They are also one of the best archers at dealing with Huskarls. Also, they have a wide array of counterunits at their disposal which makes them tricky to handle at times. All in all, the Incas have very few gaps in their technology tree (next to the two big gaps namely cavalry and gunpowder), which makes them very versatile. Since Inca villagers benefit from the blacksmith I was wondering how I could rush with them and if it would be effective. To reflect this achievement, the Incas can train more than one unique unit, namely, the Kamayuk, an anti-cavalry infantry which can attack over other units thanks to their long spears, and the Slinger, anti-infantry stone thrower. And it costs only 20 Food and 50 Gold (while Gold is collected faster). - Strategy: This is a very special civilization, as it requires some specific strategy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You will need to get on your stone ASAP with probably 4 Villagers, so secure it with a tower and get mining. Community for AoE2 players The Portuguese are a Southern European civilization introduced in Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms. 1 Bonuses 2 Unique Units 3 Unique Technologies 4 Wonder 5 Trivia Start with a turkey/llama in HD version. However, they were certainly less popular than the two other Mesoamerican civilizations: the Mayans and the Aztecs. -The Inca get REALLY good counter units. Villagers within an AoE2 empires don’t trade, they don’t have a life of their own, and they only do what’s asked of them. 20 pop ups are possible with a non mongol civ, however without a good eco bonus it can be very hard. In exchange, they get… houses… They miss Architecture, but their stone discount they get on all buildings makes up for that. The Incan Villager Rush. It piles up on other bonuses that make their tower rushes even more potent. i disagree, it doesn't have much to do with high apm as much as it does with your mind set and what actions you decide to do next and the order you choose. New to AoE2, best build order for beginners? While Villagers can collect at the listed 0.53 … Villager (7) build lumber camp. i try tower rushing them but the moderate ai ALWAYS hits feudal before i do. You aren’t building enough villagers. Published. You'll see which civs have bonuses with that word in it. The Great Wall and Rocketry are the unique technology upgrades and overall the Chinese are a very versatile civilization that can be … Focus These officials also controlled the Incan army which were a collection of the numerous ethnicities they conquered. This is a quick guide on a simple fast castle Build Order. It works well for some stuff, but this is more for people going from 12xx to 14xx. Press J to jump to the feed. The upgrade to the Elite Kamayuk costs 1,000F/600G. Introduced in Couriers now gives +1/+2 armor instead of +10% movement speed. AoE2 Civ Mashup. Also you'd need insane micro as the vils don't attack automatically once they've killed their target. aoe2 best rush civ 10 Innovative Playlist Apps 15 Best Coffee Shops In LA Gabriele Jones Type what you are searching for: Home; About; Shop; App; FAQ; Support; My Account; 0. I've encountered it like 12 times already and in all of them, despite putting all my efforts to defend, I ended up losing, with all my resources denied, and the enemy with just 8 or so villagers at his base and like 15 in mine abusing the villager armor and damage and making his way trought vill fights without a way to stop him effectively. Would that be viable? The Incas were best known for establishing the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. These two bonuses allow the Incas to make good fortifications and forward bases near the opponents for a rush. Villager (8) chops wood at lumber camp. They're still better than villagers when un-upgraded but get even better if you choose to upgrade them. Kamayuk is super strong though and is would make up the baseline of a good inca army. Their archer rush can continue with crossbowmen during castle and Imperial Age. 21 pop should be what you shoot for with Incas, so I would suggest: 1-6 sheep 7-9 wood 10-11 boar (10 lure) 12-15 berries The Inca also receive a free Chasqui with each age which can construct Tambos, the powerful Incan Trading Posts which support 5 population and may garrison Villagers for extra damage. They did not use mortar, yet their buildings are resilient to earthquakes. This is going to grant you a lot of food and a significant boost in economy over an enemy that doesn’t do this., The administrative, political, and military center of the empire was located in Cuzco in modern-day Peru whose framework constituted of officials or Kamayuks who kept important records by utilizing a quipu messenger system rather than a formal writing system. 32 votes, 19 comments. Before AoE2: DE was released, the Incas were the #2 civilization by win rate on Voobly. Your Town Center should always be doing something. They really knew how to build a city and make it not only fully functional but properly amazing. At the moment, AoE2 DE features 35 unique Civilizations (races) that you can play and conquer with. - All Bonuses incl. This strat is already legit in forward strats in aoc, players often use 5 villagers to attack enemy if they finished building the tower. Their economy is also pretty good, only Two-Man Saw is missing. The ONLY difference is that villagers have 1 Melee Armor more (in a fight the scout is much better due superior attack and speed; even if villagers would auto-attack). Villagers are affected by blacksmith upgrades making Inca villagers harder to kill. The Incas have a campaign devoted to their civilization: El Dorado in The Forgotten. Civilization information The upgrade to the Elite Kamayuk now costs 900F/500G. Fighting with them is not a good idea though, they are only decent in Feudal Age with all available upgrades (which require lots of Food). As a rule of thumb, your end goal is to have about half of your total population limit to be villagers. Researching the Feudal Armor Upgrade makes your tower rush much stronger. S. The Chinese always start with six villagers which can make your civilization snowball on certain maps where food can be found near the Town Center.Their focus is on Archers, with Chu Ko Nu being the unique unit here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. aoe2 inca build order Home; Uncategorized; aoe2 inca build order Age of Empires Series Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Similarly, military units may be garrisoned in Kallankas and Strongholds, two of the Incas' unique buildings. Slingers are also very practical when you need them. 4 years ago. i do 6 on sheep/boar/berries, 4 on wood and by the time i send the first one off to stone they have hit feudal right before i am about to queue it. Get forging right after, and ur enemy vils can hardly prevent towers from going up. Aztecs Special Civilisation Bonuses: Villagers carry … Build orders are the foundation of this game. The Incas' civilization icon is based on a, The Native American building set in the Feudal Age resembles real life Inca architecture even though the Incas were added after. Their Monks are average and their defenses very good. Infantry The Incas are the only civilization that have access to all Barracks units and technologies. Villagers (4, 5, 6) harvest sheep.  The Forgotten -create 2 villagers (have chop trees by town center)-Have 2 villagers from berries make market and 1 villager from berries make blacksmith @28-29 population around 12:30 click up to castle age.-research double axe at lumbercamp, mill technology and gold technology-Now decide if you want to attack of boom - You have 100 Points to spend, but you dont have to spend all of them. It really doesn't amount to much. Age of Empires 2 is a classic strategy game, and with its new release, you might be looking for an Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition beginner's guide to … Recent Posts. The table below shows all gathering rates in descending order. Just check his profile, he didn't create that man-at-arms thread, I did. Aztecs have better eco, the relic bonus and siege onager, while Inca eagles are basically impervious to arrows, your villagers are stronger, and you can counter pretty much anything with halbs/kamayuks, slingers and skirms. The Age of Kings is set in the Middle Ages and contains thirteen playable civilizations. They also have all upgrades and technologies for their archers (excluding the mounted and gunpowder variants the Incas naturally do not get), and also get a unique unit at the Archery Range: the Slinger. You'll sacrifice your eco to fight with worse units than your opponent, who are way harder to control. It's a strat that only works for incas. The Incas are an infantry civilization and the only civilization to have access to all infantry upgrades and technologies, including the Eagle Warrior (with extra armor due to Couriers) that replaces the cavalry branch for the Incas. If you go for full trush (without range or even barracks), you can afford to send 8+ villagers forward and there is really nothing scouts can do vs them, especially if you hit enemy berries/farms with tower.