Engraving Lower Receiver Assembly Service Return Shipping Upper Receiver Assembly Service. SKU: SCO AC2447 Categories: 3 Lug Adapters, Suppressor Accessories Tags: 3 Lug, 3-Lug, 3Lug, 9MM, Hybrid, Octane, Omega K, Silencerco, Tri-Lug Brand: SilencerCo. " 3 Lug Trilug Mount Quick Detach Stainless Steel Internals threads 1-3/16 x 24 Tri Lug 9mm for Solvent Trap Filter. Includes Osprey takedown tool for removal. Enter your email … The Omega 9k does not direct thread on the barrel as far as I can see. Machined from 7075 aluminum and stainless steel, the 3-Lug Octane Mount is intended for use on 9mm-chambered firearms only. Hi guys I am curious if this device can be used with the CMMG thread adaptor (1/2 by 28 ) to use this 3 Lug muzzle device. Machined from 4140 steel, these adapters have exceptionally tight ID to OD concentricity tolerances. Add to Cart. Designed primarily for those who run a short tri lug barrel with longer forearm to tuck a suppressor and wish to shoot non suppressed without compromising safety or changing hand guards. The results: Omega 9K length compared to my old YHM Cobra 40 suppressor, which the Omega 9K is replacing: It is full-auto rated for both supersonic and subsonic ammunition. Excellent feedback - thanks guys. Available for most common muzzle thread/SureFire suppressor combinations, they provide a rock-steady mounting point and tremendous service life. Sure, other manufacturers have made flush tri-lug mounts compatible with SilencerCo silencers for a few years. (in the form of a Gift Certificate) of the silencer (minus Tax Stamp) within 90 days of your Form 4 approval date. Can a silencer dealer try it and take a picture? JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. SiCo can fix your adapter if it won’t twist over the lugs. Out of stock Compare. Only the HK Parts offering has the correct locking tabs to index with the EVO … require(['jquery','owl.carousel/owl.carousel.min'],function($){jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('input.search-state').on('click',function(){jQuery('.input-search-zipcode').val('');});jQuery('input.search-zip').on('click',function(){jQuery('#search-by-state-name').val('');});if(jQuery(".catalog-product-view .dealer-reviews > a").html()=="undefined Reviews"){jQuery(".dealer-reviews > a").html("0 Reviews")}jQuery('.reset-dealers').insertAfter('.footer-bt-links');if(jQuery("body").hasClass("customer-account-logoutsuccess")){var getUrl=window.location;var baseUrl=getUrl.protocol+"//"+getUrl.host+"/";var loginUrl=baseUrl+'customer/account/login/';jQuery("ul.header .authorization-link > a").attr('href',loginUrl)}$("#banner-slider-demo-1").owlCarousel({items:1,autoplay:true,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,dots:true,nav:true,navRewind:true,animateIn:'fadeIn',animateOut:'fadeOut',loop:true,navText:["",""]});$("#new_product .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({autoplay:false,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,loop:true,navRewind:true,rewindSpeed:0,margin:30,nav:true,navText:["",""],responsive:{0:{items:1},640:{items:2},768:{items:3},992:{items:3},1200:{items:4}}});$("#bottom_category.owl-carousel").owlCarousel({autoplay:false,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,loop:true,navRewind:true,margin:0,nav:true,dots:false,navText:["",""],responsive:{0:{items:2},640:{items:3},768:{items:4},992:{items:4},1200:{items:6}}});});jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function(){setTimeout(function(){jQuery('.product-info-main').addClass('price-show')},1000);});jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('#banner-slider-demo-1 .item').each(function(){var imgPath=jQuery(this).find('img').attr("src");jQuery(this).css('background-image','url('+imgPath+')');});});}); Always FREE Shipping and NO TRANSFER FEES! I attached the can via tri lug adapter and my shots subsequently were high and left by a significant margin. The Omega Ks are the smallest, .. $692.00 . March 7, 2016. SilencerCo’s suppressor is constructed of stellite and stainless steel which offers extreme durability.

This fully … The Omega 9K, like the full-size Omega from which it draws its name, is an exceptionally versatile suppressor and is the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer of its kind in the world at just under 5". The Omega 9K comes with a piston and adapter for use on browning type actions (pistols) and is compatible with existing SilencerCo Octane pistons, fixed barrel, and 3-lug … £375.00 + P&P. SILENCERCO LOW PROFILE 3-LUG MOUNT. Featuring a compact and lightweight suppressor, the Omega 9K was designed for optimized use on pistols, rifles, and submachine guns. Save 6%. These mounts will not fit the Griffin 45 caliber 3-lug barrel muzzle device. Cheapest Option: Assuming the SiCo piston you have on the way is a 1/2x28 piston, and the 9mm AR barrel you want also has 1/2x28 threading, all you'd have to do is buy a SiCo fixed barrel spacer and you'd be good-to-go. SilencerCo Omega 9K . The small B&T stock is a better fit, and most people go that route. Dead Air 3-Lug Adpater.

The Omega 9K by SilencerCo is a 7.2 ounce and 4.7-inch suppressor known for its versatility and maneuverability. Sale Price: $69.95 ... Griffin Armament Plan-A Taper Mount Adapter for Omega, Nomad and Other 1.375x24 Threaded Suppressors Usually Ships in 24 Hours MSRP: $89.95 ... SilencerCo Omega 9K Silencer - Black In Stock: Ships after ATF approval MSRP: $865.00 Add to Cart. I got the Omega 9k set up with a 3 lug barrel adapter on my CZ Scorpion. Email address. Gift Cards Services. Seller 99.3% positive . The Omega 9K, like the full-size Omega from which it draws its name, is an exceptionally versatile silencer and is the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer of its kind in the world at just under 5˝. The Omega 9K is an ultra short 9mm and 300BLK suppressor and is the best performing 9mm suppressor under 5 inches. All-new design for a shorter overall length. The mount will NOT fit on the Griffin Armament 45 caliber 3-lug … For those of you with metric threaded barrels or who require a direct thread or three lug mount, ... I’d compare it to the SilencerCo Omega 9K in terms of suppression levels at less than half the weight. As the title reads, I am in need of a SilencerCo tri lug mount for my new omega 9k suppressor. This adaptor would essentially make my barrel compatible with the SilencerCo 3-Lug Mount which serves as an alternative to “direct thread” mounting my Omega 9k to the MPX pistol barrel. ATF Forms & Fingerprinting Fees Transfer Fees. level 2. Select Dealer to see price. It is full-auto rated for both supersonic and subsonic ammunition. SKU: SCO AC148 Categories: 3 Lug Adapters, Suppressor Accessories Tags: 3 Lug, 3-Lug, 3Lug, Hybrid, Octane, Omega 9K, Silencerco, Tri-Lug Brand: SilencerCo. Notes: Does not fit the Griffin Armament 45 Caliber 3-lug barrel adapter. Attaches just like any spring loaded tri lug equipped suppressor . If you are not 100% satisfied with your suppressor after your Form 4 is approved, you may return it to Silencer Shop for a full refund (in the form of a Gift Certificate) of the silencer (minus Tax Stamp) within 90 days of your Form 4 approval date. As a fully welded design, the suppressor is a bit stronger, and things are less likely to shift or … Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Best Selling in Pistol. About this item. SCO Omega 9K FDE ... SilencerCo 3-Lug Muzzle Device, 1/2 x 36, Fits ASR Mounts, 9MM AC2607 MSRP: $86.00 $68.99. After getting my Omega 9k, I needed to get the flash hider off my MPX barrel, and have the In Lead We Trust HK Style 3-Lug Suppressor adapter installed. 3-lug mounts are available separately here. CGS Piston - Mod9 / Nautilus / Kraken . The 45ACP 3-lug mount is compatible with SilencerCo 45ACP 3-lug muzzle devices and the B&T APC 45 3-lug barrel. Hansohn 3 Lug Muzzle Device Tool $ 30.00. I was told by SiCo that HK and B&T undercut their lugs so that most cans(regardless of brand) will twist on. A forum dedicated to and laser-focused on Heckler & Koch firearms, Heckler & Koch accessories and the owners and enthusiasts that love them! The Omega™ 9K and Omega 45K are exceptionally versatile suppressors. SilencerCo 3-Lug Mount. Clearance / Parts … Report Save. I have a Hybrid46 with the AC2447 flush mount. I agree that any movement (left, right, up or down) to the bore axis is probably not a good thing. The Omega 9K are some of the smallest and lightest suppressors on the market. Build materials: Stellite; stainless steel, Booster Retaining Ring and Spring (no piston), 13729 Research Blvd Suite 630 Austin, TX 78750. I now have momentary and constant-on capability on both the pressure pad and the light itself. Newly designed for a shorter overall length. I will go so far as to say there is nearly NONE. Dismiss notification. SilencerCo Omega 9K. I took it off, perfect shots, put it back in high and left. Dismiss notification. We are talking about .000 inch. I'm happy to get some quick videos of mine on different hosts to show how little wobble there is. Out of stock. Now I can run a snug Omega 9K on three different make barrels, without compromising the bullet exit safety. SilencerCo tri lug mount. Great quick detach. SilencerCo .45 ACP Tri Lug Mount. SILENCERCO 3-LUG MOUNT. SilencerCo 3-Lug Muzzle Device Usually Ships in 24 Hours MSRP: $86.00 . So when I’m saying that it locks up tight, I’m referring to no movement to the bore axis. It locked up tight on both barrels. After getting my Omega 9k, I needed to get the flash hider off my MPX barrel, and have the In Lead We Trust HK Style 3-Lug Suppressor adapter installed. Confirm Rugged Obsidian 3 Lug Mount Finish is Matte Black. Does anyone know where I can get one? Made with 70/75 aluminum and stainless steel and Type III hard coated for the finish, (9mm only). Guaranteed to fit AAC, Dead Air, … I've got the Rugged Obsidian and has been fantastic. SilencerCo Omega 9K, Suppressor, 4.70", 9MM, Stainless Steel Finish, 7.2oz, Full Auto Rated SU2644 MSRP: $865.00 $692.99. CZ Scorpion Evo - 3 Lug Adapter HK Style 3-Lug Adapter that is threaded internally with 18 X 1mm threads to attach to the threaded barrel of a CZ Scorpion Evo. The K takes the standard German designation for short and proves that it’s effective. The Omega 9K is an insanely overbuilt suppressor so you can run it hot and fast without worrying. See pictures. Gift Cards Services. And I've lost track of my round count. CGS Fixed Barrel Spacer. Barrels/Choke Tubes and more... We have highly competitive prices on all our products. Join Waitlist. Machined from 4140 steel, these adapters have exceptionally tight ID to OD concentricity tolerances. Move over photo to … Clearance / Parts … Posted: 1/20/2017 3:10:33 PM EST Quote History. 3942F10A-5F11-4321-90A9-3E025E549BB8_1587142689083.jpeg, 1F08F602-6051-4702-97F9-1DBEC94244F4_1587142764576.jpeg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEcf0pCm2iE&feature=emb_logo, Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I would say (at least with my 2 SiCo mounts) that they both lock up tight without any “wobble”. Great quick detach. They both have wobble so I would be interested in this as well. Hansohn Brothers’ 3-Lug muzzle device is Black Nitride QPQ finished to provide excellent wear properties for a long service life. Dead Air Wolfman Naked . How is the fitment of the KW Tri-lug? £210.00 + P&P. Engraving Lower Receiver Assembly Service Return Shipping Upper Receiver Assembly Service. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. See all Item description. The new mount fits almost completely inside the blast chamber saving nearly two inches of added length. Let me know about your observations so far with the SP5. Compare. Compatible with the Osprey takedown tool (included) for removal.. SILENCERCO 3-LUG MOUNT. edited 3 days ago. Thank you for sharing! Categories Black Ankle Services. Featuring a compact and lightweight suppressor, the Omega 9K was designed for optimized use on pistols, rifles, and submachine guns. Again, great set-up! Mind you it was not as much as what I have when my PTR factory thread protector is on there. Compatible with Octane, Omega 9K, and Hybrid. It’s difficult to make a suppressor list without the SilencerCo Omega K rearing its head. Image not available. Threads directly into B tubes and can be used with the D size booster or three lug adapter. " Oman Burundi Virgin Islands, British CZ SCORPION EVO PUSH SAFETY – LHS $ 79.00 Buy Now. (Was on pc last night) The Rugged one seems like the one to get for me. It’s light, compact and does what it was designed to do – keep a lid on your noisy guns. CGS 3-Lug Mount - Mod9 / Nautilus / Kraken. Fantastic! All-new design for a shorter overall length and available for 9mm and 45 ACP 3-lug barrels. Check out the suppressor pistons and mounts Capitol Armory has in stock and available for purchase online. SKU: SCO AC148 Categories: 3 Lug Adapters, Suppressor Accessories Tags: 3 Lug, 3-Lug, 3Lug, Hybrid, Octane, Omega 9K, Silencerco, Tri-Lug Brand: SilencerCo. SilencerCo’s suppressor is constructed of stellite and stainless steel which offers extreme durability.

Model # AC2447, AC2448 The 3-Lug Mount must be used with a 3-Lug Muzzle Device. Out of stock - Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available ... (9mm only). Select Page. My Silencerco Omega 9K arrived at my local dealer the other day, so I brought my MPX SBR (4.5" barrel) into the shop this morning to take pictures with it mounted. This allows the use of 3-lug attachments to be added to the male end of the adapter such as flash hiders, compensators, suppressors, etc. Full auto rated and usable with pistols, rifles, and submachine guns, the Omega 9K offers extreme durability in an ultra-compact package and is compatible with 9mm and 300BLK. They are quoted with the SICO Tri Lug as it adds volume to blast chamber!! I do know that there is some ambiguity as to who devised or patented this system, and what decade it first appeared on a gun. Featuring a compact and lightweight suppressor, the Omega 9K was designed for optimized use on pistols, rifles, and submachine guns. The 45ACP 3-lug mount is compatible with the B&T APC 45 3-lug barrel. Out of stock - Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available . 3 Lug (7) Flash Hiders (7) Front Caps (5) Mounts and Pistons (29) Muzzle Brakes (13) Tools (10) Firearms (2) Silencers (52).223 Caliber (3).30 Caliber (21) 6.5mm Caliber (5) Handgun / Subgun (13) Large Bore (6) Rimfire (6) Uncategorized (1) Out of stock. Vintage 9k 9ct solid gold mens Swiss Avia cushion watch + Box. Yes, SiCo already offers a 3-Lug mount, but the older attachment system is completely external from the silencer tube. Notify me when this product is available. Hansohn Brothers’ 3-Lug muzzle device is Black Nitride QPQ finished to provide excellent wear properties for a long service life. Today my local FFL/range let me borrow a silencerco omega 9k with a tri-lug adapter -- so nice & easy! Residing on the tonier end of the market, the Omega 9K is hardly money wasted. Shipping, Returns & Payments . And I've lost track of my round count. Hansohn Brothers TiRant 3 Lug Adapter for 9mm $ 225.00. The 9k … The 3 lug barrel machining can vary ever so slightly from one manufacturer to another. I know in theory the Omega 9K should with with the Revolution 3 lug mount since it works with the Octane 3 lug, but has anyone actually done it? The 3-Lug Mount is compatible with SilencerCo Octane, Omega-K Series, and Hybrid Suppressors. SilencerCo instructed me that their AC2447 adapter may need a slight fitment because of these variances in the 3 lug machining. I've had it on both my SP5 and my 9CT. SilencerCo Omega 9K Specs: Length: 4.7” Weight: 7.2 oz; Diameter: 1.475” Finish: Black Oxide; Sound Rating: 124.9 dB with 147gr Ammunition; 3-Lug, Direct Thread and Piston Mount Capable for Maximum Versatility Muzzle Devices / Muzzle Devices. Fits SilencerCo Octane, Omega 9K and Hybrid pistol suppressors; Simple push-and-twist installation; Stainless steel and 7075 aluminum … Finish is Matte Black. Quoted: Is … I read somewhere else on the Interwebs that using the Griffin 3-lug mount with their Omega 9K/MPX resulted in POI shift (not to mention would not be supported by SilencerCo). (You are responsible for the Form 4 transfer filing and paperwork), Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, If you are not 100% satisfied with your suppressor after your Form 4 is approved, you may return it to Silencer Shop for a. Enter your email address to join the waitlist for this product. What’s lacking that the ILWT would fix? This adapter allows you use your compatible suppressors with 3-lug barrels. I was shooting a combination of ammo, but mostly 115 grain american steel (brass plated) and it was still stupid accurate. Full-auto rated, the SiCo... For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. he Omega™ 9K, like the full-size Omega from which it draws its name, is an exceptionally versatile suppressor and is the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer of its kind in the world at just under 5?. The SilencerCo 3-Lug Mount is an all new design which features a shorter overall length mount. Add to Cart. Compatible with Octane, Omega 9K, and Hybrid. £325.00 + P&P. report. Hope that helps. Feb 14, 2021 | Uncategorized | Uncategorized Full-auto rated, the SiCo Omega is the perfect, multicaliber addition to fulfill your suppression needs. MSRP: $199.00 Our Price: $149.00. That goes for the ubiquitous 9mm. For now I used loctite on the adapter so I do not unscrew the adapter from the barrel when I screw … 3-Lug Option: If you were to go with 3-lug, i'd recommend a Griffin 3-lug barrel adapter + Rugged Suppressors 3-lug mount for the shortest 3-lug setup on the 9K. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

The Omega 9K by SilencerCo is a 7.2 ounce and 4.7-inch suppressor known for its versatility and maneuverability. 3-Lug Option: If you were to go with 3-lug, i'd recommend a Griffin 3-lug barrel adapter + Rugged Suppressors 3-lug mount for the shortest 3-lug setup on the 9K. I found a brilliant post, pretty sure here on hkpro. There is absolutely NO doubt that the 3-lug is the BEST LOOKING muzzle end to a barrel ever created!!!! SKU: 817272010398 Categories: Accessories and Merchandise, SilencerCo, Suppressor Hardware. MSRP: $45.00 Our Price: $42.00. Mouse over to zoom-Click to enlarge. Thanks. share. The 3 Lug pretty much stops this from happening. Dead Air Booster Assembly. Reply. Attaches just like any spring loaded tri lug equipped suppressor. MSRP: $149.00 Our Price: $132.95. These 3-lug muzzle devices require a 3-lug mount to attach a suppressor. Share. The Omega 9K is an ultra short 9mm and 300BLK suppressor and is the best performing 9mm suppressor under 5 inches. The 45ACP 3-lug mount is compatible with the B&T APC 45 3-lug barrel. Skip to the end of the images gallery. With that said, it looks like I have to get a couple custom thread protectors made to fit the ID of the AC2447. I run a 9K and an Osprey 45 on my 8” MPX and the larger can is way more enjoyable to shoot. Adapts Thread-On Pistol Suppressors To 3-Lug Barrels. Save 10%. The 3-Lug Mount is a quick-attach mounting option for guns with fixed barrels. Being F1, anything can be adapted to work. 9ct Gold Gents Rare Vintage Bentima Star Strap Watch! The Omega 9K is popular for its exceptional versatility and known for its big sound suppression with minimal footprint. The 3-Lug Mount is a quick-attach mounting option for guns with fixed barrels. I'd like an Omega 9K, but not if I have to use SilencerCo's gigantic 3 lug with it. Just screwed on as … The Omega 9K by SilencerCo is a 7.2 ounce and 4.7-inch suppressor known for its versatility and maneuverability. The Omega 9k is great because of the size but you will get a lot of gas to the face and blowback on the MPX with the smaller volume cans. 64 reviews BACKORDER. The Omega 9K, like the full-size Omega from which it draws its name, is an exceptionally versatile suppressor and is the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer of its kind in the world at just under 5". Join waitlist $ 129.00.