokemon Masters Admin (Rohit Kumar) SHINY Pokemon CHEAT CODE WITHOUT MESSES UP Pokemon NICKNAME A2A4317B 9817FF81 093ECE84 CE99DAF5 ... Head back to our Pokemon Emerald cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Pokemon Emerald. Watch Video: See Teleport Cheat for Pokemon Emerald on Youtube Cheat Codes: 6266061B C8C9D80F Player’s House 6178C413 3E2FF736 Elite Four Sidney CE4225D2 7BDD5C76 Shard Collector’s house (Route 124) 303D269F 12358A21 Player’s Room 41509519 56FA6E47 Flower House (Route 104) A6DF8006 B219CFD6 Old Lady Rest Stop (Route 111) 68 - 51CF1F27 2E270374 KICKLEE - 9EDB950D 454533E5 58 - 314DD562 05A14AD1 CT24 - 280AFD25 289488BF DRACAUFEU - A56395D2 8AF46857 NOSTENFER - 56FC2792 3AEFE3F9 BALBUTO - F20AE4A5 8B610FCA repodez moi a l adresse : antitahmed116@gmail.com. NIDORINO - 33D5E08A 037AB9C4 CT27 - 5E1AF0CE 53C86FB4 As always, if you are having trouble activating the cheat or have questions, be sure to leave it in the comment section below. MAGMAR - C644F8D1 4159A2D6 88 - D052E037 C6886109 QUEUE SKITTY - CCDBFE73 DCD54D47 SIMULARBRE - DDA1AC43 4A067FAE JUNGKO - 673752FC D4065FA8 EXCELANGUE - F582757C 16122B78 These Gameshark codes will help you complete big at Pokemon Emerald with unlimited money, master balls, rare candies and more! TRI-PASSE - 5EDF6518 1881279F ANTIGEL - 829138C9 EA431E2F TOGEPI - 82269FC8 9579FD5A Pokemon Emerald Cheats Code – Gameshark Codes. PERSIAN - 0BEC25D3 787468AE TESSON BLEU - 2EEC228B FF366358 TARSAL - 86C62F1D 27B0AF88 PP MAX - EDE2E8CB EF02BDF5, DEFENSE SPEC. 37 - 2E7A201E 5EDBDEE3 NIDORINA - 0BA329E0 CEB39484 LIBÉGON - 911CF1D9 1617CFE7 TÊTARTE - C29C3277 063E67E9 0B3 = Bright Powder 0B4 = White Herb 0B5 = Macho Brace 0B6 = Exp Share 0B7 = Quick Claw 0B8 = Soothe Bell 0B9 = Mental Herb 0BA = Choice Band 0BB = Kings Rock 0BC = Silver Powder 0BD = Amulet Coin 0BE = Cleanse Tag 0BF = Soul Dew 0C0 = Deep Sea Tooth 0C1 = Deep Sea Scale 0C2 = Smoke Ball 0C3 = Everstone 0C4 = Focus Band 0C5 = Lucky Egg 0C6 = Scope Lens 0C7 = Metal Coat 0C8 = Leftovers 0C9 = Dragon Scale 0CA = Light Ball 0CB = Soft Sand 0CC = Hard Stone 0CD = Miracle Seed 0CE = Black Glasses 0CF = Black Belt 0D0 = Magnet 0D1 = Mystic Water 0D2 = Sharp Beak 0D3 = Poison Barb 0D4 = Nevermeltice 0D5 = Spell Tag 0D6 = Twisted Spoon 0D7 = Charcoal 0D8 = Dragon Fang 0D9 = Silk Scarf 0DA = Up=Grade 0DB = Shell Bell 0DC = Sea Incense 0DD = Lax Incense 0DE = Lucky Punch 0DF = Metal Powder 0E0 = Thick Club 0E1 = Stick 0FE = Red Scarf 0FF = Blue Scarf 100 = Pink Scarf 101 = Green Scarf 102 = Yellow Scarf. SUPER POTION - 2B14B9B7 A5221CFA Features:-The same adicting gameplay of pokemon.-Feebas, the most hardest moemon to catch and evol. Sponsored Links. 7881A409 E2026E0C. BRAVE - E485844D 2F24038C On vous présente ici la liste des cheats codes existants pour le jeu Pokemon Emeraude sur GBA. Bonjour, je voulais juste demander comment on faisait avec le code des cendres volcaniques, je suis sur visual boy advance et j’ai deja essayé plusieurs fois, avec le master code et sans, et rien ne marche. RAPPEL - CB426795 1DEF3FD0 GRANIVOL - B1BC8307 69EF9C2C See the item in your bag after the purchase. Il faut avoir au préalable un objet déjà en stock en position 1. NÉGAPI - DB37A521 AA84D2C4 SUPER BALL - 637C029B 830D5071 STEELIX - 1FE62E14 130CD2F8 NIDOKING - 82E3DD4B EBFEF864 ROSÉLIA - 23E5A94B D21E7E80 ROUCOUPS - 2F7B0F2F 257173EA MIMIGAL - BF975E40 430B4806 CLE SALLE 6 - FF136601 D7B80484 MASKADRA - A14CF5B9 0D7133A1 MÉDITIKKA - 0E4C4AA5 E7F532D7 FOSS. 29 - B98E773A D6E0D6AD BARBICHA - 44DD8537 0FACB798 LINÉON - EF31EC55 1417DEC6 ÉLECTRODE - 0C2333CD 141730A7 Here is the list of Pokemon Emerald CODEBREAKER cheat codes: Infinite Money Cheat 83005E18 270F. CLE SALLE 2 - 1B43035E A09D7433 KAIMINUS - 6699EF70 D7B03D43 ORBE BLEU - 597BEE02 51BF5AF0 LETTRE PERLE - A2436A32 DAA3DDBC CT42 - C2E2C2A2 AE806A99 LILIA - 461F0590 FCD7E05C FEURISSON - B9CCC7BB D4C29E22 78 - 2E14F003 6BE9DAB3 D’ailleurs tjr pas de solution pour l’anti dma qui ne fonctionne pas non plus ! 55 - 3E7B9D1E 5CE7F0DC MONAFLÈMIT - 5D38F9C5 DAA67938 74 - FD22366B 83B5DB98 Moemon Emerald is a hack room of the original Pokemon Emerald. DÉBUGANT - 3D2030E2 B2A0CACE LEUPHORIE - 01EA07BF 793C86F2 All you have to do is activate the code, go to the PokéMart, and then get a Master Ball for free. Free – GBA Emulator on android Mobile,Moemon Emerald hack cheats codes unlock, moemon emerald is well. Pokemon Emerald Cheats : This cheat for Pokemon Emerald [Game Boy Advance] has been posted at 22 Jan 2010 by CyberTomahawk77 and is called "Complete Pokedex". ÉLÉKID - A78E8FFA EDB5DA5C If you liked this article, check out our list of the best Pokemon games ever made! 46 - 2EC0F0EC 6B1A061F SAC A SUIE - D67AAFC1 E5EBB96B LÂCHE - D593BF29 E18AAAE5 CT37 - 85969C8A B98A8947 RAYQUAZA - C5ECDE5B 0D6B09C8 CT20 - 5C6F6575 A3BEBBD5 RIGIDE - 5EB8DEEE 692ED298 89 - A4E99E04 BB9B2A8F We tried to collect and tested all codes on Visual Boy Advance GBA Emulator if they are working. REPOUSSE - D5339311 9FB86C27, PIERRE SOLEIL - A823A33E B0041DEE SÉRIEUX - 93F04759 F95753D9 CT50 - 8D8425FA 3BE84930, CS01 - 711AB0CA CDA604F6 PRECISION + - 4CAEE685 EE8072FD HO-OH - 437065EF 67DF37EF CENDRESACREE - 9E8C2909 C297E59A, FLÛTE BLEUE - 38F70249 636F2709 The Most Anticipated PlayStation Releases. KAORINE - 5413C7F0 CE1DFBD5 POUSSIFEU - 2F22FB72 D5887213 NOSFERALTO - FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13 ID#14091 | REPORT . BOITE CT - 2B4338DC 410470BA AIRMURE - 92DE3CD4 65C14106 POTION - 6B75C5DB 13FD8716 CHARMILLON - 6DBB6131 90E40C0A ÉOKO - 68427D4C A9059985 LAVA COOKIE - 74FB4D1C E876FC84 The following is the Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 The Best Pokemon Emerald Cheats (GameShark Codes) With the cheat codes below, you’ll be able to modify the wild Pokemon you come across in the game, catch all legendaries, teleport anywhere, walk through walls, and get infinite master balls, rare candies, TMs, berries and more.