“Not only does it help with having our tools within reach, but also takes a lot of strain off our lower backs. As you can see the Mayflower is pretty slim which is very impressive. Point Blank Body Armor (PBBA) is recognized as one of the first companies in the United States to design and manufacture body armor and is considered today to be the premier source of body-armor systems in the world. $165.00. We use the most advanced material fabrics and durable construction to make the Blauer TacVest™ easier to put on, easier to wear and easier to use with your other gear. This tactical bulletproof vest carrier has been designed with the assistance and feedback of the country's best police and military officers. The Official site for the Free to play First Person Shooter, Point Blank TAM with Turkish, English and Arabic contents and support. Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. Because of the awesome ballistic protection the Truth SNAP provides at such low weights, I quickly introduced them to our SWAT Team leader. Point Blank Guardian Ballistic Vest Carrier. This is the first take, no cuts. Point Blank Body Armor | Ballistic Vests. 5.11 Tactical Police Vests offer lightweight, compact, mission-specific support for a wide range of law enforcement applications. ... Pictured is the Mayflower (right) compared to my issued PPE under uniform vest (now Point Blank). Price $101.49. One important point is to match the carrier material to your uniform material to prevent color shift when they fade differently from sunlight or laundering. A study from the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire has shown that police officers that wear load bearing vest carriers experience significantly less hip and lower back pain than those that wear only a duty belt. LEVEL 3A This model complies with NIJ Standard-0101.06 for Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor. Point Blank Body Armor (PBBA) is recognized as one of the first companies in the United States to design and manufacture body armor. Following are some of the load-bearing vest options Police1 saw on display at SHOT Show 2020. point blank body armor various ballistic and sizes. 12" Black Single Vest Straps in 2" and 4" widths. $34.87 shipping. Load Bearing Vests | Custom Vest Carrier | External Vest Carriers. 5.11 Tactical LBE Vest - This load-bearing tac vest is designed for tactical situations and special operations. Often plagued by chronic back and hip pain that comes with carrying heavy duty belts, Orange County deputies may be turning to an alternative way of holding their equipment: load-bearing vests. It is comforting for me and my family to know that I am able to have the same protection all day, every day as I have with my SWAT kit. pictures show all sides of vests. Development and production. Point Blank is known as one of the first The Oregon City Carrier is a MOLLE platformed vest that zips on and off like a jacket. Share. Florida Officers Testing Load-Bearing Vests in Lieu of Duty Belts July 23, 2019 • by POL Staff Deputies with the Orange County Sheriff's Office are getting the opportunity to see if wearing load-bearing vests—in lieu of traditional duty belts—helps them to eliminate or at least alleviate pain associated with carrying a lot of extra weight around the mid-section of the body. “This load-bearing vest, which officers will be wearing, is a great idea,” he said. Looking for BARSKA Tactical Vest, Nylon, Black (48TJ98)? Nylon Double Handcuff Molle Pouch - Handcuff Case Holds 2 Sets of Cuffs - Tactical Pouch for Police and Security Load Bearing Vests and External Vest … The vest was manufactured based on measurements of my body. The brand new Safe Life Defense Tactical Uniform Shirt Carrier is designed to be worn externally while maintaining Class A uniform styling with Molle webbing. Slick to Full Loadout: Building a Scalable and Modular Armor System. Get In Touch. Point Blank's Guardian vest is aimed squarely at the need for a more utilitarian approach to body armor. PICTURES SHOW ALL SIDES OF VESTS. This combination is what gives you the ultimate in protective coverage. We provide options from manufacturers like 5.11 Tactical, Condor and High Speed Gear that are designed to help you carry your gear safely and securely. One of the simplest solutions to this challenge is a load bearing vest, or chest rig. More About Load Bearing Equipment Engineered with direct input from world-class tactical operator Kyle Lamb, our comprehensive line of 5.11 load bearing equipment gives you the precision, power, and performance you need to maintain peak levels, in the field or on the range. Point Blank Enterprises 2102 Southwest 2nd Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Nationwide: 1-800-413-5155 Local/Int’l: 1-954-630-0900 Twitter The IIFS fighting load consists of the following standard issue components: Belt, Individual Equipment. Combining the functionality of a load bearing vest with the tailored appearance of a Uniform Shirt Carrier, the Guardian. Free shipping. Whether you’re a field operative looking for a lightweight tactical vest, a SWAT team member in search of high-grade ballistic protection, or a duty officer in need of a reliable high-visibility solution, 5.11 Police Vest are designed to fulfill your specific needs. [NSN 8415-01-317-1622] Vest, Tactical Load Bearing. Materials for the Interceptor vest were developed by DARPA in the 1990s, and a contract for production was awarded to DHB Industries' Point Blank Body Armor, Inc., by the U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center.The IBA was announced on April 13, 1998, and the contract to manufacture the IBA was awarded to an Oakland Park, Florida-based company … [NSN 8415-01-296-8878] In addition, the following ALICE system components are utilized with the IIFS Carrier, Entrenching Tool. Grainger's got your back. 13 watching. [NSN 8465-01-322-1965] Vest, Ammunition Carrying. It features plate pockets for 10" x 12" plates in both the front and the back, a pocket on the inside for a back up gun, as well as internal routing for radio microphones and ear pieces. A set of 4 removable 2" side straps allow for easy 8-point adjustability, while 2 4" side straps would give adjustability at 4 points… Internal Shock Absorbing Straps significantly improve weight distribution and load bearing support. Since 1973, Point Blank has grown into an internationally diversified company with the most visible brand recognition, considered today to be the premier source of body-armor systems in the world. YAKEDA Tactical Vest Outdoor Ultra-Light Breathable Combat Training Vest Adjustable for Adults 600D Encryption Polyester-VT-1063 4.5 out of 5 stars 5,220 $36.99 $ 36 . Point Blank Hunting Tactical Body Armor Vests, molle load bearing vest, Torpedo Level Home Measuring Levels, Tactical Level 3 Bullet Proof Vests, Machinist Level, Bear Archery Archery Points & Arrowheads, 3A Motor Car and Truck Parts, Precision Levels, bubble level, ballistic mask Angel Armor. Safe Life Defense Level IIIA Body Armor Multi-Threat Bullet Proof Vest - Large. Think of something detectives might wear over their business attire when responding to an active scene: simple armor protection that provides identification and is customizable to the needs of the officer. Point Blank TAM features hundreds of guns, knives, and items. SECOND CHANCE. Blauer men’s tactical vest carriers are the new standard for body armor systems among patrol cops, special ops and penal officers who need additional protection. Load Bearing. Look your best without sacrificing comfort or protection. Our ArmorSkin® ballistic cover system can be used to make armor from major manufacturers less of a burden and more of an asset when facing potential danger. New Made in USA Army Military Woodland Camo Camouflage Enhanced Tactical Load Bearing Vest LBV Paintball Airsoft by US Goverment GI USGI 4.4 out of 5 stars 37 $49.50 $ 49 . see pictures. This is the LAW! this is the law! 99 $43.99 $43.99 This military tactical vest is made from a stiffened mesh, has hidden document pockets and is fully compatible with MOLLE gear. This is The Tactical Toolbox 3-point sling compatibility test with load bearing equipment. The department went with Point Blank Enterprises, its vendor for body armor. $150.00. ARMOR VARIOUS BALLISTIC AND SIZES. VTG POINT BLANK TACTICAL CARRIER VEST W/BODY ARMOR IIIA SWAT SRT SPECIAL OP'S . Available with Point Blank’s NIJ-Standard-0101.06 Level IIA, II or IIIA ballistic systems, the Guardian USC is the ideal choice for around-the-clock 50 WITH POINT BLANK BALLISTICS. APD designed the vests with a contractor last year after a number of officers came forward with complaints about back issues from wearing heavy duty belts. SECOND CHANCE LOAD BEARING VEST BODY ARMOR LEVEL 3A FRONT OPENING SIZE MED. I received many questions about the body armor and load bearing system I am wearing in one of my videos. Easy to don and doff, the Guardian incorporates the versatility of a front opening vest with an innovative design. It’s the best free multiplayer action game that’s competitive for eSports tournaments and its free to download. First Look: Point Blank's Guardian Vest is Both Uniform and Customized December 9, 2020 • by David Griffith Buyers of Point Blank's new Guardian crossover external armor carrier can choose from a wide variety of options, including a slick uniform-style front (pictured) or a load-bearing version with MOLLE. This carrier is compatible with all Safe Life Defense ballistic panels.