The Selkath attempted to join the Galactic Republic at this time, but corruption and complex interests barred the aquatic world from entering the interstellar union. Indeed, much of Ahto City was a series of hangars and distribution centers. Often, as was during the Jedi Civil War, many judges had strong biases, specifically regarding allegiance, whether to the Sith Empire, the Republic, or pure neutrality. The only above-surface settlement on Manaan was the floating Ahto City, built above Hrakert Rift, an abundant source of Kolto. [7] Due to the advanced medical technology and secrecy, Manaan became one of the key staging points for the Revanites, as Colonel Rian Darok, Sith Lord Darth Arkous and the Selkath Gorima performed experiments to build an "Infinite Army" using Rakata technology. Distance from Core [5], As Manaan grew in importance during the Jedi Civil War, both the Republic and the Sith established embassies on the planet in Ahto City. Gravity Since I'm in the Docking Bay, I'll go through the Sith Hangar. If the environment was threatened or harmed, the parties responsible were held accountable. This plan worked and the Progenitor swam aside, allowing Revan to pass. Immigrants also came to Manaan for commerce. I kept dying and wasting my grenades on small batallions of troops. Societal information Since it was the only settlement accessible to offworlders, the only method of transit to the true surface of the planet was through a submersible from Ahto City. If your alignment is > 40, ⦠Fauna If any faction decided to invade the planet, the Selkath threatened to destroy the kolto supply. There were also many cantinas, shops, and other recreational facilities present. Orbital position Major exports Ahto City swoop track[5]Ahto Luxury Resorts[4]Hrakert Rift[5]Hrakert Station[5]Wreck of the Prince of Waves[6] During the conflict between the invading Yuuzhan Vong and the New Republic, both the Yuuzhan Vong and the Ailon Nova Guard attacked the planet. You should speak with Roland Wann in East Central (#5) before using this (if you're interested in backstory and entered the hangar due to your high security skill); he can fill you in on what he's looking for at the Sith Base. Republic diplomat Roland Wann hired teams of mercenaries to investigate the facility, but they too were killed. I've played the full game before, but I struggled when raiding the sith base (I took T3-M4 and Bastila). As the sole provider of kolto, Manaan's resources were in high demand. As the Selkath developed and evolved the ability to live outside of water, various other species prospered in the depths of the Manaan oceans. Shelkar was the presiding chief justice during the Jedi Civil War, and as such, had a large proportion of control over Manaan. It does not include various ways to take advantage of intentional game features, because such exploits are not glitches.Submitted by Mage: If you want your character remain at level 1 and get off the Endar Spire, here is how. The planet was also home to several avian species, flocks of which could usually be seen flying over Ahto City. Eventually, Revan would find one of the star maps leading to the Star Forge. This is the next part of an ongoing series. Galactic Republic[3]Infinite Empire[5]Rift Alliance[7]Ahto City Civil Authority[5]Ahto High Court[5]Galactic Empire[4] Near one of the rooms the game suddenly started replacing icons with white blocks and laser effects became blocky, including in the menus. [5], Thousands of years before the creation of the Galactic Republic, Manaan was invaded and conquered by the expanding Infinite Empire. Begin the interrogation of the Sith prisoner. Followers 44. As the Jedi Civil War began, the Selkath established a series of laws to preserve their neutrality, sovereignty, and protection. I have tried every combination of options I can think of with no success. Through what was described as a telepathic scream, she drove the Selkath in the base and the firaxan sharks outside the base insane, and they attacked and killed nearly all of the Republic personnel. [3] Yet ultimately, Manaan became another flashpoint in a galactic war. The Sith Embassy and Republic Embassy were located in Ahto as well, and were the center of each respective faction's interests on Manaan. The station remained shrouded in mystery until Revan arrived on Manaan, searching for the lost Star Map. This disrupted interstellar relationships and commerce. As a result, they regarded her with much respect. The purpose of this mod is to bring the much more up-to-date design choices from ⦠It's locked, and I don't have my little droid buddy to help. How do I solve the decryption for the sith passcard ? [4], The Empire built a huge luxury resort in Ahto City, and the Selkath were made to serve the rich Human guests. The Ahto High Court tried to remain impartial to all cases that came their way. Class [5], This section of the article assumes that the player chooses only. [2] Manaan was once again illustrated throughout 2010 publication of The Essential Atlas as an Inner Rim planet, and graphically showed its astrographical relationship with the rest of the galaxy. A few of the Selkath recognized the potential consequences of a Sith victory and made a secret deal with the Republic, allowing them to build their own kolto harvesting base on the ocean floor. He decided to destroy the harvesters, rather than risk tainting the kolto by trying to poison the creature. During the peak of the war, individuals from across the galaxy traveled to Manaan, either to work for the competing governments, for leisure, or to take part in their sport. How do I successfully interrogate the Sith prisoner in the Republic Embassy on Manaan. [5], During the Jedi Civil War, the Selkath were also strict environmentalists. It is also notable that this publication lists Manaan in the Syrak system with a population of 18 million during the Jedi Civil War. Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. Bhd principal activities are involve in trading and distribute of air springs, commercial tyre, balancing powder, grease, engine oil, workshop cleaning chemical. It was also believed that the Progenitor was semi-sentient. When their empire began to collapse, however, the Rakata abandoned Manaan. A few Selkath Jedi fought against Darth Bane in the New Sith Wars. Manaan In the game, all infantry units tasked with the defense of Manaan receive an automatic healing bonus due to the presence of kolto on the planet. Two of them are arguing as you leave the docking bay. Major cities By Jorak Uln. [4], By around 25 ABY, the population of Manaan had swelled to over 100 billion beings, although the area of space around the planet was only scarcely populated. And you'll need to, if you want to break into the Sith base, which is aptly located across from the droid store, in an independent compound. He needed to get past the Progenitor if he planned to uncover the Star Map, so he weighed his options. Over the millennia, they built Ahto City and became involved in Galactic affairs through the exportation of kolto. Deep undersea caverns also served as homes to the native aquatic species, and the sentient Selkath built their cities, deep-sea pods, far beneath the surface. I'm taking Jolee & T3-M4 for this journey. [5], During the Galactic Civil War, Ahto City became resettled by the Galactic Empire and reestablished as a luxury resort. If the player chooses to follow the dark side story-line, Revan releases the chemical resulting in the death of the Progenitor, but with the side-effect of the kolto becoming polluted and turning black. Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm 1, Star Wars: The Old Republicâclass. Ultimately, however, the Selkath banned the Sith from Manaan for trying to overthrow the government. Find their other files; 12 Screenshots. [9], Ahto City was eventually abandoned by the Selkath some time after the New Sith Wars, and they returned to their underwater cities beneath the surface. [5], Despite the laws, both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic were constantly looking for ways to gain the advantage. 26 standard hours[4] Instead, Manaan adopted a state of neutrality. Rather, the Selkath society had dissolved into rival factions and cities. [16], In the gameplay of Knights of the Old Republic, the player has the option to destroy the Hrakert Station or release a chemical into the water and kill the Progenitor. With this, each organization brought with them personnel to work in the embassies. Immigrated species The Selkath were enslaved at this time and made to serve the Human visitors. Many Selkath were frightened by the Imperial force and surrendered. [4], The Progenitor, possible ancestor to the Selkath species, Manaan, being an oceanic planet, hosted numerous aquatic species in its vast seas. Planetwide ocean[4][5]Islands[4] During my newest playthrough something weird happened in the first area of the underwater republic base. [5], The Progenitor was the largest of the firaxan sharks, and may have been the ancestor of sentient life on Manaan. Ahto City served as the capital of the planet, and was the only surface city and spaceport. You have to retrieve the module from inside. Native species But the reconstituted Sith Empire refused to accept their neutral stance, and destroyed Manaan's surface cities. Rotation period [Source]. Pyrshak system[4] [5], When Revan arrived in Ahto City in search of the ancient Star Map, he was asked by Roland Wann to investigate the facility. Exit to West ⦠Under the manipulation of Darth Vader, the Order of Shasa later overthrew their Imperial masters, only to become servants to Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. This pod, in spite of being under water, contained breathable air rather than water even though young Selkath were unable to breathe without being submersed. My party is level 10 - 11, after getting a couple of level-ups in the embassy. This is referring to the Sith prisoner on Manaan who has the access code to the Sith base. I have tried every combination of options I can think of with no success. Due to Manaan's isolation, the Selkath began to grow primitive, warring as rival factions. Since it was the only settlement access⦠Vader also instructed several Selkath in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Competition, however, was not eliminated. Hint: Manaan Sith Base: Entering training room: The only way to get to the training room in the Sith base is to first go to the Cantina in the city. The Selkath once again extended their offer of neutrality and gave both the Sith Empire and The Republic a kolto trade agreement and a presence on Manaan. Also looked up various guides and orderings, none of which worked. I killed off everything and looted everything, I just haven't gotten to the Training Annex in the very north of the base. [5] The Hrakert Rift was later used as the base of operations for the Order of Shasa. The dark side energies emitted from the Star Map combined with the presence of kolto may have contributed to the Progenitor's tremendous size and longevity. He was brought in for interrogation at the Sith Academy on ⦠[5], The Hrakert Rift during the Jedi Civil War, The Hrakert Rift was the largest source of kolto on Manaan. Possible punishment could be banishment, imprisonment, or even execution, if the crime was severe enough. [5], As the ruling body, they issued orders to the Ahto City Civil Authority and kept the peace on Manaan. Located in the Inner Rim portion of "the Slice," it had no moons, and the entire surface of the planet was covered with water. It's easy to miss, but search the embassy again and make sure you have that module before you go ⦠I have T3, Bastila, Zaalbar, Mission and Carth. O-11[3] Cookies help us deliver our Services. 422 local days[4] Their settlements were protected by Mark IV assault droids. Primary language(s) The society regressed into clans and factions that fought. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [3] Details about the planet, however, have mostly been canonically explained in the 2004 Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement Manaan: Depths of History by Cory J. Manaan was the second of three planets that orbited the star Pyrshak. 1.3 standard[4] This station fell in ruins when a Giant Firaxan Shark believed to be the source of Kolto and Selkath on the planet made the Selkath in the station go mad and rapidly kill the rest of the Crew. The machinery disturbed the Progenitor, who screeched loudly, driving firaxan sharks—and Selkath alike—insane. Selkatha (native)[5]Galactic Basic Standard[5] [13] Contrarily, a map published in 2006 by Dark Horse Comics and LucasArts Entertainment Company indicated that Manaan was located in the Inner Rim. Region I'm in the Sith Base on Manaan, and I just can't seem to beat the Dark Jedi Master. Open a new character. But I notice that YouTube videos show the Sith Embassy part being ⦠The local race, the Selkath, are selling them a special plant with healing properties and they have to put up with each other or risk losing their trading agreements. During the Jedi Civil War, both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic attempted to get an upper hand in the war by creating secret deals that would give them more kolto. By the Jedi Civil War, the only known evidence the Rakata left behind on the planet was an incomplete Star Map in the Hrakert Rift on the ocean floor. After the plot was exposed by Revan, the Ahto High Court banished the Sith from Manaan. [15], The Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game supplement Manaan: Depths of History was the first publication to indicated Manaan's location in the galaxy, placing it in the Mid Rim. In return for his help, Vader commanded the Shasans to swear loyalty to him and Palpatine. Climate Manaan was a base for the Warriors of the Iron Fists. Primary terrain Once in Ahto City, the Empire enslaved the Selkath, and crushed any resistance. It was home to thousands of firaxan sharks and the Progenitor. Manaan is an interesting planet with both Sith and Republican bases. Since the selkath preferred to stay neutral, they did not favor the Republic or the Sith, however some rebelious Selkath did. Points of interest Manaan was the second of three planets that orbited the star Pyrshak. 2[4] Working to preserve the natural state of Manaan was met with praise from the Selkath, however, as demonstrated with Revan's destruction of the Hrakert Station. Mission View for [MASTER] Uprising: Divided We Fall, Category: Uprisings [4] Located in the Inner Rim portion of "the Slice,"[3] it had no moons, and the entire surface of the planet was covered with water. Manaan Sith Base Dark Jedi Master: 200 Star Forge System Temple Main Floor Sith Master: 200 Temple Summit Bastila: 200 Revan robes . When the interrogation begins, you will be presented with a set of responses to select ⦠During the Jedi Civil War, the Sith attempted to undermine Manaan's system of government by kidnapping Selkath youth and training them to overthrow it. Herndon.[4]. The Republic lost its harvesters, but the kolto supply was safe and the Selkath commended Revan for his actions. Adult Selkath, on the other hand, were able to breathe both in and out of the water. During the years prior to the Mandalorian Wars, Manaan's main client was the Galactic Republic, though Manaan itself was not a member of the Republic. This resulted in the birth of their long-lived and brutally enforced neutrality policy. about 16,000 light-years Controlled by the Rakata during pre-Republic history, it became independent following the collapse of their Infinite Empire. Other than kolto, tourism was also a major part of Manaan's economy. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Private hangar. 8 - Vek, Genoharadan Encounter The Selkath enjoyed swoop racing and various aquatic sports. Industrial pollution also tainted Manaan's blue skies and clear waters. The Selkath fled beneath the oceans in a mass exodus from the surface.[source?] Affiliation The corridor to the east of the security checkpoint and secondary entrancecurves north to a door labelled Flow Control Room, beyond which is the south end of flow control: a Sith captain stands by the south computer power conduit, while a Sith war droid stands in the southwest corner and two Sith elite troopers stand just beyond, to the south of the corridor exiting to the west. I'm planning on doing a dark side ⦠These are glitches that can result in a player advantage of some form. Kolto would be gathered here from undersea vents and shipped off to those who requested it. [5] The planet and its kolto production have a subsequent appearance in Star Wars: Empire at War. Suns There are three ways to enter the Sith Base, interrogating the prisoner, decrypting the passcard and raiding the landing bay. In the years after the Jedi Civil War, Manaan continued to extract kolto, but the supply mysteriously started to decline. Ahto City served as the capital of the planet, and was the only surface city and spaceport. [8], Despite their claim to neutrality, Manaan was a key planet in the later Republic-aligned Rift Alliance, with Shuuru as its representative. The rift also contained a Star Map, excavated by Republic scientists. [4] Some Selkath, however, did go off-world in the millennia between the Jedi Civil War and the Galactic Civil War. Astrographical information In early publications about the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the Umber pod was listed as one of the closest to Ahto City. Causing havoc on the Sith on ManaanWatch gameplay like this live at: [4][10], Nevertheless, kolto continued to be exported from Manaan. [4] Much of the underwater area of Manaan was uncharted and unknown, even to the native Selkath. If you enter from the south, these f⦠See the information on the Republic Embassy quest below. [4][5], Canyons and rifts lined the ocean floor. Just to be on the "safe" side, the Imperial forces released a huge deposit of orbital depth charges, which destroyed numerous undersea cities, forcing the Selkath to the surface. [10], T'sllth, a Selkath who helped manage the swoop racing events, Ever since recorded history began on Manaan, the Selkath were known to be pacifists, refusing to condone violence of any sort. Having come to Manaan in search of that world's Star Map, as part of his quest to locate the mysterious Star Forge, the amnesiac Revan and the crew of the Ebon Hawk sought a way to access the floor of the global ocean. Derangan Enterprise Sdn. It would continue to be used even through the years of the Galactic Civil War, though it was considered less effective than bacta, but offered a cheaper alternative. When kolto was replaced in favor of bacta, the Republic abandoned Manaan, and the Selkath left Ahto City for their ancient cities in the depths of the planet's oceans. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species. Young Selkath were confined to living underwater in order to survive, as they were not able to breathe without being submersed. This work was done in an underwater facility, which was later destroyed by Arkous and Darok. The Hrakert Station, which secretly mined kolto for Republic uses from this location, was built on the edge of the rift. [4], Manaan first appears in the 2003 computer game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Have Trask open the first door, then have ⦠The kolto was exploited by the Empire, and by the time the Empire withdrew, most of the kolto had been taken by the Imperial Army. When I attempted to save a separate file to load to try to fix it or at least ⦠Selkath[4][5] Since kolto was in high demand during the war—due to its powerful healing properties—Manaan's entire economy revolved around its exportation. "Knights of the Old Republic" is a role-playing video game by developers Bioware and Lucas Arts. One of the ways in which you can do so is to interrogate the Sith spy being held within the Republic embassy. During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire took control of Manaan, becoming the occupying government. [4] The Empire at War Official Game Guide (2006) echoed this, identifying the planet as a Mid Rim world. Two war droids, a grenadier (which you should make your first priority) and a couple more Sith troopers await. Temperate[4] Swoop racing was conducted on a track in the large, open center of the city, which was filled with water. The Selkath had formed a civilization that dated to at least the Infinite Empire. Disturbing the peace, or committing acts of violence, usually rendered someone imprisoned or executed. All visitors were given a free map and guide upon arrival. Exotic and beautiful fountains dotted the many courtyards of Ahto City. As a result, the price of kolto sky-rocketed and the galaxy abandoned kolto in favor of a new healing agent: bacta. This is the main objective of the Sith Base, to access the large Broken Droid in the room and retrieve the data module for Roland Wann at East Central (#5). 1.8 million:[4]80% Selkath[4]18% Humans[4]2% other[4]c. 25 ABY: 100–500 billion[3] 0[4] I was recently playing on Manaan in the Sith embassy and was finding it very difficult in the first battle, and possibly not manageable in the room that contains two large turrets. Major imports Inside the Sith base, there is a room where the droid is under construction. 14,211 km[4] [5] As Manaan lost its importance in the galaxy, the Selkath abandoned the city and retreated to their underwater pods. This information, however, has not been confirmed in a canonical source. [3] By the time of the Jedi Civil War, Manaan had established itself as one of the most important planets in the galaxy. It was a tremendous, shell-shaped structure that floated on top of the water's surface using a buoyancy system that seemed to incorporate the city's massive center. To decrypt the card you need to solve the patterns with math mathmatics. This does not apply to the troops of attacking forces. Main Article: Iron Fists War The Dark Jedi Order attacked Manaan. It's me (with a dual bladed saber 27max), the jedi chick i saved from the dark side (with another dual bladed saber) and the small ⦠Some Selkath slaves were sent off-world to places such as Dantooine and Lehon. Atmosphere The Selkath were originally aquatic beings, having lived in the oceans in their earlier, prehistoric eras. Moons In his exploration of the station Revan discovered that the kolto harvesters were what had disturbed the giant firaxa. There are three ways to enter the Sith Base. Speak to the man at the front desk in the embassy to get access to the Sith spy being held. 1: Pyrshak[4] The firaxan shark became a prominent species, though several other aquatic animals and plants could be found within the waters. I even spent half an hour trying to defeat the sith ambassador. Others, such as the Nikto Jolan Aphett and the Human Firith Me had come to the planet to play the game of pazaak. [3] The online companion to the Atlas, however, only reiterated the location in the Inner Rim and did not define a sector in which the planet resides. The map completed other maps found on Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Korriban, and Tatooine. [5], Manaan from space with Ahto City visible during the Jedi Civil War, Manaan was rediscovered by the broader galactic community by the beginning of the Great Manifest Period, which began in 20,000 BBY. Sith hangar. Inner Rim[1][2][3] ... KOTOR Manaan Republic Droid.. Grid coordinates Both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire had to abide by these laws, or risk full kolto sanctions. This is referring to the Sith prisoner on Manaan who has the access code to the Sith base. Of note, I don’t have any skill points allocated to “persuade,” but I’ll be pretty pissed if that by itself makes this mission impossible... Any suggestions on the correct order to break the prisoner? Physical information You will see a Selkath deep inside the room. Since you don't gain any XP for completing more than one means of entrance there is no need to do so. As a species, the Selkath were amphibious in nature. In the years leading up to and during the Jedi Civil War, kolto was so important to the galaxy that the Selkath were able to use their monopoly to enforce their policy of neutrality and autonomy. I came to Manaan right after Dantooine, The first thing I did was go through the hangar to get to the Sith Base. Star Warsâ¢: The Old Republic⢠- Fall Roadmap 2017, IGN: The Worlds of Knights of the Old Republic, [4][11], When the Galactic Empire was formed, Emperor Palpatine understood Manaan's potential, and sent an assault force to conquer the planet. At some point later, Ahto City was rebuilt as a surface city once more, with a specific mercantile district that both Republic and Imperial dignitaries could access. i have gotten through several of the first patterns but the last two are much harder than the others. [1] The Wizards of the Coast 2008 publication Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, confirmed the Dark Horse Comics location, in the Inner Rim. Revan robes all have Defense Bonus: 5. Waterworld[4] Thanks in advance! Firaxan shark[4]Water louse[4] The planet was completely covered in water and was the only known source of the medicinal substance kolto in the galaxy. Diameter Most of the Republic scientists were killed by the crazed Selkath, and production ceased. Generating these robes costs up to 25 Computer Spikes each (minus one for every four Computer Use ranks). Also looked up various guides and orderings, none of which worked. Kotor 2 Korriban Test Antworten Kotor Korriban Final Test Substitute to our elective!A subreddit for supporters of BioWare'beds 2003 RPG Superstar Wars: Knights of the Aged Republic, and Obsidian Amusement's 2004 follow up, Celebrity Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: Thé Sith Lords.Fór followers of ⦠The force consisted of thousands of aquatic assault stormtroopers and two Star Destroyers. Get your armor/weapons/gear and talk to Trask. [5], Manaan was governed by the Ahto High Court, though the Ahto City Civil Authority was the policing arm of the court at the time of the Jedi Civil War. This is referring to the Sith prisoner on Manaan who has the access code to the Sith base. Talk to him and he will tell you about his daughter that has joined the Sith. [5], After Manaan became isolated, it possessed no centralized government.