This article has more about a day in the life of a personal trainer. The table below compares the recertification cycle, costs, and CEUs/CECs required for seven different personal training certifications, including ACTION. Exam Details. You have one year to take the exam from the time you register for it. Schedule a demo with today. It is important to note that if you want an NCCA Accredited … Allow you to Make More Money by providing additional services like Meal Planning, Calorie Tracking and web-based Performance Tracking. Our team of nationally certified trainers are the most qualified in the region, with over 30,000 hours of training experience. ACTION recommends the Basic Plan if you have a fitness background, prior experience in the fitness industry, or previous education in exercise science. Torrance, CA 90503-3806 2: How much does it cost to get certified as a personal trainer? For most certifications, you must have a high school diploma, but ACTION does not require that at this time. So, you can figure it will cost you around $500 to get certified as a personal trainer … Comparison shopping should be easy. Build Custom Training Programs for your Clients based upon Safe and Effective Workout Templates. ACTION has chosen a two-year time frame to encourage ACTION Personal Trainers to invest in continuing education on an ongoing basis. We can agree that having an accredited certification is the only real way to gain valuable footing the PT game. If you purchase the study materials, you have access to them forever. She teaches nutrition and applied kinesiology at the University of Tampa. If you are just looking for a certification to have one, this one might work for you. ACTION accepts CECs offered by other organizations, so you do not have to get all of those directly from ACTION. Personal Trainer Certification (ACTION-CPT). The ACTION personal trainer certification exam is the cheapest exam available, at only $174. Their NCCA Accredited exam is offered at 250+ PSI test centers in 35 countries. The online courses are available to stream online or you can download the videos for mobile viewing offline. She is an ACSM certified exercise physiologist and an ISSN certified sports nutritionist. Let us do the heavy lifting. Our ACTION Personal Training System will... Insurance companies recognize the value of our education standards and ACTION Personal Training System. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The costs of just the exam with no study materials are $75 for the testing center fee and $99 for the exam fee for a total of $174. The ACTION-CPT exam is one of the cheapest options available, but not one of the most reputable. Earning certification enables you to use the title ACTION-Certified Personal Trainer. Most fitness businesses, health clubs, and gyms only want to hire certified trainers so you will need to take the ACTION-CPT certification exam to earn those credentials. It counts for 0.8 CECs and covers nutritional recommendations, supplements, and sports nutrition. ACTION CPT ($99) the crown for cheapest accredited personal trainer cert goes to ACTION CPT. Yes, if you enjoy working with individuals to help them meet their fitness goals, if you enjoy motivating and encouraging people to be active, and if you are willing to work hard and have a positive mindset, personal training may be a good career for you. Learn by doing with our online video classes and real-world simulations. The ACTION Learning System makes learning convenient and easy with our mobile app. CPTs must obtain 2.0 Continuing Education Credits or CECs in the two-year period to renew their certification. at only $99 for all student resources and exam access, this is the only certification on … ACTION also offers an online personal training certificate. ACTION also has one option to take the exam without the purchase of any study materials. A Kindle book is available for those who purchase the Pro or Platinum plans. If you have a background in fitness, have taken coursework in exercise science, or have prior experience working in health and fitness, then you would need less time to prepare than someone new to the fitness industry. National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) The National Council on Strength and Fitness is a … This will vary depending on your experience and expertise. You have 2.5 hours to take the exam and you must achieve a 70% to pass the exam. The ACTION Personal Training System streamlines every aspect of a working personal trainer’s day. Schedule a demo with today. Team Writer | Professor of Nutrition & Kinesiology. Is personal training a good career to get into? Plus you get a digital textbook and a physical textbook shipped to you. Instructor led classes, real-world simulations, and lots of practice exam questions make sure you are ready to pass the exam of your choice. One other negative of the ACTION-CPT is that while it gives a good educational foundation for personal trainers, it is not nearly as in-depth or research-based as some of the other well-known certifications. ACTION offers two additional certifications that count for CECs. If you learn well from reading a book, you can probably also pass the exam with the Basic Plan. Create Training Packages and Manage your Billing easily. The ACTION CPT is not one of the most reputable certifications available. Our technology gives a better experience for your clients and makes your job easier. The exam is given at Prometric Testing Centers, which are available worldwide. Team Writer | Professor of Nutrition & Kinesiology, About the ACTION Certified Personal Trainer Exam. You are charged the monthly fee until it exceeds the total cost of the plan. The ACTION-CPT gives you the foundational knowledge you need to be successful as a personal trainer. Near. It’s important to develop a study plan based on your background that’s flexible enough to meet your schedule. This article has more detailed information about where you can train your clients,,,,, Fitness Business Management Software Benefits, How to Start a Personal Training Business, The 35 Best Websites for Personal Trainers, How to Speak to Personal Training Clients, Advanced Nutrition certification included. There is a physical copy of the textbook, a digital copy of the textbook, flashcards, practice exams, videos available for online or offline viewing, and a mobile app. There is little information online about the ACTION governing board. We update our site regularly and all content is reviewed by credentialed fitness experts. Some users have commented that the textbook also has some inconsistencies in information. The ACTION-CPT is NCCA accredited and gives you the CPT credentials, which is important for a job in the fitness and personal training industry. The ACTION personal trainer certification exam is the cheapest exam available, at only $174.