Always keep an eye out for scale mites or mealybugs on your peace lily and wipe the leaves down with insecticidal soap or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove pests. 5 Peace Lily Problems (And How To Fix Them), How To Pick The Best Water Chiller For Hydroponics, Madagascar Dragon Tree Care - Dracaena Marginata, Anthurium Leaves Turning Yellow (Causes And Solutions), 19 Flowering Houseplants That Are Absolutely Stunning. That is like signing its death warrant. This is because all that excess water actually suffocates the roots as they cannot access the required oxygen. Brown Spots on Plumeria (Treatment, Causes And Prevention). If you suspect that the pests were brought in by some new houseplant, immediately isolate the affected plant. at all, but rather a member of the Araceae family. In serious cases it may seem like your spider plant is dying. Peace Lilies at a Glance. The conditions your plant was living in didn’t cause curly leaves straight away. Or maybe you are a bit overzealous when it comes to feeding this delicate-looking beauty. They chew and suck on the tissues creating damages on the plant like black spots. Take a step back and watch your plant thrive! They do well with a typical houseplant fertilizer every 6 weeks or so. Badly damaged leaves can be pruned off, but it would be wise to wait a few weeks until the plant can cope with the stress of pruning. In mild cases, you might be instructed to simply offer children cool drinks or foods to ease mouth discomfort, but larger ingestion may require supervised medical intervention. Aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites pose a threat to peace lilies. Peace Lilies grow on the floor of tropical rainforests where they get a lot of dappled light. The good news is that the solution is as simple as moving your plant to a shadier area! (Source: University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service). This is the case if you find white fuzzy-looking creatures crawling around your plant. Also, Peace Lilies absolutely love humidity. Some mild infestations can be managed by regularly spraying your plant with water to get the insects to fall off. Mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids suck the juices from your plant, which can cause your peace lily leaves to curl and brown spots on it. Rubbing alcohol, insecticidal soap, and neem oil are three other ways to get rid of pests on your plant. Experiment with watering, fertilizing, and sunlight to see what your peace lily thrives on. They are also very popular office plants as they’re not too fussy about the amount of light they get and can thrive nicely despite imperfect care. It can be so frustrating when your houseplant’s leaves lose some life. Long exposure to direct sunlight will burn the leaves. So if you don’t have mealybugs yet, and want to keep it that way, never fear! Read my guide to identifying, fixing, and preventing root rot for more info. This will model their natural environment, which will help it thrive. If any of the causes listed before are not the reason your peace lily leaves turning black, you should check if you have some uninvited guests such as mealybugs, scales, and mites. The peace lily requires little maintenance and has few problematic pests or diseases. Wait 24 to 36 hours to make … Lastly, water quality can sometimes cause Peace Lily problems including brown tips. If you have tried all the problem solving above and your leaves are still curling it may be time to try a bigger pot. The two most common causes of a Peace Lily wilting are overwatering and underwatering. (Causes and Solutions). Your Peace Lily should start to respond within hours and the otherwise healthy leaves should be back to normal in a day or two. Being tropical plants, Peace Lilies do enjoy moist soil – but only slightly. You May Also Enjoy: Cactus Soil for Peace Lily (And How to Make Your Own). Especially when you buy the plant because the nursery you got it from told you that it can live in any condition. However, this will only happen to a plant that has not been fertilized or repotted for many years. read my guide to water quality for houseplants to see if you’d be better switching to rainwater or distilled water for your plants. Less likely, your Peace Lily leaves are curling because your plant is home to mealybugs. Curling leaves are not the end of the world (or your Peace Lily’s life)! Hi, I’m Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. Keep reading to learn about other reasons your leaves could be curling! It can happen if you don’t use the right balance or quality of water, or if you under or over-fertilize. A long-time favorite of those with a green-thumb and even those without, Spathiphyllum, commonly known as the peace lily, is an adaptable and low-maintenance houseplant. Manage a few mealybugs by wiping the plant down with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. If they do, you know that’s why your plant was unhappy. Chlorine and fluoride in the water are the most common culprits. Peace Lilies thrive with minimal care, so you don’t need to over-fertilize. Keep reading to learn more about why leaves curl and what you can do to stop it. Yes, mildly. If you have the watering frequency correct, are growing at room temperature and haven’t damaged the leaves by not using pruners, the other thing to check is for plant pests as peace lilies are susceptible to a number of pests. In their natural habitat, peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) grow in the shadow of large trees in tropical forests. (Causes and Solutions), University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Best Peace Lily Soil (And How to Make Your Own), University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. As for over-fertilizing, please remember that more plants get sick due to over-fertilizing than under-fertilizing. Your Peace Lily will flourish in temperatures of 65-80°F (18-27°C), which is what makes it such a great indoor plant. If you are the type of gardener who wants a house plant that you water and leave it alone you can do that too. How often you water is important, but also the quality of water can cause your leaves to curl. Peace Lilies require a well draining soil. Extended periods below 40°F can damage leaves, stems and roots. It is important to give proper care to the plant that has been affected by pests. link to Brown Spots on Plumeria (Treatment, Causes And Prevention), link to Why is my Spider Plant Dying? Firstly, you need to be sure which problem you are dealing with. Peace Lilies love a good misting! Never place it in front of air conditioner vents or heaters. Namely, aphids, … Even a beginner gardener can keep a vibrant Peace Lily in their home. GavinD / Getty Images Peace lilies are loved by the indoor gardening community as they’re not only beautiful but also super easy to care for. If your leaves are curling, start by examining if it is getting too much direct sunlight. Less common reasons include root rot, humidity levels, and insects. Peace Lilies hate the cold, so when exposed to cold drafts or temperatures under 40°F (4°C), you might witness some leaf curling or yellowing. So if dry air is causing its leaf tips to turn brown, increase humidity levels and make sure it is not placed close to any air vents or heaters. Those insects often inhabit the leaves of peace lily for feeding and reproduction. While they need to stay moist, DO NOT keep your lily in standing water. So when you think of a location to place them in your home, choose one that gets a lot of medium to bright, but indirect light. After completing my bachelor of science in agriculture, I'm serving as a civil service officer at the Department of Agricultural Extension, Bangladesh. Check your soil. Since their native climate is tropical, taking time to mist your plant can be great! Spathiphyllum sensation peace lily the spathiphyllum has grown to become a popular houseplant due to it s air purifying capabilities have fresher indoor air and enjoy the sight of it s magnificent flower when growing conditions are just right. They are a beautiful addition to your home, good for your mental health, and even help purify your air! However, the truth is that their blooms will become more and more sparse in low light, and then it will simply stop blooming. So now that you understand the potential causes of your Peace Lily’s curled leaves, it’s time to fix it! To remove scale insects, scrape the insect bodies gently off the surface of the leaf. Repeated underwatering will usually result in some brown leaf tips and edges, but otherwise, the plant will live. Grouping your plants, using a humidity tray, or using a humidifier are good ways to improve humidity around your plants. This causes the plant to “crash” and become droopy, with curled leaves. Wipe down green leaves with a damp cloth occasionally to remove dust. If you’d like to learn more about fertilizing houseplants, you can read this article to get up to speed. Repeat every few days as needed. Are you using tap water? Don’t give up! Take care not to place it in an area that is too cold or too hot. Speak with your vet or poison control if you suspect your child or animal ingested this plant. Peace lily spathiphyllum mauna loa is the most popular air filtering plant. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. They suffocate pests to end the infestation. 'Peace Lily' is a herbaceous perennial typically grown as a houseplant. Most household varieties of peace lily grow up to 16 inches tall, but larger outdoor cultivars can have leaves that reach up to 6 feet in height. Overwatering is a much more dangerous problem, as it is easy to kill a Peace Lily with too much water. Injury varies with the temperature and length of exposure. They do well in the shade or in a room that gets a good amount of indirect light. Like humans, plants thrive when they’re getting quality care. There are few other houseplants that bring such calm, tropical vibes to your space as effortlessly as the Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum Spp.). If there is none, then simply stop watering your plant and let the top half of the soil dry out before watering again. How to water peace lilies. I cover how to identify, treat, and prevent common houseplants pests in this article. If your leaves are still curling and you have checked the direct light and temperature, never fear! Prevention is the best cure -- simply wipe down the broad leaves every once in a while with a damp cloth to remove the dust that can attract these bugs. Using tap water can cause issues for any houseplant, because of the mineral content of most tap water. Plant Not Blooming. Keep on reading to know how to grow and care for peace lily plant. The bugs will flock to the sticky paper (instead of draining your lilies) and your leaves should perk up in no time! The Peace Lily is, therefore, an exceptionally widespread world-wide flower plant that embellishes both interior and exterior spaces and which in extend will be briefly discussed in the following article.. Planting Peace Lilies: Peace lilies are perfect for container houseplants, but they don’t like sitting in pots much larger than their root balls. Regular misting is great for your Peace Lily, but not crucial to its survival. This level of lighting is often more than you think, so check out my article on lighting for houseplants to make sure you are giving your Peace Lily what it needs. It is best to do this in late winter/early spring (February or March). Combine 1 tablespoon of dish soap with a quart of water and spray down your plant. Most commonly, that means poor drainage or waterlogging. Watering, lighting, and soil issues are the most likely causes of problems. Spathiphyllum is a genus of about 40 species, including among others and the Spathiphyllum wallisii or Peace Lily.. Check out this article about Best Peace Lily Soil (And How to Make Your Own) to learn more. Peace Lilies are resilient and most problems can be fixed. Less likely, your Peace Lily leaves are curling because your plant is home to mealybugs. Remember, like humans, filtered water is best! Aphids (Aphidoidea), mealy bugs (Pseudococcidae), scale (Coccoidea) and spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) are potential peace lily pests. Keep in mind that this step may be more necessary for some plant owners than others. If you have more than one type of houseplant start with separating the plants from one another. Magnesium deficiency can cause plants to become stunted. This article will help you identify the causes and fix them with ease. To remove mealy bug infestations, use a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol to wipe away mealy bugs. A good way to ensure your Peace Lily stays free of all of the above-mentioned pests is to adopt a habit of regularly wiping its large leaves and inspecting it for any bugs. Check your plant every few days, feeling the soil, checking the weight of the pot, and water once the top half of the soil feels dry. Check out this article to fix your overwatered peace lily. Peace Lilies rarely bloom in low-light conditions. I know that this plant is also referred to as the ‘closet plant’ because it is very tolerant of low-light conditions and could probably survive in a closet. Peace Lilies need moist soil. I know that this plant … Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. Peace lilies are not true lilies (Lilium spp.) The Peace Lily houseplant, or Spathiphyllum, is one of the most common indoor houseplants as they are often given as flowering gift plants.Peace lily is one of the few indoor plants that may continue to produce flowers, even under the light conditions available in most homes.. If you want an easy-care plant that will survive low-light conditions, this can be a solid choice for places that aren’t in front of a window. Too much sunlight is one of the biggest reasons that a Peace Lily begins to curl. As a result, root rot sets in, causing the plant to wilt – and in severe cases, even die. Because the peace lily will be placed outdoors, there is a pretty high risk that it will be exposed to pests and diseases, and if you are not careful, it won’t take long before the plant falls prey to common pests and insects such as mealybugs or scales. Also, it is advisable to move it away from non-insulated windows or doors during the winter months to protect it from cold drafts. Some of these pests that attack the Peace Lilly and other plants are spider mites, mealy bugs and scale. Also, remember an unspoken rule in indoor gardening is to always quarantine new houseplants so that they do not pass on any pests or diseases that they might come with to your other healthy plants. If you’re overwatering your plant, stop immediately and follow the advice earlier in this article. Direct sunlight can often singe its tender leaves. Cats and dogs that ingest peace lily leaves will begin to salivate profusely due to mouth irritation. When compared to most other houseplants, pests do not cause too many Peace Lily problems. Horticultural Oil Precautions Test the spray on a leaf or two. I’ve written some other articles about Peace Lilies which you may also find helpful. Peace Lilies are very resilient plants and usually bounce back quickly. If there is evidence of root rot, carefully prune the affected roots and transfer the plant to a new pot with proper drainage holes and well-draining potting mix. So you would think that they thrive in the sun, but that is not actually the case. They need little to survive, so it can be extra frustrating when this hardy plant’s leaves start to curl. If you already live in a humid climate, then feel free to disregard this step. I started Garden For Indoor to make your indoor gardening journey easy and enjoyable. Peace lilies are not cold-hardy plants, so they can only be grown outdoors in warm, humid climates (USDA Zones 10, 11). Mealybugs are probably the most common insect indoors. Track the temperature of the room. Peace lily is very sensitive to chilling temperatures. The showy part of the flower features a white, hoodlike sheath (known as a spathe) whic… read my guide to water quality for houseplants. Sometimes soil that is very dry has some trouble absorbing water quickly, so you may like to set the pot in a few inches of water and let the soil slowly soak up the water. Not only are these evergreen plants, but they can also bloom more than once throughout the year in the right conditions. However, despite their easy-going nature, you may encounter one of the following Peace Lily problems. Filtering, or leaving the watering in sunlight for 24 hours can remove most chlorine, but won’t remove fluoride. They have beautiful evergreen leaves and delicate white flowers. Misting your Peace Lily will help model the tropical climate that it comes from nature and will allow the plant to thrive. If you are fertilizing more than that (or using too much) this will cause curly leaves. Lack of proper humidity or underwatering might also cause its leaves to turn brown around the edges.