our price: $109.99 . * THE 10 SECOND INSTALLATION- Installation is simple and does not require any modifications to … This mid-size .40 CAL pistol is already pretty good, but F.J. Feddersen can make your Glock™ 23 more accurate with a match grade precision-manufactured gun barrel. Speer Gold Dots, Federal Hydra-shoks and Remington Golden Sabers are some of the best ammo choices that are available almost everywhere, but you can buy any JHPs as long as they’re from reputable companies, e.g., Winchester, Blazer, etc. If you’re carrying the Glock 19 or any 9mm handgun for that matter, it is highly recommended that you load it with JHPs, as FMJs tend to overpenetrate because of the 9mm’s blistering speeds. A Glock 23 is a semi-automatic pistol which shoots.40 S&W caliber ammunition. More Details ... AlphaWolf Barrel For M/23&32 Conversion to 9mm Threaded 1/2 x 28. If loaded with JHPs, the Glock 23 will make even bigger holes than the Glock 19 loaded with JHPs. For the recoil-sensitive, we recommend the Glock 19 for the following reasons: However, we cannot dismiss the merits of the Glock 23 for the following reasons: You can’t go wrong with either the Glock 19 or the Glock 23. Where I live, we have numerous black bears and large packs of coyotes, not to mention a certain number of druggies and home invaders. If not, then feel free to jump to the Conclusion. All. $282.79. Handgun Showdown Round 2: Glock 19 vs. Glock 23. In self defense situations these could be the difference between life and death. The use of "GLOCK" on this page is merely to advertise the sale of GLOCK pistols, parts, or components. Which is more accurate the 40S&W or the 357Sig cartridge and how do they compare in FPE, felt recoil and price of ammunition? I own a Glock 19 and I love it! Lone Wolf conversion barrels are $100 and have the proper outer 40S&W barrel diameter. If recoil is going to be an issue, the Glock 19 will always be the better option. ... Grey Ghost Precision Glock 17 Barrel, 9mm GLOD Tin, Threaded. The .40 S&W tends to have a very snappy recoil. Add a custom look to your barrel with barrel engraving to make it stand out. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. But if you’re loading your Glock 23 with FMJs, just make sure you get the flat nose (FMJ-FN) type bullets. Silencerco’s threaded barrels for Glock® handguns are made from 416R stainless steel and available with a black nitride or natural stainless steel finish. I personally have never shot any +P+ rounds before, but just looking at available data online, the 9mm +P+ can get to around .357 SIG or 9×23 Winchester levels of ballistic performance. Get the best deals for glock 19 gen 5 barrel at eBay.com. The Glock 23 can be converted easily from .40 S&W to 9mm, but the Glock 19 not so much (it’s possible to convert it to .40 S&W but it’ll be way more difficult). ... gen 4 glock 19 barrel glock 17 slide glock 19 slide gen 3 complete glock 19 slide gen 5 glock 19 slide rmr glock 26 slide glock 23 slide glock 19 slide oem glock 19 holster. There are a ton of ammo options for the 9mm and the .40 S&W. In a recent article, we compared two Glock pistols both chambered for the .40 S&W in an attempt to help our readers decide which for them would be the better fit. The Glock 19 comes with two 15-round stock mags while the Glock 23 comes with two 13-round stock mags. Includes thread protector. And if .40 S&W FMJs are okay, .40 S&W JHPs will be better as it makes even bigger holes compared to 9mm JHPs. You don’t want over-penetrating bullets hitting innocent bystanders when you have to defend yourself against an armed attacker. In self defense situations, your life may depend on how quickly and effectively you can do these things. Sale. The .355 caliber round commonly referred to today as 9mm or “9 mill” has been around for more than a century. These bullets were designed to feed as reliably as traditional FMJs and expand to quickly incapacitate bad guys like JHPs. Blacklist Industries Ultra Match Barrel for Glock 26. I was in the market for a glock 19 barrel. Disclaimer Policy And FTC Affiliate Disclosure |, Disclaimer Policy And FTC Affiliate Disclosure, Optional Mags: 10-, 17- and 33-round mags, Optional Mags: 10-, 15- and 22-round mags. We determined that except for a few use case scenarios where the Glock 22 will be appropriate, the Glock 23 is going to be the superior choice in most situations. ... AlphaWolf Barrel For M/19 9mm Threaded 1/2 x 28. Save 34% $265.99 Buy Now. Its popularity has never diminished and until today, most countries’ law enforcement and military still use it in their sidearms and SMGs, a testament to its effectivity. If you have any of these two pistols and you want to convert to a different caliber, feel free to do so, but be informed that you will be paying for half the parts of a complete handgun (you can use the same frame but you’ll need a new barrel, a new slide, a new trigger system, new magazines, etc.) Required fields are marked *. For those who have issues with ammo availability in their area, the Glock 23 will be the better choice. Join 70,000 Readers For Our Weekly Discounts. SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute) pegs the pressure limit for the 9mm +P at 45,000 psi (310 MPa). It offers the best of both the 9mm and the .45 ACP and thus is a compromise between both. For Expert Glock Advice Call Toll Free. Not Yet Rated $159.95. For genuine GLOCK, Inc and GLOCK Ges.m.b.H. Quick view Compare Add to Cart. Quick view Combat Armory barrel Fits Glock 19 New 9mm Match Grade Barrel. Both are superb choices for an everyday carry (EDC) piece and both were made by the same company known for their guns’ reliability. We have many Glock barrels for you to choose from whether you want match grade accuracy, a threaded barrel or something ported. The barrel is made from heat treated 416 Stainless Steel. All Glock pistol barrels are rated for +P ammo but not for +P+. TannersGun.com. In comparison, the 9mm doesn’t have as much recoil — only comparable to a .38 Special fired in a 4-inch barrel alloy revolver. Buy Glock Pistol Barrels Factory replacement gun parts, accessories and gunsmithing service on most manufacturers including Browning, Winchester, FN America, Beretta, Benelli Franchi, Stoeger, Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin, Sig Sauer, HK and many more. This lineup of OEM aftermarket Glock barrels includes variants for a wide array of Glock models and generations, with calibers available including 9mm, 40 S&W, 22LR, 357 Sig, and more. Advantage Arms.22 LR Conversion Kit for Glock Model 19/23 Gen 1-3 w/Range Bag …with a Black Oxide Finish. Sounds like a great idea, right? and there might be fitting involved. We sell a great selection of Glock barrels for the Glock 17, Glock 19 and more! The lighter weight of 9mm bullets doesn’t “kick” like the .40 S&W’s heavier bullets. A gun’s recoil determines how fast you can fire follow-up shots and how fast you can line up the sights to acquire a new target. AlphaWolf barrels has established the benchmark for accuracy & combat reliability for aftermarket Glock barrels in the industry market. Glock Armorers On Duty 7 Days A Week Here are some of the reasons why: The tables above show that both the Glock 19 and the Glock 23 use the same size frame and thus, almost everything about the two is the same.