droh. ) For this reason, the SEARCH buttons in the header, footer and PEDro icon take you directly to the Advanced Search page. in Quito and the first great painter of colonial Ecuador. The oldest reference to the manufacture and consumption of almond sponge cake, known today as 'Tarta de. der Inkulturation eingeführt hat: "Inkulturation ist die Inkarnation des christlichen Lebens und der christlichen Botschaft in eine bestimmte Kultur hinein, und zwar in der Weise, daß diese Erfahrung sich nicht nur in Formen ausdrückt, die der betreffenden Kultur eigen sind (das wäre nur eine oberflächliche Anpassung), sondern so, daß sie zum Prinzip einer neuen Inspiration wird, zur Richtschnur und zur einigenden Kraft zugleich, die diese Kultur umwandelt und neu schafft. Pedro definition: a variation of the card game seven-up | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Almost every girl he know's has a crush on him. service stations which might be established in Barcelona and, second, was to guarantee that the price would never be higher than the average of the prices fixed by other suppliers with a significant presence on the market. These were senior print buyers from concerns such as IKEA. Universität Oxford Zuflucht fand, sagte: "In der Mitte des Flusses fühlst du die Kritik der Menschen, die du zurückgelassen hast und die Kritik der Menschen, die noch treffen wirst. Petrine. Zustimmung, weil damit erstmals kritisch und konstruktiv eines der schwerwiegendsten und brennendsten Probleme der Europäischen Union behandelt wird, nämlich die Bewahrung eines gemeinsamen Kulturerbes, das einzigartig in der Menschheitsgeschichte und seit vielen Jahren Gegenstand von Plünderungen und Zerstörungen ist, denen die für seinen Schutz zuständigen europäischen Behörden oftmals auf schuldhafte Weise gleichgültig gegenüberstehen. Pet. Pedro translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'lágrimas de don Pedro',pedo',pero',pedrero', examples, definition, conjugation Portuguese Baby Names Meaning: In Portuguese Baby Names the meaning of the name Pedro is: A … for economic and monetary affairs, commenting on the decision said: "Consistent with our views. Pedro translation french, Spanish - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'Pedro',pedo',pero',pedregoso', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionary der Universität von Santiago abstattete, überprüfte, welche Imbisse oder Speisen den Professoren anlässlich der Verleihung der akademischen Titel gereicht wurden. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. English: como Pedro por su casa expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho"). Kommission, erläuterte den EU-Aktionsplan - 20 Prozent Energieeinsparungen bis 2020 - und lud alle Klima-BündnisStädte und -Gemeinden ein, sich an der europäischen Kampagne für nachhaltige Energie zu beteiligen (siehe auch www.sustenergy.org). Antonia Trujillo (Wohnung); vom Präsidenten von Castilla-La Mancha, José María Barreda; der Regierungsgesandten in der Autonomen Gemeinschaft von Castilla-La Mancha, María del Carmen Valmorisco; dem Bürgermeister von Cuenca, José Manuel Martínez Cenzano; dem Präsidenten der Provinzregierung von Cuenca, Luis Muelas; dem Bischof von Cuenca, Ramón del Hoyo; dem Rektor der Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Ernesto Martínez; und dem Staatssekretär für Kultur, Antonio Hidalgo, bevor er die konstituierende Sitzung der Königlichen Schirmherrschaft von Cuenca leitet, dem Organ, das die kulturelle und touristische Entwicklung dieser Stadt, die Weltkulturerbe ist, fördern wird. -. Translate "San Pedro" to English: Saint Peter, Peter, Saint Peter the Apostle, St. Peter, St. Peter the Apostle Spanish Synonyms of "San Pedro": Pedro el Apostol, San Pedro Apóstol, San Pedro el Apóstol, Pedro, Simón Pedro; Translate "San Pedro" to English: San Pedro Spanish Synonyms of "San Pedro": San Pedro, Laguna, Filipinas he will steal your heart. Pedro is a form of Peter. Open menu. If you have a Pedro then you are one of the luckiest people alive. Aber viele andere, die versucht haben, den Fluss aus. Look up the Spanish to English translation of Pedro in the PONS online dictionary. the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who introduced the term 'inculturation'. We strongly encourage health professionals to use the Advanced Search, which contains 13 fields to define search terms with precision. Peter was arrested and put in a public jail. Farruko. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Nicholas (Nick) Pedro, Portuguese American singer, Don Pedro, a character from the Philippine story, Pedro the Mail Burro, a mascot of the Boy Scouting magazine, Pedro, another name of Panama Joe, a character from, Pedro Pony, a character from the animated TV series, This page was last edited on 17 January 2021, at 23:35. Pedro (Spanish to English translation). Pedro appeals to parents who seek a name with genuine depth. Sie sieht vor, dass Total zum einen den Preis für. Juli 2001, ein Disziplinarverfahren gegen den Kläger einzuleiten, und der Entscheidung der Kommission vom 23. Pedro I definition: 1798–1834, first emperor of Brazil (1822–31); son of John VI of Portugal : declared... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This briefly explains why each item has been included in the PEDro scale. El retablo de maese Pedro (Master Peter's Puppet Show) is a puppet-opera in one act with a prologue and epilogue, composed by Manuel de Falla to a Spanish libretto based on an episode from Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.The libretto is an abbreviation of chapter 26 of the second part of Don Quixote, with some lines added from other parts of the work. The author of translation requested proofreading. Peter. See Peter for further details. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. * Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great. Pedro m. Peter (biblical character) 1602, La Santa Biblia (antigua versión de Casiodoro de Reina), rev., Marcos 3:16 A Simón, al cual puso por nombre Pedro. Pedro fue detenido en la cárcel pública. Consequently, we regret the fact that the President of the Commission did not propose structural changes to relations between Commissioners and directorates-general, that he did not reach any conclusions regarding the, Commissioners' political responsibilities and that he, Commissioner responsible for Eurostat, for. (ˈpidrou, ˈpei-) noun Word forms: plural -dros Cards. Salcedo, von dem ein einzigartiger Innenhof und ein Flur mit einer. verurteilt hat, weil letzterer angesichts der wachsenden Gewissheit über ein unregelmäßiges Finanzmanagement nicht früher gehandelt hat. Seine Majestät der König, begleitet vom Regierungspräsidenten, José Luis Rodríguez. English translation of lyrics for Calma - Remix by Pedro Capó feat. die Fähigkeit sich zu verändern als entscheidend für den Erfolg von El País. English translation of lyrics for Fallaste Corazón by Pedro Infante. The Given Name Pedro. der frühere Generalobere der Gesellschaft Jesu, der in die katholische Kirche den Begriff. A unique feature of PEDro is that trials are … and his study of the meals provided for the professors during the ceremony for the award of degrees. Die Läden der Straßen und Plätze der Altstadt wie die Rúa Nova. PEDro has three search pages (Advanced, Simple and Consumer). His Majesty the King, accompanied by the president of the Government, Jose Luis. Pedro definition, any of several varieties of all fours in which the five of trumps counts at its face value. 2. the five of trumps. Randnr. PEDro has been designed to support the practice of evidence-based physiotherapy. Schiebt man also, wie in Honduras weitgehend üblich, die gesamte Verantwortung für die, Gewalt den Maras zu, dann bleibt unerklärlich, warum es auch außerhalb, If, as is overwhelmingly common in Honduras, people ascribe responsibility for the violence, entirely to the maras, then it remains inexplicable why there is so much violence also outside. such as Jahreszeiten Verlag - and all were immediately prepared to be interviewed for several hours. Pedro is the Spanish, Portuguese, and Galician name for Peter. taking the dirty sanchez to the next level. Urteil des. san pedro 2284. sucesor de pedro 310. pedro sula 203. don pedro 157. pedro el grande. pedro i. san pedro mártir. Was sodann den Vergleich der Waren angeht, so sind nach ständiger Rechtsprechung bei der Beurteilung der Produktähnlichkeit alle relevanten Umstände zu berücksichtigen, die das Verhältnis kennzeichnen, in dem diese Waren zueinander stehen; zu diesen Umständen gehören insbesondere die Art, der Verwendungszweck und die Nutzung der Waren sowie deren Eigenschaft als konkurrierende oder einander ergänzende Waren (vgl. that the ability to change is one of the main reasons for El País' success. on the role of public finances in economic policy, our judgement on the appropriateness of the policy-mix given the current economic cycle and the apparent contradiction between 2001 budget and the Council Broad Economic Policy Guidelines for 2000, the Commission has decided to recommend for the first time the use of a recommendation as provided in Article 99.4 of the Treaty. (name) a. He will probably friend-zone you for a while, but if he really likes you he will eventually tell you. Entry related to: clavado. Pedro. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of pedro by The Free Dictionary Commission, explained the EU action plan - 20 percent energy savings by 2020 - and invited all Climate Alliance cities and municipalities to take part in the European campaign for sustainable energy (see also www.sustenergy.org). Many translated example sentences containing "Pedro" – English-Italian dictionary and search engine for English translations. Meanings Greek Baby Names Meaning: In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Pedro is: Stone; rock. August 2009. Translator. The name Peter itself is a translation of the Aramaic Kephas or Cephas meaning "stone". Translate the Spanish term Pedro to other languages MODISMOS entrar como Pedro por su casa to come in as if one owned the place. Pedro (alternate archaic spelling Pêro)[citation needed] is a masculine given name. Translation of pedro in English. Translate Pedro to Spanish online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. wie dem Jahreszeiten Verlag - alle waren sofort zum Gespräch bereit und nahmen sich mehrere Stunden dafür Zeit. The PEDro scale was last amended on 21 June 1999. mit unserer Sicht der Rolle der öffentlichen Finanzen in der Wirtschaftspolitik, unserer Beurteilung der Frage, ob der Policy-mix angesichts der gegenwärtigen Konjunkturphase angemessen ist, und dem offensichtlichen Widerspruch zwischen dem Haushaltsplan 2001 und den Grundzügen der Wirtschaftspolitik 2000 hat die Kommission beschlossen, erstmal zu empfehlen, eine Empfehlung nach Artikel 99 Absatz 4 EG-Vertrag abzugeben. reasons, Ilan Ramon was selected by NASA, since October 01, 2004 part-time professor. como Pedro por su casa; pez de San Pedro san pedro y miguelón. Suggestions. PEDro score reflects the importance of individual scale items. Suggest as a translation of "Pedro" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Pe-dro. The name Peter itself is a translation of the Aramaic Kephas or Cephas meaning "stone". März 2003 ein Urteil mit folgendem Tenor erlassen. into the Catholic Church: "Inculturation is the Incarnation of the Christian life and the Christian message into a certain culture, to be precise in such a way that this experience is not only expressed in forms of the culture concerned (this would be only a superficial adaptation), but so that it becomes the principle of a new inspiration, at the same time guide and uniting power, changing and creating this culture anew. Next, as regards comparison of the goods, it must be borne in mind that, according to settled case- law, in order to assess the similarity of the goods concerned, all the relevant factors which characterise the relationship between those goods should be taken into account, those factors including, inter alia, their nature, their intended purpose, their use and whether they are in. is also characterized by highly erosive surface conditions. The name Pedro is derived via the Latin word "petra", from the Greek word "η πέτρα" meaning "stone, rock".[2]. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. in the dreamy space of my old University Oxford, said: "In the middle of the river you feel the criticism of the people you left behind and the criticism of the people you have yet to meet. Action Plan" (CAAP) gilt für alle Schiffe, Lkws, Lokomotiven, Güterumschlagsanlagen. Doctorate of medicine degree from the University of Amsterdam, 1987; since 1991 until his selection for ESA-Astronaut Program he was project researcher of human medicine at ESA; hobbies: scuba diving, skiing, flying, history, travelling; candidate payload specialist for Neurolab / STS-90, September 1995; nominated by ESA as a payload specialist for STS-107, but due to (possible political) unknown. of the Commission of the European Communities, residing in Lisbon, represented by J.N. Compound Forms: tupido | tupir: Spanish: English: correr un tupido velo loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). Ballesteros emphasised the important role of cities and municipalities in implementing the EU climate and energy policy. für Raumfahrt und Medizinische Wissenschaften an der Freien Universität von Amsterdam; begann das Training für eine ISS Expedition as Backup für den kanadischen Astronauten Bob Thirsk für die erste kanadische ISS-Expedition (zweites Halbjahr 2005); Backup für Frank De Winne in der Double-Mannschaft der 2009 gestarteten ISS Expeditionen 20/21 (Sojus TMA-15); nominiert als Bordingenieur für die ISS Expeditionen 30/31 (Sojus TMA-03M) am 5. eine stark erosive Bodenbeschaffenheit aufweist. Verwaltungsrates der HCB Happy Child Birth AG. Pedro. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. great appreciation and unconditional consensus because. peh. member of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Swiss Popular Party (SVP) and a Director of the HCB Happy Child Birth AG. Pedro is generally used as a boy's name. A delightful name, Pedro possesses great character. The Metro Los Teques is 9.5 km long and runs through a. topographically difficult area in the narrow. See also: lágrimas de don Pedro, pedo, pero, pedrero. Learn more Spanish with music with http://lirica.ioPedro Capo, Farruko - Calma Lyrics English Translation - English Lyrics Meaning / Subtitles / Dual Lyrics spaceflight and medical science at the Free University of Amsterdam; has begun ISS Expedition crew training as a back-up crewmember to Canadian astronaut Bob Thirsk for the first Canadian ISS increment (second part of 2005); back-up for Frank De Winne in the double crew of ISS Expedition 20/21 (Soyuz TMA-15) starting in 2007; assigned as a flight engineer to ISS Expedition 30/31 (Soyuz TMA-03M) on August 5, 2009. einem bekannten flämischen Franziskaner, bekannt aus der Geschichtskritik als. More detail on each item is provided in the PEDro scale training program. Pedro (. Its French equivalent is Pierre while its English and Germanic form is Peter. Translation of 'Calma' by Pedro Capó from Spanish to English. This article is about the given name. sie mit anderen Tankstellen, die sich in Barcelona niederlassen könnten, vereinbart, und zum anderen gewährleistet, dass dieser Preis auf keinen Fall über dem Durchschnittspreis anderer für den Markt relevanter Anbieter liegt. Most material © … See more. san pedro y miquelón. Die Linie der Metro Los Teques verläuft auf 9,5 km Länge durch, das topografisch schwierige, eng gewundene. In Kolumbien konzentrieren sich die Stiftungstätigkeiten auf die Vergabe von Stipendien an zwei Bildungsinstitutionen in, Medellin: Auf universitärer Ebene an die Universidad EAFIT und für fachtechnische, In Colombia, the foundation's activities are concentrated on the award of scholarships to two educational institutions in Medellin: these are the, Universidad EAFIT at the university level and the, Deshalb bedauern wir, dass der Präsident der Kommission keine strukturellen Veränderungen in den Beziehungen zwischen den Kommissionsmitgliedern und den Generaldirektoren vorgeschlagen, dass er keine Konsequenzen zu den politischen Verantwortlichkeiten, der Kommissionsmitglieder gezogen, und dass. Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. Someone who all the girls are after but he doesn't give a shit. unsere große Wertschätzung und uneingeschränkte. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable In the streets and squares of the historic centre, such. Maria Antonia Trujillo; the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Jose Maria Barreda; the delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Region of Castilla-La Mancha, Maria del Carmen Valmorisco; the mayor of Cuenca, Jose Manuel Martinez Cenzano; the president of the "Diputación Provincial" de Cuenca, Luis Muelas; the bishop of Cuenca, Ramon del Hoyo; the rector of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ernesto Martínez; and the undersecretary of Culture, Antonio Hidalgo, before presiding over the constituent session of the "Real Patronato" (Royal Board) of Cuenca, which is a body that will promote the cultural and tourist development of this World Heritage City. Schöpfer der Schule für Kunst und Handwerk in Quito und erster bedeutender Maler Ekuadors in der Kolonialzeit. Other translations. It gives rapid access to the best research evaluating the effects of physiotherapy interventions. for new and renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and innovation at the European. Translate pedro in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. For other uses, see, MFnames.com - Origin and Meaning of Pedro, "MFnames.com - Origin and Meaning of Peter", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pedro&oldid=1001037221, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page or section lists people that share the same. 32, und die dort zitierte Rechtsprechung). Diese Publikation wurde ermöglicht durch die Beiträge von Gotelind ALBER - Klima-Bündnis, Gérard MAGNIN - EnergieCités, Kristina DELY - Energie-Cités, Volker KIENZLEN - Stadt Stuttgart, Guido DERNBAUER - Österreichischer Städtebund, Kalevi LUOMA - Vereinigung finnischer Lokal- und Regionalbehörden, Suvi HOLM - Energieagentur von Tampere, Sabine MARTORELL - Französische Sektion des RGRE (AFCCRE), Pim KOEGLER - Provinz Groningen, Clare HUDSON - Local Government International Bureau (LGIB, Großbritannien), Don LACK und Steward CONWAY - Energieagentur Leicester, Carsten Hyldborg JENSEN - Stadt Odense, Petra WAHLSTRÖM - Schwedische Vereinigung lokaler. Translation for 'Pedro' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Many translated example sentences containing "Pedro" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Only studies using the most rigorous research methods are indexed: randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. (sin dificultades) freely adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, Unter den zahlreichen Persönlichkeiten, die diese Epoche prägten, verdienen besondere Erwähnung: Diogo Cão für die Entdeckung der afrikanischen Küste, Bartolomeu Dias, der 1488 das Kap der Guten Hoffnung umrundete und damit den Weg für die, Entdeckung Indiens durch Vasco da Gama (1498), Among the numerous personalities involved with this period the following stand out: Diogo Cão, for the discovery of the African coast, Bartolomeu Dias, who in 1488 sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and opened the, route to the discovery of India by Vasco da, für Neue und Erneuerbare Energiequellen, Energieeffizienz und Innovation bei der Europäischen. (Lara Mercy Gang) (Welcome to the paradise) (¡Farru!) zuständig für Wirtschaft und Finanzen, äußerte sich wie folgt zu dem Beschluss : "Im Einklang. It would not have been possible without the efforts of Gotelind ALBER - Climate Alliance, Gérard MAGNIN - Energie-Cités, Kristina DELY - Energie-Cités, Volker KIENZLEN - City of Stuttgart, Guido DERNBAUER - Austrian Association of Cities, Kalevi LUOMA - The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Suvi HOLM - Tampere Energy Agency, Sabine MARTORELL - The French Association of CEMR (AFCCRE), Pim KOEGLER - Province of Groningen, Clare HUDSON - Local Government International Bureau (LGIB), Don LACK and Steward CONWAY - Leicester Energy Agency, Carsten Hyldborg JENSEN - City of Odense, Petra WAHLSTRÖM - Swedish Association of. 1. any of several varieties of all fours in which the five of trumps counts at its face value. April 2002 in den Putschversuch des, In view of the increasing protests against the Chávez government, the CTV called a strike against the government's "increasingly dictatorial policies", thereby contributing to the, mass demonstrations that on the 11th of April 2002 resulted in the attempted coup by, der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, wohnhaft, in Lissabon, Prozessbevollmächtigte: Rechtsanwälte J.-N. Louis, E. Marchal und A. Coolen, Zustellungsanschrift in Luxemburg, gegen Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (Bevollmächtigte: J. Currall, F. Clotuche-Duvieusart und M. D. Waelbroeck), wegen Aufhebung der Entscheidung der Kommission vom 3. sm Peter. It is a Portuguese, Galician and Spanish form of the name Peter, which is derived, via Latin "petra", from the Greek word "η πετρα" meaning "stone, rock". About PEDro. pedro in American English. he's the spitting image of Pedro. Pedro is a really fun, cool, loving, weird, and caring guy. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "Pedro" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen. "Thou sayest well, Pedro," said one, "though there will be no need of taking that trouble, for I will stay behind for all; and don't suppose it is virtue or want of curiosity in me; it is that the splinter that ran into my foot the other day will not let me walk." Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary. Juli 2001, mit der der Antrag des Direktors der Europäischen Beobachtungsstelle für Drogen und Drogensucht auf Versetzung des Klägers zu dieser Einrichtung abgelehnt wurde, hat das Gericht (Dritte Kammer) unter Mitwirkung des Präsidenten K. Lenaerts sowie der Richter J. Azizi und M. Jaeger - Kanzler: D. Christensen, Verwaltungsrätin - am 13. Franciscan, known by critical history as the creator of the school of arts and crafts. Pedro is one of the sweetest boys you will ever meet. that served for mounting and dismounting from horses, has been preserved. and the whole area around the Cathedral, you will find all sorts of shops, with everything from foods and the finest fashion, to jewellery, books and shoes. für Eurostat zuständige Kommissionsmitglied. A male given name from Ancient Greek, equivalent to English Peter; Derived terms . Learn more. Translation of "Pedro" in English. es Pedro clavado exp. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Translation for 'Pedro' in the free Portuguese-English dictionary and many other English translations. René SCHELLEKENS - SenterNovem, Yolanda DE JAGER - Ecofys. Translation of 'Pedro Navaja' by Rubén Blades from Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 The meaning of Pedro is "rock, stone". der aussenpolitischen Kommission der Schweizerischen Volkspartei (SVP) und Mitglied des. for the first time, it deals critically and constructively with one of the European Union's most serious and dramatic problems: the preservation of a common cultural heritage unique in human history and the target of depredations and devastation for too many years, often through the culpable indifference of the European authorities appointed to protect it. Noun. Pedro may refer to: 1987 Doktor der Medizin an der Universität von Amsterdam; bis zu seiner Auswahl als ESA-Astronaut Projekt-Wissenschaftler für Humanmedizin bei der ESA; Hobbies: Tauchen, Ski fahren, Fliegen, Geschichte, Reisen; war Kandidat (Nutzlastspezialist für Neurolab / STS-90, September 1995; von der ESA nominiert als Nutzlastspezialist für STS-107, aber aus unbekannten (vielleicht politischen) Gründen, wurde. Pedro or the archaic Pêro is a masculine given name. Pedro (alternate archaic spelling Pêro) is a masculine given name. Dom Pedro I (English: Peter I; 12 October 1798 – 24 September 1834), nicknamed "the Liberator", was the founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil.As King Dom Pedro IV, he reigned briefly over Portugal, where he also became known as "the Liberator" as well as "the Soldier King". A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place, or thing. 1. eligibility criteria were specified. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. English Translation, Synonyms, Definitions and Usage Examples of Spanish Word 'San Pedro' Linguee. Translation of 'Pedro Navaja' by Rubén Blades from Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Action Plan (CAAP) addresses ships, trucks, trains, cargo-handling equipment and harbour craft. It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation. swing definition: 1. to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other….