We are always looking for funnier/more creative names for our larger projects and releases,however we also obviously use a traditional numbering (1.0, 1.1) or date based system to keep track from a code perspective Note there are no city codes in the customer router naming convention … There is nothing worse that looking back over your previous code and going…..what the %$*! There was no rhyme or reason behind what type of server got which name, which may speak volumes if you consider it too long. This will require me to create different statuses, workflows, permission schemes, etc. OP. Harry Potter characters . Astronomers, physicists, chemists and engineers were all game, with servers like Newton, Galileo, Einstein, Curie, Copernicus, Darwin, among those used. I work with multiple customers supporting networks that range from 10 workstations to couple hundred devices in multiple building and cities. I've come across this blog and a couple of tutorials suggesting applicationContext-.xml is the way to go. Does the starting note for a song have to be the starting note of its scale? The naming convention used for routers on customers' premises is as follows: sl-xxx-##.sprintlink.net "##" will be a number, and "xxx" is a Sprint internal code name for the customer. I'm tempted to name each one after a species of beetle and leave it at that. I would personally love that kind of thing. People doing the wrong thing – this is probably the worst outcome from a poorly written task title yet it happens all too often. The Weasley clan alone could cover most of the workstations in a medium to large office – Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. I am deciding on a naming convention for my Spring application context files. Here was a creative naming convention with a bit of snark, because in addition to servers like blue, red, and yellow, there was ecru, umber, plaid, tartan, maroon, and both a gray and a grey. I’ve seen it, and you just have to roll with it. or "if you want that in the June release, we'll need to settle [whatever] by June 5th". Is going on here. Also here are our asset naming guidelines. Are SSL certs auto-revoked if their Not-Valid-After date is reached without renewing? Municipal Water Supply Depressurized, Water Has Been "Sucked" From Home Lines? Someone sees the name of the task and immediately begins work. With releases every two weeks you would burn through 26 names a year. Picking a good naming convention that has longevity for future growth is a crucial first step in any deployment and initial design. One of the best naming conventions I’ve ever seen involved fictional beverages from TV and film. Naming convention for sprints in Jira Showing 1-9 of 9 messages. level 2. If you’re not a fan of the Simpsons cartoon show, this may seem like a limited list for naming servers, but check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Simpsons_characters and you will see that there are enough characters out there to provide server names for a fairly large network. This one would be no surprise if you met the lead sysadmin, who lives and breathes American football year-round. Mainly because we manage multiple locations with the … We do it primarily so that we have a consistent label across multiple project boards, to identify a particular two weeks of work. Beastie Boys, A JavaScript naming conventions introduction by example -- which gives you the common sense when it comes to naming variables, functions, classes or components in JavaScript. Old school however the various characters from across the Star Trek series and movies provide for a very large pool of names. So, for example. Everything from DuffBeer to PanGalacticGargleBlaster was used, including Ambrosa, Shotz, Synthehol, Bootysweat, Butterbeer, Tantrum, and Moloko. Some folks have picked up on it over the years and figured it out. No, it's not a good idea. The song, of course, has to have something to do with the work of the sprint. I might have to try it for our next sprint. Does it matter? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. If I had to do it over again, I would name my home lab for the various Old Ones and other deities from H. P. Lovecraft’s writings. If they think it's fun or useful to name the sprint, choose one together. (except to reserve "xxx.git" for bare form of the repo 'xxx') Servers … Allows for flexibility without sacrificing information. Report Save. Naming convention for sprints in Jira: Daniel Beck: 3/13/17 12:06 PM: Hi everyone, it seems sprints in Jira are globally visible (across projects), and, when editing an issue, provide little context as to what that sprint is. I just really want to know what he will do if Washington bows to pressure and changes the name of its NFL team to something less inflammatory. As a simple example: BloodHoundGang Oct 1, 2015 at 22:40 UTC. Most are based on universal … They can also give information about the function of the identifier-for example, whether it's a constant, package, or class-which can be helpful in understanding the code. We use the naming convention '2018 Sprint 45' for weekly sprints. I've run into issues with this before... PHBs who don't really understand are determined that they NEED a certain release such as 4.16.1 (because they heard about it once), even when that has since been superseded by others. They are boring. Followers 2. Following these conventions we can build sophisticated queries. Generally for me, naming convention is -- cust-site-dept-model (desc). Deeply religious, Orcs are known for their loyalty … For example: This sprint we will focus on a very simple user story and we will use it to prove that the proposed solution will work. While I liked how the sysadmins at one particular company chose a scheme that could account for dozens of servers, I admired how they grouped servers by type of element. Hades is the printer, Cerberus is the firewall, and Demeter is the mail server. 2. Want to improve this question? I took a visit to the Waymarking site to see how easy to use and … Do Scrum sprints mean to work at the fastest pace possible? No one says scrum development can't be a bit funny. From kid-friendly creations to X-rated inspiration, our next server-naming convention comes from a downright risque source. Try to iterate when your number have leading zeros in powershell, as soon as you try you will realize you accomplished absolutely nothing with putting zeros in front of … Servers were named for professors at Hogwarts while workstations were named for the various students, Deatheaters, and incidental characters in the books. Not that there's anything wrong with that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Simpsons_characters, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu_Mythos_deities. Tag Naming Conventions and Data Structures for Industrial PLCs Page 4 stored in associated fields within a user defined datatype (more information below). Here are a few of the sprint theme songs I've seen teams use and what they were for: "Time Is On My Side" by The Rolling Stones for a sprint … Did wind and solar exceed expected power delivery during Winter Storm Uri? Since every sprint should have a goal, it shouldn't be a problem to find a suitable name. When agile versions span multiple sprints, Managing sprints for multiple releases of the same product for the same team. How can I make people fear a player with a monstrous character? I'm generally not a find of mixing camel case with dashes/underscores. Much less cool. Our process uses a release branch for each sprint we do, so the sprint and release branch names align. Some sysadmins do like to have a bit of fun even when naming servers so we’ve put together some very cool and funny server naming conventions that we’ve come across. This naming convention was a bit more ephemeral than many, but for the company that used it, this worked. Someone has also taken all the marriages and children after the defeat of you-know-who. In this short tutorial, we're going to see how to configure this default naming convention. Can you imagine the network that combines server names of the Seven Dwarfs with both the Star Wars expanded universe and Robin Hood’s merry men? The releases I worked on recently were: That added a bit of fun to the process, especially when it came time to name the upcoming iteration. If an investor does not need an income stream, do dividend stocks have advantages over non-dividend stocks? We also do it because people are better at … Eventually the company owner made us change them all because they weren’t professional sounding, so we went with our hometown city names. I guess that was too small a group though, because MIT, Duke, Stanford, Vassar, and other big name schools were all represented too. Examples include “AcQNav”, “ITSN”, and “FAaaST.” Sprint Number: The Sprint Number refers to the Calendar year, month, and “part” of the sprint. Nothing like logging on to Moloko before a bit of the old ultraviolence, eh? Some Scrum software management tools give you this option to explicitly name your sprints. If it's a collection of things from the backlog, then a vague date ("the June release") works for us. Disney certainly fits the bill. For each release we choose a big city codename alphabetically (e.g. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu_Mythos_deities and name your firewall Nyarlathotep, and set your password to “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn”. In a couple of months time we will have sprint '2018 Sprint 52' followed by '2019 Sprint 1'. Java naming convention is a rule to follow as you decide what to name your identifiers such as class, package, variable, constant, method, etc. A sprint is a container where Product Backlog items are temporarily stored for a brief duration. Photo Competition 2021-03-01: Straight out of camera. I keep fighting users keep using this naming conventions, sometimes they put one zero, sometimes they put 2 zeros. Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas ...), And some college names in that city become our sprint names (Morehouse, Spelman, ..., Harvard, Cambridge etc). FileServer1, DC05, ORLWEB01… what do these server names have in common? Why is the conditional probability not working for `CategoricalDistribution`? Fun With Naming Conventions. And when \\HOMER crashes, don’t forget to say “D’oh!”. I never could find out why Ivy League schools were chosen for server names in this small company, as whoever had set the standard was long gone before I ever got involved, and the company had nothing to do with education at all, but Harvard, Yale, Penn, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, and Dartmouth were all there. Zeus and Hera are my domain controllers, with the various other names doled out almost at random with three exceptions. It’s just a server name, but why be boring when you can be witty (or weird). I think the network that used hamburger names for servers was probably a divestiture from the fast-food restaurant company, because they had servers like Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Le Royale, Whopper, Whopper Junior, Baconator, DoubleDouble, Sliders, SourdoughJack, Shackburger, Smashburger, WhiskeyRiver, BigCarl, Frisco, Single, Double, Triple. I like to have a bit more fun with things, and I see the sprint name as a way to inject some humor, fun, and additional opportunities for camaraderie in our ceremonies. Coolio, Naming Conventions Sign in to follow this . For that matter, while it may be fun to do, neither do abstract names. If you need to talk about them on that level of granularity, my first choice would be functionality ("the French stuff") and my second would be 1,2,3 a,b,c or the like within release names. “Naming conventions should make it as easy as possible to know each printer’s location.” Printer naming conventions should make it as easy as possible to know each printer’s location and possibly its manufacturer and model number, too. We dropped the naming when we moved to JIRA, How do you name sprints in your projects? Do you have a preferred way of naming your sprints or do you just use a simple scheme like 1, 2, 3, ...? I might have to try it for our next sprint. I skipped the Tyranids because they don't really name themselves--but the names GW uses for individual organisms are mostly either Greek and Latin words that don't have much connection to a given organism's actual role (a Hierodule is a kind of sex priestess … It only takes a minute to sign up. Getting it right can be the difference between having a sustainable deployment or a … After the success of JIRA in our software group, I've been asked to set up projects for other (very different) departments. Among those features, there's the standardization of table and column names in both DDL and DML queries. I disagree with closing. Naming conventions on JIRA when supporting multiple departments . Sprint goals can be feature oriented, but might also have a large process component such as deployment automation or test automation. For the smaller networks out there, characters from the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series make for an excellent naming convention. Following are 7 popular unit tests naming conventions that are found to be used by majority of developers and compiled from above pages: MethodName_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior: There … Thai Pepper. We use the planned release date as the name of the branch and sprint. Until Taco Bell wins the franchise wars, the network I used to work on that had fast-food restaurants as server names is in no danger of running short on names. It’s just a server name, but why be boring when you can be witty (or weird). Here’s a naming convention that pays homage to the giants of the past and present. So "best" naming convention is what works for you and your organization. Since … if you're looking at an old email about a bug that you thought was fixed, based on the date of the email, you can easily jump to the closest branch name(s) to get a better idea of the change. What happens to the mass of a burned object? But, it is not forced to follow. Etc. At what temperature are most elements of the periodic table liquid? Ex. Sprint Naming Conventions (PROJECT TEAM CODE) - “Sprint” (SPRINT NUMBER) - (UNIQUE NAME) Project Team Code: Should be the short name or acronym for your project team. Of course, with the demotion of Pluto, which I refuse to accept, there are even fewer to go around. Before naming, we honed alignment around key message objectives, ultimately concluding that the full serving of fruit is still the #1 customer motivator; and “fruitful refreshment” was therefore the target takeaway. I never really thought about naming them. Back in November I wrote a post where I explained a little about why we name our sprints. I suppose this would make it a fun part of sprint planning though. I’ve seen this one in use as well, but it’s easy to confuse some of the names with planets if you don’t pay attention. As such, Orcs are also constantly reproducing to sustain their numbers. Based on the formed method name, method performs predefined operations. With six movies already out, a television series, and countless books, the list of Star Wars characters provided enough names to meet any number of servers you might have. They are just labels, but they serve a purpose. For the smaller scale shops, the planets have often been used for server names. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. If malware does not run in a VM why not make everything a VM? I just hope they don’t ever merge. I’ve seen quite a few Supermans, Batmans, WonderWomans, GreenLanters, Flashes, and Aquamans out there. With releases every two weeks you would burn through 26 names a year. I have uploaded a sample of the Fierce Fun coding conventions. I suppose this would make it a fun part of sprint planning though. Customer router naming convention. These conventions are suggested by several Java communities such as Sun Microsystems and Netscape. No one is enforcing these naming convention rules, however, they are widely accepted as a standard in the JS community. Sprint Wireless Strikingly Amazing Super Baseball Supremacy Addicts Swinging Supermen Team Of The Gods Team of the Mad Cows The A-Team The Brave Schemers The Bruisers The Butt-kickers On Heat The Cat Fighters The Forfeiters The Hot Babes The MisSprints Thunderous Mammals Two Weeks’ Notice United Iterations Wishing Juniors Woody Beasts Yummy Treats … I once was the sysadmin for both Marvin and FordPrefect, though it took three requests to get the DNS admin to change the A record from fordperfect to fordprefect! How could you choose between Thors, Spidermans, Hulks, IronMans, Blades, etc.? DJ Jazzy Jeff, For us its Model_Location_(last octet of IP).  What’s the funniest and/or oddest server naming convention you’ve ever seen, or even using today? Just be very careful when logging on to Loki, and you have to reserve Heimdahl for your border router. It would be worse than Sophie’s Choice! It isn’t until a week or two later (if you’re lucky) that you realise you’ve just lost days of work and built the wrong thing. The list goes on… and you can create your own favorites. Edit: I'm also thinking of nesting context files inside the package … In my opinion, using numbers for the name doesn't really provide any value. Some sysadmins do like to have a bit of fun even when naming servers so we’ve put together some very cool and funny server naming conventions that we’ve come across. One of the most creative things I've seen teams do is to forgo numbering, naming or date-stamping their sprints and instead pick a theme song for the sprint. And they aliased every single abbreviation to the server name in DNS! Tyranid naming convention: incoherent screaming. Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. How long can a floppy disk spin for before wearing out? "2012-04-03: Updated customer widgets"), but I wouldn't go back to just using abstract names. A release can have multiple sprints. A sprint may produce some project artifacts, but the sprint itself has value only as a time-box. Spirit Naming Conventions. By: Allan Hirt on October 19, 2011 in Administration, Advice, Failover Clustering, Install, Setup, SQL Server, Windows. Even if you can find a use case for tracking sprints by name, giving sprints non-ordinal labels reduces ease of communication and the amount of information conveyed by the name. If you have had to deal with HP drivers, you should understand the printer reference! Nurgle . That is why, in a distributed environment where any client can do whatever he/she wants, there isn't really a naming convention for Git repo. For us we enjoy putting funny names, internally anyway, to our numbered releases and larger projects to break up the monotony a little. You may implement below design hints to achieve consistency: Use forward slash (/) to indicate hierarchical relationships. 11 posts 1; 2; Next; SpyderBite neophyte Posts: 463 Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:51 pm You are...: experienced Male/Female: Male Number of Spirits: 8 Spelled Number: 21 Your favorite spirit to work with: Sanguine Vampire If I could be anything, I would be...: Dhampir My magical/paranormal name...: Christopher Gray. Original Poster 1 year ago. Orcs are constantly warring. If you’ve ever seen one of my webcasts, attended a session somewhere, or looked at my books, you will tend to see a lot of references to music.