"I write about all this now to refocus attention on the substance of the interviews, which has been overshadowed by Mr. Pompeo’s subsequently swearing at me, calling me a liar and challenging me to find Ukraine on an unmarked map," she wrote. Tandon said it was "unacceptable to punish an individual member of our association.". KELLY: Is there any new deal being developed - a new nuclear deal, something that would rein in Iran, something that they would agree to? That's what I intend to do. POMPEO: You know, I agreed to come on your show today to talk about Iran. They have fewer dollars available. KELLY: President Trump's strategy has included pulling out of the nuclear deal. This administration delivered the capability for the Ukrainians to defend themselves. I appreciate that. Do you owe Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch an apology? You can see the Iranian people not happy with their own government when they have to raise the fuel cost. Copyright © 2020 NPR. There is a reason it matters that people in positions of power – people charged with steering the foreign policy of entire nations – be held to account. The exchange in the post-interview was not recorded. He leaned in, glared at me and then turned and, with his aides, left the room. In a Friday interview with All Things Considered, co-host Mary Louise Kelly questioned Pompeo about Marie Yovanovitch's treatment as U.S. envoy to Ukraine. And you heard me thank the secretary. He called out for his aides to bring him a map of the world with no writing, no countries marked. It might have been delayed for a month or a year or five or 10 years, but it guaranteed them that pathway. It is worth noting that Bangladesh is not Ukraine," end quote. POMPEO: You know, we never talk about private conversations that are taking place, but the diplomatic effort on this front has been vigorous, robust and enormously successful. This morning, Secretary of State Pompeo responded with this statement. I just don't have... KELLY: I confirmed with your staff last night that I would talk about Iran and Ukraine. I'm guessing that you didn't get a chance to go out into these places where the life of the Iranian people - these are people who are suffering. You can see it in the protests inside of Iran. Contributing: Deirdre Shesgreen and Courtney Subramanian, Trump's Ukraine phone call: U.S. and Ukraine relationship, explained. KELLY: You used the word pressure. POMPEO: Mary, I've said all I'm going to say today. Is that the desired outcome? I have defended every State Department official. This week the State Department barred NPR reporter Michele Kelemen from accompanying Pompeo on a scheduled trip that includes a visit to Ukraine. KELLY: But in terms of U.S. engagement with Iran, is there any talks underway, any plan for talks? I appreciate you want to continue to talk about this. Kelly said during their interview that she told Pompeo's staff that she intended to ask about both Ukraine and Iran, and she has denied ever agreeing to keep anything off the record. POMPEO: ...That has been working to develop its nuclear program for years and years and years. And we've raised the cost for doing those. We've built out a coalition that is working together - Gulf states, Israel, many European countries - to deliver on the three central outcomes that we're looking for. But because of the impeachment trial airing on most of our member stations, you may not have actually heard the interview, so we air that interview for you now, start to finish, no edits. Quote, "NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me twice - first last month in setting up our interview and then again yesterday in agreeing to have our post-interview conversation off the record. "The journalists who cover the State Department are dedicated to informing the public and holding this and every administration accountable by asking questions about the issues of the day," he said. ... the conclusion of his interview, saying Pompeo … NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly said Jan. 24 that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shouted at her after she asked him about the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record. You may have heard by now about the interview my colleague Mary Louise Kelly, co-host of All Things Considered, did yesterday with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. When we came into office, it took a lot of work to fundamentally reshape the diplomatic, military and economic landscape. POMPEO: Yeah, he's blustering. Kelly said Pompeo lashed out at her following an interview she conducted with him, swearing at her and demanding she locate Ukraine on an unmarked map. All the things that are undermining this regime's ability to inflict risk on the American people are coming to fruition as a direct result of President Trump's strategy. "I think you did a good job on her, actually," the president said. It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity. I sat down with your counterpart there, Javad Zarif, and he told me, quote, "all limits on our centrifuge program are now suspended.". UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Thank you for your time. President Trump made clear they're not going to have a nuclear program that is capable of delivering these weapons around the world. Although she began with questions about the situation in Iran, she pivoted to Ukraine and the secretary's heavily criticized treatment of former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. I was in Tehran two weeks ago. POMPEO: Absolutely working. In a Friday interview with All Things Considered, co-host Mary Louise Kelly questioned Pompeo about Marie Yovanovitch's treatment as U.S. envoy to Ukraine. Recording: Trump called for firing Ukraine ambassador after campaign donor complained, "It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency. They didn't have it in a central research agency, but they continued to develop their program. The previous administration gave them billions and billions of dollars to underwrite the very actions that they're taking today. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR. He said, people will hear about this. KELLY: Change of subject - Ukraine. And you can see it in protests not just in Tehran. I know exactly what we were doing. Since the president came to office, Iran has moved closer to a nuclear weapons capability. 'I've Done What's Right'. I've done what's right for every single person on this team. POMPEO: I just don't have anything else to say about that this morning. We accept the facts on the ground as they are. WASHINGTON – National Public Radio host Mary Louise Kelly addressed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling her a liar in a New York Times op-ed on Tuesday night that reflected on the role of journalists in holding public figures to account. "For the record, I did. I'm proud of the work we've done. And you should know, when you traveled there, I'm guessing you weren't permitted to travel freely. This is the fundamental flaw of the JCPOA itself. Much of the op-ed recounted the portion of her interview with Pompeo that focused on tensions with Iran, as well as an interview she did earlier this month with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday accused NPR ’s Mary Louise Kelly of violating “basic rules of journalism and decency” regarding a contentious interview and its aftermath. This is... KELLY: I'm picking the moment when the president pulled out of the nuclear deal. The stakes are too high for their impulses and decisions not to be examined in as thoughtful and rigorous an interview as is possible. What is the plan, and on diplomacy specifically? They are spinning more centrifuges. "All Things Considered" co-host Mary Louise Kelly interviewed Secretary of State Pompeo amid Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate, … We built out a significant coalition that has put pressure on the Iranian regime to do what we've asked, to cease its processing of uranium, reprocessing of plutonium, to stop its missile program and the development of its missile program. Kelly… I said yes. Qassem Soleimani, who we removed from the battlefield, killed hundreds of Iranians, and the Iranian people know that, and it's been our strategy that has delivered this message of freedom for the Iranian people. On Saturday, Pompeo issued a statement in which he claimed Kelly lied to him about the subject of the interview and about keeping his post-interview comments off the record. That was what Kelly was trying to do in an interview with Pompeo last week when she asked if he felt he owed former U.S. In a statement, NPR senior vice president for news Nancy Barnes said Mary Louise Kelly has always conducted herself with the utmost integrity. KELLY: But again, you say you're determined to prevent them. Moments later, the same staffer who had stopped the interview reappeared, asked me to come with her - just me, no recorder, though she did not say we were off the record, nor would I have agreed. NPR host: After interview, Pompeo cursed at reporter, yelled. POMPEO: We'll stop them. Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo bungled an interview with NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly and stormed out instead of answering her last questions. I'll say only this. Look; the truth of the matter is this is a regime that's never... KELLY: Do you have evidence that he's blustering? But in that year and a half, Iran has behaved more provocatively, not less. I know what our Ukraine policy has been now for three years of this administration. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. It's - it was a certainty. POMPEO: This is a regime that has never been in the position that it's in today, where it has to confront so many elements - the challenge - the central thesis of the theocracy and the revolutionary nature of this regime. We've built a great team. He was not happy to have been questioned about Ukraine. And you can see it, too. "There is a reason that freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. This is beginning to place real choices in front of the Iranian regime. It's important because this will protect the American people. POMPEO: You - you're picking the wrong moment to start your analysis. It's been realistic. These are important, Mary Louise. And since then... KELLY: ...They're closer to having a nuclear weapon. The ramifications, the tail, the end result of what the previous administration - is the activity that we're seeing today. President Obama showed up with MREs; we showed up with Javelin missiles. You can see that now in what's going on at the IAEA in Turquzabad, where we now know that they lied about the scope of their program. He did not reply. POMPEO: The Iranian leadership will have to make the decision about what its behavior's going to be. Pompeo Won't Say Whether He Owes Yovanovitch An Apology. The move was condemned by journalists as retaliation for the Kelly interview. SIMON: Our colleague Mary Louise Kelly speaking last night with Ari Shapiro on their show, All Things Considered. We explain their relationship. POMPEO: I'm not going to - I appreciate that. When I talk to... KELLY: This is your senior adviser Michael McKinley, a career foreign service officer with four decades experience, who testified under oath that he resigned in part due to the failure of the State Department to offer support to foreign service employees caught up in the impeachment inquiry on Ukraine. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. White House Correspondents' Association President Jonathan Karl said in a statement that the "apparent attempt to take punitive action against a news outlet for its reporting is outrageous and contrary to American values. We're going to continue to do it. They dispersed it as a result of the JCPOA. And this administration is determined to prevent them from getting that weapon - not now, not a year from now and not 10 years from now. KELLY: ...Where have you defended Marie Yovanovitch? And we stand behind this report. MARY LOUISE KELLY: Secretary of State, good to see you. What is happening there is an aide has stopped the interview, said, we're done; thank you. Previous administration did nothing to take down corruption in Ukraine; we're working hard on that. I was taken to the secretary's private living room, where he was waiting and where he shouted at me for about the same amount of time as the interview itself had lasted. I pointed to Ukraine. Thanks for the repeated opportunity to do so. "It occurs to me that swapping insults through interviews with journalists such as me might, terrifyingly, be as close as the top diplomats of the United States and Iran came to communicating this month. Kelly said she is a journalist because "we get to put questions to powerful people and hold them to account. NPR, in turn, said it was standing by Mary Louise Kelly, who conducted a roughly 10-minute interview with Pompeo on Friday morning that was … I can tell you this. President Donald Trump, who routinely attacks the news media, praised Pompeo on Tuesday for his treatment of Kelly, calling it "impressive.". POMPEO: So we've been engaged in deep diplomatic efforts since the first day of the Trump administration. It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency. During the interview with NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly that aired Friday, Pompeo refused to say whether he owed an apology to Yovanovitch, whose firing … I know precisely what direction that the State Department gave to our officials around the world about how to manage our Ukraine policy. After a speech Tuesday, President Donald Trump praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his treatment of NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly. NPR reporter barred from Mike Pompeo trip after tense interview. Of course we don't want them to do those things. Thank you. We are turning this around. And the nuclear deal guaranteed them a pathway to having a nuclear program. KELLY: Hey, Ari. He put the map away. F-bombs and death threats: Kobe Bryant, Mike Pompeo and the abuse of female journalists, In response to Pompeo's statement that accused Kelly of lying, five Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wrote him a letter decrying "the corrosive effects of your behavior on American values and standing in the world.". We have reduced resources. So it didn't happen instantaneously, but we made an enormous amount of progress in delivering... KELLY: But in the last year, they have targeted tankers in the Gulf, they have shot down a U.S. drone, they have attacked Saudi oil facilities. Trump called for firing Ukraine ambassador after campaign donor complained, After interview, Pompeo cursed at reporter, yelled, “I think you did a good job on her.” Trump praises Pompeo for blasting NPR host, barred NPR reporter Michele Kelemen from accompanying Pompeo, Kobe Bryant, Mike Pompeo and the abuse of female journalists, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. POMPEO: I've defended every single person on this team. ", "We can only conclude that the State Department is retaliating against National Public Radio as a result of this exchange," said Shaun Tandon, president of the State Department Correspondents' Association. Mary Louise Kelly, the host of National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered,” hosted a master class on how to handle gaslighters when she interviewed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo … They are stockpiling more enriched uranium. The coalition that we built out, the economic, military and diplomatic deterrence that we have put in place will deliver that outcome. ARI SHAPIRO: Mary Louise Kelly is here in the studio. When you say worse - they held American hostages in our embassy in Tehran. In his brief interview Friday with NPR host Mary Louise Kelly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talked about a couple of pressing issues. And while his performance during the interview was already embarrassing unto itself, it was his behavior after the interview ended that drives home just how reprehensible he is. The opening sentence in his remarks said that we will never permit Iran to have a nuclear weapon. He also implied Kelly failed to correctly identify Ukraine on the map. KELLY: Let's start with Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shouted profanities and insults at NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly after she asked him about Ukraine during an interview, Kelly said Friday.In the interview… You can't talk about the Iranian nuclear program without acknowledging the facts of what this regime has been up to. We've seen it. I'm not going to comment on things that Mr. McKinley may have said. And then finally, working to convince them that their model, this proxy model that they've used to conduct terror campaigns - assassinations in Europe, assassination attempt right here in Washington, D.C. - is not tolerable. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lashed out at an NPR reporter on ... "NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. This is a regime that lied to get into that nuclear deal. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovtich an apology for not defending her before she was recalled from her post. KELLY: ...Under oath that Ukraine policy was hijacked. KELLY: Can you point me toward your remarks where you have defended Marie Yovanovitch? On the … They had our sailors kneeling. "NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice," Pompeo said in a statement released by the State Department. They kept technology in place. They stored documents. He asked, do you think Americans care about Ukraine? WASHINGTON – National Public Radio host Mary Louise Kelly addressed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling her a liar in a New York Times op … (You can listen to … At the end, you'll hear Mary Louise tell her co-host Ari Shapiro what happened after the interview. We do it in the service of asking tough questions, on behalf of our fellow citizens. That’s not the point. This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this administration," Pompeo said after the interview. These are important items. POMPEO: The Ukraine policy's been run from the Department of State for the entire time that I have been here, and our policy was very clear. NPR's Mary Louise Kelly said during a segment on "All Things Considered" on Friday that Pompeo forcefully questioned whether Americans care about Ukraine and if … MIKE POMPEO: Good to be with you. This administration has pulled the Band-Aid off. I agreed to come on your show today to talk about... KELLY: And you appreciate that the American public wants to know, as a shadow foreign policy, as a back channel policy on Ukraine was being developed, did you try to block it? The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, reportedly subjected NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly to an expletive-ridden rant in his private living room after an interview. He said she lied last month when setting up the interview … They are closer today than they were when he took office. KELLY: I just want to give you another opportunity to answer this because, as you know, people who work for you in your department, people who have resigned from this department under your leadership, saying you should stand up... KELLY: ...For the diplomats who work here... POMPEO: I don't know who these unnamed sources are you're referring to. How do you stop them? Is there any serious initiative to reopen diplomacy with Iran? He asked if I could find Ukraine on a map. "It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity.". All rights reserved. And then sharing the answers – or lack thereof – with the world," Kelly wrote in the op-ed. This is NPR Mary Louise Kelly, giving a clinic in responsible journalism and forcing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to actually corroborate what he says. This is both a privilege and a responsibility.". Kelly, a cohost of the NPR show All Things Considered, interviewed Pompeo at the White House Friday. The president made it very clear. POMPEO: No, of course not. And then he turned and said he had things to do, and I thanked him again for his time and left. ... NPR host Mary Louise Kelly. The team that works here... POMPEO: ...Is doing amazing work around the world. Accuracy and availability may vary. "NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice," Pompeo said in a statement released by the State Department. And, Mary Louise, will you explain what's happening at the end of the interview there? Thank you. U.S. and Ukraine relations go further back than the now infamous phone call between Trump and Zelensky. "The point is that recently the risk of miscalculation – of two old adversaries misreading each other and accidentally escalating into armed confrontation – has felt very real," she said. POMPEO: Yeah. I thought of those episodes while listening to NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly’s January 24 interview with secretary of state Mike Pompeo. If the plan is to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, how do you do that when they're not abiding by the limits of the old deal and there's no new deal in sight? "At a time when journalists around the world are being jailed for their reporting – and as in the case of Jamal Khashoggi, killed – your insulting and contemptuous comments are beneath the office of the Secretary of State," they wrote. ", Trump on Pompeo: “I think you did a good job on her.” Trump praises Pompeo for blasting NPR host. "Journalists don’t sit down with senior government officials in the service of scoring political points. He used the F-word in that sentence and many others. After the interview, Kelly said Pompeo berated her, questioned whether Americans care about Ukraine and challenged her to find Ukraine on a map. We've also posted the full, unedited transcript of Mary Louise's conversation with Secretary Pompeo on npr.org. The money that underwrote Hezbollah, that underwrites Hamas, that underwrites Shia militias in Iraq is a direct result of the resources that were provided to them for the eight years prior to us coming into office. Thanks for having me on the show. To put it in context, this is 40 years. So is maximum pressure working? NPR wants the State Department to explain why it removed its diplomatic correspondent from Secretary Mike Pompeo's trip. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo screamed at and cursed out NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly in an interview when she pressed him on Marie Yovanovitch's firing. KELLY: But my question again, how do you stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon? This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this administration. Yesterday, NPR asked the State Department for comment. This is the maximum pressure campaign that President Trump put into place a year and a half ago when he pulled out of the nuclear deal. The response in the previous administration when they undertook those actions was to reward them - to reward them - to give them billions and billions of dollars to allow countries to trade with them, to allow them to do all the things that you're seeing today. POMPEO: I've been clear about that.