(2008). Bhauvana, like any typical Indian woman, has deep interest on various topics. A brief section on each, with a link to the page about the particular species is provided along with references for further information. The tile fish also have the ability to change the colour of their body which is really helpful in evading the predators. Requires a minimum 180 gallon aquarium. Similarly shaped and coloured to Bartlett's Anthias, but with a slightly more rounded back. Large fish with classic Bass body, Silvery in colour with vertical tan stripes and a blue underside. [67][68], Attractive and relatively small, Hawkfish make excellent additions to fish only or FOWLR aquariums. Sometimes multiple specimens can be kept in larger aquariums, but usually this requires them to be added at the same time or they will be too territorial. The marginated damsel is noted for blue fins as well as the yellow head and white body. It is a different marine fish which is also known as spotted sea trout. These sharks have a very large mouth and they normally feed on planktons. Dolphin is well known but there is lot of difference between that dolphin and this dolphinfish. Because they are capable of eating fish that are surprisingly large, but will often be picked at by fish that eat invertebrates a species tank is often set up for them. Completely lemon yellow, with a brown marking around the eye. They are omnivores, but plenty of vegetable matter, preferably in the form of macroalgae, should be provided for their grazing pleasure. The finest specimens in the world are just a click away. Lionfish is also known as the Pterois, and is a predator fish. Very striking black and white checkerboard pattern all over, with very long tapering nose. Caudal fin is red with yellow tips. This fish is highly aggressive, and requires many hiding places. Diet. Requires a minimum 6,200 gallon aquarium. They prefer to stay in their self made caves or the burrows. A beautiful fish with neon blue on its body and a gold underside and caudal fin. Black with lighter patch over caudal fin. Requires a minimum 4,850 gallon aquarium and if given the space, does quite successfully. Requires a large system in which to live in although it does not need to be deep. Eventually, they become males if no males prevent them from doing so. Bhetki/Barramundi. Mottled tan, white, and black covering the body and fins. [118] Many sharks feed on invertebrates to a great degree along with fish (even ones that are larger than themselves), and although they don't eat coral, they can knock them over and rest on them. A flake staple is usually sufficient, but for best color and health supplement with frozen and live foods when possible. Orange back with cream colored underside. [70] However, numerous coastal and coral reef sharks do well in good aquarium surroundings[70] although you should have experience in keeping other saltwater fish before trying to keep sharks as they are more difficult to care for. The males have orange on their tails while the females do not. Tomato Clownfish. Bright red with black spots at the base of the caudal fin, under the second dorsal fin, and on the operculum. Make sure you have a tight-fitting lid. Light-colored with dark spots and a large abdomen. They should be kept individually, and generally not with other fish of similar shape and colour. Brown with generally random black markings resembling a rotting leaf. 4.5-inches. It may consume benthic fishes and its thorns are tangled in nets easily. Neon pseudochromis, Arabian dottyback or neon dottyback, Purple stripe pseudochromis or diadema basslet, Captive bred species are sometimes available, Strawberry pseudochromis or purple pseudochromis. Wild populations have been decimated, consider captive bred specimens. [60][61], Less often kept than their relatives the triggerfish and puffers, there are many filefish that make good aquarium residents, and a few that require specialized diets, making it hard to sustain them in an aquarium. Teira Batfish is a species of marine fish which belongs to the Ephippidae and found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans along Australia, India and the Mediterranean coast. It is notorious for doing terribly in aquarium confines. Sky blue anterior fading to yellow towards the tail, with a black stripe running the eye to the base of the caudal fin. Requires a minimum 560 gallon aquarium. Similar in patterning to C. argus (with exception to the coloration). is not nearly as aggressive as other dottybacks. Requires Mature Tank. Also, Gobies' pelvic fins are fused to form a sucker, similar to Remoras.[45]. [76], Usually only a single specimen can be kept in an aquarium. It typically has a circular shaped body along with a low hump on the nape and is usually grey, silver or brown in colour. Characterized by the striking contrast of a blue head and upper torso followed by a yellow orange lower torso. Appropriate research should be done before purchasing a specimen. It is called karimeen in Kerala, koraliya in Sri Lanka, and in Goa it is known as the kalundar. Picking a name for your pet fish can be a lot of fun but it can also be really tricky (especially if you have a tank full of similar looking fish)! This fish is characterized by flattened body, large mouth and larges eyes. [ Read: Different Types of Fishes in The World ]. Fairly peaceful. Has distinctively shaped tail resembling that of a swallow. When selecting Butterflyfish especially, specimens presenting any sign or signs of mishandling are to be avoided. If you don't recycle names, you may have to keep coming up with new ones. Like the Bullseye electric ray, it can be kept successfully if fed live food such as annelid worms and provided with a layer of sand 6cm (2.3in) deep. They feed on zooplankton, phytoplankton and other small fishes. [137][138], Seahorses are among the few popular marine aquarium species that can be temperate. Milkfish is a saltwater fish found in the coastal areas where there are well-developed reefs. To prevent this, never remove a puffer from the water.[46]. Most tangs will not tolerate other fish the same color and/or shape as them. This fish has the ability to harbour parasites such as cestodes, nematodes, isopods etc and can live up to 8 years. Has distinctive bright green eyes. They are characterized with a silver coloured long, muscular body along with a forked tail. Some estimates report the world’s oceans are home to 20,000 species of fish. The adult species normally consists of an oval shape. Drab tan all over with dark spot at the base of the caudal fin and a light yellow line through eye. All tangs should be given plenty of swimming room; try to have at least a 4' tank. Purple head and anterior, abruptly changing to yellow about halfway down the body. These saltwater fish are peaceful and easy to keep in an aquarium. Tan and brown striped and spotted with iridescence. Teardrop Butterflyfish is a species of marine fish which belongs to the Chaetodontidae family. Dark chocolate brown, slightly lighter around the pectoral fins. Also like most butterfly rays, it is an active ray that requires much swimming space like some active sharks. [65], While not as common a choice for aquariums as many other species, they are typically hardy and brightly colored[66], Typically are hardy and do not harm invertebrates which makes them a good choice of fish for a reef tank. [1] Two angels might be kept in the same aquarium provided it is a large aquarium, they are properly acclimated as juveniles, and they have very different colouring and body shape. White anterior with thin black stripes at 45 and 120 degree angles from the head. Best kept in an aggressive/semi-aggressive tank. With any moray eel care must be taken to secure the lid as one of the most common causes of death is escaping from the tank, and onto the floor. They are used to prepare some food dishes like bagoong. Many species of Saltwater Fish are aquacultured and others are humanely collected from all of the tropical oceans of the world. Tan with dark speckles and brown spots at the base of the caudal fin. 62 of them are toxic while 42 are... Jeffree Star is a renowned beauty YouTuber who is also a passionate song writer and an... How excited are you to look at Kim Kardashian no makeup? It Can't be Possible!… The Genus Chromis", "The Damsel and Anemonefishes, Family Pomacentridae", "Time to Quit Clownin' Around: The Subfamily Amphiprioninae", "Tiny (and one not so tiny) Terrors of the Sea: Damsels of the Genus Dascyllus", "Small-Man's Complex: The Genus Stegastes", "Firefishes, Dartfishes, Wormfishes, Family Microdesmidae, Subfamily Ptereleotrinae", "Worms Not Found in the Sandbed: The Genus Ptereleotris", "Mandarins, Psychedelic "Gobies", Dragonets, Scooter Blennies....YAH! Requires a minimum 8,400 gallon aquarium. Anemonefish are easy to keep, but their cnidarian counterparts are inordinately finicky and need high light levels, and luckily Anemonefish will thrive without them. Sometimes referred to as the "Poor Man's Moorish Idol" because of the resemblance to one. Requires a minimum 200 gallon aquarium with little aquascaping and preferably a sand bed. These fish should only be kept in fish-only tanks as any small invertebrates will be looked on as food. Some species in this family do not do well in captivity, and potential keepers must take care to purchase only those species that have a fighting chance. [74] Other species within Scorpaenidae but outside Pterois may also have "lionfish" in their common names. These species can be seen thought the world in marine water. They feed on algae and benthic invertebrates. Good water quality should be maintained at all times.[43]. The length of the lion fish normally varies in between 5-45 cm and their weight will be 0.025 – 1.3 kg. To identify some of the most common and interesting reef fish in the Caribbean, Florida, and the Western Atlantic, look for their distinctive characteristics.