If you do smell gas in the room where the fireplace … To light a fire in a fireplace, start by making sure the damper on the flue is open so that smoke doesn’t come into the house. Ideally, the flame is located in the back or behind a few of your logs. You can also check with your gas provider to find out if you have had your supply interrupted by actions taken on their part. The inserts are … The installer should do the initial lighting of the pilot light during installation. Open the glass door if there is a door. How To Light Gas Fireplace, The gas fireplace can give the room air and provide warmth on a cold day. Having your fireplace serviced each year, taking proper precautions if your pilot light does go out, and knowing how to relight it when necessary, will help keep you and your family safe. Consisting of a tube mounted under the grate, a gas starter uses natural gas to create flames through several small holes along its length. A vented gas log set will need a working chimney flue and damper. It is usually around the base of the fireplace behind the decorative fireplace screen.There are several things to consider about how to use a gas fireplace. Use fireplace glass cleaner to clean the glass covering of your gas fireplace. Like with any other issue regarding fire, there’s a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this. Next, stack small kindling wood on top of the newspaper horizontally, leaving gaps for air to pass through. We need to wait for 5 to 6 minutes to clear outgas. This can make it difficult to light your fireplace and also prevents carbon monoxide from escaping the chimney while your fire is burning. If you have a pilot light constantly burning under your gas logs, shutting the damper puts you, your family and your pets at severe risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Spray the cleaner on a dry cloth and rub it in a circular motion on the glass. As soon as it lights, hold the ignition button down for 15 to 30 seconds to warm up the fireplace and ensure smooth operation. This is also the time when people start to turn on their fireplaces and notice they are in need of cleaning or sometimes a tune up. If gas is coming out of the pilot, but it still won't light, the spark igniter could be the problem. Pilot Lighting Instructions. Gas starters make it easy to start a fire in a wood-burning fireplace. Also make sure that you smell next to the floor because some gas may get heavier than the air in the room and the gas will tend to settle on the floor. If you have your own tank, you can check to see if it is empty. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their … The more you know about pilot lights, the less scary this necessary part of your fireplace system seems to be. Use a can of compressed air to blow the dust and dirt off of the end of the innermost tube. Its a mild hiss. For specific instructions refer to your fireplaces operating manual. See your owner’s manual for specifics about lighting your gas fireplace without a remote control. If it remains lit, press the valve knob in slightly and rotate counter-clockwise until the word "ON" is in the 6 o'clock position. Of course, if you find … Light a match or butane candle lighter and hold it near the burner in the fireplace.Turn the gas key to release gas to the burner. This turns off the gas. The pilot light on your gas fireplace is powered by a small gas flow. Steps for Preparation It’s important to figure out quickly whether your gas fireplace is vented or vent-free. Most gas fireplaces have a standing pilot light, which is a small flame that burns even when you aren't using the fireplace. A gas fireplace is certainly safer and easier to use than a traditional wood burning one, but it is important for consumers to understand that it must be used properly and should only be lit by an experienced individual. If you do smell gas, don’t proceed! How to light a gas fireplace with a continuous pilot: In order to light the pilot on a non-electronic ignition fireplace you will have to locate the gas valve. Use a flashlight to look into the tube where the pilot flame comes out. As wonderful as wood is, there may eventually come a day when you’d like to convert your fireplace to gas. Gas Fires. No more strategy required to start a fire–a remote control or wall switch ignite the flames. Unless the gas is physically turned off, the pilot light will be on. Before you go ahead and hit that “off” switch, you should first find out where your pilot light is located. Keep in mind that while gas fireplaces are safe when used properly, you need to turn off the valves and call a professional for help if you notice a heavy smell of gas when its in use. When that day comes, it’ll mean the end of buying, stacking and hauling wood. No more dirty ash to clean up. If you have installed gas logs in your fireplace, the damper should never be closed. If there’s a battery backup, the pilot light could be on without any gas going to the fireplace. Pilot Light. Gas-burning fireplaces contain a pilot flame – a small flame that burns to provide a firing point for the flames of the unit. Step 8: Finally, turn the unit's ON/OFF switch (or wall switch or remote control) to the "ON" position to start your fire. Also, how do I turn on my fireplace? 94 Reference Of Pilot Light Propane Heater Troubleshooting Gas Fireplace Propane Heater Electric Fireplace Heater from www.pinterest.com. Turn on the gas knob clockwise to off position. Every year you light up the gas fireplace and wonder, what's that awful smell? As important as staying warm is, the last thing you want is to cause damage to your home by starting a fire improperly. In most cases, you’ll have to light your fireplace pilot light just once a year. An IPI system is going to be more “efficient” since fuel is used only when you flip a wall switch or click on your remote. There's nothing showing me where to turn on the gas flow to the . It may be operated by a key valve on the front of the fireplace or it will be within the firebox. I just moved into a new house I went to turn on the gas for the fireplace using the key yet I still can't light the fireplace. Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to light a gas fireplace. If you can easily smell gas near the floor, then move next to the floor because some gas is heavier then the air and will settle on the floor; however, if you don’t smell gas so you can go to the next step. Remove the doors from the gas fireplace to … Without a remote there will typically be an ignition button on the control panel of the fireplace. Once you have achieved the desired results, let the glass dry completely before you start another fire. Check that the logs are intact and free of dust and debris. I can't find a these settings on the 36GDKBB. Once you begin the operation of the gas fireplace, you can run the pilot light in one of two modes. If the pilot light has gone out, the first thing to investigate is whether or not your gas supply has been exhausted. Some people like to turn this off when the weather warms to conserve gas. There should be valves, a gas connection, an ignitor, a control knob, and maybe even a remote control. This makes the fireplace easy to start when it's cold outside. A tune up to be performed on an annual basis to ensure that your fireplace is safe and working as it should be. To prevent this, keep reading to learn how to safely light a gas fireplace. The Fix: Pilot Light to Gas Fireplace Won’t Stay Lit. Then, crumple 5 pieces of newspaper into bundles and place them on the grate. Today’s modern gas fireplaces are typically controlled with a remote control meaning starting your gas fireplace is as easy as pressing the ‘on’ button on your remote. Turn the gas valve back on and attempt to light the pilot. The following tips will help a homeowner take the proper precautions necessary to light a gas fireplace correctly and ensure that everything has been performed in a … How to light or relight a pilot on a Gas Fireplace, Insert or Stove. If your fireplace has ceramic logs in the firebox, it burns gas! Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Light a Gas Fireplace Pilot Light. Remember to shut the gas supply valve off (picture #1). A standing pilot light can prevent small, silky spider webs from forming inside the fireplace, that may result in a service call to get the fireplace back in service. The other majestic fireplaces I have a control knob that says OFF ON and PILOT and I know how to light those pilot lights. For specific instructions, refer to your fireplace’s operating manual. A gas fireplace is a great appliance to have in your home, but it’s important to exercise caution when using gas appliances. Light a match or butane candle lighter and hold it near the burner in the fireplace. How to Clean a Pilot Assembly on a Propane Fireplace Turn off the fireplace if it is on and shut off the main gas valve. With that said, you can always light a gas fireplace by holding the pilot light down and lighting a match. Knowing the flame’s exact location will help you double-check if your flame has been turned off. Smell for gas around. If you turn the gas off, you have to eventually have to turn it back on. The next very important step in how to light a gas fireplace is to light the pilot light. Higher efficiency gas fireplaces keep chimneys cooler, but they can also cause condensation in the chimney, which corrodes the surface. Cleaning A Gas Fireplace. Pull the match or light away when the burner lights. Look for the control panel. Once you have removed the decorative cover and located the pilot light, follow these step-by-step instructions to have your gas fireplace working in no time: Locate the gas shut-off valve and turn the handle until it is parallel to the gas pipes. This can be an indication that your fireplace thermocouple is either bad or worn out. It shows that there is the slightest amount of gas running to the unit at all times. How To Light A Gas Fireplace. To light a gas fireplace with a control panel, turn the knob to “pilot” and push it in. Stack Exchange Network . If the pilot light goes out, repeat steps 5 & 6. Turn on the supply line to the gas fireplace. Light a match near the fires piping while holding down the pilot lighter. Final Takeaways on Gas Fireplace Pilot Light Safety. It's dirt, dust and bugs burning off the logs. How to Light a Propane Fireplace Insert. I have a Majestic gas fireplace model number 36GDKBB. Turn the gas key to release gas to the burner. These flames light the wood; once the wood is well-lit, you can turn off the gas starter. It is installed in a masonry wall and I am trying to light the pilot light. Many homeowners use propane fireplace inserts as an alternative to a wood-burning fireplace. You can adjust the flame height by turning the gas key. Some gas fireplaces are lit by a wall switch, while others require a control panel or a fireplace key. This undeniable convenience leads many who’ve made the switch to … Here are some vital key points that will help you to light a gas fireplace. To avoid that this year, follow these easy steps to keep your fireplace burning cleanly and efficiently. If power is actively supplied to your fireplace, simply turn the on/off button, wall switch or remote … CAUTION: ALWAYS REMOVE YOUR FIREPLACE GLASS PRIOR TO LIGHTING YOUR PILOT * If you do not see a red or black spark ignitor button, you do not have a manual ignition system. So you’ve checked your pilot light and even reset it, but still, it wont stay lit. Before you light a gas fireplace, make sure you’re familiar with the unit. The process may not be exactly the same for all … If you do it the wrong way, you will get explosive results. How to turn off your pilot light on a gas fireplace . Before you light your gas fireplace pilot, make sure that you smell around the location at which your fireplace is located. Finally, stack two larger logs over the kindling, then light … Verify that the damper is open. Then push the ignition button once every second or so to ignite the gas—this may take a few tries. Look for and clear out any debris between the igniter and thermocouple. A vent-free gas log set is safe to burn … We highly recommend hiring a professional to service your fireplace. Once it’s been lit, you can turn your fireplace to its “ON” setting. If the glass has a lot of dirt and grime on it, spray the cleaner directly on the glass and rub it off using newspaper. Is it safe to sleep with a gas fireplace on?