tag alone represents a single code line or code phrase. 5. It's the most important information of a particular document. Some email clients can choke on comments so it’s wisest not to have any unnecessary code anywhere in your files. September 12, 2018. Formatting document author/owner information with the element, Formatting abbreviations and acronyms the element, Formatting work title with the element, Formatting text direction with the element, An image height and width using attributes, Table cells that span more than one column, Tables with different style using class I, Tables with different style using class II, An ordered list with lowercase roman numbers, Style all elements with a specified class name, Access elements with a specified class name, with JavaScript, Access an element with a specific id, with JavaScript, Inline frame (a frame inside an HTML page), A valid HTML document with no , A valid HTML document with no element, The element defines the document title, The