We have successfully shipped to Australia, parts of Asia, parts of Africa, Europe, and Canada, in a regular letter envelope ($10). They have … My purple tree collards so far haven’t shown any signs of frost damage despite some nights down in the upper teens (F). SUCCULENTS * Aeonium Aeonium sp. Purple tree collards are a fantastic but rare perennial vegetable. Your plants will likely produce flowers later in the spring. All Rights Reserved. If there is a defect with your order please take photos and contact us within 24 hours of arrival. Like other collard greens, Merritt Tree Collards are very nutritious. As far as taste they have a mild flavor and are good eaten raw or cooked. The leaves on our plants often measure over 2 ft long and weigh up to 1/2 a pound. The purple tree collard plant is an amazing perennial vegetable. We hope you enjoy your plant! 5 out of 5 stars (384) 384 reviews $ 8.00. See below for more international shipping information. 5 out of 5 stars (389) 389 reviews $ 8.00. Merritt Tree Collards are a perennial brassica plant hardy to 25°, possibly lower. Merritt Tree Collard plants get 4-10 feet high with a strong, central, woody trunk. Related Videos. Merritt Tree Collards are a vigorous perennial with large leaves measuring up to 2 feet long. They are very vigorous plants with leaves over 2′ long and half a pound in weight. The leaves on our plants can measure over 2 ft long and weigh up to 1/2 a pound. In the US seeds are shipped in an ordinary white envelope. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species that all bloom at the same time. From shop ProjectTreeCollard. Please note that while we hope that every plant we ship thrives in your garden, we cannot be responsible for the success of the plants in your garden. They are easy to grow, productive, and well suited to either large or small gardens. They should be planted 3-4 feet apart. We do our best to ensure a safe journey for your plants but cannot be responsible for plants that freeze or cook in your mailbox. They can be propagated by cuttings once you get your first plant established. Tree collards are fun to cook with, and can be used raw or cooked in any recipes that call for kale, collards or cabbage, and are especially good in soup and sauces! © 2021 Project Tree Collard. We propagated it from a cutting at Merritt College in Oakland, thus the name. You can save seed and propagate these seeds. All Rights Reserved. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species that all bloom at the same time. This is a variety of tree collard seeds collected in Summer of 2020 from Green Tree Collards, Purple Tree Collards, and Merritt Tree Collards. They … They are more compact and narrow than other tree collards and don’t get anywhere near as leggy. Collards need a deep soil that is well drained and well prepared. After flowering and setting seed in the spring, they return to vigorous vegetative growth. But if you do not know anyone who owns such a plant, places to purchase Tree Collards locally include specialty permaculture nurseries like the one at Merritt College in Oakland, CA, or the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center in Occidental, CA, when they hold their plants sales (note that this may only be seasonal). With a nice mild flavor, and reaching heights over 6 feet (1.8 meters), these plants can provide you with a year-round abundance of greens for you and your family. 5 out of 5 stars (401) 401 reviews $ 25.00 FREE shipping Only 2 available and it's in 2 people's carts. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species that all bloom at the same time. I collected some seed this season (mostly from my Merritt collards and a couple of the grex plants), as I thought it may produce some interesting crosses, as the dino tree kale, many of the grex plants, the Merritt collard, and the nine-star broccoli were all blooming at the same time. We will send you a Paypal Invoice. Merritt College Land Hort Nursery. 1 Rooted Merritt Tree Collard Plant (Green) ProjectTreeCollard. They seed at the same time as the Dino Tree Collards  and Green Tree Collards so they may produce some interesting crosses. 2 Merritt Tree Collard Cuttings and 2 Purple Tree Collard Cuttings ProjectTreeCollard. The greens are delicious and are green. Then remove the flower stalk and they will resume vigorous leaf growth. We also sell rooted plants from our Merritt Tree Collards, as well as cuttings. Our mother plants grow a large central trunk up to 6 inches in diameter with limited side shoots for propagation. They are high in Vitamins B1, B2, B9, C, and beta-Carotene and are a great source of fiber. The greens are delicious. The plants in our nursery beds are now four years old. From shop ZellajakeFarmGarden. The plant produces clusters of small yellow flowers on racemes. Please send a message if you wish to have seeds shipped internationally and let us know your order. After flowering and setting seed in the spring, they return to vigorous vegetative growth. From shop ProjectTreeCollard. Merritt Tree Collards are a new perennial variety of tree collard that grow enormous green leaves year after year. We propagated it from a cutting at Merritt College in Oakland, thus the name. They germinated in our tests at over 95%. Highly recommended plant! Merritt Collards are bushier, have larger leaves (up to 2+ feet long), have fatter stalks, and darker green leaves. They can be shipped in both the US and internationally. From shop ProjectTreeCollard. Please consider the weather in your region when ordering. Recently a customer from Connecticut reported that their Merritt seedling plants survived this winter without any protection so they may be much hardier than we had thought possible. One packet of approximately 30 Merritt Tree Collard seeds from 2020. If you want an exact clone of the original Merritt Tree Collards, we recommend you purchase a rooted plant or cuttings. They germinated at over 95%. But if you do not know anyone who owns such a plant, places to purchase Tree Collards locally include specialty permaculture nurseries like the one at Merritt College in Oakland, CA, or the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center in Occidental, CA, when they hold their plants sales (note that this may only be seasonal). Home About Plants > Categories Availability List Fee-based Courses Products Plant Sales Our Blog ... * Tree Collard Brassica oleracea * Yacon. 0:08. We actually began selling purple tree collard plants a year ago because they were so hard to find elsewhere. Merritt Tree Collards are a perennial brassica plant hardy to 20°, possibly lower. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species nearby that all bloom at the same time. They tend to make a very strong central stalk, and are more compact than purple tree collards. We propagated it from a cutting at Merritt College in Oakland, thus the name. # collard # collardgreens # projecttreecollard # organicvegetables # perennialvegetables # collards # plantbased # foodnotlawns # foodsecurity # femalefarmer # backyardfarmer We have also been collecting and trialing other more obscure varieties of tree collards. Which is what we're all about - better food, regionally grown. Merritt Tree Collards are a perennial brassica plant hardy to 25°, possibly lower. Merritt Tree Collard Seeds (approx 30) ProjectTreeCollard. 5 out of 5 stars (416) $ 16.00 FREE shipping Favorite Add to Purple Tree Collards (Brassica oleracea var acephala), for Soups, Stir Fry, Salad, Smoothies, and Health (Perennial) OurEdibleGarden. They are more compact and narrow than other tree collards and don’t get anywhere near as leggy. Collards grow best in cool weather and need as much sunlight as possible. Favorite Add to 1 Rooted Big Blue Tree Collard Plant ProjectTreeCollard. The Merritt Tree Collard seeds were collected in Summer of 2020. The plants in our nursery beds are now four years old and have produced seeds several times. Merritt Tree Collard This plant is from a chance cross at a local community college. Merritt Tree Collards are a perennial brassica plant hardy to 25°, possibly lower. They are a vigorous with large leaves measuring over 2 ft’ and weighing over 1/2 pound. They … We propagated it from a cutting at Merritt College in Oakland, thus the name. Collards may also be referred to as collard greens or tree cabbage and likely originated from a wild ancestor in ancient Asia minor. If so, let them flower and set some seeds. Merritt Tree Collards are a lesser known perennial tree collard with extremely sturdy "tree trunks" and large green leaves up to 2 feet in length. While tree collards are often rooted from cuttings, we like starting from seeds because we'll get some variation in the genetics and will be able to select the plants that do best in our region. We propagated it from a tree collard at Merritt College in Oakland. We propagated it from a tree collard at Merritt College in Oakland. Favorite Add to Georgia Southern Collard Greens Heirloom Seeds - bin29 ZellajakeFarmGarden. Like other collard greens, Merritt Tree Collards are very nutritious. They come in packages of approximately 30 seeds (usually more). They collectively germinated at around 85%. They take a bit longer to cook than kale. We're growing 'Green' 'Purple' and 'Merritt'. Collards tolerate more heat and cold than most other vegetables grown in Texas. Merritt collards also bloom less in the spring, whereas green tree collards typically bloom for 3 or 4 months from Spring into Summer. © 2021 Project Tree Collard. I could go ahead and harvest some leaves now if I wanted to. These seeds will not be true to type due to cross pollination with other brassicas on the farm, but they will likely produce vigorous leafy brassica plants that may be of interest to plant breeding enthusiasts. * Agave, Dwarf Butterfly Agave isthmensis * Agave, Hedgehog Agave stricta * Agave, Parry's I can’t wait to see how tall they will get. They are very vigorous plants with leaves over 2′ long and half a pound in weight. They are high in Vitamins B1, B2, B9, C, and beta-Carotene and are also a great source of fiber. Cats love chilling in the shade of the tree collards. This tree collard forms a very thick and sturdy trunks and gets up to 8 feet tall. Merritt Tree Collard Seeds (approx 30) ProjectTreeCollard. From shop ProjectTreeCollard. Soil preparation . Please do your research beforehand to see if customs is likely to confiscate your items. Collards can reach 1 m (3.3 ft) in height and are usually grown as annuals, harvested after one growing season. Merritt Tree Collards are a new perennial variety of tree collard that grow enormous green leaves year after year. This one was actually eating some of the leaves but I couldn’t catch that on video because she ran off. Merritt Tree Collards are a perennial brassica plant hardy to 25°, possibly lower. You can also eat the stems. They are generally twice as sweet as the leaves, and are nutritious as well. They come in packages of approximately 30 seeds (usually more). This row of Merritt Tree Collards is about 4 months old. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee delivery for international orders. The Merritt Tree Collard is a naturally occurring hybrid that seeded itself at Merritt Collage in Oakland where I studied landscape design and construction. What I have grown for the last 3 years is the purple tree collard, last fall I obtained the "Merritt Green" tree collard which did well so far including thru last winter, and recently I obtained the "Dinosaur" tree collard which I suspect may be more freeze hardy than the others. They do go to seed in spring but they are still productive in the flowering/seed pod phase. They can be shipped in both the US and internationally. These plants also like full or partial-sun and can get fairly large—hence the name tree collards. 5 … Merritt Tree Collards are a green perennial brassica plant hardy to 20°, possibly lower. # projecttreecollard # collardgreens # collards … A short little video showing differences between Merritt Tree Collards and Purple Tree Collards in Berkeley, CA. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species that all bloom at the same time. The original plant probably self seeded in the garden from the numerous brassica species nearby that all bloom at the same time.