Year: 2011 Simpsons episode: "Clown in the Dumps" After this Scratchy as the father is sitting on a sofa next to his wife, while their two children, both half-cat and half-explosive, are playing on the floor. Year: 2007 Scratchy's wife's name is revealed to be Mrs. Scratchy on her gravestone. He builds a cloning machine, using a sample of Scratchy's blood from a meat cleaver, and makes Scratchy clones. Krusty comes standing in front of the TV screen and tells us he's blocking all violence because of "modern sensitivity". They use their telekinetic powers to launch blades and knives at Scratchy, dismembering him as the audience applauds. The Bride Of Frankenstein, The Simpsons. Synopsis: Itchy is working as a soda jerk. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" Scratchy's Coach - Decapitated by a basketball player mouse with a clipboard. Simpsons episode: "Loan-a Lisa" Screaming in pain, Scratchy runs into the street, where he is run over by a streetcar. Year: 2010 Title pun: Safety Last Shown exclusively with The Simpsons RideSynopsis: Scratchy is ready to run into the ride room when Itchy nails his tail to the floor, causing his skin to be ripped off like he did in the 100-Yard Gash. Synopsis: Scratchy's wife (unseen) throws him out of their house. Simpsons episode: "Brother from the Same Planet" Simpsons episode: "Like Father, Like Clown" Ratings of The Itchy & Scratchy Show were sagging, so executives from the show had the kids watch several cartoon clips in order to find out what kids liked and in turn find out what they needed to do to improve the show. Simpsons episode: "How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?" Scratchy chases Itchy with an ax until Itchy stops and shows Scratchy a picture of a female cat, which makes Scratchy distracted by the picture and, while getting distracted, Itchy puts a stick of dynamite inside Scratchy's mouth and it explodes, which makes Scratchy's head to be beheaded. The Illuminati symbol on the back of the burning dollar suddenly looks at the fire and screams without its mouth moving, ending the short. Title pun: Faster, Pussycat! So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show, Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious, I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, "Itchy & Scratchy episode guide — Simpsons Crazy", "The Simpsons Archive: Itchy & Scratchy Episodes". Title pun: Circus of the Stars Seen in: The Simpsons: Hit & Run (video game) Itchy gives Scratchy the cat's own real heart. Year: 1994 Etiquetas. Title pun: Black Swan Itchy ears can have a variety of causes, including ear mites, ear infections, and polyps or growths. Synopsis: Itchy controls the mind of Scratchy, a chef in a restaurant frequented by cats, making him cut his intestines with a knife and fry them, and remove his eyeballs to stir them and roll them into the cups, put nitrogen on them and put the cooked intestines and the eyeballs on the dish. Itchy forces Scratchy to swallow some hot marbles, which form bleeding holes in his body and Scratchy screams in pain. Synopsis: Scratchy walks down the street and sees a painted sign on the ground reading "UNSAFE". His wife explodes, taking Scratchy with her. On the way they run into their new "friend" Poochie (voiced by Homer Simpson). Synopsis: A basketball game between teams of Itchies and Scratchies is about to begin. He attacks Itchy, which splits him into several smaller Itchies, who attack Scratchy. Year: 1984, 1992 Itchy triumphantly cries, "It's alive!" They find Scratchy now feeble, emaciated and bearded. Krusty says, "I've never watched one of these sober! Scratchy "doesn't know slashing is imminent", but panics when reading this last caption. They view clouds shaped like Disney/Pixar characters from a hill, become elderly, repeat the cloud-watching sequence in elderly form but are both shot dead by Itchy. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy are at a bowling alley. Title pun House M.D. Synopsis: In a segment of a Halloween special, Itchy decapitates Scratchy's head and prepares to use it as a jack-o'-lantern. Simpsons episode: "Funeral for a Fiend" Year: 1997 After high school, Scratchy visits his adoptive father, Itchy gives him a graduation present, a bomb, which blows Scratchy's head off. Year: 2013 The Lincoln Monument comes to life and rips off his head then hits it for a home run. Scratchy comes back as a ghost to haunt Itchy. In the episode "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie", a cartoon from the 1940s is shown where Itchy and Scratchy beat, kick and decapitate Hitler. Simpsons episodes: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" and "The Day the Violence Died" He then slices his meat and eyes and serves them to the clients, putting hot sauce on it, making Scratchy scream in agony. Scratchy sighs in relief that the arrow missed him, but the "wall" is revealed to be a tank of Carbolic Acid, which springs a leak as a result of having been pierced by the arrow. Year: 2014 Title pun: Critical condition Synopsis: This lovey-dovey Itchy and Scratchy cartoon is the antithesis to the violent Itchy and Scratchy cartoons. Title pun: Remembrance of Things Past Officer Scratchy minds his own business when troublemaker Itchy chains his tail to the parking meter, then drives by in a little car, getting Scratchy's attention. He tosses the club aside, draws a "Tommy gun", and shoots Scratchy and the other cats until they all bleed heavily. Year: 1993 Lisa then talks about animal cruelty and to save the violence for cartoons. Poochie ends the cartoon by shouting "Bust it!," taking Itchy and Scratchy's car, and driving past the fireworks factory. A parody of “Tom and Jerry”, the show featured a blue mouse named Itchy who repeatedly kills a black cat known as Scratchy. Homer Simpson fakes his death by throwing a dummy into the waterfall. Itchy picks them up and puts them through a mincer (the eyeballs reappear) and applies the product to the end of a tube, then blows it in a fireplace as if it were made of glass, turning it into a goblet. Title pun: Good kids, bad choices (a phrase sometimes used by parenting advisors) Itchy and Scratchy high-four and dance around Tarantino's freshly decapitated body. How Munched is That Birdie in the Window? He sees Scratchy (who was a black kitten) with a sign that says "Love Me". The effects of the steroids turn Scratchy into a walking disaster and he destroys the whole courthouse. Itchy throws a switch, sending a charge of electricity into Scratchy. Scratchy quickly dons his spacesuit before being blown out into space. Simpsons episode: "Homer Defined" Director: Steven Dean Moore | Stars: Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. At a critical moment, the moon falls. Itchy is a limited-time character that was released on May 30, 2018, as part of Itchy & Scratchy Land 2018 Event. Itchy and Scratchy show Video called "Revange of the mouse" - This is a funny flash animation featuring Itchy and Scratchy and the violent, bad ways they've figured out to hurt one another. Scratchy starts to eat it but the chunk he chews on goes down his throat and out his stomach back onto the plate. cached February 18th 10:04 am by ( web1 Simpsons episode: "Today I Am a Clown" During the plot, Itchy and Scratchy are playing pool. The shark tears him apart and the director of the show stops it for the commercials. Frankenstein, Jr. and The Impossibles is an American Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1966.It premiered September 10, 1966, on CBS, and ran for two seasons. Title pun: Hoop Dreams Simpsons episode: "The Front" At the end of the trailer, a voiceover says: "53 percent new footage". Scratchy meanwhile keeps running until he is squashes by God's foot and ends up in Hell, burning in the Lake of Fire. Season: 2, This cartoon was guest-directed by Oliver Stone. Title pun: Scenes from a Mall Year: 1991 Episode 14, season 8: ‘The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show’ focuses on the failings of popular kids show Itchy & Scratchy. Year: 1992 Repeated scratching can cause raised thick areas of skin that might bleed or become infected.Many people find relief with self-care measures such as m… Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy perform ballet. Scratchy dives out the window and puts his organs back where they belong, and lands on a cactus. Synopsis: Itchy and Scratchy lead armies against each other. Scratchy puts his arm aro… This situation is repeated three more times. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" Itchy replaces the duck's phone with dynamite, killing it. After ten commercials from the Krusty the Clown show which the Simpsons can ignore, thanks to TiVo, Scratchy explodes and his guts spray the street and Itchy, as a reporter, shouts, "Oh, the hilarity! Title pun: Better Off Dead Title pun: Star Trek: The Next Generation Synopsis: Itchy cranks up Scratchy's myPod volume so loud, with the volume bar breaking out of the device's walls itself, that it melts his brain. Year: 1993 as Scratchy slowly sits up. Gabriel Adam Pictures's movie spoof and video game style of the 2007 animated adventure comedy film "The Simpsons Movie", based on the 1989 animated comedy TV show of the same name Homer Simpson -Meta Knight (Kirby Series) Marge Simpson - Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls) Bart Simpson -Charlie Brown (The Peanuts Movie) Lisa Simpson -Lynn Loud (The Loud … Title pun: Moo goo gai pan Kill! Votes: 1,854 Simpsons episode: "Marge in Chains" Title pun: Five Easy Pieces Synopsis: This season finale episode of The Itchy & Scratchy Show was featured on the season finale of The Krusty the Klown Show. ", a parody of the exclamation made famous after the Hindenburg disaster by Herbert Morrison: "Oh, the humanity!" Lying on the operating table is a large green-skinned corpse, his monster Scratchy. Kill! As they run towards each other on the battlefield, they pull out bigger and better weapons. Join to talk about the wiki, Simpsons and Tapped Out news, or just to talk to other users. A note comes up, which reads: "Scratchy sued over being turned into a canoe and won 65 million dollars. The minute Scratchy picks up Itchy, Itchy breaks a glass bottle in half and stabs Scratchy with it. Title pun: Reservoir Dogs Even though it is Itchy wearing a Garfield costume, Scratchy does not seem surprised that he refers to him as his "cousin". Simpsons episode: "The Front" Backstage, Itchy witnesses the taping and a caption under the mouse reads “Feels HE is the victim.” Itchy goes to take matters into his own hands. Scratchy begins to take photographs on the ride, causing multiple giant missiles to be shot at him as no taking of photography is allowed, destroying his camera and burning off his skin. The plot involves Itchy placing Scratchy behind a cinderblock wall and sealing him inside. Synopsis: Scratchy comes to the clinic because of a sore paw. Year: 2014 Title pun: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Shown exclusively with The Simpsons Ride Synopsis: Scratchy is reading a newspaper. Simpsons episode: "Blame It on Lisa" Oddly this short appears to contain no violence or gore. Simpsons episode: "Itchy & Scratchy Land" As the bomb comes back up the returner, Scratchy tries sawing his tongue in half to save himself, but the bomb appears before him and explodes. Title pun: Say Anything Season 24 of The Simpsons has no Itchy & Scratchy cartoons.[1][2]. After a few minutes, the elderly mouse revives himself and the mice immediately murder all the cats. On Ice! Homer and Bart Simpson gets arrested for insulting an Itchy character by the Itchy and Scratchy Land security guards. Synopsis: Itchy, disguised as Garfield, offers a bomb disguised as a piece of lasagna to Scratchy, who eats it. Scratchy screams in pain. Find this Pin and more on Awesome by yumibren. Title pun: Hold that line, college football cheer in common use before World War II