Sweetie has had a wonderful Summer chasing all the critters (squirrels and chip monks) that venture into her and Wylie’s backyard. I sat down in the grass and he came over and licked my hand. Thank you again for helping us find Coco for my aunt. He’s a very snuggly boy and he got more toys and treats than you can imagine from family and friends!! And my Mom was suckered by her cute little face into buying her a very snazzy heart-shaped ID tag with little pink rhinestones on it. Then on the weekends it is off to always with her new best friend, as you can see from the pictures I have attached a picture of him and his friends we recently adopted the little chihuhua in the picture and we had a sleepover with his cousins the little pug and the bulldog mix. Thank you for sending us this wonderful dog – he is perfect and will be pampered and spoiled, as all dogs should be! Her favorite treat for training is cheese. We love her. My two daughters and I were there for about 2 1/2 hours. Although we have only had them for 2 weeks, we couldn’t imagine life without them. He is having a whirlwind of a summer in New Hampshire and Cape Cod! We found a puppy named Hero and he has stolen our hearts. He can’t wait to get ‘home’ every night and LOVES to hop down the companionway to get on HIS boat. He’s come along way and is doing amazing. He’s very sweet with our kids. The loving care that she’s put into him has been rewarded many times over.) I adopted an Aussie Mix 2 years ago. Robb’s books called Eve Dallas, who is an alpha female cop! Order Now . We had to put her down 4 yrs ago. We had Miss Madoo 2 years after we rescued her from a crack neighborhood in Garden city. I hope you are still strong in your mission and She’s a good one for wet kisses in the morning! She is a pain in the ass right now (LOL) but she is happy and that is all that matters! If you remember that little face and anything about her, please let me know. He and Lola seem to be hitting it off. We adopted Elvira, who is now known as Vayder. We love her and she is a huge part of the family. He adjusted really quick to being in our home. We call them Huck and Poe. I also wanted to thank you for everything you do for the animals in your care. I nicknamed her ‘Baby Munkin’. We feel so blessed to have him as part of our family. The pup you sent is really cute but I think we are going to hold off I’m no sure how receptive she would be to another dog living here. Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Augusta, GA from The Augusta Chronicle. You were right when you said our girls missed us! Here is a picture of her playing in the sunflower field behind our house, and another of her taking over her big brother’s bed and toys. I really just wanted to tell you “thanks” for saving me and finding a real nice family in NY that wanted to adopt me. We wanted to let you know that Whiskey(Keebler) has settled in nicely. He loves to play and meet the other dogs in our neighborhood. I was so nervous about adopting a dog from another state based on a picture and your description over the phone – but it couldn’t have worked out any better. I thought I’d update you on Callie’s progress in our home. Here are some pictures. We also wanted to let you know that we did end up changing his name. Again thankyou and god bless you and the animals in your care. I learned some new things like how to walk up the stairs, that it is OK to go wherever I want in my new house, and kissing a cat gets you hissed at. Time flies! Maddox has about 20 pounds on her, but she can still wrestle him to the ground and pin him and she can outrun him any day. Or had he just “escaped”..? He was initially puzzled with the concept of bringing a tree in the house and but was thrilled when Santa brought him toys and treats for being such a good boy! If I hadn’t seen the picture and met the Wheaten Terrier, I could have found at least 20 dogs that would have been possibilities. I would send you a picture of her when she is fully grown. Early last Summer we adopted Bear. for her heartworm med. Sherman is now called Pokey, and is happily adjusting to his new home. Still a tad timid, but just the sweetest, cutest dog ever-as you can see! We are inspected regularly by the GA Department of Agriculture. I tell everybody that they should absolutely consider adopting before buying a dog. Katie the yorkshire and Nia are getting along very well and Nia has settled in FOREVER. She said everything looked really good with him :] they did tests for both intestinal worms as well and said that it came up negative which made us very happy. Well he now weighs in at 55 lbs. We gave him a bandana to hide his rash on his face. He does his business outside most of the time. Find the dog that is going to suit your family best. I am sending a picture of her in the van on the way to Columbus from my brother-in-law in a separate email. Just wanted to send along another update on Wally (originally Peanut) for your website. She went to the bathroom outside when we got home. She is doing very good and has gone from 9.8lbs to 18lbs. My husband and I adopted a precious kitten, who we named Molly, from the Georgia Animal Rescue and Defense (GARD) on February 19, 2010. I was amazed at the number of dogs you’re rescued and how well cared for all of them appear to be! Now he sleeps with the cats! When I get more pictures of Tess (when she’s older I’ll send them to you). It was in the beginning when she was nervous about going to the bathroom on the leash. We adopted bentley from you right before new years last year. Just a sweetheart in every way. He either followed me everywhere or hid under the bed, of course even though I felt sorry for him I am convinced he is a bit of an actor J. I attached some pixs of him hiding! We spend lots of time taking walks or Here are a few pictures of me at my new home. We got her stitches out as well. She’s doing well. Eileen fell in love with the face on the website and, when she realized that he needed further rehabilitation, rose to the challenge. Rose Murphy, I just wanted to drop a hello and let you know that Elbee (the lil black lab mix) is doing GREAT! Hi, my name is Sandy, and I’m emailing you to give you an update on the border collie puppy I adopted October 3, 2009. In California they keep the real estate prices so artificially high that no blacks or Hispanics can live there, and yet still they find a way to infest the inner cities, living and shitting on the streets if needed. As I mentioned in my application, we had recently lost our 9-year-old lab/pit bull mix to prostate cancer. Keep up the great work. I will send more pictures to keep you updated on Tia. She is able to run outside with supervision (adult only) without going into the street. I think she rescued us more than we rescued her. We are a licensed 509(a)2 no-kill animal shelter and a registered 501(c)3 non-profit animal charity. We are in so in love with him! Love, He has really been a blessing since we lost our Hannah Bear in February. and now I have even started to take him into the Nursing Home where I work to do pet therapy! He loves everyone and everything! She is everything you said she was, so sweet and gentle and loves everybody. We renamed him Petey. She loves LOVES our couches and she loves sleeping in the bed with my husband and me. When we got home last night, he had a blast running around in the snow in the front yard. Also we sent away for the DNA test on her and we were surprised to find out she not Wheaten Terrier mix,but a cocker spaniel mix. This is a picture of a very contented Mary Kay emailed to me by my daughter is better at computers.. She is gaining weight and becoming more sociable with people as well as other dogs. Have good holidays and I’ll have my family write you soon…. He had the time of his life in the yard, jumping through the snow and eating the falling snow! He has learned to sit, stay, play dead, roll over, and speak among lots of other things, he is such a smart dog! Just wanted to say thank you for all you do!!! My family loves our new dog Cosmo! I’m attaching two pictures of him. My 5 year old daughter even has frequent dreams about him. He is such a little kid with his own mannerisms and personality, I honestly cannot imagine our family without him. I will be THRILLED the day he can join me & my other dogs on the long walks we take every day. Since adopted he has gotten a haircut, gone on numerous trips to Forsyth and Hilton Head beach, and been the best friend/partner in crime/brother to our rescued dachshund, Wiener Dog, whom we’ve had for 3 years now. thanks again, our digital camera is on the fritz but as soon as we get another we will update…, We had Samantha for almost 2 YEARS at the kennel. We have named her Dakota and she has adapted very well to our family. He is completely used to the cold now — it doesn’t phase him at all anymore! Of course that doesn’t make any difference to a dog. she is doing great. They asked for lots of pictures, and unfortunately I am sending way too many. Thank you again for all you do. He tags along with family members to the barn to hang out with our Haflinger pony named Fritz, goes on play dates to our friend’s houses and has a wonderful time. Everyday, at 4 o’clock she tells him it’s time to eat. When you handed me the puppy(Natasha), I was overwhelmed. She and Lucy are getting along but not quite playing yet. We love them to infinity and beyond. Its hysterical! Merry Christmas!! Thank you for the beautiful work your organization does. It is just so remarkable & rewarding to me to see the change in him on this issue, the dog who once would bite me, grab his treat/toy & run away from me with it, now drops what he has in his mouth & looks up at me wagging his tail J I brought him to my condo in southern Maine for the first time 2 weeks ago & it was so heartwarming to see him run on the beach as if he were the happiest dog in the world!!! We’ll deal……Her name was Eve when she came, but she didn’t respond at all……but when I call her “Baby Girl” it’s all tails and response…..so Baby it is! We’re very happy with our new family member. It is a wonderful thing that you do for animals and that your foster families do. She’s so funny to watch: she sniffs around, then lays down and rolls around in the snow. Since he had quite a serious growl/bark toward her while I was here, I asked her to stop over briefly each day, just to give him a treat so he could get to know her. I don’t know if you will even remember Dexter. What can I say, he is even better than Tux on a leash. We will celebrate my first year here in my new “forever home” on Thursday, May 6th. She is getting along very well with our two cats and our Shepherd mix.