It is best suited for athletes with aesthetic or hypertrophy goals. View 141023899-Jim-Stoppani-Shortcut-to-Size.pdf from HEALTH STU HPRM 651 at American University. "The leaner you are, the higher your muscle protein synthesis. BIGGER, STRONGER & LEANER. Jim Stoppani, Ph.D., the creator of Shortcut to Size, Shortcut to Shred, and JYM Supplement science, disagrees. Not only is this a unique program, he also includes his knowledge on diet and lifestyle. With a PhD in Exercise Physiology, he has more than just gym experience: He knows the science behind the system. Shortcut to Size. Get Jim’s recommended Shortcut to Size Supplements Shortcut to Size … The Shortcut to Size workout program—as it’s aptly called—is a bodybuilding routine by Jim Stoppani that lasts 3 months and promises hypertrophy gains along with strength gains. Micro Muscle The 12-week program I am about to take you through is based on one of the oldest, tried and true methods for gaining strength and muscle. Jim Stoppani is the creator of this workout. He spent many years in school learning about this topic. "Research now shows that's no longer the case," he says. It is a 12 week bodybuilding program broken down into three 4 week phases. So when Jim Stoppani—a health consultant to the stars with a doctorate in exercise physiology to his name—began flaunting a program called “6-Week Shortcut to Shred”…. The Jim Stoppani 12-Week Shortcut To Size Supplements aka S2S is designed to help you get the most out of your body, pack on some muscle and experience incredible growth, using proven workout training regimens designed by Jim Stoppani, a leading exercise physiologist.. Let’s face it. Contents1 Shortcut to Size Reviews1.1 Review by Beck Lievenbruck1.2 Review […] Workout Review: Jim Stoppani’s 12 Week Shortcut To Size With an opening gambit of ‘Real Science, Unreal Results’, I couldn’t help but be interested in this workout. • Frictionless introductory overviews with videos and content. THE 12-WEEK. Jim Stoppani has a PhD in exercise physiology. This type of training has successfully prepared almost every type of athlete imaginable, from … The only “shortcuts” to bulking up and shredding fat are unsafe, unsustainable, or flat-out illegal. While you could try to go it without any supplementation, your results wouldn’t be … If anyone were ever going to be able to give you a shortcut to size, it would be Dr. Jim! After all, a quick search on YouTube for other guru workout programmes reveals myriad hokum, quasi-debilitating looking exercises and gratuitous use of the word ‘bro’. For the first time ever, you can get all that knowledge and experience in one science-based program on your device: Jim Stoppani's 12-Week Shortcut to Size - Powered by Shortcut to Size is a 4 day body part split program by Jim Stoppani (who also created Shortcut to Shred). Stoppani's 2 "Shortcut" programs are bodybuilding oriented rather than sports performance. Get Jims recommended Shortcut to Size Supplements. Let Jim Stoppani be your personal trainer with hundreds of workout programs, custom meal plans, articles, videos, and more. Against the millions of programs out there, this is one of the most researched and tried options. I’m going to share my overview and opinions about the program below. That was a bit of a head-scratcher. That’s why I decided to learn more about this workout. It packs a massive punch and the results people have experienced speak for themselves. The first one (the one published Feb 2012) rushes a beginner through just a few weeks of 3x frequency, and drops the beginner into 2, 3, 4 day splits -- lower and lower frequency down to 1x -- over the course of 3 months. PLAN TO GET.