You may also try some other sources if the given xSellize repo is not working for you. Pagina ufficiale di Cydia is an alternative AppStore for iPhone users. To add this repo, simply follow the instructions below: Steps on How to Add HackYouriPhone Repo: Launch Cydia from your Home screen. This is the best place, if you were searching the way to download vShare and install on your iPhone without jailbreak or with Cydia installer. But again, vShared market app is the best. In the past few years, HackYouriPhone has been voted as one of the best Cydia sources on earth. It beautifully integrates into any setup. Up Next calendar and weather info at a glance.Manta is a modern dashboard for iOS. This is because this repository hosts a lot of awesome Cydia apps, tweaks and mods for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you are quite old in jailbreak scene and have been doing it for your iOS device, then I am sure you would be aware of BiteYourApple repo. Of course, adding UltraSn0w back is just as easy as … Chech if youre using the right one because i know some dont work properly. 15 talking about this. Posted August 2, 2017. Link to post Share on other sites . To use Cydia you must jailbreak your iDevice. It is because HackYouriPhone repo is filled with superb Cydia tweaks. Top 10 Best Cydia Repositories #1. It is working… Step 4: Now go to iPhoneCake repo and search for AppCake. AppCake works on iOS 10 (no jailbreak), iOS 9.3.3, iOS 9.2.1, iOS 9.1, iOS 9.0, iOS 8.4, iOS 7.1.2 as well as earlier iOS version such as iOS 6 and iOS 5. BiteYourApple Repo . The best repo in the world for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. 1 year ago. You can find them all at the HackYouriPhone source. CoolBooter is available by adding to … These repositories will work on all jailbreak-able versions of iOS 10 (10.0.x, 10.1, 10.1.1, 10.2). This thread is archived. Look for AppSync 8.0+ and tap on it to download it to your iOS 8 device. Call Of Duty Mobile Lite Hack No Root Glitchking. Note: All the Sources installation are same, the only different is, this repo provide such kind of app which might not be available on the other repos. AppSync not working AppSync Repo AppSync Source AppSync Unified AppSync Unified not working Download AppSync Download AppSync Unified Related Posts Download iOS 11.1.2 Public + Jailbreak 10 + Cydia iOS 11.1.2 With fluid transitions, and customization options, Manta looks great on any device. Choo on HackYouriPhone Repo Sort by. Downloaded that one, still doesn't work Quote; Share this post. Both of them work well on iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S, iPad, Mini iPad, and iPod Touch. Step 5: Just like vShare, AppCake will not work until you install AppSync. Step 5: Tap the Changes tab at the bottom of the screen and tap the Refresh button in the upper left-hand corner to refresh your Cydia sources. AppSync Unified. Step 1: Install iFile application from Cydia. level 1. Repo … Few months ago, Karen’s Pineapple Repo relased an app called AppSync Unified. And that’s all there is to it. Theme finders and ringtone lovers will fall in love with BiteYourApple repo immediately once they found out how many great things are packed in this repo. Top 31 A12 Jailbreak Tweaks for Sileo and Chimera Jailbreak iOS 12 - 12. top … Also only a handful of tweaks from hackyouriphone repo work, they show installed in Cydia however not settings. Use the one from hackyouriphone repo. Important – Before I begin, I want to clarify that this list is meant for educational purposes only. You will also see AppSync 7.0+ (for iOS 7), AppSync 6.0+ (for iOS 6), AppSync 5.0+ (for iOS 5) but they are not made for iOS 8. To download these amazing stuff we must have the source of the repo … A subreddit for iOS tweak developers, iOS theme artists, jailbreak developers, jailbreak news … After jailbreaking the device we can install mod games and apps, themes, tweaks, and many more from Cydia. So if your main aim of jailbreaking iPhone on iOS 11, 11.2, iOS 12 or iOS 12.3 is to get rid of the boring iOS look, then HackYouriPhone repo is perfect. level 1 . Another good thing about this repo is that it is being constantly updated which ensures that your content are always up-to-date. Step 4: Now you should be able to see xSellize repo is added to your Cydia. 9) and 2018-12 (4. hackyouriphone. “Size Mismatch” is one very common problem. They work well on iOS 8.2, 8.1.3, iOS 7.1, 7, iOS 6 as well as earlier iOS version. Step 5: Go to the Cydia repo and search for AppSync. CarBridge, is a new tweak that allows us to use any app on CarPlay, such as YouTube, VLC, Safari, Instagram, and more, is available on the repo HackYouriPhone for all the Jailbroken iPhone. report. Tap on the latest version and install it right away. Besides, this repository also provide you thousands of Cydia apps and tweaks. Online Pubg Mobile Cheats Cydia Repo [NEW UPDATE] PUBG MOBILE HACK ONLINE GENERATOR pubgmobile. Docker Hub is the world's easiest way to create, manage, and deliver your teams' container applications. Rimani collegato con noi e scopri le ultime notizie sul Jailbreak e sulla nostra repo. best. 26.3k members in the jailbreakdevelopers community. And explore all our packages on HackYouriPhone Repo. i noticed the down of the repo because i wanted to install cercube craked: for some tweaks you can use cracktool4 (ios12) from julioverne's repo in hackyouriphone. Yeah same problem, i use it … Interesting Posts. share. edit: btw i will look up and update this if i find a new big and cool repo Comment deleted by user 1 year ago 0 children. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. hide. 3 comments. Somehow, if vShare not working properly on your iPhone, I’d recommend AppCake, AppAddict and on more it’s 25PP. Step 4: Tap Done in the upper right-hand corner. 「Liberty」とほぼ … I DO NOT condone piracy and urge you to buy genuine copies of tweaks. HackYouriPhone Repo. HackYouriPhone is one of the most popular Cydia repository that is packed with lot of customization Cydia tweaks and games. Please back your device up, and do not use a device that you would mind restoring to the latest available firmware. Step 6: You should notice that the errors from the UltaSn0w repo have stopped occurring. #3: BiteYouApple This source offers lots of iPhone and iPad apps, tweaks, ringtones, and themes. This repo has a few Cydia tweaks that work perfectly with iOS 9.3.3, for example, iBlacklist, FolderEnhancer, iProtect, AdBlock, LinkTunes … save. Installous Alternatives iOS 9 iOS 10 2018 to 2019; AppCake: Download to iPhone iOS 9 and iPad iOS 10; vShare: Download Cracked Apps No Jailbreak I’d show you both ways. 0; Hague 1 Hague 1 Learning the Ropes; Member; 1 29 posts; iPad Mini Retina 9.3.3 My Clubs. Tweak developers … 67% Upvoted. It is one of the best Cydia repo to provide apps and tweaks for free and compatible with iOS 11, 11.2 and 11.3 untethered jailbreak. Download for free the best tweaks, applications and themes for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch from our repo in Cydia. If you have jailbroken your device with Yalu or Pangu jailbreak, you are good to go. Redesign your lock screen! Any help would be appreciated! This is one of the best repo developed by @macciti for IOS devices.You can MacCiti repo on your iPhone from Cydia if you have a jailbroken device.. MacCiti Repo CoolBooter currently supports going from any jailbroken iOS to an iOS firmware of your choice on the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini 1G, and iPod Touch 5G.