Peafowl Rule the Roost at Rocking B-A-B Ranch. Peafowl are no longer available for our Canadian customers. Shop for Peafowl and Peacocks for Sale online at Stromberg's! These feathers are easy to recognize with their colorful “eye” markings of blue, red, gold and other colors. Brad Legg 12016 North Stark Avenue . I am a small breeder of African cichlids. peafowl.Aprox 40 breeder birds are kept as well as many for sale. 2018 Peachicks for sale. Furry & Feathered Foto Farm is a 26 acre farm and a dedicated breeder of Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, peafowl, & swans. NEWS ... 2018 peafowl. Cameo pairs £600. Please check us out on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter. I have 2 Canaries for Sale. Bird and Parrot classifieds. PEACOCK CHICKS, WE ARE TAKING ORDERS FOR SHIPPING OR PICK-UP IN JUNE- CHICKS ARE UNSSEXED, FOR LIMITED TIME Green peafowl (Pavo muticus) are one of three species of peafowl.There are multiple subspecies of green peafowl in the wild; consequently, their range is quite extensive in southeastern Asia. India blue $25 Black shoulder $27 White $35 Cameo $40 Black shoulder/silver pied $40 Erdman Game Farm 429 Erdman’s Farm Rd Herndon, Pa 17830 570-425-3364 NPIP 23-357. Kansas City MO 64167 US Peafowl The #1 free pet classifieds site to buy, sell and rehome Peafowl and other Poultry near me. We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets listed here. Peafowl make wonderful pets. peafowl , peacocks , peacock breeders, peafowl breeders, pheasants for sale, peafowl for sale, peacocks for sale, peachicks for sale, India Blue, Java Green, green peafowl, black shoulders, Red Golden, Yellow Golden, Blue Eared, Lady Amherst, Swinhoes, White Crested Kalij, Silver Pieds, Pied peacocks, ornamental pheasants, exotic pheasants, bird farms, Brown Eared … Technically, there are three species of peafowl: India Blues, Green, and Congo.The India Blue Peacock is what most people think of when they see or hear the word "peafowl," because it is the most common and because it has been domesticated for the longest. Aviaries in the Gardens. Their typically diet consists of insects, plans and small creatures. Aside from their natural beauty, … cameo peacock 2yr. Whether you are a peafowl breeder, collector, hobbyist, or just a bird watcher, no one can deny the “awe” inspiring beauty of a peacock!! The most common species in the India Blue Peahen, but there are also Green Peahens and hybrids or spaldings. To order Guinea-Peachick Combos, click HERE . I have rabbits for sale every month of the year! wisconsin choose the site nearest you: appleton-oshkosh-FDL Find Peafowl for sale via Pets4Homes. Some breeders even breed white Peacocks. some uniqly colored pea hens. A few examples are White, Pied, Cameo, Oaten, Black-shouldered, Opal, and Bronze. Wanted: White Peafowl I'm looking for a male-female pair of white peafowl, any age, even eggs for hatching. Peafowl for Sale. Color on the males gets more intense the older they get so pricing will go up appropriately. United Peafowl Association the place to be for Peafowl. The male peafowl requires two to three years to reach maturity, his spectacular tail will not reach it's full length until his fourth or fifth year. On each page you'll find the complete contact information for each breeder including; website links, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. try the craigslist app » Android iOS CL. Cackle Hatchery® offers assorted peafowl chicks for sale, all of which are high-quality birds that will meet and exceed your expectations. Peafowl India Blue and Black Shoulder males will be two years old in 2021 $120.00 and up.Taking orders for the 2021 season for Black Shoulder and India blue peachicks $25.00 and up each. If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! Unsexed. You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! we have dozens of 2yr but only a few long tailed bronze peacocks for sale. Peafowl Hatching Egg's. My Cart: 0 item(s) Your Shopping Cart Is Empty. Find useful information on everything related to your Hobby Farm or Homestead!!! Peafowl for sale. Purple Bronze. Oaten or Cameo Black Shoulder. We also have just started breeding exotic birds - from Quaker parrots and Conures to Macaws! Description Assorted Peafowl Chicks consist of two varieties, or more, of Blue, White, Pied, Black Shoulder, Spalding, or other colors. Hopefully this will help you find exactly the right breeder as you search for the newest addition to your homestead! Well-started, 4-6 weeks old. 2016 hatch peachicks for sale. Bruce 218-390-9378. Adult Peafowl For Sale. 2 males. To order Peachicks, click HERE . I strive for healthy young fish and adult fish. There are multiple peacock species, one native to India and Sri Lanka, one native to Java and Myanmar and one rare species native to the Congo in Africa. Photos are of the actual chicks for sale, and some of my breeder pied male not for sale. Or, if you have a specific question, shoot us an e-mail at: [email protected]. Kettle River, Mn 55757. Uncategorized. Located in central Wisconsin, local pickup or we are able to ship them via USPS Express Mail. Bruce / David Siltanen. Male Peafowl are known for their colorful head ornaments and "trains" or tails. Hatchery choice. Browse through available peacocks for sale and adoption in wisconsin by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. Out of NPIP approved flock. The sexual dimorphism is less extreme with green peafowl than with the other two peafowl species, meaning the peahens' plumage rivals that of the peacock (minus the … Peafowl can be picked up at the farm by appointment or we can ship the peafowl to you via Express Mail through the USPS. My cell is 559-760-2440. We make it simple to find and buy Guinea Fowl Chickens and Peafowl Chicks with healthy and quality options. As all things are this is a work in progress, there are lots of new features and content that we want to add and would welcome ideas and suggestions to improve things further. Our Peafowl and Guinea Combination is the perfect way to get some of both, and purchase fewer birds than the individual minimum. for sale, PEACOCKS for sale, , one 4 month old silver pied female $45, 3 month old silver . AVAILABLE NOW - Pairs 2015 of Indian Blue, Black Shoulders, and Pieds prices from £75 per pair, spare Hens £65 each. Our peafowl assortment includes a mixture of India Blue, White, Pied, Black Shoulder or Purple peafowl breeds, sold straight run only. Kennel hounds, dogs and all kinds of cats With nearly 500 peafowl present on our farm at any given time, we are on the verge of obsession when it comes to peafowl. Beautiful, healthy birds. It was the start of our great adventure into the peafowl world. As a customer, you may include a color preference of peachicks in the Comment Section during checkout; however, … Peafowl of all ages are for sale at our farm year round. Welcome to the new UPA website. Americanlisted has classifieds in Campbellsport, Wisconsin for dogs and cats. Peafowl Photo . Our Mission: Our mission here at is to provide the most comprehensive information, directories, and articles about Hobby Farms and their animals. On this website you will find Bars, Bars & Grills, Taverns, Pubs, Nightclubs, Sports Bar, Saloon, Micro Brewery, Whisky Bar, Dance Club, Wine Bar, Hotel Bar, Restaurant … Includes our choice of at least of two varieties from our India Blue, White, Pied, Black Shoulder, Spalding, other these other varities of peafowl: INDIA BLUE peafowl are the most popular variety. The male peacock Indian Peafowl has iridescent blue-green or green coloured plumage. Cameo Pied White Eyed. Can’t find the right Peacock in Wisconsin? Saanen Goats – Info, Breeding, and Dairy Goats For Sale! Links. Peafowl for sale, Peachicks for sale, Peafowl eggs for sale, Peacocks for sale, Indian peafowl for sale, Green peafowl for sale, Peafowl information 2020 Hatched Peafowl for Sale Please contact us with a list of the peafowl you are looking for! Our chick selection allows you to choose from an assortment of breeds and varieties. Posted on September 20, 2018 by admin cameo silver pied peahen 2yr. Visit Our Peafowl Photo Gallery! 2020 Hatch Peacocks. cameo silver peahen. BREEDERS... We have for sale 2012 hatch India Blue peachicks. We have learned a lot since that day from a great … For details call 910-640-7114 Tabor City North Carolina It is more expensive to buy them in small numbers causing us to spend time and materials with the extras it takes for us to package them so … Home. We have chicks available from June through August, and we have been a leading peafowl egg hatchery since 1936. One thought on “ Peacocks For Sale In Wisconsin ” Kay slechta May 23, 2016 at 3:18 pm Looking for peafowl chicks prefer other than blue India must ship to Colorado send prices colors available only looking for 3 to 4 chicks thanks kay Location. The Peacock is a pheasant known for its large, colorful tail of feathers. PEACOCKS for sale, , one 4 month old silver pied female $45, 3 month old silver pied $45 ea, 3 month old black shoulder $40, one 4 week old white $30 ea, 3 silver pied 2 month old $40 ea, one 4 week old cameo $35,one 4 month old emerald Spaulding female $50, also one emerald Spaulding breeder male 6 years old $175 see website for more details, email address for quote if shipping is needed, located near Eden WI. A Peafowl Assortment is a perfect way to get started raising these exotic birds. Pygmy Goats For Sale – Info, Locations, and Prices! Male peacocks have an exotic spotted tail to display. David 218-390-9348. Brad, Patsy, Ashley, Brandon, Dallas, and Caitlin Legg 12016 North Stark Ave. Kansas City, MO 64167 (816) 781-4498 Female Peahens lack these feathers. Check in: Or, to see a list of ALL the Peacock breeders in the US: Also, check out Wisconsin breeders of some other farm animals: Are you a farm animal breeder who isn’t listed. PLEASE: Remember to check date AVAILABILITY for your purchase before placing your order.. One of the most beautiful and striking birds of all the poultry world, peafowl (peacocks and peahens) are extremely elegant and stately roaming about your grounds. Contact Us. Peafowl are native to Asia. However only the males are actually called peacocks; females are called peahens and together they are peafowl. Wisconsin Bars for Sale. Used for mating and courtship rituals, the tail feathers are spread out in a unique train that accounts for more than 60% of the bird’s body length. Depending on the season, there are various types of Guinea Fowl and Peafowl options to choose from. FREE SHIPPING On Most Equipment Orders Over $100 See Details. Thanks! Birds for Sale; Eggs for Sale; Raptors for Sale; Exotic Pets for Sale; Pigeons for Sale; Fish for Sale; Livestock for Sale; Taxidermy Mounts for Sale Will ship by priority mail. The peafowl breeds are popular for their vibrant colors and exotic features. ]Priced at $45 EACH.. Color Preference and Hatchery Choice. Welcome to; this website features Wisconsin Bars, Pubs & Taverns for Sale throughout the entire state of Wisconsin organized by Region and by individual Counties. This assortment includes 4 peafowl and 20 guineas — our choice of three different varieties of guineas. Peafowl Worming . We sell Peafowl & Guinea Fowl Chicks at Stromberg's! Guinea & Peafowl Cackle Hatchery® is one of the few hatcheries that will ship just a few baby keets to you. Peafowl and Guinea Combination. Looking for peafowl chicks prefer other than blue India must ship to Colorado send prices colors available only looking for 3 to 4 chicks thanks kay. See Shipping Information page for example shipping costs and the range of temperatures that we can ship peafowl. I'm one of the larger specialist peafowl breeders in the UK, and breed most of the main colors and patterns of Peafowl and have one of the most comprehensive selections of peafowl colors in the UK. We currently have a good selection availiable for sale.Adult birds and yearlings . You've found the “Wisconsin Peacock Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! Use the search bar above to navigate through the site and view the breeder listings of all sorts of different animals. In 2007, we attended the United Peafowl Association Convention tour of the Rocking BAB Ranch hosted by Josh Nelson and Bill Buckalew. Peafowl Peacocks and peahens. My cell is 559-760-2440. Peacocks are actually the name for male Peafowl species related to Pheasants. Uncategorized. Peafowl for Sale. [Pied Peacock shown in product image. Much like you, we are passionate about the American small farm and want to help anyone who is interested in learning about, or starting their own Hobby Farm. With four generations of experience selling poultry we have great Peacocks for you! We raise many different species of parrots that are talkers! The prices are subject to change as the birds become old enough for breeding. Breeding peafowl mutations is widespread and popular, and a great number of color mutations exist. We also highly recommend reading checking out our latest news and informative tips at our blog. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-box-4','ezslot_0',112,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hobbyfarmwisdom_com-box-4','ezslot_1',112,'0','1']));Interestingly, the term Peacock is generally used to identify both male and females of this species. peafowl, ornamental pheasants, mandarin ducks, and chickens 2019– NO BIRDS FOR SALE We started collecting birds as a small hobby and our hobby increased until we had a decent size bird farm in these North Georgia woods. Please email or call for more information.Blue 25.00 eachBlack … Below is a list of all the current Peafowl we have for sale along with prices. 3050 Siltanen Road.