Ever wanted to help someone kill something but just been a little too slow off the mark? Having to click on each individual target is not only annoying, but also costs time when every millisecond counts. A mouseover macro for Outbreak can be nice as well if you have to DoT something coming from far away or it simply isn't on top of your main target. #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover] Spell Name. The targetlasttarget will move the target back to the previous target as to not disrupt the current target. And we can make use of it for our cancelaura macro by putting every immunity type in we might want to cancel. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. So if you ever feel the need that a certain buff shouldn’t be active on you, which can happen due to mechanics, you can simply write a quick cancelaura macro to deal with it, instead of rightclicking in your Player Buff frame at the top right which not only costs time but is also susceptible to cancel the wrong buff. 1 Aliases 2 Arguments 2.1 Options 3 Notes Slash commands Sets your current target to a nearby unit. However, if you use the macro above it will only work if you have a mouseover target and will do nothing else instead. last updated: May 2, 20. T Casts a spell on a friendly target with mouseover. Two of the biggest things that are unavailable with this new macro system are Focus targets and the ability to target any raid mark with a macro. If the first satisfied condition explicitly specifies a target that is not exactly "target", that target (and not the associated value) will be interpreted as described below. This macro will cast Rebirth on current friendly target, mouseover or focus friendly target. These terms and all related materials, logos, images, video images, gameplay footage, music, sounds, or speech are copyright © Blizzard Entertainment. #showtooltip /cast [target=arena1] Spell Name /target arena1 /focus arena1. icon if you wish. To create a macro you simply press New at the bottom of the Create Macros screen and a new window will open. You can just macro it to cast on a mouseover target, and mouseover an enemy if you wish. addons weakauras Lua Wall of Shame: I need to see target's target on mouseover - or better to say, target of "mouseovered mob". [target=mouseover] what the condition of your macro is. As a Mage on the other hand, Ice Block prevents you from attacking, moving or casting spells during its duration which is 10 seconds. Why? A suggestion, if I might. Multi-Player Blessing of Protection You can use modifiers to make it cast on either mouseover, your target, your targets target or your focus. /cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic(Rank 1) Dispel Magic (Target of Target) /use [harm][@targettarget] Dispel Magic . Bonus Macro: If you want a macro that works exactly like this but can toggle the marks on/off if they already have the mark, it can be greatly simplified and this works: /tm [@mouseover,exists][@target,exists] 8 #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover] Spell Name. If, instead of using two lines: /target mouseover /cast Lifebloom. Macro for Wow: Taunt target of target for Warriors. Looking at the macro code, mouseover macros technically "target" something. Not all are that useful or even required, but that is up to the user himself. This can be especially important when playing a class like Mage or Paladin. It basically has a priority system. /cancelaura Divine Shield/cancelaura Blessing of Protection/cancelaura Ice Block. #showtooltip Holy Light /cast Divine Favor /cast [target=mouseover,help][help][target=player] Holy Light. You said mouseover and target, so I'll make the macro for both. You can just macro it to cast on a mouseover target, and mouseover an enemy if you wish. So if it happens that your mouse is over something else in a fight, while you intend to charge (or whatever macro you use) your actual selected target, you get unintentional results. Pretty much any ranged ability works well with it, but it works on any ability that requires a target. Switch focus targets by simply mousing over them and clicking the macro. Multi-target Cyclone. Paladin hammer of wrath macro. Outbreak is the same as for the raise ally macro. Great for when you don't have time to target your opponent, want to use judgement and on the nuke target (so you don't accidentally break crowd control). /s Blessing of Freedom/cast Blessing of Freedom. Single targets don’t need to be over your mouseover. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Xaryu's Mage Macros cancels rime (dk proc), because it has the same overlay skin as flurry#showtooltip flurry/cancelaura rime/cast flurry shows blink icon, instead of new shimmer icon (note: have to find blink icon pic in macro page)#showtooltip blink/cast shimmer uses food, and uses cannibalize if … Many spells were renamed, and much of the scripted … Targeting players with the click of a button can be extremely useful for anyone, especially healers. When using such a macro, the mouseover target always gets prioritized before the actual target you have selected. MouseOver is a simple addon that create and Manage MouseOver macro for you. /cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Mind Freeze; Mind Freeze Outbreak is the same as for the raise ally macro. [ ! ] #showtooltip Rebirth /cast [help, dead] [target=targettarget, help, dead] [target=mouseover, help, dead] [target=focus, help, dead] Rebirth 1 New Macro Format Request 1.1 Example Macro 2 Useful Macros for Healers (class independent) 2.1 If Target Not Friendly, Heal Target's Target 2.2 Heal Spell Macro Template 2.3 Heal Spell Macro Template, disabled when solo 2.4 Emergency Button 2.5 Call for help 2.6 Panic Button NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in 3.1. #showtooltip Blessing of Freedom /stopcasting /cast [target=mouseover,help][help][target=player] Blessing of Freedom. Don’t forget to replace the spell name in each part and not changing any other part of the macro to keep it functional. You can use modifiers to make it cast on either mouseover, your target, your targets target or your focus. Single targets don’t need to be over your mouseover. This macro will cast Hibernate on a hostile mouseover target or current hostile target. This is another macro like the last that is more for PVE healing because it only casts the spell on the focus target, but it also checks whether you're in a raid or party, then announces it accordingly. Penance Focus Macro The macro wont announce if your target is friendly or dead. You can add any spell you want to MouseOver, and it's no longer necessary to select a target before casting this spell on it. Macros are commands which you can pre-write and execute by a click of a button. This way you can press it once to get your cast off, since the first action /cancelaura won’t do anything. Healing Macros. This allows a player to move their cursor over a target (either friendly or unfriendly) and push the Macro to select them. It replaces tab or click targeting as a quick way to pick up heal targets. /cast [target=focus] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice This is an amazing macro, useful in PvP and PvE. To do this, simply type ‘/target mouseover’ into the Macro command window and exit. You are also required to enter a name for your macro, which will also be displayed on your action bar if the macro is placed there.For Mouseover (Healing) Macros I recommend using spacebar as a name, so there is no actual text displayed. The macro will not warn if the target is hostile/not dead. SELF CASTING MACRO. Quick and easy 1 key mouse over markings with no active target disruption. Lay on Hands: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [@target,help,nodead] [@targettarget,help,nodead][@player] Lay on Hands If you are a Tank, you want to immediately cancel the Blessing since the Physical Debuff is gone the moment you got the Blessing on you, however, as I mentioned above, the drawback is that you lose all aggro during its uptime and therefore your DPS and Healers are their next targets who aren’t equipped to deal with it. Hand of Reckoning mouseover macro. The Paladin with Divine Shield also makes you lose all aggro during its uptime, except if you force aggro temporarily through a Taunt.Same goes for Blessing of Protection which can be cast on other friendly targets aswell. #showtooltip Grappling Hook /cast [@cursor] Grappling Hook Tricks of the Trade Focus Macro. /cast [target=mouseover] Kick Grappling Hook Cursor Macro. Switch focus targets by simply mousing over them and clicking the macro. #showtooltip Redemption /cast Redemption /stopmacro [nohelp][nodead] /p Resurrecting %t. Posted on: 09-19-2012 - Updated on: 09-19-2012 - viewed 10156 times The only drawback is you will need to have a set of self cast macros. Mouseover, Single Target Focus Macro. Having to click on each individual target is not only annoying, but also costs time when every millisecond counts. They are also popular with ranged DPS for PVP and tanks for taunting, CC, and silencing. target @mouseover mark targetlasttarget This is especially important when changing the macro functionality itself, so no confusion comes up. Updating and Managing AddOns – Twitch/Overwolf Alternatives, Class Knowhow – Where to Look & Finding Resources, Castle Nathria Raid Preparation – Quick Guide, Mists of Tirna Scithe Puzzle – Quick Guide, Efficient Maw Route for Max Reputation and Stygia. /cast [@Name] innervate Innervate Mouseover. Multi-player Flash Of Light. /cast [target=mouseover, help][help][target=targettarget, help][target=player] Healing Touch Another small point about this macro is the use of “#showtooltip Nature’s Swiftness.” Instead of using the “?” image so that the active spell always shows, I chose the Healing Touch image for this macro, since that is more significant to me than the Nature’s Swiftness icon. In this enhanced macro we have a few more things put in place. NOTE: To target different arena players, just change (as an example) the 1 to a 2 to make it target party 2. Then, instead of having to select the target manually to cast Hammer of Justice on it, you just click/press the macro and it automatically casts Repentance on said focus target. Here you may select an icon for your macro, however, you can also keep it blank with the ? When you press this macro, the cancel action will get executed first, and then the cast after that (both actions still happen instantaneously).The reason why we have to write it in this order is because otherwise you would cast the spell and immediately cancel it. 1 New Macro Format Request 1.1 Example Macro 2 Useful Macros for Healers (class independent) 2.1 If Target Not Friendly, Heal Target's Target 2.2 Heal Spell Macro Template 2.3 Heal Spell Macro Template, disabled when solo 2.4 Emergency Button 2.5 Call for help 2.6 Panic Button NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in 3.1. Hi there, I would like to create a macro that casts on my mouseover target, but - when there is no mouseover - it would not cast anything at all. Therefore the macro. /cast [target=mouseover] insertspellnamehereThe above Macro is incredibly, incredibly useful. Code: #showtooltip /use [@mouseover,help][@target,help] Name of Trinket. The macro will only select the player himself if no other targets match the given name. A mouseover charge from a Warrior gives you the ability to charge and generate rage, without having to change your target.However, it does have downside. World of Warcraft, BlizzCon, and BfA are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. When making changes don’t forget to press the Save button afterwards. #showtooltip Flash of Light/cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Flash of Light; [nodead] Flash of Light; [target=player] Flash of Light. Clicking on targets or using the Tab key to select them is a thing of the past. MouseOver is a simple addon that create and Manage MouseOver macro for you. However, the priority system works just the same as the macro itself doesn’t have to be changed. Cast the assigned spell on your mouseover target if a mouseover target exists, it is friendly and not dead. This macro is great for ensuring that when you use judgement to reduce the cool-down of your HoJ as a holy paladin, it'll always judgement your friendly target's target. You can see how this might be suboptimal if the danger, you used the Ice Block for, is over but you still have a couple of seconds left and could go back in action. Assigns a target marker to a unit. The way this mouseover macro is set up, it will only cast the spell if the target … SELF CASTING MACRO. Keep in mind that this macro isn’t only for Paladins and Mages, but also for every other class – mainly other Tanks – since Blessing of Protection can be cast on any friendly target. Edit: thanks for all the help! There are 3 different priorities the macro goes through. Multi-target Hibernate. You obviously cannot heal enemy targets with a normal healing spell or harm friendlies with a damaging spell. This macro will cast Flash of Light at a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. Like the healing macro, you can set this up as a mouseover macro. #showtooltip /cast [target=arena1] Spell Name /target arena1 /focus arena1. Note: The last line can be changed to say whatever is desired. Because both classes have immunity spells that also have drawbacks (more or less). tried healbot, grid, raidframes, nothing works. #showtooltip /cast Divine Spirit(Rank 1) Flash Heal Mouseover Target Or You. For more PvP macro ideas, you can refer to this article: Hunter Macros … #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover,noharm,exists] Flash Heal;[target=mouseover,harm,exists] Mind Blast;[noharm]Flash Heal;[harm]Mind Blast While it might not be the most important thing as a Healer or DPS, who aren’t supposed to tank anyway, it is very much so for Tanks. Alt: Self Cast Mouseover Friend: Cast on Mouseover Target Friend: Cast on Target Target Enemy Targeting Friend: Cast on Enemy's Target Default casting behavior. #showtooltip /cast [@focus,harm,nodead] [ ] Rebuke. I would recommend to use this and mouseover macro (replace Name with the healer's name). When you add a spell to MouseOver, the addon create a macro and replace all occurrences of this spell in your action bars by the macro. In case anyone else stumbles across this with the same question, here's the macro I've gone with: /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][] Healing Wave. If team members create macros that use @mark modifier as the cast target, then the team leader can effectively change the target of the team members macros quickly with 1 key stroke. When you add a spell to MouseOver, the addon create a macro and replace all occurrences of this spell in your action bars by the macro. Single targets don’t need to be over your mouseover. Macros can be accessed through the ingame menu. Lay on Hands: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [@target,help,nodead] [@targettarget,help,nodead][@player] Lay on Hands This macro lets you cast innervate on a specific target, so you don't need to manually target them or have to hover your mouse over the target to cast. While Healers are the biggest benefitors from this, every specialization in the game can use this functionality. They are great for more sedentary class roles like healers that cast lots of spells at different targets. Many spells were renamed, and much of the scripted … author: Craze Hello, Im having some trouble with a very simple macro, perhaps someone could help? This macro is great for ensuring that when you use judgement to reduce the cool-down of your HoJ as a holy paladin, it'll always judgement your friendly target's target. This macro lets you cast Innervate on your mouseover target. /targetmarker [options] marker You can also use /tm. To give you an example, you can see my Warrior having the Traning Dummy on the right in target. So in this case a macro in the general section would make perfect sense, so you can easiely use it on all your characters. CAST SEQUENCE MACRO. #showtooltip Outbreak /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Outbreak; Outbreak /cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Mind Freeze; Mind Freeze. Basically allows you to dps while having fiendly players targeted or moused over. Hope that helps - a quick google search of ‘mouseover macro wow’ or something will set you on the path! NOTE: To target different arena players, just change (as an example) the 1 to a 2 to make it target party 2. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below. /use [harm] [@targettarget] Smite To post a comment, you must login or register. However, my mouse is hovering over the PvP Training Dummy on the left. Your current class icons, which you find in your spellbook, are always listed first. Macro Code. Great for when you don't have time to target your opponent, want to use judgement and on the nuke target (so you don't accidentally break crowd control). This command accepts secure command options. When you visit our website, we store cookies on your browser to collect information. These include enemy and friendly characters (objects), frames in general like your party/raidframe or your own player and target frame, aswell as target of target. A macro to cast Grappling Hook at the location of your cursor. You can macro it to cast by default on mouseover, if no mouseover exists then on focus, and you can of course focus both a friendly player or the enemy. Another very useful type which I already pointed out is the /cancelaura macro. It requires that you first set a focus target using /focus. For this reason I will introduce you to Mouseover Healing and Macros in general, which will benefit you not only in healer situations but all roles and content. Can I replace ít with my regular judgement. They are also popular with ranged DPS for PVP and tanks for taunting, CC, and silencing. Even worse if you remain in an area that you have to move out as soon as possible, due to incoming danger. It has single handedly removed much of my guilds problems with removing debuffs since the loss of Decursive.You make this macro, and for the fight, Macros can also be simple text messages or a combination of text and something else like a spell cast. Mouseover Macros though aren’t the only ones I recommend in this post. The same macro works for spells that work on enemy and friendly targets at the same time. You can add any spell you want to MouseOver, and it's no longer necessary to select a target before casting this spell on it. As of recently you can even utilize the wait command in macros. They are great for more sedentary class roles like healers that cast lots of spells at different targets. Many of which are available to non-healer specializations aswell, and are the focus for mouseover macros besides the mouseover healing functionality. Resurrect your target and warn the group. /target options name /tar options Options to search with, separated by commas, enclosed in [ ] (see below) name The string to search for in the unit's name. As a warning, if you use this macro without the trinket equipped, it will try to equip it. those that are currently drawn-in. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. So how does the macro work? MOUSEOVER MACRO. ARENA MACROS. Now when you press the macro, while hovering over a target that is eligible for mousehovering and its spell, it will always prioritise this target over your selected target. Casts "Rebuke" on your focus target, if you have one, otherwise it casts on your current target. If you wish to read more about the macro topic you can take a look at Macro commands – Wowpedia and Macro conditionals – Wowpedia, which have many more commands and other conditionals you can use for macros. They can range from simple text messages to long scripts. So a Paladin in your group might cast this Blessing onto you to dispel a Physical DoT/Debuff, etc. Creating a Macro will prevent any targeting slipups and will conclude this Macro guide. Chains of Ice Focus Target Macro MOUSEOVER MACRO. Trash buffing Divine Spirit Macro. This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment. Still every character, has its own Character Specific Macro slots. Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this website is copyright © Skill Capped LLC. Whenever you heal in a group environment, you switch your healing targets constantly. #showtooltip /cast [@focus,harm,nodead] [ ] Rebuke. Druid macro guide; Mouseover target macros for Wow are very powerful ways to cast spells at targets that your mouse is currently hovering over. If no conditions are satisfied, no action will be performed. Can you get a target frame if you click on the specific, Is the target eligible for the spell in your macro? Macros do all the work for you (if you tell them to, of course). This command accepts secure command options. It will cast on the mouseover target, or your selected target, or yourself if neither of the other conditions apply. This macro casts your penance on your targets target, so for example if you're targeting and healing a player on your team and you use this macro on them, it will automatically cast penance on their target… Mouseover Macros are spells or abilities that you can cast on a somebody without having to have a target. #showtooltip /cast [target=yourname] Spell Name. The most basic form of a mouseover macro looks like this: #showtooltip Flash of Light/cast [target=mouseover] Flash of Light. This isn’t really optimal, so we are going to enhance the macro a bit more. /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Entangling Roots(Rank 1) /cast Entangling Roots(Rank 1) Focus Hibernate #showtooltip Hibernate /cast [target=focus] Hibernate Mouseover Hibernate #showtooltip Hibernate(Rank 3) /stopcasting /cast [target=mouseover,exists] Hibernate(Rank 3) /cast Hibernate(Rank 3) Self Innervate #showtooltip Innervate Whenever you heal in a group environment, you switch your healing targets constantly. Priority 1: /cast [target=mouseover,exists,help,nodead] XXX. When talking about /cancelaura, immunity spells aren’t the only thing you can cancel. This macro will cast Cyclone on a hostile mouseover target or current hostile target. Basic wait macro. Whenever you tried the Healer role you might have noticed that clicking each individual in your party or raidframe can be quite tedious and also slows down your reaction. A good thing about macros is, that you can put in multiple command types in it without breaking the functionality of it. Mouseover Macros /cast [target=mouseover] healing wave /cast [target=mouseover] banish Multiple ability macro: Good for using multiple abilities at once, Generally have to be off global and powerful in big damage/healing increasing CD's /cast ascendance /cast ancestral guidance This macro is great for ensuring that when you use judgement to reduce the cool-down of your HoJ as a holy paladin, it'll always judgement your friendly target's target. How it Works – Makes your current mouseover your “focus target”. This macro is primarily for healers who want to play Disc but want to play it like a traditional healer. The most important ‘/target’ command (and possibly most useful) is the mouse over command. Edit: thanks for all the help! You can also save yourself some keybinding space by combining the cast and cancel spell in 1 button. So don’t spam the button when using this macro, as it would cancel your effect. You may specify these options, if you wish to invert the logic of the option, put "no" in front of it (ex. Mouseover Macros are spells or abilities that you can cast on a somebody without having to have a target. This is the same as the previous macro, only it will cast at your mouseovered target if it exists, and if not it will cast at your current target. A few examples for eligible targets for mousehovering are shown in the picture below. Affliction Specific Mouseover Macros Fear (mouseover): fears mouseover target (if it exists), if not, fears target. Cleanse Toxins on your mouseover target. Mount macro with auro [modifier:alt] for flying mount /cast [target=mouseover] insertspellnamehereThe above Macro is incredibly, incredibly useful. It will cast on the mouseover target, or your selected target, or yourself if neither of the other conditions apply. The macro will cast Blessing of Freedom on a friendly target under the mouseover or friendly target or yourself. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below. Now when I press my mouseover Charge macro, my Warrior charges the PvP Training Dummy and not the Training Dummy, which is my selected target. It has single handedly removed much of my guilds problems with removing debuffs since the loss of Decursive.You make this macro, and for the fight, #showtooltip Cyclone /cast [target=mouseover,harm][harm] Cyclone. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm] [] Hand of Reckoning Hand of Reckoning on your mouseover target else on your target. Thank you for taking the time to read this Classic WoW macros Guide! Cast Flash Heal if mouseover a friendly target, Mind Blast if over an enemy. In case anyone else stumbles across this with the same question, here's the macro I've gone with: /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@target,help,nodead][] Healing Wave. Posted on Tags 7.0 Unholy DK Macros, Best Unholy DK Macros 7.0, Chains of Ice Focus Target Macro, Dark Simulacrum Focus Target Macro, Death Knight Macros Unholy 7.0, DK Macros 7.0, Mind Freeze Mouseover Macro, Strangulate Death Grip Modifier Macro, Unholy Death Knight Macros 7.0, Unholy Death Knight Macros Pvp 7.0, Unholy Death Knight Macros WOD 7.0, Unholy Death Knight Macros … | You can post now and register later. 2 tips to find icons for you macro quicker: You can always change the name, icon or content of a macro later on through the Change Name/Icon button. You can do mouseover healing and still retain your original target- so you can, for example, keep the boss targetted to know when its health hits phase-change amounts, or keep the understudies targetted on Razuvious while healing the raid… the list … If mouse is over nothing, it will cast on the current target. /cast [@mouseover, exists, nomod][] Remove Curse ; [mod, @player] Remove Curse. This macro casts your smite on your targets target, so for example if you're targeting and healing a player on your team and you use this macro on them, it will automatically cast smite on their target. /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [@target,help,nodead] [@targettarget] [mod:alt, @player] Holy Shock The @ will run in order so a mouseover will supersede anything else and make it pretty slick. The macro wont announce if your target is friendly or dead. There a new window will open which gives you access to either General Macros or Character Specific Macros. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. you can also always replace the two words "focus" with "mouseover" in order to have it cast on your mouseover. noexists). I would recommend using the Character Specific Macro slots for the Mouseover Healing macros I am going to show you, since the General Macro section can get bloated really quick, while lacking a sorting function. Only searches units in your current 'area of interest', i.e. /cast [target=mouseover] Remove Curse; By including [target=mouseover] in the start of your /cast macro, you can make the mentioned spell cast on whatever you are mousing over, rather than your current target. You use one-/cast [target=mouseover] Lifebloom. This macro will cast Divine Favor then Holy Light at a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. view all (0) answered (0) unanswered (0) This specific command means, that your target you will cast your macro spell on, will be your mouseover target. Base Healing Macro. Mouseover Thorns that cancels form Casts on target if no mouseover, targetoftarget if it's friendly and target is hostile and on player if no target. A mouseover macro is a series of commands that lets you press a single button (on either your keyboard or your mouse) to heal the target that your mouse pointer is currently hovering over. Posted on: 09-19-2012 - Updated on: 09-19-2012 - viewed 10156 times Switch focus targets by simply mousing over them and clicking the macro. That way you can hover your cursor over the dispel target, hit the button, and cast Dispel Magic without breaking your current target. There are plenty of classes and abilities that can take advantage of a decent @mouseover macro. Only 1 button press is needed. Casts "Rebuke" on your focus target, if you have one, otherwise it casts on your current target. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria.