Let me know how it went! This makes it  an ideal option for expectant mothers seeking relief from the aches and pains associated with pregnancy. It really is a lifesaver, especially for us petite ladies with big bellies! Sleeping on Your Side When You Have Pelvic Girdle Pain, Benarkah Ibu Hamil Tak Boleh Lakukan 5 Perkara Ini? It will remain for about 10-15 minutes. Several things can cause kinesiology tape to fall off prematurely. Kinesio tape is a drug-free, safe alternative, which can help relieve many pregnancy symptoms including back pain, swollen feet, sciatica, carpal tunnel, and other aches and pains. A Kinesio Tape Pregnancy! Taping helps redistribute the … The Baby Belt Kinesiology Taping by RockTape. Kinesio Tape®, also called Kinesio Tex Tape, is the original elastic adhesive tape developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in 1979. It is safe for populations from elite athletes, weekend warriors to geriatric and pediatric patients. Keep in mind kinesiology tape should be applied on clean, non lotioned skin! You will notice some redness immediately after removing the tape. Why? Kinesio tape can be worn for up to a week, allowing continued benefits from your session! I wish I had known about all these pain relifing techniques when I was pregnant 5 years ago. Remove the backing from the end of one piece and apply it over the hip area (photo 1). After 24h, remove it (following the … Some benefits of K-Tape during pregnancy include: Decreasing low back pain; Supporting abdominal muscles that are over-stretched during pregnancy The tape has no medicinal properties. In pregnancy, your skin will get stretched and become more sensitive. Pregnant women may also have sensitivity of their … This pain can be caused by hormonal changes, postural changes, weight gain and core muscle imbalance, as discussed in this survival guide to back pain in pregnancy. As a physical therapist, I use kinesiology tape regularly to help my patients with back pain. You can use KT tape for pregnancy, KT tape for ankle injuries, KT tape for knees, KT tape for low back pain and sciatica, KT tape for shoulder pain and neck pain, and KT tape for wrist and elbow injuries. If you’re thinking of giving these tapes a try, here are some links to check out: Important: Please talk to your Chiropractor or healthcare provider to discuss if kinesiology taping is appropriate for you. Although the pain usually occurs in the third trimester, it might be seen in the first trimester, too. Once your kinesiology tape has been applied, your practitioner will give you instructions on how to preserve the integrity of the tape while showering, bathing and dressing. Hi Lauren! These convolutions, and the tensile strength used when applying the tape, can increase interstitial spacing therefore reducing inflammation and increasing circulation of the lymphatic system. I hadn’t known about belly wrapping then, so I just stuck with deep heat plasters to alleviate the pain – soooo AUNTY right? There’s definitely a learning curve to applying kinesiology tape so don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t look perfect on your first go. As your baby grows bigger it can place a strain on your lower back. It’s important to avoid putting tension on the tape although it may be tempting. Kinesiology tape stays on for several days, and is designed to survive showering, bathing and even swimming! The tape was invented by Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase in the 1970s. Here’s a list of absolute contraindications to kinesiology taping. Our tape is a drug-free, safe, alternative means by which mothers-to-be can mitigate many of the aches and pains while she is expecting. See more ideas about kinesio taping, kinesiology taping, kinesiology. I’ve seen it stay on patients of mine for over a week! What you might not have been aware of, is that Kinesio taping can also be used safely during pregnancy to ease a number of your pregnancy symptoms in a safe, natural and non-invasive way. ), Not “rubbing the tape” immediately after applying. If the redness stays longer, or if there’s itching, then you are probably allergic to that particular brand of tape. To be absolutely certain you don’t have any allergies to the tape, place a small piece of tape on your skin and leave in place at least 24h. Taping is also safe (and recommended!) Kinesiology tape will last for about 3-5 days, however this varies from person to person. I’m sure many of you would have seen the Kinesio Tape at this year’s Olympic Games. There are also valuable kinesiology tape applications for lower back pain, RockTape features a pregnancy taping pdf online. I’m so happy you like this guide! When I started experiencing back pain during my twin pregnancy, I knew there must be a way to use this awesome tool to relieve some of my back pain! Is edema taping safe during pregnancy? Download theAsianparent Community di iOS dan Android sekarang! This is because excessive tension on the tape can cause skin irritation, as well as cause it to become less effective. Course Catalog; 20 hour Kinesio Taping Express These aches and pains include the upper and lower back, feet, carpal tunnel, and other bodily areas. 1337 Baytree Rd. This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link. Apply these strips vertically, starting right over the bikini line, all the way to the bra line. Even our beloved Dato Lee Chong Wei had skin coloured ones on his arms. When applied with the correct technique, the tape will apply gently alternating pressure and tension to your skin with your everyday movements. © Copyright theAsianparent 2021. A selection of videos, images, articles, and kinesiology tape instructions for expectant moms. By sucking in your belly (as much as possible) you’re placing your abdominal muscles in a shortened position. Courses. I created a guide to help you determine which is the best kinesiology tape for your particular situation. Pingback: Survival Guide for Back Pain in Twin Pregnancy - 2 Plus Twins, Pingback: Top 10 Pregnancy Back Pain Exercises - 2 Plus Twins. Kinesiology tape was created in Japan by Dr Kenzo Kase, as a tape to support joints and muscles in athletes without restricting range of motion. After 24h, remove it (following the instructions below). If this is the case, remove the Kinesio Tape. If you have a history of a severe allergic reaction to adhesives, you should avoid using the tape. We … Pregnancy Tape Provides More Support and Better Comfort.. Why A Kinesio Tape Pregnancy? How does kinesio tape (KT Tape) work? Have the subject hold her arm above her head as you apply the kinesiotape … When applied properly, it’s easy to forget it’s even there! This process slowly helps to “pump” the excess fluid out of the area - similar to a lymphatic drainage massage. 117 Pins • 8.2k Followers. Other tips for Safety with Kinesiology Tape for Pregnancy Test for allergy to tape first. It’s $20 and typically we can get you in the same day! Later stages of pregnancy seem to create a more sedentary lifestyle. You can’t possibly miss the strips of brightly coloured tape on arms, legs, backs, you name it, of many of the top athletes. It can be seen on professional athletes and Olympians all the time! BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Low back pain is a common problem during pregnancy. Kinesio Tex Tape is a latex-free hypoallergenic cotton fiber tape with an acrylic heat-activated backing that stretches only along its longitudinal axis. And, the best thing about kinesio taping during pregnancy is that is can dramatically relieve many of the physical discomforts that can make life miserable. Although it may be tempting to “rip it off like a bandaid” you can damage your skin while doing so if quickly removing kinesiology tape. This class is for Birth Workers and pregnant moms who would like to learn how to properly and safely apply kinesio tape during pregnancy. This is normal and happens due to the increase in blood flow under the tape. This happens. Kinesio taping for reduction of belly tension K-Tape can be applied to problem or painful areas to relieve pain and promote better body function. Today, kinesiology tape can be seen regularly when watching sporting events on TV. Don’t overstretch the tape! The tape is designed to provide support for the growing tummy and alleviate discomfort in the lower back and abdomen. If you’re early in your second trimester, these long strips of tape will be enough to provide you with good support for the week. Measure out a diagonal between your hipbone, going under your belly button and stretching all the way to your side. There will be redness where the tape was for about 10-15 minutes, which is completely normal. By targeting … Remove the backing off the rest of the tape and suck in your belly. I get asked this question a lot by my patients! Post Baby Belly Belly Binding Kinesiology Taping Belly Bands Waist Training Kourtney Kardashian Healthy Alternatives Corset Trainers. Kinesio Taping for Pregnancy Kinesio Taping for Pregnancy KinesioTape is elasticated cotton tape that has wave like convolutions in the glue. Kinesiotaping and Pregnancy. K-Tape can help throughout pregnancy. I’m definitely going to try this. The U.K. web site for Kinesio tape claims it can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, relax muscles, enhance performance, and help with rehabilitation as well as supporting muscles during a sporting event.