From the beginning till now I've always loved them an I really saw a development in their relationship :) Thanks writer-nim for making my ship come true <3. Hai guys.dont be hate all..i think it just fun..maybe they acting so excellent so make we all very serious...i will look forward another drama kim so hyun and nam jo hyuk and taekwang..all of them very great..please get another drama and job kim so hyun anda nam jo hyuk..i love u all school 2015..i will be waiting..saranghae... ^_^, Alyssa Jun 17 2015 5:47 am The actress playing Kang So Young is really impressive. Eun Bi x Tae Kwang This drama would of been so good if not for the ending. I really wish the real Eun Byul could have ended up up with Yi An and Eun Bi with Tae Kwang...The writers are really playing with our minds here and its really frustrating. I ship both of them! I think that it's a plan to help her sister Eun Bi... Then (if my prefiction is good) ...Eun Byul will be the one who date Yi-An and Eun Bi will live her real life and date Tae Gwang... roxy Jun 01 2015 1:11 am They look cute together.EunTae couple. sana May 14 2015 4:53 am If Yi an and Eun Bi will have more confusing scenes I will stop watching this drama. and taegwang deserve someone. LOL i know that taebi lover gonna gone mad with the ending. Writers please make taekwang and eunbi end up together.. please please.... pinkichigo1112 May 14 2015 10:32 pm sooo instead of eun byul living a rich life and a best friend Yi han, was suppose to be Eun bi. Daniel Jun 04 2015 3:49 am It would be really unfit if Eun Bi ends up with Yi Ahn for he's in love with Eun Byul, while Tae Kwang sees the real Eun Bi and she also sees the real him. From the start Ive the feeling that the writer would make Hanyianx Eunbi ending but then I thought the writer would be sane enough to not write that ending. WRITER NIMS DONT DISAPPOINT US HUHUHU YiBi shippers I respect your opinions and all but WOOOOOO TAEBI TILL THE END!!! NOPe Jun 16 2015 7:20 pm No offense but I like the tough, cool and cold Eun Byul in comparison to the soft Eun-Bi. Kimosa Jun 13 2015 8:08 pm ara May 23 2015 10:34 am for its it must be tae kwang! Anyway, I hate the fact that the writer toying the viewers with Taekwang character. Violence vs Violence is wrong.. Another wrong does not make it right. Eun Byul is the driving force and source of motivation for Yi An look at him when he found out Eun Byul is missing he can't concentrate in his competition. Eun Byul influence Yi An life more if you ask me. Today is the last episode, I'll miss "Who Are You : School 2015" so much T_T. Let Eun Byeol be alive. How Eun Byul found out that she has a twin (was it due to the article on the newspaper?). Sana Apr 29 2017 11:17 pm Aigoo,,Why this drama get low ranked? We also all know that sadly, Eun Bi likes Yi Ahn and not Tae Kwang. School 2015 The ost i will really the most. Either way we shall see how it will be developed next week. seulbi May 26 2015 6:42 am It's awsome drama. This is a lesson for me that not all overrated/known dramas are great and a 10/10. wafa Jul 31 2018 7:03 am And the casts are great too. Eun Byul selfishly took Eun Bi's place when they were 5 but be honest, who would want to be in an orphanage??? Amazon Music Stream millions of songs: Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon: 6pm Score deals on fashion brands Wooww KSH wooowww! hey, isn't she the girl from EXO's mini drama? Her comfort zone. M May 20 2015 10:40 am I hope both of eunbi and eunbyul get happy ending . This really made me mad. Lisa Jun 02 2015 6:06 am eun bi is really eun byul... the real eun bi died... eu byul is having this "twin- metal-telepathy" thing or maybe they have this agreement to escape from their past...heheh...# watching too much psych-kdrama... salma May 06 2015 11:31 am Gawd! OMO 3 DAYS TO EPISODE 13 \(^_^)/. :( Jun 16 2015 4:32 am And gee writers way to just throw eun byul away at the end as if she's no longer needed anymore. Seriously, the way Eun Bi looked at Han Yi An sealed the deal! She hiding bcoz she feel guilty to Soo In and Eun Bi.. but now she realize that running cannot solve anythings so she came back and faces the truth.. So hyun and sung jae won the best couple award at the kbs drama awards today!!! team yi Han. meall Jun 09 2015 1:04 pm and make more many scene eunbi with han yi an ..the chemestrry yinbi is great..i love them..eunbi with han yian.. im so waiting them.. Kero Jun 10 2015 1:56 am -- What happened to Kim Bo-Ra? this drama is so complicated , but i love this❤️ This is the real fact of high school story. I'm just so hook in every episode of this drama! A very interisting drama! About the never ending friendship. Carla Yluiana Jun 03 2015 3:23 pm VERY RECOMMENDED DRAMA! Go go YOOK! Anyway, I really like your opinion. i really dont know whats with me but can you enlighten me why i should be in favor with the protagonist? there is no evidence yet if eun byul is alive. @Lisa wat a good theory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :). L♡ve this drama alot . am a big fan from nigeria. yanybebo Jun 08 2015 5:16 am I really liked the drama :) It goes on my top list I'm glad that the authors chose YiBi because I actually saw more sense in that couple. I can't wait to watch ep 13! Lol. But once he find it out, he will do anything to protect her, like stopping that So Young. K Jun 23 2015 8:09 am Yeo Ji Yeon Mar 29 2016 8:57 am Don't you understand her situation? I personally like Eun Byul more than Eun Bi. When i see Yi An run to Eun Bi, i was like Sigh! its just as good as boys over flowers, the heirs, reply 1994. That is Eun Byul. Hahahahahaha I can't wait for Episode 15 and 16 next week. The characters are different and the scenes are not the same. Am I the only one thinking the little girl yian's childhood friend could actually be eun bi and not eun byul. so, it is not impossible eun bi choose yi an more than tae kwang. First I was waiting for Monday now as Monday is here I am getting heart attacks. Eyy~ as expected the ending was rushed and hanging (though almost all the kdrama was like this). She tries to find out the truth. the best drama ever Kim so hyun did nice the drama unnie fighting. i just really excited about this series becaus i totally love school themed dramas, yulyul Mar 30 2015 2:23 am All I mean to say is yes ofcourse there were more scenes of taekwang and eunbi and they'd really shared good memories too. I was expecting that eun bi is for Tae-kwang and eun byul is for Hi-yan. I honestly do not know how to feel anymore. Oh yeah.. Do somebody here knows who died?? I watch school 2013 many times! If she is the ones that met her friend.. And I hate if the writer changes the script just because viewers wants it (live-shooting's curse). I don't like that, but it seems the most logical assumption. in MY now eps 06. so im a bit late from you guys. The love of a little kid is totally different from the love of an adult. He has already confessed that he likes the new Eun Bi more. Jack Chui Nov 17 2015 5:47 pm Kim So Hyun is cute actress. But i hate the ending arghhhh... all of the characters must be happy... tssss.. eun bi should be with tae gwangg !!! The medal he promise to give eun byul since they is child. This Time Where Sungjae is Free after This Comeback... Can't pds just Call him for A Drama With Kim So Hyun... And she is turning To adult form Less then Two months so It will be Good to Discuss From now.. Ufff my waiting is Killing me.. My dulu mind, Kaiana Sep 27 2017 9:05 am how come main actor turn to dead. P.S Linz Mar 27 2015 3:19 am Trust me, TaeBi and YiByul are happy couple, they can fill each other. Why turn this great drama from masterpiece to a sh*tty one just because of 1 episode? Also it is kinda sad that Rajin can't meet her (Eunbi) again. cant wait for another drama with kim soo hyun and sungjae. gong tae kwang and lee eun bi is such a pretty couple ^.^. Oh, not only just the drama but also the OST. ZIEYA CASEY May 28 2015 3:54 pm And Iloved kong tae. If the writer really like Yi-An, why they don't make a story between Eun Byeol and Yi-An at the end (since they have a really good story about the past when they still kid). I told you she is essential for resolving the mystery. And it's a drama after all, how much do you want to bet shr comes back alive? Moreover I say, let's see what happens next! Also crush soo young for good. In other words, writers, please do not make a story where the second lead had the best character instead of first lead.. Yi An needs to clean his act, he easily got jealous. And i do think she pretty than Eun Bi (even though its was the same person :D) maybe bcoz she is the Unnie (older sister), so she more straight forward and independent compare to Eun Bi..