The true Placido- chromis phenochilus gets its name from its unique lips, which are white (phenol = phenotype, chilus= lips (Trewavas, 1935)).This feature is lacking in Placidochromis sp. These two species are easily distinguishable. "Blue Otter" Tsano Rocks (German Line) (Rare) - 4" - 6" fully colored males Placidochromis Sp. Social behaviour: Territorial and aggressive. Distribution : Endémique de Jalo Reef Taille adulte : Environ 15cm Regime alimentaire: Il se nourrit à partir du sédiment sur les roches et le sable Type d'habitat: Habitat intermédiaire. il y a 13 ans | 75 vues "Il est difficile de juger de l'intelligence de quelqu'un qui a beaucoup lu car la mémoire imite à merveille l'intelligence" Emile Chartier, dit Alain. hertae (German Strain) – breeding group – 2m/8f - $250 or can sell as 1m/4f - for $125 Below is a list of the cichlids we have for sale originating from Lake Malawi, Lake Victoria and the surrounding area - however, due to our quick stock turnover, we still recommend phoning/emailing first if you will be travelling to visit us for a certain species! Jalo Reef 11-13 cm le couple », Avis clients du produit Placidochromis sp. Placidochromis sp Jalo Reef males instock showing amazing color. Discover (and save!) Quelques photos de mon couple F1 (Merci Régis) mâle femelle : Je maintiens mon couple dans un bac de 120x50x50 en compagnie de: 1/1 Protomelas sp. Playing next. Food: Pellets, frozen food etc. This group includes the type genus (Haplochromis) plus a number of closely related genera such as Aulonocara, Astatotilapia, and Chilotilapia. Jalo Reef (German Line) - 1" - 6" fully colored males Placidochromis Phenochilus Lupingu Tanzania - (Not for sale) Placidochromis Phenochilus Mdoka "White Lips" - (Not for sale) Placidochromis sp. Le sport dominant les mâles un fond bleu avec l'ajout d'un vert métallique semble bon à l'âge adulte à l'horizontale barré voilée ne laissant que lorsque le poisson montrent leur meilleur dans la période de reproduction. jalo reef cichlid for sale 27 enero 2021 'blue otter' species profile, with information about taxonomy, distribution, natural history, aquarium keeping and conservation; including pictures, videos and an extensive bibliography Habitat: Lake Malawi. your own Pins on Pinterest your own Pins on Pinterest Jalo Reef ... 7 times R150 each Species: Cynotilapia afra (Jalo Reef). Jalo Reef. Jul 17, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Ron Blaessig. Le genre Placidochromis regroupe plusieurs espèces de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae. Profitez également de nos bons plans et promotions. 5.5” male Share. 6 years ago | 23 views. jumbo Разведение. Placidochromis sp. Jalo Reef Mbuna Cichlid - Cynotilapia afra Buy a live Cynotiliapia afra, (Jalo Reef) and other malawi mbuna cichlids for sale from Price: $8.00 Placidochromis sp. "jalo" Jalo Reef Genre: Placidochromis Espèce: sp. "blue otter“ Tsano Rock, 10-12cm Protomelas annectens, 6-8cm, rare Regarder en plein écran. Wanted:Purple 'Lamprologus' ocellatusFemale Gold CompsFor Sale: 5 young adult 'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus $652 juveni 65.00 USD. Anyone know anything about Placidochromis Jalo Reef? Keep in large groups (9 or 10+) in a species aquarium. that angle really didn't do him justice, he really has that nice blue all the way down his side. Placidochromis sp. Jalo reef – breeding group – 2m/7f - $200 Placidochromis sp. Cynotilapia Zebroides Jalo Reef 7-9cm £ 25.00: Out of stock: Labidochromis Caeruleus Lions Cove 6-7cm £ 14.00: Out of stock: Pseudeotropheus Daktari Hai Reef 7-9cm £ 14.00: Out of stock: Metriaclima Pyrsonotos NakantengaO Morph GroupOMorph male, 2Std Males,5 O Females : O Morph Male 2 Std Males 5 O Females £ 475.00 £ 474.00: In stock Jalo Reef 11-13 cm le couple », du produit Placidochromis sp. Aulonocara Ethelwynnae Chitande Father Pictured (Not for sale) Sold out Females remain bright silver and both stay relatively small. Placidochromis tanzania "Star Sapphire" Mbuna. This fish resembles Placidochromis phenochilus, hence the name. Order now at We also offer curbside pickup 7days a week for our local customers. Females remain gray with stripes. To view the index and portal you must be a member. Size: About 30-40mm, so they cannot be sexed. You will receive 4 fish , these fish are not sexable at this size. Liste d'espèces. Report. Votre navigateur ne supporte pas javascript ! Pseudotropheus polit "Lions cove" Cynotilapia afra Jalo reef Labidochroms trewavasae "blue hooknose" Electric yellow Cyno afra green mbwecca Metriaclima lombardoi "kenyi cichlid" Red top hongi . Placidochromis phenochilus also lacks the beautiful white blotch- Sm 1.5" unsexed $7.50ea. These are the first ones I have bred from my colony. Placidochromis sp. Jalo Reef,Tropical Fish from Aquariums Supplier or Manufacturer-LONG LIFE PET FISH CO., LTD. Toutes sont endémiques du lac Malawi. They are endemic to … Price: $20ea min buy 3. 'afra hara' Gallireya Reef 5-6cm £8.00ea T Cynotilapia sp. your own Pins on Pinterest Jalo Reef 11-13 cm le couple de CICHLIDES MALAWI est vendu sur la boutique - Aquariophilie, poissons et plantes d'aquarium en ligne dans la catégorie CICHLIDES LAC MALAWI Discover (and save!) Sold Out Placidochromis sp. Il est donc impératif de les maintenir séparément: Food: Pellets, frozen food etc. Placidochromis sp. Placidochromis sp. @ Beantown Aquatics 4 x 5-6cm F2 Placidochromis sp. Cynotilapia Hara Gallireya Reef "Blue Afra" VIDEO: 3/4"-1"F2 3" F1 full color: 2 for $5 $20.00 ea. 07.07.2015 - Placidochromis Elektra Likoma - dominant male & female Jalo (Jalo Reef) haps--- Malawi haplochromines about 1.5-2” unsexed. Jalo Reef. Malawi Cichlids and Victoria Cichlids.