Riddhima couldn’t trick Angre & go to Vansh but Kabir reached like Superman, tricking Angre. Prepared To Give Something In Repatriate As Well. Pratima Gets Angry & Begins To Walk Far away However Vihaan She Is That She Is Trapped As of now. So someone else changed the diamonds, The only one who knew about the diamonds was Angre but I don’t think he would change it. And by now I have lost the hope that her character will ever develop. He Informs That He Won’t Let Go Of Such A Golden Opportunity So Easily. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 written update Feb 18, 2021. Taking The Letter In Her Hand She Begins Walking Towards Vihaan’s Room However She Gets Stumbled Upon A Guitar & Falls Into The Lap Of Vihaan. But because of my oath, I am not able to see it. He meets Chang. Riddhima reads the note which says her child is not safe in Vansh's house and gets mad. Vansh asks for the cash. It gets stormy. He Informs Her That She Must Be The 1 Worrying As She Going to Be The 1 Getting Exposed. ... Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 Episode 84 : Fall; June 2, 2020 IPKKND : Kash Mein Tumse …. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 20th Jan 2021 Written Episode Update, Colors TV Serial “Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 20 January 2021 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv Episode Name: Siya reveals the secret of the car to Ridhima Air Date: 20 January 2021 Full Written Update: Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 20/01/2021 Episode Start with Riddhima thinks I need […] Kabir? Riddhima gets conscious and asks where is Vansh. Riddhima goes to the window. Today’s Written Episode: Ishq Me Marjawan 2, 18th December 2020 Daily Serial Starts With Kabir Requests Riddhima To Come Aside. Though some editings were little bit stupid but doesn’t matter. Prev. However Kabir Reminds Her Of That Slap & States That He Alerted Her That She Must Never Cross His own Path. Angre follows Riddhima. I also suspect Aryan. Riddhima says I really feel that he is in some problem, why is his phone unreachable. I have taken an oath that until trp becomes at least 1.4, I won’t see any episode. Maybe it was Kabir, after all it’s VR mansion so they were discussing in the middle of the hall anyone could have listened it. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2, 3rd February 2021, Written Update . He goes out and smiles. In his room, he says he had to save his enemy today in order to get closer to Riddhima. Renewal is in progress. He Has Also Written In The Letter That He Going to Not Just Expose Her However Also Her Lover Vihaan. She Informs Vihaan The Date & Inquire Him Why Vansh Transferred 5 Cr Rupees To Him On eighth Of Dec 2017. Chang asks for the diamonds. Air Date : 16th January, 2021. Chang says it doesn’t please me to meet you, but I break my rules for business. Can anyone plz inform, how to watch this episode online. Pls go and report them all views are already in hundreds… sorry i don’t know how to share the link if someone can pls share it here so that we can report together…. Riddhima asks Angre to go and find Vansh. Using The Letter Kabir Is Telling Riddhima That The Secret That She Has been Hiding From So Long, Going to As of now Be Exposed. Kabir States That He Has Assured To Make This B-day A Residing Hell For Her. She begins to imitate him. Riddhima’s performance today was so realistic even you’ll feel panicked like her. January 19, 2021 : Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 Today Episode Start with..In Progress…. He blasts the house. She sees his gift and its lovely, Vansh’s choice is nice, I will get ready while I wait for Vansh. Ishq mein marjawan 2:- You will see in today’s Dhamaka Dar episode that Vansha tells her Riddhima to get ready for surprise and she is thinking to save herself and run away before she crosses her borders at the gate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyxlcGIYOS8, The episode was very good, all the scenes, like at the beginning of the series. But who changed the diamonds. Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 9th January 2021 Written Update on TellyExpress.com Today’s episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima entering the resort. The issue begins with a call to Ishq May Marjavan 2 25 December 2020 Radhima. Blood falls over Vansh’s face. The men shut the door. Kabir gets Vansh home. I amI am just blocking the videos without seeing it. I now learn that soon in VR Mansion Ishani’s birthday party is going to happen and in that party Kabir will try to bring Ishani and Vansh’s truth Infront of Riddhima and everyone in the party… He will portray that Vansh knew everything but he hide Everything from Riddhima who’s his wife, whom he loves so much but still he hide such a big truth which is related to Riddhima’s parents death.. and Ishani is responsible for her parents accidental death…but it might be possible that Kabir will say that Ishani killed Riddhima’s parents and Vansh hide Everything from her inorder to save Ishani his sister… Kabir will try to instigate Riddhima against Vansh so that Riddhima leave Vansh and return to him… Now let’s see if Vansh will senses Kabir’s plot against himself or Kabir will succeed in his Revenge Plan….???