For through-fastened roofs, Haddock says sealants should be at least equal in performance to those used in the roof itself. Continuous snow guards can be made up of one or multiple cross-members. Check out our install guides for our products at Metal Sales! Don’t underestimate the destructive potential of heavy snow and ice! Since snow guards are expected to last the entire service life of the roof, MCA recommends always using mechanically attached snow guards, … Normally used in a redundant fashion, unitized snow guards rely on the “bridging” of a snowpack to span between adjacent devices to limit snow migration. offers the most complete, proven and thoroughly tested standing seam metal roofing attachments in the industry, including ColorGard®, DualGard™, VersaGard™ and multiple exposed fastener metal … Say good bye to silicone! It is important that the snow guard system is designed for each specific project. Insert 3 or 4 (depending on Snow Guard) Neoprene Washered #10 sheet metal screws into the corresponding screw holes. Roofing Substrate - FAQ; UL90 Wind Uplift / Ameri-Cana; Dormer Details; Instructions; Dektite Installation; Sliding Doors; Ideal Thermal Clip; Snow Guards. Area that Snow Guard will be installed must be clean from any surface contamination. Go to our site and find companies who install Sno Shield™, S-5!® and HotEdge™ products. Our metal snow guards will outlast your roof! When installing snow guards, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions. There are unitized snow guards, otherwise known as discontinuous snow guards, snow cleats or pad style snow guards. To restrain sliding snow, snow guards use the compressive strength and density of the snowpack immediately adjacent to the roof surface, therefore resisting the vector force of snow for a specific tributary area of the roof. No extra caulk to take up on the roof, just screws and snow guards. snow guard layout,snow guard spacing,snow guard distances,snow retainer layout,snow retainer spacing,snow spacer distance, Snow guard layout & spacing on all roofs. The 304 Stainless Steel design and ability to use up to a #14 screw for fastening assures that these snow guards stay on the roof. Violators will be prosecuted. Snow Guard Flashing is installed on top of the panel ribs. Since snow guards are expected to last the entire service life of the roof, MCA recommends always using mechanically attached snow guards, never glued. The compatibility between different types of metals is an important consideration when choosing a snow guard system. “Use aluminum with stainless hardware on coated steel and zinc roofing; brass alloys or stainless for copper roofing; anodized aluminum or stainless for stainless roofing,” adds Haddock. Note: These products can only be purchased by Metal Sales … Exposed fastener snow guards, like standing seam snow guards, will also be arranged in a staggered pattern along the eave of the metal roof. A properly tested, engineered and designed snow guard system is imperative to resist the forces induced by snow packs. The EPDM Rubber seal makes installation quick and easy. Corgard’s fasten through the top of the … In its newest technical bulletin, “Qualifying Snow Retention Systems for Metal Roofing,” MCA recommends snow guard systems for metal roofs to be manufactured from non-corrosive metals. Home - Sno Gem is known worldwide for advanced snow retention & snow guard systems for metal, TPO, PVC, EPDM membrane, shingle, & standing seam roofs. Therefore, a face-fastened roof should use a face-fastened snow guard attachment with butyl copolymer sealants and fasteners of no less quality than those used for the roof itself. Run a bead of Silicone in areas that may have any voids. Snow Guards. We are fully operational. The number of snow guards you need is based on several factors. Snow Guards; Chimney Details; Translucent Panels; Attracts Lightning? As Haddock notes, the steeper the roof, the greater the forces are that act on the snow guard assembly. Zaleski Snow Guards for Roofs, Inc. 100 Production Court New Britain, CT 06051. With a rubber glove on, smooth the sealant around the edge of the Snow Guard creating a weather tight seal. … Technical Resources from the Metal Construction Association: For more information, visit Data Sheet. “Because metal roofs have exhibited service lives of more than 60 years in documented field studies by the Metal Construction Association (MCA), this requirement immediately rules out the use of plastics (polycarbonates) as they do not measure up to such a service life in outdoor exposure,” he adds. Contact … Our Metal Roof Snow Guards attach to roof structures in a variety of ways in order to prevent snow from sliding down the roof, which can be hazardous to both pedestrians and your property. Since they represent a load chain to transfer the sliding forces of snow into the building structure, each link in the chain must be proven to be able to withstand the forces to which it will be exposed. Clear Snow Guards; Colored Snow Guards; Metal Snow Guards; Seam Mounted Guards ... Clearance. Snow guards should always be placed at the lower half of the roof plane. "Snow guards should be equally spaced up the slope to control the dynamic movement of the snow and ice," says Howie Scarboro, national sales manager at SnoBlox … Simply place the gasket in the grooved channel on the base of the Snow Guard and set the Snow Guard in place to be screwed down. A combination of testing, science, mathematics and quality control are required for the proper design of snow guard systems. Similarly, fasteners should also last the life of the roof. A unitized snow guard can be a single- or multi-component and does not use continuous cross-member. When deciding on the right type of snow retention system, Haddock says to be sure the design is adequate and specific to your application, with appropriate testing. Having the proper number of snow guards on your roof is important for keeping snow in its place as well as dispersing the snow load properly across you roof structure. According to Haddock, the method of attachment of snow guards should be consistent with the roof type. Martin’s two most popular metal panels. Failure of a snow retention system can cause property damage and potential loss of life. Please be aware that our site is best experienced with Ad Blockers turned off. Snow Guard #211. If Installing With The Perfect Seal Gasket: **Check silicone packaging for curing times and conditions. Other products offered include leaf gutter guards, roof clamps for attaching accessories to a metal … You can install the Snow Guard with the Perfect Seal Gasket in any weather condition or temperature. “In general, snow accumulates on a roof with greater concentration near the eaves and valleys due to wind scouring. Insert 3 or 4 (depending on Snow Guard). We offer a convenient quantity calculator on our product pages to help you determine the correct number of snow guards to purchase. Clean the roof surface with household isopropyl alcohol where the Snow Guards are to be attached. These have at least two components: brackets or seam clamps that are attached to the roof, and cross-members that are anchored to the brackets or clamps that restrain the sliding snow. To color match the roof material, it is recommended that the type of paint or powder coating is equivalent to the roof material in terms of fade and chalk characteristics. Ideal Guard. Installation Procedures for Mechanical Installation on Metal Shingles with Snow Guard SHINGLE LEDGE Technology 1. Opened in 2019, the DeWitt Family Science Center creates a... “Our bread and butter is public works pre-engineered metal building... © 1994-2021 Modern Trade Communications Inc. No data on this website may be downloaded or copied for use on other websites or in other publications without prior written consent from this site’s webmaster. Snow guards are considered a life/safety product, and therefore should have the service life and durability equivalent to the roof itself, Haddock says. “Lesser quality paint finishes on the snow guards will fade more rapidly than the roof, producing a very unsightly mismatch within a few years,” Haddock notes. No mess, no clean up – the PSGS offers a water tight seal every time with a 60% faster installation time. “If the slope of the same roof is changed to 7:12, the force changes to 1,008 pounds per linear foot.”. He recommends asking the manufacturer for written proof of appropriate testing on the chosen roof profile or substrate by an accredited lab. Check to ensure the Silicone has squeezed out around the entire perimeter. Snow guards are designed to prevent snow shed onto walkways, balconies, and other areas falling snow and ice can be hazardous. A roof avalanche can cause damage to people, pets, cars, … “Clamp designs that are seam-specific, or for use on certain metal thickness, have been tested with specific set screw torque values,” explains Webber. These instructions use … “To properly retain the expected snow load, following the installation instructions is crucial.”. Simply place the gasket in the grooved channel on the base of the Snow Guard and set the Snow Guard in place to be screwed down. The 10-foot Pro-Rib Universal Snow Bar is used on metal roofs to prevent snow from sliding off the roof onto the ground, blocking door entry areas or pathways. Installation instructions for Snojax Snoblox and Icejax snow guards. We are proud to offer a complete line of full size snow guards, small profile guards & standing seam systems that are usable on all roof types and composites.. Zaleski Snow Guards for Roofs, Inc. PO Box 700 New Britain, CT 06050-0700. “Either type can work—continuous rail or discontinuous cleat-type systems—provided that either is appropriately tested, correctly installed and proven by engineered calculation to resist the in-service loads presented on a site-specific basis,” says Rob Haddock, CEO of Colorado Springs, Colo.-based S-5! Wait for a dry day to work; the adhesive … “This is important because tested holding strength is dependent upon that torque,” he says. What is span of your roof from bottom to peak? S-5! This article describes how to lay out the snow retainer or guard pattern on a roof in order to provide an effective snow retention system. 717-697-1999 ... Register; Shopping Cart (0) 0 Items Toggle navigation. “Hardware for these systems (nuts, bolts, screws) should meet the same criteria—last as long as the roof. You can fasten metal to metal … Place the Snow Guard perpendicular to roof slope with flat front facing toward the ridge. We noticed that you may have an Ad Blocker turned on. All snow guard devices rely upon the compressive strength of a bank of snow to resist its downward migration. Their main purpose is to prevent the sudden release of snow … Colorgard® Snow Retention | Installation Video - YouTube The team behind the Snow Defender line of snow guards have engineered two high-performance (and cost-effective) snow guards that are a perfect fit for A.B. MCA’s technical bulletin, “Metal Roof Design for Cold Climates,” can be used as a reference guide for snow retention calculations and placement. Mailing Address. Commonly referred to as Snow Cleats, Snow Brackets, Snow Jacks, Snow Blox, and Snow Stops, they are designed specifically to reduce the movement of snow and ice by controlling the rate at which the snow masses melt and break into smaller and safer sections. For most installations, two screws must be used in the Mini Glacier Snow Guard and 4 must be used with the large Glacier Snow Guard. Snow … “The panel type and material, roof size, local snow loads and aesthetics are some other issues to consider.”. Jerod Webber, sales manager, at Raytown, Mo.-based Dynamic Fastener, notes that engineering and testing is one of the main focuses when choosing a snow retention system. For this reason, the snow bank’s downslope extremity is the best place to interface with snow guards.”, Additionally, Webber notes, “Slope is a critical component in the engineering/design of snow retention because steep slopes combined with long panel lengths are two of the factors that help determine if multiple rows of snow retention are needed.”. Call Us Today! The industry standard for snow guard installation has always been with the use of silicone. Qualifying Snow Retention Systems for Metal Roofing, Fastener Compatibility with Profiled Metal Roof and Wall Panels. And, a standing seam roof should use clamp-to-seam attachments that are metallurgically compatible with the roof material. Install the first Snow Guard … Our metal roof snow guard products are a cost-effective, long lasting, aesthetically pleasing snow retention solution for any metal corrugated, standing seam, asphalt, shingle or slate roof located in a winter climate. Ensure that when the Snow Guard is set in place, the sealant will uniformly create an adequate squeeze-out seal around the entire perimeter. The buildup of snow and ice on a pitched metal roof causes challenges in many areas around the country. Snow bars allow the snow and ice to safely melt off the roof. Spacing requirements for snow … “Relying on caulk/adhesive for attachment is not the preferred method, whereas using a mechanically fastened clamp/rail combo is the stronger alternative,” says Grant. Snow guards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Home; Instructions; Instructions >> VIEW AND PRINT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS << Installation … Since you are fastening through the panel, use a fastener with a neoprene washer and install Butyl Tape Sealant between the Snow Guard and the panel to help seal around the fastener. One exception, Haddock says, is for systems anchored with seam clamps, a torque wrench is needed to check that the electric driving tool is delivering the torque specified by the manufacturer. SNOBAR COLORBAR COLORRAIL METAL ROOF WINDGUARD Systems *Except where mentioned, installation instructions are the same for all systems. Aesthetically pleasing by matching existing metal … “For example, a 4:12 roof that is 50 feet from eave to ridge with a 40-psf design roof snow load will exert 633 pounds per linear foot of eave on the snow guard assembly,” he explains. Roof Snow Guards S-5 ColorGard® When it comes to roof snow guards, the Colorgard by S-5! This snow bar can be used on any of the Pro-Rib or Premium Pro-Rib steel roofing panels. They come in 40+ colors which allows you to match virtually any metal … Let the cleaning liquid fully dry before beginning installation of the Snow Guards. If your doing retrofit or new construction, residential or commercial we have a guard for you. Choosing the right type of snow guard is a decision largely based on aesthetic and personal preference. The stainless steel will not corrode and no caulk is needed due to the EPDM rubber seal on the bottom. 888-976-6744. How long is your roof? Apply Silicone sealant on the base of the Snow Guard, creating a heavy bead around the base perimeter. Snow Bars or Guards. is the only snow retention system good enough to be warranted for the life of the roof. Manufacturers recommend professional installation, but a dedicated do-it-yourselfer with a secure scaffolding can do it. 300 series stainless is best for the fasteners, as it is compatible with all roof materials.”. The installation of snow guards prevents the sudden release of snow and ice from a roof, which is known as a roof avalanche. Snow bars are a more economical choice over snow … Installing the spike style of snow guards is not complicated. Snow Guard and Heat Tape Installers can be hard to find. Continuous snow guards are otherwise known as rail type snow guards, snow fence, snow rail or pipe-style snow guard. “Exposed fastener heads should be AlZn alloy or 300 series stainless steel, and washers should be black EPDM,” adds Haddock. What is the average amount of snow you get per year? And, depending on the system, snow guards can be placed in a single line, or in multiple rows. Snow retention systems reduce the risk of sudden rooftop avalanches and mitigate the hazards present in the area below the eaves. Every order is shipped with detailed installation instructions for an easy, hassle free installation … Attachment Solutions. Place the Snow Guard perpendicular to roof slope with flat front facing toward the ridge. Unlike other metal roof snow bars and snow slide prevention systems that yellow and fail over time, ColorGard’s unsurpassed holding strength controls snow … The collection of snow on a roof can produce significant sliding forces, which can cause the snow to fall suddenly. T-Armor Series™ structural standing seam roof system from Metal Sales achieves a new pinnacle in long-term performance, installation ease and design flexibility. “Generally speaking, if installing one row and using a continuous rail-type system, your snow retention would be installed approximately 1 to 2 feet from the eave,” explains Tom Grant, branch manager at Dynamic Fastener. “The majority of the snow load is carried on the bottom half of the roof due to heat loss, wind, sun exposure and gravity.”, “Exact placement of snow guards is a mixture of art and science,” Haddock adds. When choosing washers or sealants for waterproofing, use ones with the same chemistry as the washers and sealants present in the roof system to ensure a similar expected service life.