I liked Grace for a middle name, but it seems like Grace has become a bit of a filler name you know? No A or R names. I'd like an uncommon middle name, not common ones like Marie, Grace, Rose, Jane, Lynn, etc. The name itself has gone in and out of fashion since the 1900s, but in recent years has jumped in popularity, maintaining a spot in the top 100 baby names. Over the years, a number of great women in power have held the name, and have subsequently left their mark upon the history books as well. When I was pregnant w/ Pip, my husband was set on the name Emily. I’m not crazy! Her wisdom and words left an incredible impact on the United States, and her husband often credited her for helping him in his role during the tumultuous times of the war. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I like how these one-syllable names add a unique and lovely sound to the name Eleanor. Baby names. Middle name for Eleanor. DH likes Eleanor Imogen, I quite like Eleanor Beatrice, and Eleanor Mary.Grace and Rose both v pretty (but I do know several children with those middle names, including one within the family). Her sisters are Olivia Claire and Natalie Wynn. Wrapping Up That’s it – cute long and short middle names for Eleanor, nicknames, similar names and … 6 years ago. Looking for middle names for Eleanor? Whether your choice is to pair the historic name with a more modern and unique name, to follow suit with a traditional name, or to personalize it with the name of a family member, it makes is a great choice for any child. Just an option, hope this helps! Quoting Cass[Mama2JandO]:" Eleanor Matilda Eleanor Astrid Eleanor Jane Eleanor Louisa Eleanor Lucinda Eleanor Beatrice Eleanor Cordelia Eleanor Susannah Eleanor Francine/Frances. Kerrie_louise 30/09/19. Eleanor Imogene Eleanor Kate The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Eleanor, The Art of Naming: Middle Names For Juliet, The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Madelyn, The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Jacob, The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Piper, The Art of Naming: Middle Names For Chloe, The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Stella. Try our baby name generator. She even went to visit troops during the fighting in World War II. Hi! Another tremendous influencer in history lands closer to home, with Eleanor Roosevelt. Additionally, Myparentingjourney.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. 3. So, I already have a boy name picked out (Gabriel Thomas or Gabriel David, whichever my husband will agree to). To help you to choose a middle name for Eleanor, it might be helpful to know about some of the histories behind the name. Classic and Unique Combination Middle Names for Eleanor. Perhaps another French name? El ‒ From the first two letters of Eleanor. Or Ellie Phoenix if the nickname helps with ideas. Relevance. Mary? The name Eleanor was originally coined from an Old French form of an Occitan name, Aliénor, and one of the earliest recordings of its use was of the great French and English queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Any other suggestions would be great - BabyCenter Australia I posted about Eleanor of Aquataine earlier and got trolled, stay away trolls. First and last name. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice. Article from myparentingjourney.com. Eleanor Carys Eleanor HarrietEleanor CatherineEleanor Charlotte. Names like Eleanor Alianna, Eleanor Amya, Eleanor Cadence, Eleanor Celeste, Eleanor Faye, Eleanor Hadley, Eleanor Haven, Eleanor Liv, Eleanor Tatum, Eleanor Tinley, Eleanor Winter, or Eleanor Zaylee would be wonderful and unique choices. Top runner at the moment is Eleanor Isobel, I like the cadence of it, but don't like how it makes a sentence (Eleanor is a bell), also close friends just had an Isabelle, so would prefer something different. Agree with the one syllable. I'm completely stuck on a middle name. For a baby girl. Eleanor Jane Eleanor Rose Eleanor May Eleanor Faye Eleanor Marie Eleanor Sophie Eleanor Claire Short middle names often sound great with a longer first name. Answer Save. Her last name is Kline. Eleanor is such a lovely name :) I think it suits a one syllable Middle name the most but also depends on Sienna's. Here's some names I currently love so you can … Eleanor May sprang to mind. Elle Belle ‒ A bea… This is page 1 of 4 (This thread has 76 messages.). Elle ‒ A nickname for an Eleanor that is French. 1122 -1204), wif… Classic Middle Names for Eleanor When choosing a middle name for Eleanor, you may want to follow the more classic or traditional names to match. However, with so many choices, take your time and pick the ones that sound the best to you! Eleanor Rosemary, Eleanor Savannah, Eleanor Scarlet, Eleanor Selene, Eleanor Violet, and Eleanor Willa are excellent traditional names. I asked a similar question earlier, but didn't get many answers. Wondering if anyone will come up with a great combination I haven't thought of!Top runner at the moment is Eleanor Isobel, I like the cadence of it, but don't like how it makes a sentence (Eleanor is a bell), also close friends just had an Isabelle, so would prefer something different.I like pretty "feminine" classic names, don't want anything beginning or ending in an "a" or schwa sound. there's an Eleanor Anne as well as a Eleanor jane in my family, although they get shortened to Ellie-anne and Ellie-jane mainly to distinguish the difference, although we also use Big Ellie and Little Ellie. Any help? I'm expecting my third daughter in October. My dd is Eleanor Kate.I like your choice though as that is mine and dd's names!! 6 years ago. Perhaps you’re looking for a one syllable middle name for your baby girl. All information found on Myparentingjourney.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Because of the classic and historical nature of the name, parents may choose to go with a more modern or adventurous middle name. Eleanor is beautiful and historic, with several of history’s greatest influencers carrying the name. There are so many of them. Meanwhile, other parents fall in love with names that are classic and historical, and the name Eleanor is such a name. There are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to picking nicknames. Names like Eleanor Aaliyah, Eleanor Adelaide, Eleanor Avalon, Eleanor Celia, Eleanor Cybil, Eleanor Delia, Eleanor Kailyn, Eleanor Keira, Eleanor Lainey, Eleanor Lavinia, Eleanor Lysa, Eleanor Margo. Eleanor Jane, Eleanor Carter, Eleanor Noel, Eleanor Michelle, Eleanor Gwen, Eleanor Marie, Eleanor Rose, Eleanor Kim, Eleanor Katherine, Eleanor Katie, Eleanor Jacqueline, Eleanor Jo, Eleanor Susan. Shortened form of Eleanor. She fought for women to take a stand for themselves and to better their lives, leaving behind quotes like, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”. my friend has an Eleanor Ruth - i have always loved it and she is now 14! Feb 28, 2019 - Meanwhile, other parents fall in love with names that are classic and historical, and the name Eleanor is such a name.. . My husband and I just can’t land on a middle name that we both feel “sure” about. Eleanor CatherineEleanor FelicityEleanor IvyEleanor JulietEleanor LouiseEleanor MiriamEleanor RachelEleanor Zoe. Eleanor Faye Eleanor Gray Eleanor Hope Eleanor Imogen Eleanor Olive Eleanor Raine Eleanor Pearl Eleanor Violet I love the name Eleanor for a girl, what kind of middle name should we use? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Myparentingjourney.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Eleanor (usually pronounced / ˈ ɛ l ə n ɔːr / in North America but / ˈ ɛ l ə n ər / elsewhere [clarification needed]) is a feminine given name, originally from an Old French respelling of the Old Provençal name Aliénor.It is the name of a number of women of the high nobility in western Europe during the High Middle Ages.The name was introduced to England by Eleanor of … Kelly's 'inappropriate' remark to 'Voice' contestant . I think we are going to clash because I don't like cutesy, little-girl names, and I think that is what he is getting at (ie names like Daisy, Poppy etc that I am not so keen on)Apparently Isobel is more playful-sounding though! Middle Name For Eleanor - Pelops Feb 8 2021, 6:00 PM Re: Middle Name For Eleanor - S2 Feb 8 2021, 6:19 PM Re: Middle Name For Eleanor - erb816 Feb 8 2021, 6:03 PM It took a LOT of telling him no for him to drop it. But then I am in a Grace phase at the moment. I like pretty "feminine" classic names, don't want anything beginning or ending in an "a" or schwa sound. When choosing a name, some parents choose to go with a name that is modern, has a unique spelling, or something similar. Eleanor is top of our list for the next baby girl and we have Frederick lined up as a middle name if we have a boy! Reposting because my last question got part of my question cut out for some reason. I personally like Ruth, because it’s my grandmothers name and ya know, the notorious RBG. Middle name for Eleanor. Well, it turns out that the name you choose for your baby actually has a big impact on how people ... Read moreThe 49 Best Middle Names for Eleanor Agree one syllable only works best. 4. Think the name needs a single syllable middler name.Eleanor Grace? Eleanor Wren; My favorite middle names for Eleanor are Eleanor Gray and Eleanor Quinn. A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. Using the name of a loved one gives your child the opportunity to share a bond with whomever she shares a name, and also opens up for the beauty of sharing family stories together. But I think Eleanor Jane is better. DD1 is 3 syllable first name, then 2 syllable middle name, would be nice to have similar length for DD2. The Art of Naming: Middle Names for Eleanor - 2021. middle name for eleanor. Nori ‒ A Japanese nickname for Eleanor. Eleanor's straightforward feminine image combined with its royal medieval origins is striking just the right note for parents in search of a girls' name that combines substance and style. I wasn't planning on having any more children and we … Ok, I’m having a baby girl on 11/9. Any ideas? Elie Bug ‒ A nickname for a cute Eleanor. They don't work well together. Names like Eleanor Abigail, Eleanor Alexandra, Eleanor Annabelle, Eleanor Aurora, Eleanor Bianca, Eleanor Brianna, Eleanor Camille, Eleanor Carina, Eleanor Carlotta, Eleanor Catherine, Eleanor Charisse, Eleanor Charlotte, Eleanor Christine, Eleanor Cordelia. This great queen is responsible for a number of fascinating historical feats including being believed to be the inductor of built-in fireplaces in homes. But the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a child. I was thinking Eleanor Esmé but I'm unsure. Do you need a Middle Name to go along with the baby name, Eleanor?Try the baby middle name generator.You can use our middle name generator to find middle names that match the first name, Eleanor. Eleanor Astrid Eleanor Jayne ( Gotta love Jayne Mansfield!) I want something feminine with a little bit of edge. After a lot (A LOT ) of bouncing back and to, I think we've decided on Eleanor (Ella) but now we need a middle name. I spend my days caring from my children, packing lunches, reading aloud, and kissing boo-boos. ? Here is a full list of middle names that go with the baby name Ellie. Would love to use Samuel as well but a close family member lost a son by that name. Thanks! My middle name is Eleanor, so perhaps you could use my first Samantha ;). Article ... middle name for eleanor. Older brother Henry Joeseph. I love old classic names and we have definitely decided on Eleanor If it’s a girl but we are having a hard time with middle names. Mar 8th '12. Struggling Ravens player: 'My family is off limits' Opinions?? You can opt for a cute, funny or cool nickname from our list of popular nicknames for people named Eleanor: 1. No matter if your pregnant, ttc or just thinking of the future come share your baby names. Also, if it could be my style, that'd be terrific! Middle name for Eleanor Devil Duckie 3 kids; New York 48700 posts . Some of her other, more impressive feats include using her prowess for education to promote and preserve many of the courtly duties of chivalry. "All good! Eleanor Simone. Eleanor Jolie. 6. Middle name for Eleanor? 5. Baby Names . Eve. Not as much in fashion these days and it depends on the surname but I like Eleanor Christine. Eleanor _____ Rosencrantz. Middle names for Eleanor? Secret. We've pretty much decided to name her Eleanor and call her Nora for short. Eleanor was the... Fun fact: Most people don't know that Teddy Roosevelt was more closely related to Eleanor than to Franklin Roosevelt. I'm really wanting to find a good middle name for Eleanor, but can't seem to land on the perfect one! First Lady between 1933 and 1945), Eleanor Bron (English actress), Eleanor Tomlinson (English singer and actress) and Eleanor Catton (New Zealand author). I’ve known for a while I’d like to name a girl Eleanor, Nora, El, or Ellie for short. Eleanor Lucy maybe but looking for suggestions please! Lv 7. I am Eleanor and have a one syllable middle name, I think anything else would be too much of a mouthful. Trying … But I cannot decide on a middle name. I second Grace. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. For instance, choose the middle names you want for Eleanor from the for Eleanor. Eleanor Rae, Eleanor Noel, Eleanor Rain. Also not sure about just one syllable, our surname is v short 1 syllable, so I think I want something a bit longer to balance it. I have an Eleanor May (and an Isabel Grace). Eleanor Cora, Eleanor Daniella, Eleanor Daphne, Eleanor Elaine, Eleanor Elizabeth, Eleanor Francesca, Eleanor Gabrielle, Eleanor Grace, Eleanor Harriet, Eleanor Helena, Eleanor Jaqueline, Eleanor Jane. You might also want to think of someone that you admire and name your daughters middle name after them. One Syllable Middle Names for Girls. Middle Name Generator Middle Names for Ellie. 7. My SIL (sister-in-law) is called Eleanor Grace but like you said Grace is becoming a very popular middle name, a few names I feel would go are: Anne Kate Pearl Faye Bell Beth Niamh . @2017 - MyParentingJourney. Our top contenders at the moment are Florence, Mae and Quinn but our surname is one syllable so I was thinking the middle name will need to be 2 syllables. Eleanor Josephine, Eleanor Juliette, Eleanor Laurel, Eleanor Lillian, Eleanor Lisbet, Eleanor Madeline, Eleanor Mariana, Eleanor Patience, Eleanor Philomena, Eleanor Rachael, Eleanor Rebecca. Lots of names people have suggested are already in use in the family!I quite like Ruth, but DH worried it is a bit serious sounding with Eleanor, and wants a more "playful" name to follow it. 10 Answers. I am a mother to two adorable little girls and a handsome little boy. Mar 6, 2020 - You know how some people just “look” like their name? Her Court of Love and push for chivalry had such an influence on literature, poetry, and overall society, that she may be the very reason we have the knight in shining armor tales today. Need help find the right name for your newborn? Eleanor Millicent, Eleanor Moira, Eleanor Odette, Eleanor Portia, Eleanor Rhiannon, Eleanor Siena, Eleanor Temperance, Eleanor Tillie, Eleanor Ursa, and Eleanor Xandra are unique names that accent both the history of the name Eleanor and the classic style. A wonderful way to add a personal touch to the name of your baby is to include a name of a beloved friend or family member. Discussion in 'Baby Names' started by pippi_89, Jan 19, 2016. pippi_89 3 babies + 1 angel. Middle name for Eleanor. One syllable. All Right Reserved. What do you think of "Eleanor … While some of the names in the list above are unique in their own right, some of the names used throughout history have a beautiful individuality to … 2. While some of the names in the list above are unique in their own right, some of the names used throughout history have a beautiful individuality to them that would pair perfectly with Eleanor. Keep generating baby names and you are sure to find the perfect middle name! When choosing a middle name for Eleanor, you may want to follow the more classic or traditional names to match. While giving your child a family name is not necessary to create that special bond, it does serve as a constant reminder of the love you have for that special loved one in your life and your child. We have an Oliver James and we’ve decided on a girl name if this baby is a girl but boys names are SO hard. I think my list is . Our last name is Davis. My name is Veronica Mitchell. In today's installment of "weird and inexplicable shit we have found when doing up our house", I give you... Share the things that you love to save for, Ask the Food Standards Agency experts your questions about food allergies and intolerances, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox. Both have traditional first names, but we have one classic middle and one a little more modern. Pretty much for middle names, … But first of all, let’s look at the … 100 Middle names for Eleanor Read More » Ellie ‒ An incredibly intelligent Eleanor. Eleanor BeatriceEleanor Claire ...I know of two.Eleanor ElizabethEleanor FayeEleanor GrayEleanor HopeEleanor ImogenEleanor OliveEleanor RaineEleanor PearlEleanor Violet. Eleanor Rosemary, Eleanor Savannah, Eleanor Scarlet, Eleanor Selene, Eleanor Violet, and Eleanor Willa are excellent traditional names. Nora ‒ A Eleanor that is a shining light. Eleanor Roosevelt forever changed the role of First Lady for our country. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. You may have had an easy time choosing a first name for your daughter, but finding just the right middle name to match can be so tricky! Name is Eleanor Phoenix. Friend refusing to be godfather because of his boyfriend. Joined: Apr 12, 2013 Messages: 972 Likes Received: 0. 0 0. rebecca. World finally discovers one thing 'the Rock' can't do. Thanks for all the suggestions. She created her own newspaper and fought diligently to help the country’s poor and those who faced racial discrimination. Xxx Middle name for Eleanor: We have finally decided on the name Eleanor for our new little girl but are having trouble settling on a middle name for her. It is believed that the meaning of the name is bright, shining one, which is certainly a perfect description of any beautiful baby. Big plus: Eleanor is a serious name, with two nicknames—Ellie and Nell/Nellie—that are … I know Eleanor is an old fashioned name and I want her middle name to carry the same essence. Any ideas for playful yet classic names?