Tell us what you think and where you bought them in the comments below. These were the first ones I ever had and what made me fall in love with Gum Drops grapes. Everyone wanted to get their hands on a bag of grapes that tasted just like the delicious carnival snack. I bought 3 bags of Grapery grapes yesterday at my local Sprouts store! They tend to sell out quickly as these grapes are an answer to a demand for healthful, but very tasty, snacks and fruit. Both priced at $6.99 LB Open daily 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Enjoy Tear Drops from late July to late August. this is exactly as good as candy. Ranging in styles and flavors, these new fruits are as tasty as they are original. All grapes are in season (and at their tastiest) from May to October, and Cotton Candy grapes are no different. Cotton Candy grape fans, you got to try Gum Drops. The name of each variety of grape in order in which they ripen are Candy Snaps, Candy Hearts, and Candy Dreams. According to co-owner Jim Beagle the Gum Drops were described in consumer testing as "like gummy bears", and that … I made the mistake of eating a whole two pounds of them in a day. Nov 3, 2019 - Grapery® grows and develops the most flavorful, all-natural, highest quality table grapes in the world, Flavor Promise, Cotton Candy, Tear Drops, Gum Drops, Moon Drops … Christine. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menu items. For more information, visit They are sweet and very fruity and I totally love them. Grown without additives, infusions, or GMOs, they’re an easy way to get kids to eat healthy without a fight. They’re grown by Grapery in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California and harvested from August to November. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Grapery is stocking supermarket shelves with two varieties of their namesake fruit that taste just like candy, and their names say it all. Sep 14, 2019 - Gum Drops grapes are a line of grapes from Grapery, known for their Cotton Candy grapes. We’re talking about a sweet and yet juicy alternative that carries a hint of the much-adored vanilla flavor. WOW! I will buy these as often as i can get my hands on them. Cotton Candy grapes and Gum Drops are new varieties getting a lot of buzz. So sweet and crisp!! So much happiness. Home » Fruit Reviews » Grapes » Gum Drops Grapes, August 11, 2020 by Eric Samuelson 17 Comments. Dark purple in color and small to med size. In season the first week of August until mid-to-late September. Their gravity-defying shape may seem peculiar, but their delicious taste proves they have universal appeal. No kidding. Moon Drop grapes have a dark blue-hued skin, a pale green flesh and an oblong, tubular shape. I got the tear drops at Metropolitan Market earlier (no longer available there), and most recently (just this past weekend) at QFC (a Kroger-owned chain in the PNW) on Mercer & 5th Ave in Seattle. Both of these grapes bunches in the photo above are Gum Drops. But wait, there’s more. I never thought about that before. Jon’s taste-testing the good stuff for early July. You forgot my favorites – gum drop grapes… “We don’t harvest all of our grapes … And then there’s Cotton Candy grapes. These fruit, sweet grapes taste like the Gum Drop candy. Do you remember the Cotton Candy Grapes craze at the start of summer? These grapes do immediately remind me of Gum Drops without the sugar crystals on the outside. Lychee do have a grape like quality to them. 2021-01-16 by by Moon Drops get their special shape from the special care and attention from growers. these are reminiscient of the muscat, but not overwhelming like some people experience them. Cotton Candy grapes, which sell for $4.99 a pound vs. regular grapes that generally are selling for about $2.50 a pound in Syracuse grocery stores, have been around for … The skin is moderately thin and is very slightly chewy, though without bitterness. Cotton candy is one of those foods you rarely actually eat. They are my favorite too. What's the Difference Between an Orange and a Blood Orange? So good. All of their varieties have been specially bred for supreme sweetness–meaning you really can’t go wrong. Because they are all-natural and … Love the moon drop grapes…is it possible to buy roots to grow my own. Essential Oil Blend That Smells Like Cotton Candy. They have a perfect track record with me so far. ), Copyright © 2021 Eat Like No One Else on the Foodie Pro Theme. I have had enough of their varieties by now that just about anything is possible. And the kids don't care as long as they are getting to eat them! Filed in 2011, they call … The Cotton Candy grapes cost about $6 per lb. These are the companies which have brought this and other new trademarked varieties to market including Cotton Candy, Gum Drops, Tear Drops, Flavor Pops, and Flavor Promise. 25th September 2019 at 6:38 am. Interestingly enough, cotton candy grapes are not genetically modified.