/Rect [106.6 338.569 124.18 347.56] << 2 0 obj /CropBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] << /ArtBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /Subtype /Link Correspondence to O�����n`�gfQ3�jsK�VλL�i�@
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9��o�s8���]�3��\? /TrimBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /Filter /FlateDecode Raffaele Pascarella. /XObject << The introduction of the Gamma nail (GN) as an intramedullar implant for pertrochanteric femoral fractures that allowed full weight bearing decreased the death rate from 17 % (methods without full weight bearing) to 6 %. stream
In: Beck H, Vecsei V, Wagner W (Hrsg) Osteosynthese International 1993, Kongreßband des Gerhard … The intraoperative might be related to the nail’s introduction site, lag and distal locking screw positions. /Subtype /Link This study … /Subtype /Link << Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 116–127, Parker MJ, Pryor GA (1996) Gamma versus DHS nailing for extracapsular femoral fractures: meta analysis of ten randomised trials. /C0_3 36 0 R << /ColorSpace << /Trapped /False /A 79 0 R /C [0 0 0] >> /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] The intraoperative might be related to the nail’s introduction site, lag and distal locking screw positions. /MediaBox [0 0 634.32 833.04] The treatment of proximal femoral fractures continues to be less than optimal due to a moderate complication rate. Alicja Bojan. /Type /Annot /CreationDate (D:20061101110038Z) /Type /Annot /Contents 45 0 R >> /F60 53 0 R Chir Organi Mov 91, 133 (2008). /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Complications can be classified as intraoperative and postoperative. /Font << The outcome in these patients was compared to that in 502 frac … Malunion was defined as healing of the fracture in a non-anatomic position requiring a reoperation. The cut-out phenomenon is one of the most common complications of the Gamma Nail. /A 76 0 R J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:330–334, Davis J, Harris MB, Duval M, D’Ambrosia R (1991) Peritrochanteric fractures treated with the Gamma nail: technique and report of early results. /C0_0 34 0 R /C0_0 35 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /Type /Annot >> /BleedBox [21.0 20.99997 519.89764 746.65784] /C0_2 40 0 R >> The gamma nail was created to treat intertrochanteric fracture types 31-A1, 31-A2 and 31-A3 and in some cases basicervical fractures of type 31-B2-1. volume 91, Article number: 133 (2008) Gamma3 Long Nail is intended for fixation of stable and unstable femoral fractures occurring from the base of the femoral neck extending distally to a point approximately 10cm proximal to the intracondylar notch including fractures of the basilar neck, intertrochanteric fractures, peritrochanteric fractures, subtrochanteric fractures and femoral shaft fractures. /GS1 42 0 R The mean healing time was 68.2 days in 99.4% of the cases. /BleedBox [21.0 20.99997 519.89764 746.65784] /A 75 0 R endobj /Resources 13 0 R A randomized trial. 5146081f-3e76-11db-af3a-91acb2588f93 >> /C0_5 36 0 R 12-1350 Björgul.indd https://doi.org/10.1007/s12306-007-0030-3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12306-007-0030-3, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Google Scholar, Kukla C, Heinz T, Berger G et al (1997) Gamma-nail versus dynamic hip screw in 120 elderly patients. Presentation. Article Anders Jonsson. /CropBox [0 0 634.32 833.04] Int Orthop 20:163–168, Pascarella R, Maresca A, Palumbi P, Boriani S (2002) Le complicanze delle fratture laterali del collo del femore trattate con il chiodo Gamma (Short, Standard, Long). 9 0 obj /A 74 0 R endobj Four patients fell after removal of the nail and sustained a neck fracture on the same side. The gamma nail was created to treat intertrochanteric fracture types 31-A1, 31-A2 and 31-A3 and in some cases basicervical fractures of type 31-B2-1. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. >> Nail … endstream The most common complication was trochanteric pain necessitating removal of the gamma nail ( n =30). /C0_5 46 0 R /GS0 41 0 R endobj endobj /C0_2 40 0 R The Gamma nail, a combination of advantages of the sliding screw with the intramedullary nail, represents an efficient technique in the management of these fractures. >> Ademir Amaral. 5 0 obj >> 4 0 obj /Title (Outcome after treatment of complications of Gamma nailing: A prospective study of 554 trochanteric f) << /C0_1 34 0 R >> /C0_5 39 0 R /Im8 59 0 R Demographic information as well as the details of the operations, such as the type of Gamma nail, duration of the operation, and … << >> /C0_6 44 0 R /Rect [157.378 42.905 476.941 51.896] www.tandfonline.com endobj /H /I /C [0 0 0] /Rect [106.6 248.311 122.36 257.302] Complications. Google Scholar, Leung KS, Chen CM, So WS (1996) Multicentric trial of modified Gamma nail in east Asia. Due to some complications encountered during our practice, we decided to make an ample review of literature, an adequate analysis of our complicated cases and a mechanical test of the implant we used, in order to identify the factor that influences the … /C [0 0 0] /A 77 0 R Google Scholar, Muller ME, Nazarian S, Koch P (1990) The comprehensive classification of fractures of long bones. /C0_1 35 0 R Sustained a pertrochanteric fracture a month earlier. /Im7 58 0 R Surgeons con … Critical factors in cut-out complication after Gamma Nail treatment of proximal femoral fractures BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Stapert JWJL, Geesing PB, Dunki-Jacobs RJ, de Wit RJ, Vierhout PA (1993) First Experience and Complications with Long Gamma Nail J Trauma 34:394–400 Google Scholar. /ViewerPreferences << /Annots [14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R] 23 0 obj Part of Springer Nature. We rarely observe failures caused by severe bone osteoporosis. /BleedBox [21.0 20.99997 519.89764 746.65784] IntroductionStandard gamma nail length is 180 mm, its proximal diameter is 15.5 mm and the distal diameter is 11 mm. /A 79 0 R 14 0 obj The intraoperative might be related to the nail's introduction site, lag and distal locking screw positions. /Metadata 4 0 R /ExtGState << We studied if … /Filter /FlateDecode /F59 55 0 R /Properties << << /GS0 41 0 R /St 231 /Im9 69 0 R /C [0 0 0] /C0_3 37 0 R /GS0 41 0 R << >> /Im12 60 0 R /Parent 2 0 R /ColorSpace << >> 16 0 obj Several … >> /H /I >> endobj /CS0 [/Separation /All /DeviceGray 33 0 R] In this context, especially femoral fractures as a result of the implantation procedure are regarded as severe complications leading to … There was no difference in the length of hospital stay but the level of mobility recovered was significantly better in the Ambi group at 6 months follow up. Results. Revision de 116 cases. 10.1080/17453670710013735 /Rect [131.8 252.255 230.84 261.246] The complications during the postoperative treatment were: Infection 11, perforation of lag screw towards cranial 10, towards central 2, migration of the lack screw within the femoral head 7, diaphysial fracture at the distal end of nail 6, movement of interlocking bolts 4, osteolytic process at fracture site 2 and 3 haematomas, needing a revision. /C [0 0 0] endobj /CropBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] 'n@U�*�~U:
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!��~}Ѩ�o�u���"�THl>r����~r���w�/�H����t©�ֱх. endobj /Subtype /Link /Type /Annot The outcome was compared to that in patients who did not have any complications. %PDF-1.5 /Im3 65 0 R Cut-out of the screw occurred in 19 patients. Deep venous thrombosis was observed in four cases, two of which included apulmonary embolism (conservative treatment). /C0_4 50 0 R /A 78 0 R 18 0 obj /CS0 [/Separation /All /DeviceGray 33 0 R] Pizzardi, Largo Negrisoli 2, 40133, Bologna, Italy, Raffaele Pascarella, Giuseppe Cucca, Alessandra Maresca, Matteo Commessatti, Giovanni Bracci & Stefano Boriani, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Chirurgia Ortopedico-Traumatologica, Bologna, Italy, You can also search for this author in /Font << Google Scholar, Bridle SH, Patel AD, Bircher M (1991) Fixation of intertrochanteric fractures of the femur: a randomised prospective comparison of the gamma nail and the dynamic hip screw. 20 0 obj [^OéD�s��dug��Q��$�������]��NYꎳϳ�nxn �{-y�����z.0�+%lB�3+��+ /C [0 0 0] /Font << endobj /Direction /L2R >> /Resources << /C0_1 35 0 R /Subtype /Link /DefaultRGB [/ICCBased 72 0 R] endstream /Font << << The incidence of perioperative complications was 10.3% showing that, in most of the cases, the complications … >> /TrimBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] Postoperative complications depend mostly on an … Patient Data. >> /GS0 41 0 R We encountered less intra- and postoperative complications with the use of Gamma nail. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] /Border [0 0 0] This paper. >> /Resources << /Subtype /Link /GS1 42 0 R adobe:docid:indd:5146081e-3e76-11db-af3a-91acb2588f93 /ArtBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /Count 6 J Trauma 51:77–83, PubMed 6 0 obj /C0_0 35 0 R Clin Orthop Relat Res 350:56–61, Unità Operativa di Ortopedia, Traumatologia e Chirurgia del Rachide, Ospedale Maggiore C.A. /Type /Annot /Type /Page VoR R. Pascarella. /Type /Page https://doi.org/10.1007/s12306-007-0030-3. Complications can be classified as intraoperative and postoperative. /C0_2 40 0 R /Subtype /Link /Type /Annot >> /C0_6 40 0 R /BleedBox [21.0 20.99997 519.89764 746.65784] /C2_0 47 0 R Google Scholar, DeLee DC (1991) Fractures and dislocations of the hip. stream
>> /Border [0 0 0] Age: 80 years Gender: Female From the case: Gamma nail fixation - sliding screw cut-out complication. ��ŕ�i-փ�����ɲz�¯��1\AוS�a�����af�A6~�gX�őC�'>=Þ#��.W�
/Type /Annot /TrimBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /C [0 0 0] The literature search resulted in numerous reports regarding intraoperative and postoperative complications and technical errors with intramedullary hip nailing … The long Gamma nail (LGN) is a logical supplement of the standard version, designed to treat unstable per-, subtrochanteric and segmental fractures. /ProcSet [/PDF /ImageB /ImageC /Text] Femoral neck fractures are progressively increasing, due to higher survival rates, particularly among the female population. 4. /Border [0 0 0] >> Gamma nail fixation - sliding screw cut-out complication. Case contributed by Dr Balint Botz Diagnosis certain Diagnosis certain . << cut-out) osteonecrosis of the hip; hardware failure (rare) general complications associated with proximal femoral surgery: cardiovascular complications; pneumonia << /Parent 2 0 R /Kids [6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R] We considered only major implant-related complications that involved the Gamma nail—i.e., those requiring a reoperation or causing substantial morbidity. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Boriani S, De Iure F, Giacomi R (1994) The results of a multicenter Italian study on the use of the Gamma Nail for the treatment of pertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures: a review of 1181 cases. /C0_1 35 0 R /Im15 64 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /CS0 [/Separation /All /DeviceGray 33 0 R] Sixteen of them had to be converted to a total hip replacement. The intraoperative might be related to the nail’s introduction site, lag and distal locking screw positions. /H /I /Border [0 0 0] Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. >> /ArtBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /Im13 61 0 R /S /D True Wölfel R, Meister R, Walther M, Wagner W (1993) Der lange Gammanagel — Indikationen und Ergebnisse. /C0_4 44 0 R Complications following the treatment of trochanteric fractures with the gamma nail @article{Hesse2004ComplicationsFT, title={Complications following the treatment of trochanteric fractures with the gamma nail}, author={B. Hesse and A. Gaechter}, journal={Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery}, … >> Clin Orthop Relat Res 323:146–154, PubMed … %���� 24 0 obj 3 0 obj 12 0 obj /Rotate 0 /Font << This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. /Contents 43 0 R >> endobj /Creator (Adobe InDesign CS \(3.0.1\)) ���#=�j��n��K��4��l���̝�����YDzsK�T��uAx�}�3�I���wq��
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<< /CropBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] 2009-07-08 /H /I /Border [0 0 0] La Chirurgia degli Organi di Movimento /MC0 << >> adobe:docid:indd:89c10358-6b2a-11db-bf99-9edd682dab98 /Parent 2 0 R << In: Rockwood CA, Green DP, Bucholz RW (eds) Fractures in adults. /C0_3 37 0 R Orthopaedics 14:939–942, CAS /ColorSpace << /Type /Annot << endobj /Rect [131.8 338.055 286.982 347.046] /C [0 0 0] /CS0 [/Separation /All /DeviceGray 33 0 R] >> 17 0 obj /Type /Annot /Rotate 0 /C0_0 34 0 R endobj /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] << JLA5! /Rotate 0 /C [0 0 0] endobj /ColorSpace << /Subtype /XML /C0_2 36 0 R The gamma nail was created to treat intertrochanteric fracture types 31-A1, 31-A2 and 31-A3 and in some cases basicervical fractures of type 31-B2-1. /Type /Page /Font << /ColorSpace << endobj Alicja Bojan. 2013 Jan 2;14:1. doi: … >> >> << /Im10 71 0 R /GS1 42 0 R Patients and methods We studied 52 patients who had a reoperation after having been treated with a Gamma nail for a tro-chanteric fracture (reoperated cases). /Im14 68 0 R J Bone Joint Surg Br 75:789–793, Rantanen J, Aro HT (1998) Intramedullary fixation of high subtrochanteric femoral fractures: a study comparing two implant designs, the Gamma nail and the intramedullary hip screw. /Parent 2 0 R @5�*���ib��^�ob�S1�\6{e?ˠ�e=�i[�rnZ�&�g�b3��>�=3υET�͆���aOm�+gņ��7�r`�/B�\�`[���ڢY����}���]C(�-aI:
w�) /Resources << G Ital Ortoped Traumatol 28:181–186, Radford PJ, Needoff M, Webb JK (1993) A prospective randomized comparison of the dynamic hip screw and the gamma locking nail. X-ray. J Orthop Trauma 12:249–252, Valverde JA, Alonso MG, Soler JJ (1998) Use of the Gamma Nail in the treatment of fractures of the proximal femur. /Contents 52 0 R /Border [0 0 0] << /BleedBox [0 0 634.32 833.04] >> /C0_1 34 0 R /Contents 48 0 R Download Full PDF Package. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. >> /Im16 56 0 R /ExtGState << /Border [0 0 0] endobj >> /Contents [25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R 32 0 R] << /H /I /GS1 42 0 R >> In order to minimize this complication, it is recommended that conversion to intramedullary nail takes place prior to 14 days. This is based upon data by Harwood et al., who showed that the rate of infection dramatically increased in those patients who received definitive intramedullary nailing greater than 2 weeks after initial external fixation had been applied [ 45 ]. /TrimBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] ��/�^�����c�����3��W���+i8��V�����y��"�7z���iլ�FXi5+e��f��*��Zz9�ؔӃP�e�6 /ExtGState << Critical factors in cut-out complication after gamma nail treatment of proximal femoral fractures Alicja J Bojan1*, Claudia Beimel2, Gilbert Taglang3, David Collin1, Carl Ekholm1 and Anders Jönsson1 Abstract Background: The most common mechanical failure in the internal fixation of trochanteric hip fractures is the cut-out of the sliding screw through the femoral head. PubMed Google Scholar. endobj gamma nail with a single large lag screw into the femoral head; (3) the reconstruc-tion nail developed by Russell and Tay-lor with 2 separate lag screws (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, Tennessee); and (4) the InterTAN class, comprising a medial trochanteric entry design and a trapezoidal cross-section similar to a hip arthroplasty femoral stem with an integrated 2-screw … >> /Length 1982 Our method of choice in treating this pathology is the reduction and internal fixation with a titanium made gamma-nail system. /Resources << /Rect [365.416 688.444 517.416 696.436] /Nums [0 12 0 R] /Type /Metadata /ColorSpace << /Border [0 0 0] No literature data is available concentrating on the solution of these problems. /Metadata 51 0 R 15 0 obj /Subtype /Link /H /I /Parent 2 0 R 8�{б�15�d}>X�R
��ٮ��V���Հ1��i��҇ۮ << Download PDF. In 119 cases of Ender nailing, there were 10 cases with more than 10° varus (10%) and five cases of malunion with more than 10° external rotation (4.2%). /CS0 [/Separation /All /DeviceGray 33 0 R] CAS 0~��ӪśQ�j�j|�0�ڠN�45���=�Ru�0k�u怓Ѥ%G�au�Yn�) �-� �T�M����2��^B"�:M�5)�O�'|Y�Sw�:��gmOɡ�R�/�j^�8�
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/Type /Page >> >> Stefano Boriani. endobj /Resources << /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] Most of these reported complications were due to technical failures, lack of experience or inadequate treatment … /Type /Page /F54 54 0 R BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2013. << Postoperative complications depend mostly on an … << /A 77 0 R /H /I /Type /Page >> Postoperative complications depend mostly on an … /Im2 67 0 R R. Pascarella. /Producer (Adobe PDF Library 6.0) Urine retention was the most frequent complication … 25 0 obj /Parent 2 0 R
/ExtGState << /A 73 0 R Since the introduction of the first generation of gamma nail, specific implant-related complications were reported. Subscription will auto renew annually. << /H /I To provide scientific data for modification of the implant, 28 pairs of normal Chinese femora were studied with the 3-dimensional reconstruction from the computed tomography scan data. The 30-day death toll was 2.3% (one patient). Cite this article. Dieses Phänomen ist eng verknüpft mit der erreichten … /Subtype /Link /GS0 41 0 R In the current series with the Gamma nail, we … >> classic nail - classification - complication - compoundosteosynthesis - compression screw - connecting rehabilitation -contraindication - co-ordi-nating disturbances - Coxarthrosis - decubitusprophylaxis - DHS - diabe-tes mellitus - diagnostics - differential diagnosis -documentation - dyna- CAS endobj /TrimBox [0 0 634.32 833.04] /Length 3487 endobj /Type /Pages 37 Full PDFs related to this paper . >> /Rect [253.17 500.664 386.59 510.034] Loading … Fracture of the femoral shaft at the tip of the nail is a known complication associated with the use of a gamma nail in the treatment of proximal femoral fractures. /C0_3 49 0 R J Orthop Trauma 8:367–372, PubMed /H /I Complications can be classified as intraoperative and postoperative. The most commonly reported … The most commonly reported … Critical factors in cut-out complication after gamma nail treatment of proximal femoral fractures | springermedizin.de 11 0 obj - >> 22 0 obj Ademir Amaral. /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] 19 0 obj complications after Gamma nailing for a trochan-teric fracture. /C0_3 36 0 R A short summary of this paper. /Rect [131.8 209.355 292.094 218.346] /Rect [106.6 206.04 124.2 215.031] >> Measurements were taken from the reconstituted drawings, … /C0_2 40 0 R endobj /Subtype /Link 1 Despite its mechanical advantages, the gamma nail is not immune to complications like other methods for surgical management of extracapsular hip fractures in the elderly. x��Yˎ,�
��W�D�(�@p��#�9 ë$N��ƿo�"%���u&w3�T�J��8�H��� ���o%q����g���..9&��,���^/�u���c�/�L��e]�b�����|�G� 0����%Յ��J#/ �N��_W�#ݟ�]p�뙮�w�5��ܞ=�âתs����)g`�B[����m|�/��i�|H�~X^�V�/e*]�va����U�6{�O��>����8��ި�jj�6-�x�{�|��o��k�dM�-���2���6���g^����z�n&z�:��,�
�H�\|����ּ�-6�6�/ٿ��+�W[? /Rotate 0 /C0_4 44 0 R Postoperative complications depend mostly on an incorrect surgical technique, which can lead to an inaccurate nail position and consequent implant failure. 10.1080/17453670710013735 Results: Those treated with the Gamma nail had a significantly longer image intensifier screening time (P <0.05), greater blood loss (P<0.01) and more operative complications. 7 0 obj /Im6 57 0 R /CropBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] /GS1 42 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /BleedBox [21.0 20.99997 519.89764 746.65784] >> /ModDate (D:20070325165047+01'00') Methods to avoid gamma nail complications. 1 0 obj >> /Pages 2 0 R Complications of gamma nail fixation include the following 1,2: hematoma formation; secondary displacement; infection; fracture non-union; periprosthetic fracture; implant malposition (e.g. /ArtBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] The geometric mismatch of the femoral component of the Gamma nail to the Chinese femora resulted in intraoperative complications. >> >> /Type /Annot Injury (1992) 23, (5), 291-292 Printed in Great Britain 291 Complications associated with the use of the Gamma nail W. W. Williams and B. C. Parker Kingston Hospital, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK At Kingston Hospital the Gamma nail has only been used for the fixation of unstable intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. >> Chir Organi Mov 79:193–203, PubMed >> >> endobj 8 0 obj 13 0 obj Article Google Scholar, Kukla C, Heinz T, Gaebler C et al (2001) The standard Gamma nail: a critical analysis of 1000 cases. /ArtBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] << CAS /PageLabels 3 0 R Article Methods to avoid gamma nail complications. /Contents 24 0 R /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 540.89764 767.65784] >> True /Im11 66 0 R 21 0 obj /H /I A typical cut-out complication in our study is represented by an unstable fracture involving the trochanteric and cervical regions or the combination of both, non-anatomical reduction and non-optimal screw position. /Length 952 Rev Ortop Traumatol 39:99–103, Goldhagen PR, O’Connor DR, Schwarze D, Schwartz E (1994) A prospective comparative study of the compression hip screw and the Gamma nail. Early complications consisted offour local wound infections, three of them deep infections with a osteomyelitis. gamma nail (TGN). The SGN had a mediolateral curvature of 10° that differed from the trochanter-to-diaphysis angle in an average patient. H��V�n1�����8U^��h��� R'F�K$�!_O���;30$r�.������*:�OT�Ǥ)���~!�.��#9���r�mx�~���Ͼ����[P_��q���������:>�u|T��-�_��R�h ��'xM�&V}�o�w�;��\~�5��n�`[7���rordX"�hx@��~��*�5�9P9l���g��a���]�ɒ���a���o��q���I�g,YM���������UOʩ7���q�� �Y
�&m�@��L%F��:�}_�o�T��bv�� Ց� �� v�^7F��ٔM�Y�Ⱥ���7�~lT>�l:��m#9V�k�a >> /Border [0 0 0] Trotz der Anwendung intramedullärer Kraftträger zur Stabilisierung von trochantären Frakturen ist die Komplikationsrate weiterhin hoch. JB Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, pp 1481–1561, Ferrer M, Casteleiro R, Matas JA (1995) Tratamiento de las fracturas de la region trocanterea con clavo Gamma. It presents a 4°valgus curvature.Gamma 3 locking nails come in three neck-shaft angles of 125, 130 and 135°. The gamma nail was created to treat intertrochanteric fracture types 31-A1, 31-A2 and 31-A3 and in some cases basicervical fractures of type 31-B2-1. 2009-07-08 The average age of the patients was 79.2 years. endobj >���}�7�7 Anders Jonsson. /TrimBox [29.50394 29.50391 511.39371 738.15393] endobj /Rect [202.3 480.094 410.55 490.084] >> /Im1 70 0 R is study prospectively recorded the intra- and postoperative complications of patients treated with the Gamma nail and compared them with those of a historical cohort of patients treated with the trochanteric gamma nail. The comparative, retrospective series by Penot found no significant difference in the mechanical complication rate between the DHS and Gamma nail (6.2% vs. 8.9%). Pascarella, R., Cucca, G., Maresca, A. et al. /Im5 62 0 R /A 78 0 R /C0_4 38 0 R /Im4 63 0 R Eine Hauptursache für belastende Reeingriffe ist das Durchschneiden des Kraftträgers durch die Spongiosa des Femurkopfes und der Kopfkalotte (cutting out) in 9–15% der Fälle. /C0_0 34 0 R A series of 224 fractures of the proximal femur in which this nail was used is reported. 10.1080/17453670710013735 www.tandfonline.com It is often caused by osteoporotic bone and incorrect lag screw positioning [3]. Stefano Boriani. �{���?p��J�;W���Z The use of the standard Gamma nail in treating (sub)trochanteric fractures is associated with complications, especially fractures distal to the nail. /Type /Catalog /Rotate 0 DOI: 10.1007/s00402-004-0744-8 Corpus ID: 24246659. Acta Chir Austriaca 29:290–293, Article /ExtGState << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] 10 0 obj /C [0 0 0] https://doi.org/10.1080/17453670710013735 Increasing hip pain over the past few weeks. Complications can be classified as intraoperative and postoperative. << << Critical factors in cut-out complication after gamma nail treatment of proximal femoral fractures. The Gamma nail represents the latest advancement in the treatment of trochanteric fractures combining the principles of intramedullary nailing with almost percutaneous insertion.