*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. A short term fix is to drop the Archmage's Robes then pick them up again. The boss fight takes place in the last chamber of Labyrinthian. The other masks may be taken from the shrine once Konahrik is obtained. 1. High Gate Ruins in The Pale. ... then through the door into the door into the Labyrinthian Tribune. Weight Here is a short clip showing all eight masks, then the final 9th mask. The ruins were originally built by the ancient Nords during the Merethic Era as a temple to the dragons who ruled Skyrim at the time. Next to the altar is a wooden mask beside a skeleton. The mask's enchantment is labeled as "Bromjunaar's Mystery." The instruction is attached to the mask upon receipt. Instead, he cultivated a new dragon cult, one to rival the original; and so, under Miraak (and new knowledge from his master, Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora), the OTHER dragon cult was formed. You will have to go to the central barrow at Labyrinthian, then go to the broken shrine and put on the wooden mask. So began the war that led to Miraak's banishment. He wouldn't have lived if not for Hermaeus Mora, who, fearing the loss of his most powerful servant, transported Miraak to safety at the last second. 2 After collecting all eight masks in the … Secondly, you can find more masks to be put on that alter in the past (the wooden one just teleports you). Miraak, was banished to solstheim by his brethren for the consumption of the souls of his draconic masters, he stopped calling himself a dragon priest. Be forewarned as the owners of the masks, the powerful Dragon Priests, are not willing to part with them, even if they are technically dead. Vokun. Azhidal uses fire magic and is level 60. Once you get to the point in "Dragonborn sidequest: unearthed" where you've re-killed Azhidal, you can loot his mask from him. In order to escape, he telepathically seduces Ralis Sedarys, a dunmer who is trying to excavate the barrow, into tricking the current dovahkiin into helping clear the barrow so Ralis can enter the crypt and revive Azhidal. Placing all eight masks will reveal the Konahrik mask. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: The wooden mask hums with an unfamiliar energy. The mask's enchant boosts the player's maximum magicka by a leveled amount. This mask is located inside the central barrow, also known as Bromjunaar Sanctuary, to the East of the entrance of Labyrinthian. It grew into the great city of Bromjunaar, and became the capital of Skyrim during the height of the Dragon Cult's power. It can be accessed by simply entering the barrow and following the path around. The Wooden Mask is a Dragon Priest mask found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Miraak, in all his time imprisoned in apocrypha, has not been able to find a new helm, so you can loot a leveled version of his mask from his bones. But Miraak, as a daedric servant, a dragon acolyte, AND a dovahkiin, wasn't easy to kill. This. He is a level 60 ice mage. It should be noted that the restored shrine is only accessible by wearing the wooden mask within the barrow. See "sidequest: the final descent" for more detail on that. In the White Ridge Sanctum is where Dukaan sleeps. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bromjunaar Sanctuary in Labyrinthian Room of Masks in the present day Room of Masks in the past Bromjunaar Sanctuary is a location which can only be accessed by using the Wooden Mask found by the mask altar inside the barrow located inside the walls of Labyrinthian. Spell tome: Equilibrium, in the room with the arcane enchanter 3. Application skyrim labyrinthian mask. Wearing the mask will send you back in time, and allow you to place all eight Dragon Masks on the eight statuettes. Within is a weathered altar with pedestals for each of the eight dragon priest masks. His mask's enchant gives +50% to frost resist & +25% to all outgoing frost damage. This mask is located inside the central barrow, also known as Bromjunaar Sanctuary, to the East of the entrance of Labyrinthian.It can be accessed by simply entering the barrow and following the path around. The final mask is Konahrik, the greatest mask. This mask can be acquired from within the central barrow in Labyrinthian. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. There are eight masks to be found in the world, making eight Dragon Priests to be slain. It is a light armor mask which buffs magicka regeneration. Except for the message "The wooden mask hums with an unfamiliar energy" being displayed once worn, this has no actual effect. To use the skyrim labyrinthian mask you need to use the instruction or contact the professionals. Savos Aren encountered Morokei many years prior to the events of Skyrim, during a failed expedition to the Labyrinthianwith five fellow apprentices. This section contains bugs related to Wooden Mask. Those who have names are even more to be feared, and these are the ones you have to fight to win the Dragon Priest Masks. Take the mask and head to the broken down dragon shrine in the middle of Labrynthia and equip the mask. Save it for your mage to get all the good stuff. There will be eight bust too match the eight masks and the player must put the masks … The masks have very powerful magical properties (they're one of the most powerful items in the game) and finding them isn't easy - therefore on the following pages you will find the description of location in which you should look for them and their properties. You will find it during ‘A Scroll for Anska’ quest. Additional Effects Unique Ability: +20% to Lockpicking, Archery and Alchemy. ID Spell tome for Detect Life, Ironflesh, Waterbreathing, or Telekinesison the right table when entering the first chamber of the Labyrinthian. The mask is near some skeletal remains and a missive. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Wiki Guide. SKYRIM How To Solve Labyrinthian Mask Puzzle Commentary + Tutorial Base Armor In the final room where Morokei is found, you can obtain the Staff of Magnus, which is necessary for the continuation of the College of Winterhold questline, as well as the Dragon Priest mask Morokei, a Light Armor headpiece that increases Magicka regeneration by 100%. Read more on Dragon Priests for strategies on defeating these enemies. Savos bound the last two of his surviving friends as ethereal thralls, forever bound in indentured servitude, to hold a magical barrier around Morokei—preventing him from accumulating power and using the Staff of Magnus for wrongdoing. The mask Konahrik was stored there, and it could only be accessed if all eight of the lesser masks of Skyrim were placed on their respective pedestals within its sanctuary. It is not known how this cult differed from the original (with exception of the originals being dragon PRIESTS, whilst Miraak's followers called themselves dragon ACOLYTES), nor is how the war progressed and ended. Skyrim All 14 Dragon Priest Mask Locations In Special Edition & DLC Dragonborn (TOP 14 Best Masks)! All that is known is that, at the end, the priests attempted to kill Miraak and his acolytes. In the center of ground-level Labyrinthian lies a small weathered dome. It is unlike the previous masks in that its purpose is to gain access to the dragon priest shrine when worn within the barrow. Bluski posted... Then don't collect all the masks with this character. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Wooden_Mask?oldid=3140743. Labyrinthian is a sprawling Nordic ruin in Hjaalmarch, containing the entrances to several indoor dungeon areas. When donned, these masks imbue you with their innate magical effects. And if I recall correctly, spell scrolls with the spells you need are almost always left out in the open near places you would have to use them. Donning the mask teleports the Dragonborn seemingly back in time to the same room but with an intact altar-like mask stand on which the eight masks of the Dragon Priests can be mounted. There are a total of eight to be found in the world, and one that you gain for collecting the eight. Bethesda Game Studios' blockbuster open-world RPG puts players on the precipice of determining the future of Skyrim as the Empire waits for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons. do as thou art bade, and bring him the blooskal blade." N/A Its purpose is to gain access to the dragon priest shrine. This is where you go to find the wall to add masks collected from the undead Dragon priests across skyrim. Dragon Priests are some of Skyrim's most formidable foes. When the only KNOWN dragon priest who was also a dragonborn, A.K.A. 2. These masks can be displayed on its respective bust on the shrine. ... take the Staff of Magnus off of him, and the Mask of Morokei. In the buried depths of Kolbjorn Barrow, Azhidal waits to be raised from his crypt. The Wooden Mask is a dragon priest mask found at Labyrinthian alongside a long-forgotten note. Legend holds that the highest ranking Dragon Priests were granted magical masks — strange artifacts that defy the laws of time, and grant their wearers powerful enchantments. "In bloodskal barrow he lies, waiting to rise. The wooden mask is found next to a ruined altar inside the Nordic dwelling within the ruins of Labyrinthian. Cutting to AFTER he's dead again, take his mask, it'll give you +50% shock resist & +25% to shock damage (outgoing only, thank arkay!). The dragon priest shrine contains the busts of eight Dragon Priests found in Skyrim. Location: Labyrinthian, Hjaalmarch; Description: While picking up the Mask of Morokei, you’ll enter Labyrinthian and see the circular pedestal with the Wooden Mask. Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), CES 2021 Highlights: The Biggest Announcements From The Show, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, How to Transfer PC Saves to the Special Edition, Zelda Gear, Master Sword, and Amiibo Unlockables, Transfer Saves Between Between 360 and PC, Bring Ancient Falmer Tome to Urag-gro Shub, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Find them all, and you unlock a final mask after putting them all on the alter. Plus, you really don't need magic for the whole college quest line, just the basic stuff like novice spells for fire and ice. He is located in the antechamber of Labyrinthian and possesses both the Staff of Magnus and his eponymous mask.. As you journey through Labyrinthian, ghostly images from the past reveal that Savos Aren had encountered Morokei prior to you. One of the masks is found at the end of the actual Labyrinthian area, which is done towards the … For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Anyway to get into Saarthal and Labyrinthian without the college? The highest ranking Dragon Priests met there to discuss matters of ruling. In the end, he ALMOST died. After … Unable to stop the priest due to his immense power, Savos was desperate to seal away Morokei permanently. It appears to exist in a different moment in time than present-day Skyrim. In the time between then and the time of TES V: Skyrim, Miraak has been able to ressurrect Dukaan, Zahkriisos, AND (given the player plays "dragonborn side quest:unearthed" to the finish) Azhidal from their graves, leaving all four to be killed by the current (player) dohvakiin. Immortal Blood, on a table next to an arcane enchanter 4. https://www.ign.com/wikis/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/Dragon_Priest_Mask The mask boosts fire resist by 50% and adds to fire dmg dealt by 25%. There is a skeletal dragon that drops five drag… There are eight Dragon Priests with eight named masks, one wooden mask at Labyrinthian, and one special mask you receive after collecting all nine and traveling to the Bromjunaar Sanctuary. SKYRIM How To Get Morokei Mask In Labyrinthian Commentary + Tutorial The player will be transported back in time, to a time when the dragon priest shrine was still intact. Konahrik is obtained a bit differently than the rest. Another fix is to store the mask in a container and then equip it directly from the container. When it is equipped, and the player is inside the dome, the player will be transported back to a time when it was in its prime. Labyrinthian comprises three main zones: Shalidor's Maze, Lost Valkygg and the main Labyrinthian complex. There are nine Dragon Priest Masks in the main game, ten if you count the Wooden Mask: Four more masks … Konahrik. The central focus of the sanctuary is the restored shrine. Community content is available under. Base Value Class Wooden Mask When you collect the eight named masks and put on the wooden mask at the altar at Labyrinthian, place all eight masks on their respective dragon statues and the last mask will be revealed. It is enchanted with an effect named Bromjunaar's Mystery that causes the wearer to be teleported backwards in time to Bromjunaar Sanctuary. Light Armor But any mask, whatever it is, is needed in order to hide something or help in something. The mask is near some skeletal remains and a missive. With the defeat o… Wearing the wooden mask within the barrow sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of the Bromjunaar sanctuary. Hooded His corpse can be looted to obtain the Staff of Magnus. Individual Labyrinthian Labyrinthian is a sprawling Nordic ruin located to the west-north-west of Whiterun. ". Collecting dragon priests masks is one of the most interesting adventures in Skyrim. The skyrim labyrinthian mask is designed to perform the same functions. The Dragon Priest Masks are some of the most powerful items in Skyrim. This section can be accessed from a large main door or from a trap door … This main section, the Labyrinthian is only accessible when the player is on the quest The Staff of Magnus. The wooden mask hums with an unfamiliar energy. Any dragon priests who had been defeated will drop the mask that they wore. After getting all eight masks, go to Labyrinthian to acquire the Wooden Mask, which will transport you to Bromjunaar Sanctuary, where you will receive Konahrik. For his three acolytes: The Icy Dukaan, Zahkriisos: The Bloody Blade, and former hero Azhidal The Flaming; death was swift. The wooden mask hums with an unfamiliar energy. A bust is available for the following masks: Once the eight masks are placed in each respective bust on the shrine, the final mask Konahrik is revealed. Location. 2 The wooden mask is unlike the other dragon priest masks. If you manage to collect all eight, you will have the opportunity to get the ninth mask (Konahrik), which has its own quest tied to it. Also, his mask named "Morokei" can be looted. To get this mask, players have to … Find the sanctum in white ridge barrow and re-kill Dukaan to obtain his mask from his ashes. Skyrim:Wooden Mask. Krosis. Upgrade Material 00061CCA 51 Morokei is one of the eight high-ranking dragon priests of Skyrim. Morokei is a boss which must be defeated in order to advance the quest line for the College of Winterhold. See the video at the bottom for battle strategies. Gathering the masks could be considered a quest, but there is no formal quest given in the game. Dragon Priest Mask for details about the other masks.