I’ve often wondered where repro K rations go if so many people are looking to make them, as I just don’t see them being eaten at re-enactments! MP3 Music Listen with Music Unlimited. They were grouped in three menus of four meals each, organized by their "B"-unit (B-1, B-2, and B-3). Requirements must be completed in advance and procurement planned in correlation with the C and K rations. Well, a quick search on the internet revealed several places that produce K Ration, C Ration, and D Ration items. The K ration has become popular with re-enactors and are therefor widely reproduced. Our rations are packed and sealed exactly this way, so the inner box is weatherproof, as supposed to be (note the drops of water on the … $27.29 $ 27. Like wearing the uniforms and using the weapons and equipment of soldiers from the past, eating the foods they ate also helps one to appreciate the day-to-day lives of … I thought that this ration project was going to be straight forward. The military needed rations which would last through prolonged trips and be light enough to carry in packs, and it also wanted rations … Trying to get out more reviews more often, so I hope you enjoy this Reproduction 24 hour ration review! D-Ration Bar & Wrapper, 4 ounces, WWII Field Ration Reproduction $ 6.00 – $ 8.00; D-Ration Box US Army Pacific Theater, 4 ounces, WWII Field Ration Reproduction $ 5.00; D-Ration Box USMC, 4 ounces, WWII Field Ration Reproduction $ 5.00; Dehydrated Baked Beans, U.S. Army Field Ration, WWII Reproduction $ 5.00; Early War K – Ration … I will soon be launching a youtube channel which will showcase these reproductions as well as discuss how to actually prepare things like WWI Trench Rations or WWII C/ K rations in the field and produce a … Gen. Walter S. McIlhenny son of the 2nd company president of McIlhenny Company from his experiences with C-Rations as a soldier during WWII came up with the idea to send soldiers copies of the Charlie Ration Cookbook filled with recipes for spicing up C-rations with Tabasco Pepper … K Ration crate stencils for re-enactors ww2 army prop. The “K” was chosen to distinguish K-Rations from A, B, C, and D rations. "Rations such as the mountain or jungle cannot be purchased on an "as wanted" basis. The US Army Quartermaster Corps, and equivalent units in all military services around the world, have to provide for the daily food needs of combat and support troops under all conditions. Brand New. CAMEL CIGARETTES CARTON Replica cigarette carton. Reproduction of an original WW2 US Army K-Ration Granulated Sugar box. Reproduction K ration components. Standard German rations for SS units in the field consisted of a four-day supply: about 25 ounces of Graubrot (gray rye bread); 6-10 ounces of Fleisch (canned meat) or Wurst (canned sausage); some five ounces of vegetables; a half ounce of butter, margarine, jam, or hazelnut paste; either real or ersatz coffee; five … Original Items: Only One Available.The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the United States Army during World War II. It was intended to be issued to U.S. military land forces when fresh food (A-ration) or packaged unprepared food (B-ration) prepared in mess halls or field kitchens was not possible or not available, and when a survival ration (K-ration or D-ration… US K-Ration Boxes (Repro) There are three types of outer boxes: Type 1: Plain cardboard with no menu, Early War BREAKFAST, DINNER, or SUPPER Type 2: Plain cardboard with menu, Mid War DINNER or SUPPER Type 3: Camouflage printed with menu, Very late war, (most camo boxes did not reach GI hands until the end of the … Post by Eistee » Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:33 am I know about a company from russia that is supposed to be very accurate for the design and components itself, i never bought from them myself but heard good things. To the amazement of its developers, it became an overnight success and was soon adopted for all-service use. In 1966 during the Vietnam war Brig. One of our domain experts will have a price to you within 24 business hours. The C-ration, or Type C ration, was a prepared and canned wet combat ration intended to be issued to U.S. military land forces when fresh food or packaged unprepared food prepared in mess halls or field kitchens was not possible or not available, and when a survival ration (K-ration or D-ration) was insufficient.Development began in 1938 with the first rations … New updates about the kration.info website, a website about the US K Ration and where you can get quality K Ration … Buy It Now +C $13.14 shipping. Each packing case contained 12 ration cartons (containing one of each meal) packed in two rows of six rations. After obtaining two sets of late war morale boxes , the K Ration kit, and the D Ration Kit from Gerald Peterson, I found that at 16 bucks a set for the K Ration … Is There Anyone Who Still Sells Reproduction Full K Rations? The ration boxes were shipped in a rectangular cardboard packing case. Get a price in less than 24 hours. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Link to post Share on other sites. New Listing REPLICA WWII WW2 1944 K RATION MORALE BOXES FOR MUSETTE HAVERSACK BAG POUCH . Reproduction K ration boxes. This is an exact reproduction of the famous K RATION crate of WWII. CARTONS. American WW2 K ration chocolate - D bar reproduction silicon mould. There is a Special Flying Ration Tin half the size of the Army issue Chocolate and boiled sweets tin.and painted in the same style as the Army one green wording on a brown base. A selection of United States military C-Ration cans from World War II with items displayed. From United States. For your Re-enactment, Living History, Museum displays, Theatre, Television- or Film props. In between the C and D were the K-rations. 0 bids. Constructed of rough-sawn yellow pine, using 6 penny nails and corrugated fasteners. The K-ration is the individual and daily ration of the American soldier during the Second World War. Time left 6d 1h left. Field or Combat Army Rations: C-Rations, K-Rations, D-Rations and More. DIY K RATION. These are usually the inner and outer K ration boxes only. Fill out the form below. C $12.73. I also found that these items are quite expensive. $21.00. These ration boxes are offered thru the internet or can be purchased at gun shows. WW2 Replica Ration Food. This pack contains replica samples of the food items that would have been rationed in World War II. I decided to use the Mid War K-Ration box because we can use it for early war or late war events. The lightweight, easy-to-carry K Ration was designed for the assault phase of combat operations, first put to use by Army paratroopers. CHESTERFIELD CIGARETTES CARTON Replica cigarette carton. I do already know about Hogan Quartermaster and Repro-Rations, but I am not sure if Todd Hogan is still making them (hasn't gotten back to me yet) and I would like to buy a couple complete ration sets (not like Repro-Rations individual … Or $0.99 to buy MP3. When recreating that particular GI image, you can not do without the notorious K ration. I have been working on K-Rations using Squirrely’s pdf’s that Greaser gave to me. Block filled for structure. 61 talking about this. Lee Bishop Formerly known as "Ratchet 5" with the 2nd Infantry Division (yes, in REAL life) US WW2 War Correspondent collector. It was originally intended as an individually packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank crews, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for a short duration. Reproduction K-Rations 2. The weekly approximate allowance for an adult was butter (50g), bacon (3 slices), 1 egg, cheese (50g), lard (160g), meat (224g), … MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) Genuine U.S. Military Surplus Assorted Flavor (4-Pack) Keys was tasked with developing a combat ration which would be extremely durable and very lightweight. The K-ration … Hey guys! It was developed in 1941 under the direction of the physiologist Ancel Keys (hence the name K), which receives as mission from the US Air Force to develop a non-perishable ration directly ready to eat and which … 29. Price for each Unit of your Choice- $17.00 Set of all 3 Units (Breakfast, Dinner, Supper)- $45.00 PLEASE NOTE-Due to the rising cost of supplies and shipping, I have had to increase a set of rations to $45.00. D-rations were essentially a chocolate bar meant for emergencies. Re: Who makes the best reproduction WWII rations? Other labels are available from the Repro Rations link below and other vendors on the internet, and from the Visual Collector link below that you can print up for free. Recreate a local store from the 1940s to demonstrate how food was rationed. i don't know if these Special Flying tins were issued to the RAF. The Quartermaster Corps purchased its first million K-Rations … RATION K 12 RATIONS WT44 CU1.4 fine print . Our target completed ration is the Mid-War type K-Ration. Rations are fundamental to military operations. German military outfitter Bausenwein is offering brand new, reproduction C-rations. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Pre-Owned. K-ration history. The original wartime K ration consisted of an outer cardboard box and a wax dipped inner box, which protected the food inside – the outer box was unwaxed not to stick to each other in hot climate. From United Kingdom. Ive never seen a Flying Ration tin. It contains all the nutricial stuff a man needs, but lacks bulk. These are made following the original manufacturing guidelines issued by the US ARMY Quartermaster Corp. The K-ration was an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the … The C-Ration, or Type C ration, was an individual canned, pre-cooked, and prepared wet ration. SUPPER UNITS CHICKEN W/DUMPLINGS WT39 CU1.2 PACKED 4-44 fine print and stampings. $4.00 . 3 talking about this. K-Ration. The staple diet for the frontline men. Who haven’t heard of the infamous K ration? by Paradise Snare. $8.00 shipping. Lucky Strike Ration 4-Pack Package Replica Lucky Strike 4-pack as seen in K, 10-in-1 and C Ration packets. Jan 27, 2013 - Specializing in U.S. WWII reproduction K-Rations, 10in1, and D-Rations. C $26.29. Reproduction WW2 British 24 Hour Ration Box with menu $20.00 WW2 Peter Paul 1941 Mounds Wrapper $2.00 Reproduction WW2 C Type Field Ration Cans (Full Day Ration Set) Refillable $45.00 US ARMY FIELD RATION K 42 DINNER UNITS MACARONI W/CHEESE WT34, CU1.1, INSP 9-43 fine print and stampings. Sorry if this has been asked before. A variety of K ration reproduction boxes showing the waxed inner cartons at the bottom. Version 2: FIELD RATION K, KS, 45 IND. Comments C-rations were canned, complete meals –the forerunner to the much-maligned but functional Meals, Ready to Eat. They have the following menus: Ham & Eggs Ingredients: 82.5% whole egg, 9.3% of pork, onion, herbs, … With the K Ration in full productions the production time was cut in half when assembly lines were kept running without interruption. Block filled for structure. The Granulated Sugar box is empty. K-Rations.