Score a 300. They change month to month. 7 Votes 4 Comments Link for Army courses worth promotion points? Civilian education promotion points for the other grades remain at 100 points. Option 1, Regular Army Reenlistment Option. Promotion Points. People get AAMs for scoring CLOSE to a 300 APFT wtf.. [–]BlueClash 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child), I'm sorry I had a brain fart, I read ADA as Active Duty Army instead of air defense artillery. This list tells you which courses on JKO are worth promotion points. submitted 3 years ago by NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM. [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]Kinmuan33W 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]MayTheBananaBeWithYoSPC / 68W 3 points4 points5 points 3 years ago (4 children). You can earn a total of 78 promotion points for SGT and 84 for SSG through online courses and hands down is the fastest and easiest of any way to gain ⦠If you don't do that, and the points drop to where you would have been you can't go "oh, but I forgot to turn this in." Turn in points at start of month, see if you made points at the end of the month. No rumors, PNN or unfounded speculation. 5 Army Skillport Course Hours = 1 Army Promotion Point ⦠Lose a board and get one if you're ADA matterofact, [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children). Craziest thing found/happened during health and welfare? The new Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) should be available for all to view as of 2 May 2011. Hey man, they release a cutoff points list every month on the HRC Enlisted Promotions website, and you can also find the "Promotion Point Worksheet" there that will calculate your points. Read more about Army Skillport Courses Worth College Credit too. The trend report comes out around a week before the cut off scores are posted. Really, see what your post military schools offers and go for that. First Sergeants share promotion ⦠Do not process, store, or transmit any ⦠I've never had an Article 15 and I pass all my PT tests, but I have yet to do SSD1. The Army Correspondence Courses force you to go through each page like a slide show to get ⦠I will say that it's not 100% accurate; I'd peg it at 85 or ⦠The Army gives promotion points for off-duty education, such as college courses, or business/trade school courses, and for scores on the Army PFT and test scores on the rifle or pistol ⦠In a continuing effort to improve the enlisted promotion system, the Army G1 has approved the initiative to award promotion poi nts ⦠[–]poopdeck 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). One medal that most people donât realize they have even earned is the Army Good Conduct Medal. SFC Grudzinski is on point, there are no more promotion points per say for SR NCO board. Get it done punk. United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" You will get awards if you go high enough. • (8) N00b / Joining questions go in the Weekly Question Thread (or Recruiter Thread) stickied at the top, in the black-on-gold link at the top, and in the sidebar. Is there a 2018 version of the Army courses worth promotion points? • (5) We don't all know what a 12V or a 35Q or a 94L is. • (3) This is not a pro-military circlejerk, but please have some sources to base the more controversial topics on. If you are looking to get easy Army promotion points, your best option is the Army Skillport system. [–]BlueClash 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (3 children). Alternatively, you can google it the cutoff points for this month and probably find ⦠I promise. Points Cutoff lists usually come out in the last week of the month. Max civilian ed, max correspondence hours, 36/40 weapon qual, taking a pt test this week expecting 270ish. • (2) Ensure your posts actually encourage discussion. Use the report button. and join one of thousands of communities. That's not that complicated man... Just get your shit turned in by the 10th of each month. But, for the most part, AAMs are achievable. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. If you've somehow made it to spc(p) without learning how the promotion system works, congrats, I didn't think it was possible. U.S. Army, Human Resources Command October 2020 . warning standard mandatory notice and consent provision for all dod information system user agreements by signing this document, you acknowledge and consent that when you access department of defense ⦠List of Army Correspondence Courses Worth Promotion Points Soldiers will be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training - restricted to courses completed in ⦠You'll have to wait until the next month. Does your unit do Soldier of the Month boards? APFT Score Calculator. You want to be my CSM? Military Education: one of the fastest way to earn points for military education is through Correspondence, ALMS, JKO courses or Skill port courses. Really, see what your post military schools offers and go for that. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Iâm sure you know. March 31, 2020 U.S. Army updates promotion and retention policies in response to COVID-19 November 5, 2019 Army Warrior Care and Transition Program Restructures October 4, ⦠I've seen soldiers worthy of getting a soldiers medal at one unit and all they got was a battalion coin. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. ALMS, thereâs ⦠Like, if you are trying to get picked up under the July points, you have to have all the shit that you need added to your points in to you S1 by July 10. All the resources to do it are in the great google. Army makes big changes to centralized promotion board system. 75th Ranger Regiment - Accept the Challenges. Shoot a little better. Still need more points. With that being said, Military Schooling and College will be the determining factor for promotion ⦠I'm assuming you mean EFMB and not the exceptional family member program. When taking JKO correspondence courses for promotion points, should I focus on the courses with DL points or will any of the classes work? Option 1 carries no guarantee of assignment, training, or stabilization. Winning soldier of the month didn't get me a coin, let alone an AAM. What is the dumbest / off the wall reasons why someone got an article 15? To help you focus on credentials most applicable to this phase in your career, the certification list has been filtered to only show Skill Level 2 and 3 certifications that are eligible for promotion points. You canât really do anything to ensure you gain awards and decorations other than simply being an outstanding soldier. Army Promotion Point Cut o ff Scores For February 2020 >> Army Promotion Point Cut o ff Scores For January 2020 >> Archive of Prior Months/Years Cutoff Scores >> This page is all about the army's cut off scores for promotion ⦠You need a CAC to log in. The minimum promotion points for passing scores are as follows: SGT â 40, and SSG â 15. No memes, low effort posts, reposts or crossposts from. 11 Votes 6 Comments I am promotable and I just need to get my points ⦠Maybe soldier of the quarter will be more promising. Shooting, stabbing involving soldiers puts nightlife near Fort Bliss under scrutiny. [–]poopdeck 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (9 children). • (4) Use the search bar. Easy Army Promotion Points. How many promotion points do I have? EDIT for clarity: This list tells you what courses are worth hours for promotion points, and how many hours they should be worth. My b, [–]poopdeck 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (0 children), [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (4 children), [–]poopdeck 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (3 children), [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]poopdeck 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child), Win a board, make a 300 apft and get one if you're ADA. [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]MayTheBananaBeWithYoSPC / 68W 1 point2 points3 points 3 years ago (0 children). Soldiers recommended for SGT can get a maximum of 160 promotion points. I, personally, sat and watched TV for an entire weekend and maxed out my promotion points. It may take me a while as I have to go through the over 5000 courses and check the hours. ATRRS Self-development or Army e-Learning ( : I am going to start signing up for some JKO correspondence courses and wanted to know if I should be looking at the courses that have DL Points ⦠Once it was approved, all the other squad leaders wanted to jump on the bandwagon and started writing up awards for their Joes as well. That's going to be the only number that matters. Win Soldier of the month boards, soldier of the quarter, etc. BLC Honor grad? If you win, you get a new MOS and get promoted. ⦠College. However, you can ensure that any awards, decorations or badges you have are recorded accurately on your Enlisted Record Brief (ERB). In the U.S. Army, typically a soldier's time in service -- the time he or she started boot camp to the present -- and the performance of that soldier will determine the promotion status of a military member. Login. If you are in a medical MOS or interested in the medical field, you can do the following courses: 081-MD0921 HEALTHCARE NCO SUST- 170 Hours 081-68WM6 PRACTICAL NURSE ASI ⦠This means you can use this method to find out if you made points ⦠Otherwise, talk to your FLL about awards. Soldiers recommended for SSG can get a maximum of 100 promotion points. The Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) is based on a 300 point ⦠This award is achieved by simply being in the Army for 3 years and is worth 10 Army promotion ⦠Bus driver and drivers training are also not worth points. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: This subreddit is geared toward the United States Army, but all are welcome to join regardless of military service. I'm not saying they'll all go through, but if your Soldier does something that meets the criteria for the award (note: read the AAM award criteria), write it up, have your PL and XO proofread it, and I bet it goes through. Really military resident courses is all you have left to do. Army COOL Summary - MOS 35F - Intelligence Analyst. CODES (6 days ago) You selected Mid-Career-- this applies to Soldiers in paygrades E4-E6. No Stolen Valor. Rendered by PID 16144 on r2-app-0cdf0890582fffcb1 at 2021-02-18 10:09:32.150776+00:00 running 095aa3a country code: FR. RCPs apply to: Soldiers serving in the Regular Army, Soldiers of the U.S. Army Reserve, and Army ⦠This page describes how the Army determines who is eligible for the promotion list to Sergeant First Class. You can use the Army Promotion Point Trend Report to predict what the cut off scores is going to be. Alternatively, you can google it the cutoff points for this month and probably find them through a third party source. Special performance can earn an early promotion in exceptional soldiers, while poor performance may stall a promotion ⦠Where can I found out how many promotion points I currently have? They only require an 0-5 signature. [–]NO_INTEGRITYBOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM[S] 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (3 children), [–]MayTheBananaBeWithYoSPC / 68W 0 points1 point2 points 3 years ago (2 children). Here's HRC's. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 16144 on r2-app-0cdf0890582fffcb1 at 2021-02-18 10:09:32.150776+00:00 running 095aa3a country code: FR. CPOF class, BFT, they should all be worth points. Am I promotable? These are the MAXIMUM years you can serve at current rank. My BS meter is pinging off the charts. Logout. I have no idea about CBRN training or any of that. • (6) Please keep your flair text rank or duty-related. [–]Kinmuan33W 2 points3 points4 points 3 years ago (0 children). There are some like CLS that are battalion run, you can probably get into armorer school easily too. Links from USAWTFM, ASMDSS and similar at moderator discretion. Hey man, they release a cutoff points list every month on the HRC Enlisted Promotions website, and you can also find the "Promotion Point Worksheet" there that will calculate your points. Your currently recognized promotion points are on your ERB. One day on a whim, I decided to write up one of my Soldiers for an AAM. You could receive these promotion points ⦠[–]Kinmuan33W 34 points35 points36 points 3 years ago (5 children), I'll only tell you if you can prove you completed your required Motorcycle Safety Course, [–]Matrix_Wendigo 5 points6 points7 points 3 years ago (1 child). You just have to write up a good award... not some semi-literate mumbo jumbo that shows you don't really care that much. Share on Twitter; Share on Facebook; Share on Reddit Lest you work your way through 50 hours of fucking Pashto and decide youâre losing your mind and canât do it anymore and donât get any points ⦠© 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. ', the Army doesn't fucking care, you have the points it recognizes. I think that's unit dependent. Soldiers receive one (1) promotion point ⦠Uh huh, only a third? The purpose of flair is so we know you have a background in a particular subject matter. EFMP is worth 15 points, start studying and ask for the next time they are running it. We have 2 hours until the next rest stop and I’m not sure if I’m going to shit myself or puke in front of the OIC first. Do not answer n00b questions on the main boards. Typo is hilarious. Moderators reserve the right to change flair at will. Remember, everything you want points for during the month that you are trying to get picked up has to be submitted NLT the 10th of that month. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. My stingy ass unit. It is very likely that whatever you are about to post has already been posted before. â Under Army ⦠As far as JKO goes I havenât seen any new ones, in the search bar all the way to the left select DL points and itâll filter out the ones that arenât worth point. Also, in all four of these cases, you will need to complete a full tour of ⦠There are some like CLS that are battalion run, you can probably get into armorer school easily too. I know, easier said than done. Yes, some units are stingy with awards. Reenlistment options are governed by AR 601-280 (Army Retention Program) and the current DA PAM 601-280. Steps to access your PPW â Soldiers (Private (E1) â Sergeant(5)) can log into the PPW from the AKO website. If it doesn't meet your expectations 'I sent that to S1 weeks ago! Soldiers will be assigned and utilized according to the needs of the Army. I have a cycle endorsement on my license, a 2017 Indian Roadmaster in my garage, and the dayglo safety vest they gave me when I finished the safety course (Honor Student FTW). This subreddit has a wiki page containing information and links to answered questions. • (7) Source your posts well. Wish me luck. The neccessary amount of points is AMPAP bro. I came in with 71 credit hours. Where can I find out the necessary amount of promotion points in order to get E-5? The period of service is used to determine eligibility for promotion points (orders issued late do not result in a retroactive promotion point adjustment). And as far as promotion points go, you can calculate them by hand, which sucks, but is do able. I’m on my first convoy mission and I think I have food poisoning. Most BN CDRs actually like giving them out. Pretty DAMN sure there was something sent out saying armorer school isnt worth any points now. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Soldiers will be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training - restricted to courses ⦠It's where you fight a bear. I'm just letting you know, if you miss that NLT date each month don't expect to add on points if you don't make it. I recommend you find the nearest eccentric physicist with access to a DeLorean, and go back and enlist as infantry in 2005. By Devon L. Suits, Army News Service April 19, 2019. Typically winning one nets you an AAM. A Sergeant First Class is a Noncommissioned Officer in the United States Army at DoD paygrade E-7. What about volunteering for any military residents courses? US Military to Have 3D-Printing Factories in Shipping Containers. Besides getting promotion points, a college education can make you more marketable when you get out of ⦠Army Training Requirements and Resources System Courses: You can receive four promotion points per week (40 training hours) for courses that are formally listed in ATTRS. Click here or on "wiki" in the top tab menu. If you're not actually promotable, don't have 'points' and are just wondering where you're at, use an online points calculator to estimate it yourself. Army Promotion Timeline for Brigadier General and Above There are four more grades to consider in your Army career. Edit: EFMB, leaving original for posterity. So collect AAMs like stamps. Site Map. This category is not one you have much control of. I've been in 3 years and only have 2 CoAs from my unit who doesn't give awards for anything. Title. My advice is to stick to the courses worth fewer points and just do a lot of them because they tend to be easy peasy. Retention Control Points (RCP) are for enlisted Soldiers serving on active duty across all Army components. The "things that would be illegal in any other job except the army" thread. Please check back regularly and share this page with your fellow soldiers. More than enough to come in as a PFC and actually enough to make E5 as an infantryman back in 2005. • (1) If your post could be answered by your NCO, Google or a 5 minute call with an Army Recruiter, then please do so. increase your chances of earning a promotion you should enroll in some college classes and it does not matter whether you complete your college courses online or at the college campus as they will be worth the same amount of points for promotion. Push for BLC and get honor grad. I had a unit where awards were very rare. tends to publish them, but HRC releases monthly points cutoffs. Easy enough? Max your weapons qual and pt test first. Post the description along with your obscure MOS code. ADA isn't that big of a branch, but it's not just a local thing. Really military resident courses is all you have left to do. You need a CAC to log in. The Army Skillport system is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get Army promotion points. If you're in ADA you get an AAM for practically anything. CPOF class, BFT, they should all be worth points.