It is the oldest 9 hole course that MCG has to offer. PARKSIDE PLAZA CODM home for sale in SILVER SPRING. 9701 Sligo Creek Parkway Silver Spring, MD 20901 About The Course. Contact. The par 3’s will challenge the best of golfers. Montgomery County Athletic Fields Field Search Details: Click on address link for map and directions to the athletic field. o Sligo Creek Parkway at Kennebac Ave (traffic calming) o Beach Drive additional speed humps between Grosvenor and Knowles (traffic calming) Figure 2 - Construction of the Capital Crescent Surface Trail (CCST) in Downtown Bethesda started at … 10200 Sligo Creek Parkway Silver Spring, MD 20902. Montgomery Parks is continuing its efforts to expand safe access to park facilities for recreation and exercise during the COVID-19 crisis. Please note: Location is based on address given on the form, and may be quite general. Montgomery Parks Opens Sections of Sligo Creek Parkway to People on Weekends. View details, map and photos of this condo property with 2 bedrooms and 2 total baths. View Map Park Project: Playground Renovation Program; Sligo-Dennis Local Park – Playground Project; Reserve Activity Building. MLS# MDMC742586. Montgomery County… For Rent - 9039 Sligo Creek Pkwy #1401, Silver Spring, MD - $2,250. Sligo Creek Parkway, Silver SpringMD 20901 : Field Descriptions: Name/Type Description; 1 Soccer: Across from Sligo Golf Course, larger field, 350'L x 144'W: 2 Soccer: Practice only. Although the terrain is hilly, many golfers enjoy walking this park-like setting golf course. Sections of Little Falls Parkway, Sligo Creek Parkway, and Beach Drive will be open through Tuesday at 8 a.m. The Sligo Creek watershed is a highly urbanized area, and as a result the water quality in the creek and tributaries is degraded. The Montgomery County Government began installing several stormwater management and stream restoration projects in the watershed in … ... Sligo Creek SVU3. Montgomery Parks provides additional space to walk, jog and bike by closing another section of Sligo Creek Parkway to vehicles. Montgomery Parks Information & Customer Service Office 301-495-2595 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms with 1,275 Sqft. Sections … Sligo Creek Golf Course is a challenging 9-hole course. 9039 SLIGO CREEK PARKWAY 1401 for sale, Price $2,250. In 2002 the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) classified the creek as having poor water quality. Montgomery Parks announced some areas of Sligo Creek Parkway, Beach Drive and Little Falls Parkway will be closed this weekend.