Quick View. 3-4" This is my all-time favorite fish! Compare. Quick View. Lined butterlyfish (Chaetodon lineolatus). Like all tangs, the Naso likes a lot of water turbulence rather than a placid aquarium. As a juvenile, the Naso Tang from Hawaii is dark gray with a blue stripe following along the dorsal fin and an orange stripe in the anal fin. Add to Wishlist. Yellow Tang. 5511 Highway 280 Ste 310. For Sale and Wanted Forums. $62.99 $49.99 Sale. Regal Tang. Have plenty of live rock in the tank … If more than one species of Tang … Postage: … 50.00. Quick View. Something Fishy 511 East 21st Street Northampton, PA 18067 1-888-66FISHY 610-502-9760 511 East 21st Street Northampton, PA 18067 1-888-66FISHY 610-502-9760 A little shy at first, it can be hard to acclimate to aquarium life. The Naso Tang, Naso lituratus, was described by Bloch and Schneider, in 1801. Philippine Yellow Tang. 50.00 . The naso, or lipstick, tang (Naso lituratus) has been popular with marine aquarists since the beginning days of marine fish exportation from the Philippines. Compare. Special Care Level Temperament Color Form See all refinements. Add To Cart. $49.99 Sale Sold Out. Black Tang, WYSIWYG. 50.00. Items 1-12 of 19. They are characterized by their laterally compressed bodies and scalpel-like spines. Sohal Tang (12") $699.95. It is strong and fast, capable of jumping out of an open aquarium. It is … Shop By. The Blonde is a color variant and the streamers indicate that the fish is … Naso vlamingii Powder Brown Tang M . The Orangeshoulder Tang is also known as the Orange-epaulette Surgeonfish, Orangespot Surgeonfish,.. £34.99 . Top Care Facts For The Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Diet: Omnivore Origin: Western Pacific Acclimation Time: 3+ Hours Only 1 left! Blonde Naso Tang (Naso Elegans) Starting at: $ 118.99. I might be back.... HK_Fuey. Quick View. A minimum 60 gallon tank will be OK temporarily for a juvenile, as they are rather slow growers, but keep in mind that too small of an environment can stunt their growth and they can develop ‘behavior issues’. Naso Tang - Naso elegans. Add To Cart. Sohal Tang (Red Sea)-5-6" $249.95. Quick View. The Blonde Naso Tang, additionally acknowledged as the Orange-spine Unicornfish, darkens with maturity. Yellow Tang Medium £ 119.44. Like most other Surgeonfish or Tangs, the Naso Tang likes … (2) Add to Wish List. Kole Tang. Collect 100 Nectar points . Add to Cart. Reply Like Reply. Graeme; Administrator; Posts: 6,493; Liked: 1903; Thanks Given: 495; Received: 1579; Location: Newcastle; Tank … Zebrasoma gemmatum View as Grid List. Add To Cart. Tangs for sale online shipped overnight. They will come up for sale more often than you too, just incase it was almost an impulse buy! Sales@reeflifeaquariums.com Again these tangs to about 20 inches and require a lot of space to swim and hide. Set Descending Direction. Naso Tang (Naso Lituratus) Regular price $127.57 $86.98 Sale. From $59.99 Sold Out. Thompson's Tang… Compare. Quick View. I have a naso tang surgeon for almost 2 months ago. sold out. Birmingham, AL 35242. The Blonde Naso Tang is one of my favorite all time fish and a must in any tank I keep. Item information. This fish does best in large aquariums where there is ample swimming space. Price: £99.99 . 295.00. Select options. Acanthurus japonicus Gem Tang - Large . The Naso Tang, also known as the Orangespine Unicornfish, darkens with maturity. Asfur angelfish (Pomacanthus asfur) adult. A Large Naso Tang should be housed in at least a 150 gallon tank. They can reach up to 18 inches and they are very active swimmers. The horn continuously grows with age and is more prominent on the males. When matured, the physique takes on a darker bluish-gray tone and the juvenile striping is supplemented with additional color. Naso Tang may be found throughout the central and western Pacific in locations including Hawaii, Japan, Tuamotu, and the Marquesas. Most tang species are vibrantly colored and make for visually stunning additions to an aquarium. Compare . Add to Wishlist. The Blue Tang boasts a vibrant electric blue body dressed with bold black markings. Quick View. They are truly the King of the tank! Orange Shoulder Tang. $149.99. Save 34%. When matured, the body takes on a reddish-brown tone and the … per page. Details about Small Naso Tang Marine Saltwater Fish. From $89.99 Sold Out. May 14, 2014 #18 Jaren Arnold New … Add To Cart. May 14, 2014 #17 Jaren Arnold New Member View Badges. … A protein skimmer and multiple power heads can … Their unique horn makes them a very unique looking fish. Adults have been known to grow to a foot and a half, and that is not taking into account the long flowing tail filaments of the males. Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus Japonicus) Regular price $84.26 $61.98 Sale. Store Location. Add to Wish List. Out of Stock. Add To Cart. Naso Tangs from Hawaii are often more brightly colored than those found in other areas. Sort By. From $199.99 Sold Out. Out of Stock. Page. Home / Fish / Tangs & Surgeonfish. As naso tangs mature their colors become more pronounced on the dorsal fins and anal fins and the tail forks often trailing long blonde streamers. Purple Tang. One of the most popular species of tang is the Naso Tang… Redeem your points | Conditions for uk nectar points - opens in a new window or tab. The Unicorn Tang is the only other Naso Tang I've ever seen offered for sale. Naso Elegans Vampire Tang . Often called the Orangespine Unicornfish, this descibes the two fixed spines or "scalpels" surrounded by bright orange on each side of the caudal peduncle. Small Naso Tang Marine Saltwater Fish. Out of Stock. sold out. Tel (205) 874-9526. Compare. Naso / Lipstick Tang S . b'beautiful fish feeds by hand only selling as i fancy a chainge he is around 7/8 inches long offers please #1'. Other names that describe their coloring or features or location are Clown Tang, Lipstick Tang, Masked Unicornfish, Naso Tang, Poll Headed … In Stock. $999.99 $899.99 Sold Out. also, all fish, corals and live rock and equipment for sale as well. Condition:--not specified. Quick View. Reply Like Reply. I hope you serve and eat as soon as possible. Lieutenant Tang. Add to Wishlist. Naso Tang Small £ 70.77. Orange Shoulder Tang-4-5" $129.95. If you are blessed with a system of enormous proportions, the Blonde Lipstick Tang could make a wonderful centrepiece. This handsome fish has a light gray to blue body with a long black dorsal fin, a yellow patch on its forehead, and orange lips. $39.99 Sold Out. Only 1 left! N. lituratus is an excellent ambassador for what may well be the most peaceful genus of surgeonfish. For sale is approx 5 inch purple tang fish. The flamboyant Blonde Lipstick Tang is a very active fish that requires a great deal of swimming space. Chevron Tang. Add to … Quick View. Naso Tang Med $ 149.95 $ 119.96 SALE Half Black Mimic Tang Sml $ 99.90 $ 79.92 SALE Firefin Tomini Bristletooth Tang Sml $ 149.95 $ 119.96 SALE I really want one, but all the ones I've seen are 4" and would make short work of my tank (5' long) if it wanted to stretch its legs. Add to Cart. Home > Tangs & Surgeons. All other reef fish respect him yet he doesn't have a mean bone in his body...that I've seen! Convict Tang. The Naso Tang, Naso lituratus, also known as the Lipstick Tang or the Orangespine Unicornfish, due to it's outstanding appearance, featuring orange lips and a pair of spines surrounded by a bright orange area on either side of the caudal peduncle. Email me when available. A highly oxygenated tank with lots of swimming room is needed. He will gracefully glide around your tank like he owns it & other Tangs will want to swim with … Out of Stock. The Blonde Naso Tang will eat most all foods and get along with its tank mates. Naso Tang for sale 4Less! Add To Cart. Red Sea Purple Tang | Zebrasoma xanthurus (2") $99.95. Naso Tang (Naso lituratus) - If you have a larger saltwater aquarium that's at least 125 gallons, preferably larger, you might be interested in the Naso Tang. Select options. Being very active during the day they need a large tank with plenty of room to swim about but will also need rocks/ corals to provide some cover and to sleep in at night. Add To Cart. $79.99. Quick View. The Naso Tang is a hardy fish once it is comfortable in its new environment. Blue Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus binotatus) Starting at: $ 51.99. Naso Tang, N. unicornis. from 80.00. Once it is comfortable it can even be trained to accept foods from its keeper's hand. The Naso Tang is a friendly and familiar addition to a peaceful community aquarium, reef, or fish only system. Doctorfish. The Naso Tang also called Orangespine Unicornfish is a favorite among aquarists. $47.99. Naso Tang 3-4" $49.95. The blonde lipstick or naso tang is a lively herbivorous surgeon fish sporting some beautiful colors and a diet that is beneficial in controling algae in the marine reef aquarium. Tangs & Surgeons Tangs are commonly referred to as Surgeonfish or Doctorfish, and make a wonderful addition to the reef or fish only aquarium. Coral On Sale; Inverts On Sale; Search for: Search for: Email ; 772-222-3808; Tangs & Surgeonfish. From $69.99 Sold Out. Raccoon butterfly (Chaetodon lunula). The Naso Tang, also known as the Orangespine Unicornfish, darkens with maturity. Joined Dec 11, 2013 Messages 17 Reaction score 0 . Blonde naso tang (Naso elegans) I purchased this fish from TSM Aquatics in August. As they are primarily herbivores they ignore invertebrates, but … Add To Cart. Compare. In … This is one of the larger tangs. Lipstick tang (Naso lituratus, juvenile) from 40.00. Powder Blue Tang|Acanthurus leucosternon-XL (5-6") $99.95. Captive bred saltwater tang fish for sale including yellow, blue hippo, Naso, kole, purple tangs. The Blonde Naso Tang will grow large over time, so have plenty of available swimming area. Teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon unimaculatus). Only 1 left! Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang Small £ 39.53. Orange Shoulder Tang. Email me when available. You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page Next; Show. Acanthurus tennenti Blue Spot / Vlamingiii Tang . Keyhole angelfish (Centropyge tibicen). From $49.99 Sold Out. (pictures above are examples only) Size average. The tank should contain … … Sale Center; Marine Fish; Coral; Reef Cleaner Packs; Marine Invert/Plant; Reef Rock; ORA Fish/Coral/Inv; Narrow Results . Add to basket. Sale Sold Out. The Naso Tang will eat most all foods and get along with its tank mates. (2) Add to Wish List. The Blonde Naso tang, also known as the Elegant Tang, is a very personable pet fish. From £9 per month for 12 monthsopens an instalment calculator layer From £9 per month for 12 months. $39.99 Sold Out. Naso Tangs from H.. £34.99 . Powder Blue Tang (Acanthurus Leucosternon) Regular price $100.71 $67.98 Sale. A similar fish, the Blonde Naso Tang, lives in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Pacific Sailfin Tang Small £ 42.26. Powder Blue Tang Medium/Large £ 84.53. Add to basket. As a juvenile, it is gray with a yellow stripe on each the dorsal and anal fin. First I fed and Marine Munchies and then ate pellets and nori. Out of stock. The Naso Tang can grow to be about 15″ and requires a tank no less than 130 gallons as a fully matured adult. The Blonde Naso Tang is a long lived, solid and hardy fish once it is comfortable in its new environment. The tail takes on a lyre form and two yellow patches show … Add to basket. Quick View. Like all Naso species, they have the ability to quickly and dramatically change, depending on mood or environment. They frequent coral reefs and are usually found swimming above coral rocks … The Naso Tangs! $69.99. Sample video below! Add to Wish List. Livestock For Sale/Swap [SOLD] [FS]: Yellow Tang, Naso Tang, Orchid dottyback: sunninghill sandton. Add to Wishlist. Add To Cart. Read more. Add To Cart. Prionurus: Members of this genre aren’t suited for life in an … Desjardinii Sailfin Tang. Gold Rim Tang. Naso Tangs may be found alone, in groups, or in pairs, at depths of 16-295 feet. It was originally believed that the Naso, Blonde Naso and Streamer versions were all different species, but this is not the case. It’s now about 6 inches and developing streamers. Blonde Naso Tang. I’m considering selling it because I’m running out of real estate in my display. Only 1 left! (1) … The Naso species are all large, herbivorous, gregarious, outgoing fish, and all the available species are popular with hobbyists. Tangs, also known as surgeonfish, are a highly popular species of saltwater aquarium fish. Purple Tang Marine Live Fish.