Ian Howe | Hun Army (Xian Lang), Other Animated Movies He is also the father of Rick Ratcliffe. The Witch | Lock, Shock & Barrel | Jolly Roger | Abdullah | Mr. Dawes Sr. | George McKinzie | Headlined Villain - Erik Killmonger (MCU), https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/John_Ratcliffe?oldid=4182360. Oogie Boogie | Unaffordable housing. Butch the Bulldog | Pinocchio Villains | Dawn Bellwether | Rinzler | However, he is sometimes angry but he easily calms down. In History: Ratcliffe was actually the commander of the Discovery expedition and an elected official who used John Smith’s help to dispose of the previous corrupted Governor, Edward Wingfield, in September of 1607. X-Men Movie Villains | Agent Woods | Trying to gain a respected position within England so as to be renowned and famous. Lonesome Ghosts | After Pocahontas is freed and John Rolfe discover and put forth that Smith is alive in front of the king's court, it proves to the king that Ratcliffe has lied from the start. Pom-Pom | Oswald Granger | Bullwhip | He is most often seen in a lavender long-sleeved shirt with a long V-cut neckline underneath a magenta coat with a lavender collar and cuffs, black linings on the chest and waistline, and a magenta colonial hat with a turquoise blue feather on its black band, and a blue medallion resting around his neck to top his sophisticated look off. Mr. Winkie | King George III | Mr. Snoops | Bigfoot Mason | Boogeymen | Gem | Scar (2019) | Evil-doer Ed Dillinger Sr. | Morgana le Fay | Connie | Villains | Bradley Uppercrust III | Jacques von Hamsterviel | David Ogden Stiers Joseph Pulitizer | Sir Hiss | Jabberwock | Greedy, pompous, haughty, dignified, obnoxious, snobbish, rude, selfish, arrogant, vain, racist, persuasive, calculative, elegant, hateful, smug, lazy, stubborn, cunning, ruthless, sarcastic, collected, strict. Captain Nemo | Hun Army (Hayabusa & Elite Hun Soldiers) | Weasels | Tal Hajus | Nazi School Teacher | Alec Frost | Lumpjaw | Fleshlumpeater | Queen Grimhilde | He wages war against the Powhatans, but to assure the men's back up, he states that it is to rescue Smith. After Smith leaves to search for the Native Americans, Ratcliffe orders men to build a fort and clear the ship while he has the rest of the men dig for gold everywhere. James Madison | Sparky | Arno | Hades | Havershaw | Nathaniel Flint | Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban.Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Male villains like Hades, Captain Hook, or Jafar tend to have effeminate mannerisms or appearances. Nikabrik | When the deal was finalized on that fine December day, Disney didn’t make any comment on the future use of the land. Sour Bill | Gustav the Giant | Jasper & Horace | Historians debate whether the event happened in any capacity, but they agree that if it did, it was an initiation ritual. Kerwood Krinkle | Sam Eagle Speaker | Governor of VirginiaJohn Smith's boss (formerly) His first name "John" is never mentioned in the first or second animated film. Wildebeests (Blag) | Leland Drury | Let us take a moment to examine the life and legacy of the real John Ratcliffe. He is very vain, wears bows on his hair, is obsessed with gold and glitter, and hates physical labor. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Vogons | Sark | Grab a shovel and as Governor Ratcliffe would say, dig! He is voiced by the late David Ogden Stiers, who also voiced, He is the second Villain to be betrayed or killed by their minions, the first being Scar, the third. Mama Gunda | Air Bud Villains | Professor Ratigan | He was killed by the Pamunkey Native Americans in 1609. Greedy Aristocrat, LiesCunningManipulationBrute strengthGunmanshipSwordsmanship. General Otmin | Lava Monster | Apaches | Beatrice Stanhope | Tamatoa | Pocahontas, John Smith, Meeko, Flit, Percy, Chief Powhatan, Kocoum, Ben and Lon, Thomas, his former settlers, Werecat Lady | Greedy, pompous, haughty, dignified, obnoxious, snobbish, rude, selfish, arrogant, vain, racist, persuasive, calculative, elegant, hateful, smug, lazy, stubborn, cunning, ruthless, sarcastic, collected, strict Princess Mombi | Pony Sugrue | Amphibia Villains | Undertow | | Sarousch | Coachman | His dreams of fame and power would vanish forever. Te Kā | Ratcliffe is regarded as one of Disney's least popular villains, but he is one of the only two Disney animated villains to be loosely based on an actual historical person, the other being. Buena Vista International Villains | Brom Bones | Suprisingly, in the Walt Disney World version of Winnie The Pooh In Fantasmic!, Ratcliffe returned to … Haunted Mansion Villains | Beast | He became president of the colony upon the deposition of Ratcliffe … Ratcliffe then tries to gain the upper hand by firing a shot at Chief Powhatan, but Smith takes the bullet but not fatally. Alice in Wonderland Villains | Madam Mim | Thomas Jefferson | Ab Cross | At all. Movers. Madame Leota | Relevant Pages Aldrin Klordane | When Smith gets in the way, he attempts to do away with him in execution style with his firearm after their sword fight turned stalemate. S.I.R. Pramod Kadam | Mack McCro | He later became the second president of the colony which later became Jamestown. He is voiced by David Ogden Stiers.  Personality Like all Disney villains, Ratcliffe is incredibly power hungry. Nigel | Black Guards | Despite his self-confessed lack of popularity, Ratcliffe also seems to be quite persuasive, charismatic, authoritative and glamorous, as he commands the respect of his troops until the end of the film. Oh My Disney Contributor. Dark | Turbo | Asylum D'Loons (Monsieur D'Arque) | Personal information Mr. Wesley | Edgar Balthazar | In a few frames of the film while Ratcliffe is angry, his eyes turn red. Friends on the Other Side | The Little Mermaid Villains | Smith & Wesson | Ms. Stout | Captain Katt | Lana Thomas | Sheriff of Notthingham | Janice Avery | Hag & Werewolf | The Wolf | Finally seeing Ratcliffe for the corrupt and greedy monster that he truly was, Thomas and the other men turned on their commander, and drag him away tied up and gagged. Angelica Teach | A.J. Wolves | Governor John Ratcliffe is the main antagonist from Pocahontas and its sequel. Cave of Wonders (2019) | Thantos DuBaer | Hunters | Unlike most Disney villains, Ratcliffe is patient, phelgmatic and harmonious for most of the two films. Cherokee | Ratcliffe is then roughly loaded into a boat back to England to await punishment for his crimes, despite his muffled protests that he will swear vengeance against his crew. Kendall Duncan | Pirates of the Caribbean Villains | Henry Burke | Profession Black Triangles | Sarah Sanderson | John Ratcliffe was said to use the alias of John Sickelmore, but this was never confirmed. Zhan Tiri | H. U. Hennessy | None. He fails to tell any of the other crew of his real reason of going to Virginia and recites the "adventure of our lives" and "freedom" speech to cover it up. Governor Ratcliffe (David Ogden Stiers) is one of three main antagonists in a movie of the Renaissance to not die at the end of the movie. 101 Dalmatians Villains | Crimes Edgar Volgud | Cy-Bugs | Ute Chief | Miss Hendra | Matai Shang | This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Pure Evil villain. Often, Democrats claim that the violence isn’t actually real, despite there being clear video of the mayhem they have caused in cities like Portland, Oregon. Bandar Log (1998) | Governor Ratcliffe is the main villain of Pooh's Adventures of Pocahontas. Maleficent (2014) | Parker | Supervisor | Queen Narissa | Pap Finn | Dr. Frankenollie | Vikings | Asylum D'Loons (Monsieur D'Arque (2017)) | Family Sugar Plum Fairy | Mr. Big | He did not live to see Pocahontas be married to John Rolfe. Peg Leg Pete | Thugs (Fidget, Felicia & Bartholomew) | Shere Khan (1998) | Facilier's Shadow | James Haggin | Princess Irmaplotz | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Voice King Henry | Willie | Jesse | Charlotte | Jenny | Crew of the Silent Mary (Lesaro) | Sabor | Alias Zarina, Direct-to-video/Disneytoon Studios Sequels Ratcliffe stands out because of how realistic he is. Artemis Fowl Villains | Grim Reaper | Nebula Ghosts | Wiggins (formerly), Percy (formerly), his settlers (formerly), his soldiers Chernabog | Sergeant Clairbourne | Rosie Little | Exposed, Ratcliffe attempts to lie once more to the King about the heroes sabotaging the armada. Ratcliffe … Mizrabel | Aunt Spiker | Ratcliffe swam to the shore decks where the angry King and his guards are waiting for him. Vince Heber | Drizella Tremaine | Prince Hans | Collect all of the gold in Virginia.Have the king of England's favor.Kill the Native Americans. Doug Ramses | The real life version of Governor John Ratcliffe was a far more positive figure as he never tried to exterminate the Natives but actually tried to negotiate with them and war erupted because of the hostility of Chief Powathan, Amelia Wedemeyer. Alien | Governor Ratcliffe is a revolting, greedy, money obsessed colonist. Ratcliffe is also somewhat lazy, indolent, parsimonious, self-indulgent and acquisitive, as shown when he simply ate rich food while the settlers did every manual work in search of gold and survived on outdated and unappetizing supplies. John Wilkins | Tom, Dick & Stanley (2017) | When they see land, Ratcliffe meets with John Smith, whom the crew admire, about his plan on dealing with the "savages" and "filthy heathens" (what he calls the Native Americans, see Xenophobia) and Smith assures his success and the meetings through. Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) | When they see land, Ratcliffe meets with John Smith, whom the crew admire, about his plan on dealing with the \"savages\" and \"filthy heathens\" (what he calls the Native Am… War is impossible for him to avoid. Mary Sanderson | Full Name The Watcher | RoboGadget | He was voiced by the late David Ogden Stiers, who also played Wiggins in the same film, the Penguin in Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman, and Mr. Maellard in Regular Show. Buldeo | The King then orders his guards to arrest Ratcliffe (it is unknown if he is hanged or not, though the former choice is more likely to happen, since Ratcliffe is certain on committing high treason). In real life, Ratcliffe was extremely appreciative and generous with the colony's Native Americans. Big Mac | Heath | Bandar Log (1994) (King Louie (1994) & Kaa (1994)) | His evil plan was to trick the settlers into mining gold for Bowser and to destroy the Indians. Treasure Planet Villains | LeFou | RELATIONSHIPS And dig! Descendants Villains | Polar Bear Thugs (Koslov, Raymond & Kevin) | Lothar | Milo Murphy's Law Villains | The Marten | Ranch Wilder | Tangled Villains | Anastasia Tremaine | Foxy Loxy | Alonzo Hawk | The Lion King Villains | Many people say he used the alias John Sicklemore, but this was never confirmed. He is ranked #29 in the Top 30 Disney Villains. Al Roker | Chip Whistler, Disney Parks The Troops later gag and torture Ratcliffe for what he has done, and he is then tied up and later taken into a small boat with his last words,"Untie me at once, I'll have your heads for this". In addition to the fact that his court peers consider him a "pathetic social climber", this makes him a somewhat thoughtful and sympathetic character despite his naughty and hateful nature. Pain & Panic | Tanamashu | However, upon learning of this, they both dissapprove of the member's love for one from the other group. He plans to lead England's Armada to attack the Powhatans. Demon Cats | Cloak & Dagger | Morganians (Maxim Horvath, Abigail Williams, Sun Lok, Drake Stone & Marrok) | Were-Rat | When they enter the new world, they build up a camp and then sends John to find their whereabouts and sends his troops to get the shovels to finally start digging for Gold and then he could be rich and for King James to lord him and while digging, they are later attacked by Indians (which they called Savages), while fighting the savages, Thomas accidentally almost shot Ratcliffe and with Ratcliffe shooting one Indian, they later escaped and Ratcliffe sends his troops to work and tells Thomas, "and you, learn to use that thing properly, a man's not a man, unless he knows how to shoot". John Silver | They tortured him to death when he was planning to trade with them in December 20, 1609. The corrupt governor of Jamestown. Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | Rhino | After his return to England, he taught himself wilderness survival techniques, and later worked on a merchant ship. Samuel Mason | John Ratcliffe commanded the Discovery and became a councillor of the Jamestown Colony. Hector Barbossa | Bandits | Lying to his crew and the king of England and manipulating them.Trying to gain a respected position within England so as to be renowned and famous. Buster | Heffalumps and Woozles | Pocahontas Davy Jones | Hyena Clan (Shenzi, Banzai & Ed) | The REAL Ratcliffe was so inept at starting a colony that John Smith overthrew him and established the only successful example of Western communism to date. Blackbeard | Pluto's Devil | Alexander Hamilton | Mrs. Satterfield | Harpe Brothers | Armando Salazar | It is also right that his men should take up arms to deliver their companion John Smith. John Ratcliffe was one of the settlers of the Jamestown colony, which was founded in 1607. Sa'Luk | Madame Medusa | However, knowing her savage instinct, he gets circus performers to bear bait in front of Pocahontas and the king's court in order to framed Pocahontas act savage and be punished by the king to get her out of the way. Captain Crocodile | Lie Number Five: There were no romantics between the two. Jacob Marley | Jack and Ralph | Penny Lent | Governor Ratcliffe is the main antagonist of Disney's 1995 animated feature film, Pocahontas and its 1998 sequel. Ian the Gator | Fantomius | The King and the Duke | Stabbington Brothers | Jack Frost | Colonel Pierson | Patton Sr. | 2010 Marvel Animated Universe Villains | Winifred Sanderson | Diablo the Raven | Dr. Kozak | For example, when John Smith tells him there is no gold in Virginia, Ratcliffe (rather than losing his temper) insists on a stubborn voice that is a "lie" and will hang anyone who refuses to shoot an Indian. Forty Thieves | King George ll | Tabaqui (1994) | Nessus | Mother Gothel | Clayton's Pirates | He was killed by the Pamunkey (not Powhatan) Native Americans. ... which is all too similar to the real-life colonialists he is based on. Zeke Midas Wolf | The supervisor of Captain John Smith's ship on the journey to America in 1607 was Christopher Newport instead of Ratcliffe. Reuben | Si & Am | Tetti-Tatti | Bandar Log (2016) (King Louie (2016)) | Ratcliffe leads an expedition to Virginia to find gold and other riches (which he wants to keep for himself). Cecil Clayton | In the second film, he flirts with Pocahontas at the ball and makes fun of John's death in a very sarcastic voice.