But I rarely tell anyone of our older brother. I don’t give them one. My enemy/narc. Mimic his voice. Any time your brother says anything, repeat what he said, but in a high-pitched girly voice. My Brother Isn't "Crazy," He Suffers from Schizophrenia Mitch's world is complex and violent and isolating, but rather than hiding it away, I'm trying to give others a window into it. (true story Member) I thought that he and my wife were my best friends. I have 2 sisters. First my wife turned on me, slandered me, took our business and home, and left me living in my car – and while she was doing that, suddenly my brother turned on me. Signs point to an unhealthy relationship. This … Even as I refused their help there was a part of my consciousness, a part of my soul that heard them, that registered how much they cared. I’ve been a huge wreck after losing my brother, a train wreck after losing my only child. this then makes me believe that i will lose control and actually act on one of these thoughts. My brother also told me he had the same problem when he was my age (17) but he learned to control it. Why is my brother or sister acting this way? This has been driving little brothers crazy since the dawn of time. It began as some minor things to start with. One who is married with 2 kids. Im very self-destructive. Sometimes, it’s not until you’ve gotten away or moved out of the home that you realize the extent of the unhealthy … All my adult life I have lived with a dark secret. My younger brother is paranoid schizophrenic in a home and is too far gone now mentally. Your brother or sister’s brain may make up incorrect explanations for why they feel so weird, and they may act strangely. I than lost my best friend 3 in a half years ago. After my brother died I was the last rational person in my family. This is especially effective when he's telling you, "Stop doing that!" i don’t want this. Or … ... ”. By Sarah Coleman My sister has never had much empathy, but she was straight until she had assertiveness training, where she developed the skills and then put them into practice when she was seriously gaslighted herself by someone trying to drive her out of business. My youngest sister is 22 years old, in college. Just like it is hard to see the back of your own head, it is hard for a person whose brain is not working to tell what is wrong. is my brother. They moved away when I was a teenager as part of their ostracism towards me and now I am doing ok they are looking for a way back to me to continue their abuse. I have been living here for a few months now, and everything was going fine, for both me and my brother. My studies were going well, and he has got a new job which pays considerably more than his old one, we were both just getting on with life. i feel like i am going crazy and turning into a serial killer. My friends know I have a younger sister: we are very close. Having grown up with your family may make it difficult to decipher any abusive treatment.Considering the components of manipulation include “brainwashing”, it’s hard to tell if you’ve actually been mistreated at all. The alternative is to keep tolerating the abuse and go crazy. MY MOM DIED LAST WEEK ,SUDDENLY AND IT’S JUST ME AND MY LONGER 4 YEARS YOUNGER BROTHER I AM 60 ,HE IS THE POWER OF ATTORNEY.Three day before my mom died him and he’s wife,went to my mom’s trailer and took everything out ,and put them in boxes in he’s house,I seen my mom only one week before she died,because he didn’t tel … My mom has a boyfriend who she is with all the time. But recently, however, I have noticed a change in him.