Visitors are walked through the voyages of the first colonizers to set foot on the island: the Spaniards. Oktober 1982 zum „Museum der Gründerväter“ ( "Musée des Pères de la Patrie" ) welches später in „ Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien“ umbenannt wurde. ship – on which Christopher Colombus arrived in Haiti – standing at a daunting thirteen feet tall. Outside of the museum are the MUPANAH Gardens. Exploring hidden waterfalls in Jacmel, meandering through the March de Fer in Port-au-Prince and trekking up to the largest fortress in the western hemisphere, La Citadelle La Ferriere, Haiti has so much to offer the more adventurous traveller. Read documents signed by, and belonging to, prominent presidents – such as noted dictator François Duvalier – the museum also features the silver handgun which Henri Christophe used to commit suicide. View several items of national importance, including the gun that King Christophe--a key leader in the Haitian Revolution--used to commit suicide, as well as the bell rung to declare the arrival of independence. On a more uplifting note, you’ll get to see the bell that was rung to announce that the country’s population were claiming their independence. Discover more about Haiti's heritage with a visit to Musee du Pantheon National Haitien, a national museum focusing on the heroes of independence and culture. Songs, stories and structured debates rehearse and refine the histories and experiences down the centuries. The museum is open seven days a week, including holidays. While this may be shocking for some visitors, the museum and its advisory board believe this is an important part of Haitian history that should be kept alive for the sake of our collective memory. Aside from the museums, there are also many other attractions nearby. This is where a lot of Haiti’s physical colonial history is kept intact. Save. The Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH) is a museum featuring the heroes of the independence of Haiti and the Haitian history and culture History. Leider hat das Museum bislang keine eigene Webseite und so erlauben wir Ihnen diese Sehenswürdigkeit kurz etwas vorzustellen. Leider hat das Museum bislang keine eigene Webseite und so erlauben wir Ihnen diese Sehenswürdigkeit kurz etwas vorzustellen. The National Museum of Haiti (Musée National d'Haiti) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was completed in 1938. MUPANAH, also known as the Musée du Panthéon National Haitien, is the national museum of Haiti which showcases many unique cultural artefacts of Caribbean history. Avenue de La Republique, Port-au-Prince 6113, Haiti. Musee du Pantheon National Haitien. Ein Denkmal der nationalen Kultur. One particularly interesting find here is the 13-feet-tall anchor from Columbus’ ship, the … Die Aufgabe des Museums MUPANAH liegt klar darin, die Geschichte von Haiti zu dokumentieren. As a visitor, you can only scratch the surface of this unseen medium of memory. See real examples of the actual shackles that were used to keep slaves under control, alongside gruesome instruments of torture used the slave masters. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Subscribe and save Sell Die silberne Pistole womit sich König Henry Christophe selbst erschossen haben soll, Die ruhmreiche Glocke welche die Freiheit von Haiti eingeläutet hat, Der gigantische Anker der legendären Santa Maria, mit welcher Christoph Kolumbus in die Karibik kam, Die berühmte Kaiserkrone mit Gold und Edelsteinen verziert von. It is not to be confused with the Musée du Panthéon National Haitien (MUPANAH) (built in 1983), which is located across the street from the National Palace.. The Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien is a museum featuring the heroes of the independence of Haiti and the Haitian history and culture. Overlooking the lush green spaces surrounding the museum, you can dig into some of the city’s best French cuisine. Miami, Florida. Durch ein Dekret des damaligen Präsidenten Jean-Claude Duvalier, besser bekannt als Baby Doc, wurde es am 20. If you’re in downtown Champ-de-Mars, you can find it in the Museum of the Haitian National Pantheon, or MUPANAH. Musee du Pantheon National Haitien: Haitian National Museum - See 226 traveller reviews, 83 candid photos, and great deals for Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at Tripadvisor. Museum of the Haitian National Pantheon on Wikipedia, Find out more about the Museum on Wikipedia, Travellers exploring the Kaskad Pichon waterfalls, Haiti, From eighteenth century revolution to twenty-first century carnival, Haiti’s personality, Once a working sugar-cane plantation, Parc Historique de la Canne, Citadelle Laferrière is the largest fortress in the Americas.